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Other Stuff => General Wargames and Hobby Discussion => Topic started by: Patrice on April 24, 2022, 01:37:44 PM

Title: Losing / capturing banners in skirmish
Post by: Patrice on April 24, 2022, 01:37:44 PM
Probably not very original, but I share it anyway. :)

I try to make all my banners, flags, and other standards etc. two by two: one of each carried by the miniature standard-bearer, and a second one separated.

When a standard bearer is killed (or can no longer hold the flag for any reason) his figure is removed and the other flag is put on the ground. Friends or foes can then pick it up. It allows for more narrative, and if the enemy takes it it can trigger a morale test, and then you would want to retake it or get retribution in some other way - perhaps in a next game as in Sharpe's eagle etc.

One example for the war of religion in Brittany in the late 16th century (these banners have been easily made with some pics found on the web and/or Paintbrush software, they certainly could be improved).

Title: Re: Losing / capturing banners in skirmish
Post by: Aethelflaeda was framed on April 24, 2022, 01:50:35 PM

Sorta like removing a cannon from from the crew stand (i leave my guns unglued) when the crew is defeated/run off  and leaving it on the table to be captured. 

I never gave thought to applying it to the standards…napoleonic skirmishes among tirailleurs and lt infantry probably had few with them, they were left with the formed reserves.  Sharpe trying to take an eagle would make for a good scenario.