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Miniatures Adventure => Post-Apocalyptic Tales => Topic started by: Vanvlak on June 26, 2022, 09:15:46 AM

Title: Any suggestions for 10 mm scale zombie hordes/crowds?
Post by: Vanvlak on June 26, 2022, 09:15:46 AM
So I just watched the episode 'Night of the mini dead' on Love, death robots. It seems to have been made using stop motion animation, and has some really cool scenes - especially the tram scene!
This is obviously setting gears in motion, and as at the moment I have been trying to complete my small Dropzone Commander collections, and as the Resistance faction have some vehicles which are perfect for this, I decided I desperately need a zombie horde in 10 mm scale.

I am looking for a mass of zombies, rather than individual models, and they should have an appearance suitable for modern to sci-fi - i.e. no shields and standards etc. But my searches failed outright. Does anyone know of something on these lines? Not 3D files, as I currently do not have easy access to a 3D printer, please.
Title: Re: Any suggestions for 10 mm scale zombie hordes/crowds?
Post by: Iskandir on June 26, 2022, 11:40:26 AM
Not sure if there is enough variation for a horde, but Pendraken has some zombies in their 10mm SciFi range: https://www.pendraken.co.uk/zombies-803-c.asp
Title: Re: Any suggestions for 10 mm scale zombie hordes/crowds?
Post by: fred on June 26, 2022, 03:45:44 PM
Pendraken would be my starting point - also worth a rummage in some of the 20th Century ranges too as there are various civilians that would work, and probably some military figures that might be simple conversions (eg snip off a rifle)
Title: Re: Any suggestions for 10 mm scale zombie hordes/crowds?
Post by: Vanvlak on June 26, 2022, 07:54:10 PM
Thanks for the recommendation.
I would prefer to find a solid crowd, rather than individual models, if possible - but it seems that nothing similar is available, right?
Title: Re: Any suggestions for 10 mm scale zombie hordes/crowds?
Post by: fred on June 26, 2022, 10:28:03 PM
I’ve not seen anything like that.

The closest would be Warmaster figures in strips - but those are likely to be quite fantasy in style.
Title: Re: Any suggestions for 10 mm scale zombie hordes/crowds?
Post by: War Monkey on June 27, 2022, 07:14:10 AM
Mass of Zombies you ask?
Look at N-scale train figures for cheap hordes of Zombies!

These are from Grinning Skull Design Studio https://grinningskullstudios.design.blog/2013/04/18/15mm-zombies-the-hordes-ho-scale-infected/

Ho scale Figures


Mounted in groups of 6s, 5s, 4s and 3s, so you can whittle down the horde as they come! The sitting figures are used for those who fell and are being attacked! Oh, The Poor Bast**ds! You just have to run faster!

Plus, they are really cheap

Title: Re: Any suggestions for 10 mm scale zombie hordes/crowds?
Post by: Daeothar on June 27, 2022, 10:46:46 AM
Mass of Zombies you ask?
Look at N-scale train figures for cheap hordes of Zombies!

Absolutely this!  8)

Check AliExpress for a 100, painted or unpainted (don't expect much  there, but painted ones with a quick wash would be quite quickly zombified) you're usually set back  about €2,- ...
Title: Re: Any suggestions for 10 mm scale zombie hordes/crowds?
Post by: Vanvlak on June 27, 2022, 06:41:59 PM
This might just work - thanks very much for all the suggestions. I'll look into the N gauge stuff.
@Fred - the Warmaster zombie crowd is exactly what I had in mind, I just need a more modern version. I could probably modify the Warmaster Zs, but they are not that available!
Title: Re: Any suggestions for 10 mm scale zombie hordes/crowds?
Post by: fred on June 27, 2022, 07:33:18 PM
There are a number of other suppliers doing 3d prints or resin Warmaster figures. Can’t recall specific ones doing Zombies though.
Title: Re: Any suggestions for 10 mm scale zombie hordes/crowds?
Post by: Vanvlak on June 27, 2022, 07:39:23 PM
There are a number of other suppliers doing 3d prints or resin Warmaster figures. Can’t recall specific ones doing Zombies though.
Will take a look, I haven't searched for Warmaster zombies so that might work. Cheers,
Title: Re: Any suggestions for 10 mm scale zombie hordes/crowds?
Post by: Vanvlak on July 05, 2022, 06:35:10 PM
I am getting old.
I found a bag-full of zombies I did not know I owned. I have NO idea when I bought them, or why!
Only trouble is, the are 6 mm, not 10 mm, so far too small unless I go for juvenile zombies, which is a bit too gruesome.
Title: Re: Any suggestions for 10 mm scale zombie hordes/crowds?
Post by: War Monkey on July 06, 2022, 02:35:54 AM
I have always wanted to do a game around a school or summer camp, where survivors have to go through those locations or get around them. Also makes for a good rescue mission too. Save the kids before they are turned in to Zombies! Will our heroes make it or will they fail?
Title: Re: Any suggestions for 10 mm scale zombie hordes/crowds?
Post by: Vanvlak on July 06, 2022, 08:22:27 AM
I have always wanted to do a game around a school or summer camp, where survivors have to go through those locations or get around them. Also makes for a good rescue mission too. Save the kids before they are turned in to Zombies! Will our heroes make it or will they fail?
The problem is they would have arrived too late as the kids would be zombies already!
Meanwhile, the N gauge people are on the way. I chose a low cost option; they are not the crispest of models, but they should do as zombies, and I hope they will look better than they ever would have as railway passengers in a train station!
Now I want a 10 mm scale tram, of course... :D
Title: Re: Any suggestions for 10 mm scale zombie hordes/crowds?
Post by: War Monkey on July 06, 2022, 07:08:33 PM
The problem is they would have arrived too late as the kids would be zombies already!

That is part of the adventure, however what if there were a few teachers or camp counselors that were on the ball and manage to get kids into a safe area and were able to lock the doors. Like in a library or school cafeteria, summer camp kitchen and mess hall or in one of the camps dorms. Having to go through the hallways of a school checking doors and rooms looking for survivors could this room be survivors or zombies. Moving across a summer camp campground checking all the buildings looking for a place to hide or to find survivors. Plus, the campgrounds could make for a nice area to work out of once it was all secured. Just saying it would make for some interesting games.
Title: Re: Any suggestions for 10 mm scale zombie hordes/crowds?
Post by: fred on July 06, 2022, 08:18:24 PM
10mm trains and trams should be readily available in N gauge railway ranges. Also worth a look on eBay for Del Prado models, these were a collectible range of static models, that are great for gaming.
Title: Re: Any suggestions for 10 mm scale zombie hordes/crowds?
Post by: Vanvlak on September 08, 2022, 11:36:45 AM
10mm trains and trams should be readily available in N gauge railway ranges. Also worth a look on eBay for Del Prado models, these were a collectible range of static models, that are great for gaming.
Thank you Fred!

They're a lonely looking lot so far, but I should be making more bases eventually- these are seen on one of the dropzone commander boards. They are a bit featureless, and they came out quite dark and ominous, but ominous is ok for zombies I guess! More pics when I eventually get more done.
Title: Re: Any suggestions for 10 mm scale zombie hordes/crowds?
Post by: Ragsta on October 11, 2022, 12:09:45 PM
I think you should mix a few of those 6mm ones in regardless, as this looks to be a great start! Fair enough if it’s not to your taste tho :)