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Miniatures Adventure => Future Wars => Topic started by: Major_Gilbear on March 16, 2023, 09:46:59 AM

Title: Classic Warzone - Request for pictures of painted squads/armies
Post by: Major_Gilbear on March 16, 2023, 09:46:59 AM
A little while back, I asked you all about some classic games in this thread (https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=134711.msg1710079#msg1710079), with Warzone amongst them.

Well, I've spent the last year (already? wow!) gradually collecting old Warzone figures, and I now have some representative forces for each of the corporations. The thing is, a lot of the old figures only appear (if at all) in a single small picture in the magazines or books, and there are very few unit or army shots, and almost none that show the minis from different angles or as unassembled parts. In fact, most of the unit shots were for the 2nd edition boxed sets (so often later models). And when I searched online, I found mostly unit shots posted by LAF's Agis - which were extremely useful by the way, especially in trying to work out whether models were complete, and what models were in which units. I also found some photos by LAF's JiNNai, which were helpful in showing me some useful compatible alternative figures and conversions, and also what 1st edition forces might look like to play with.

All of this left me wondering... Did everyone just paint their units in individual or official schemes, or did people coordinate schemes across their armies? And does anyone have some nice clear photos of their armies or units that they would be willing to share here please? I guess I am from the school of thought that armies painted and based with an overall scheme/theme in mind look more coherent, but I couldn't quite shake the feeling that many of the units were supposed to have their own distinct schemes regardless.

So whilst I appreciate that I can just do what I like, yes, I was curious as to what others though and had done with their own minis? I also thought this this could be a nice opportunity to see some of the rarer or more unusual minis, and perhaps even some themed forces? :)
Title: Re: Classic Warzone - Request for pictures of painted squads/armies
Post by: Cypher226 on March 16, 2023, 09:55:38 AM
Are you aware of Mutantpedia?

http://www.mutantpedia.com/eng/index.htm (http://www.mutantpedia.com/eng/index.htm)

All the published books are on there iirc, including full colour scans.  From what I recall most players tended to stick with the published schemes, though some obviously created their own.  They were strong schemes for the most part.
Title: Re: Classic Warzone - Request for pictures of painted squads/armies
Post by: FreakyFenton on March 16, 2023, 09:57:40 AM
One of the older Warzone Mutant Chronicles game came with a companion volume that basically illustrated the various factions along with their corresponding units. That book as well as the rulebook had shots of painted miniatures in it. No idea how paint samples were set, but there were definitely certain styles for certain factions. Such as blue for Bauhaus and some examples of painted Venusian Rangers and a lot of silver for the Cybertronic side with some random camo thrown in.

If I can recall Bauhaus usually had blue armour, i.e. helmets, vests and body armour with the rest ebing sort of open to what you want to paint really. I'll try to see if I can find the book, I used to have it, not too sure if I sold it on the Bazaar here though.  :)

EDIT Also just saw what Cypher posted whilst I was typing. Even better! Cheers!
Title: Re: Classic Warzone - Request for pictures of painted squads/armies
Post by: Major_Gilbear on March 16, 2023, 10:04:02 AM
@ Cypher:

Yes I do know that site, thank you - I have most of the Warzone rulebooks for 1st and 2nd edition too.

That's all I've found though, and the same individual model photos get used again and again each time they are referenced. Hence my request! :)

@ FreakyFenton:

Heh, Bauhaus and Cybertronic are probably the most consistent schemes across all units! :)
Title: Re: Classic Warzone - Request for pictures of painted squads/armies
Post by: Malebolgia on March 16, 2023, 10:51:49 AM
Here are my Warzone figs, in random order:












And if you want the official pictures, check out http://www.mutantpedia.com/Warzone.html for a ton of awesome stuff!
Title: Re: Classic Warzone - Request for pictures of painted squads/armies
Post by: Daeothar on March 16, 2023, 11:13:51 AM
I can only offer my Capitol squad for viewing, even though I too have amassed quite a number of Warzone miniatures over the past couple of years.

These were not painted as an actual Warzone Capitol unit, but rather as a squad of corporate marines for use as generic scifi troops. Still; they're a coherent force, using minis from several Capitol units, mainly Sea Lions and Heavy Troopers, but I do have some Free Marines lined up to eventually go with these guys...

Oh; forget about the droid in the background; that's from a different line altogether...
Title: Re: Classic Warzone - Request for pictures of painted squads/armies
Post by: Cypher226 on March 16, 2023, 11:17:19 AM
@ Cypher:

Yes I do know that site, thank you - I have most of the Warzone rulebooks for 1st and 2nd edition too.

That's all I've found though, and the same individual model photos get used again and again each time they are referenced. Hence my request! :)

Cool.  I only ask as I only discovered it recently!  In terms of coordinated schemes across armies in more detail, what I remember is that 1st ed players usually had more variety - as you would typically have 1 squad of each type, unlike 2nd onwards where you'd likely have 2-3 squads of basic infantry, then additional specials in custom schemes - for example 2-3 squads of Imperial Trenchers and then a squad of Golden Lions and a squad of Blood Berets, each in their own scheme, and a squad of Wolfbanes in their own scheme again (that'd be a big game but certainly playable).

There's a very few websites showing player's collections, I found the best by searching for specific unit names.  I'll see if I can dig them up later.
Title: Re: Classic Warzone - Request for pictures of painted squads/armies
Post by: Cypher226 on March 16, 2023, 11:18:30 AM
@Daeothar - you've really made them shine and brought a smile to this old Capitol player's face.  I wish I still had mine  :'(
Title: Re: Classic Warzone - Request for pictures of painted squads/armies
Post by: Major_Gilbear on March 16, 2023, 02:04:47 PM
@ Malebolgia and Daeothar:

Beautiful work gents, really!  :-*

I have a folder in which I have been collecting images of Warzone figures, and not only has it been really helpful in ID-ing old figures, but features many of your painted figures too! Yours, Agis', Demi Morgana's, JiNNai's, Basement Dwellers', Dr.Falkenhayn's, and a couple of people on Dakka (Oshii and JoshInJapan) are partly what prompted me to post this in the first place. :)
Title: Re: Classic Warzone - Request for pictures of painted squads/armies
Post by: NotifyGrout on March 20, 2023, 05:27:58 AM
You and I both. I've got so much stuff I probably need to sell some of it.

I'm currently taking a bit of time off my Warpath Asterian army project to speedpaint the contents of the Blood Berets board game. The sculpts aren't the best, but they have that 90s campy charm.

Once that and the Asterians are done, it's back to the Warzone stuff. I still haven't finished my old Blood Beret squad (minus one Sergeant that I painted over 20 years ago), Jake Kramer, the trenchcoated Cartel Agent, a Cairath (that is basically a layering experiment- every time I have leftover AP Speedpaint or wash left in my palette, I put it on the slimy thing just to see what happens. I feel like it's going to end up a mess in a good way.
Title: Re: Classic Warzone - Request for pictures of painted squads/armies
Post by: Inso on March 20, 2023, 11:02:18 AM
I don't have very much classic Warzone... but I do have a few Vulkans and Victors...



Title: Re: Classic Warzone - Request for pictures of painted squads/armies
Post by: Major_Gilbear on March 20, 2023, 12:18:22 PM
Wow Inso, that's a lot of Vulkans!  :o I always forget that you have these, as the modifications you made - minor as they were really - completely change their appearance. What's the Victor by the way; are they the spider droids? And are they Warzone figures too...?

@ NotifyGrout:

Well, they are dead games, and so remain patient until you get to them.   ;)  I have a copy of the Blood Berets game too, although I struggled to figure out the scenarios and how to play them. The models are certainly weird-looking, and whilst I understand the need to make them distinct, simplified, single-piece sculpts, they do look unnecessarily... Odd? The Necromutants are the most reasonable of the lot though, and as I've had difficulty sourcing some in metal, I did consider getting a second copy of the game just to rob the Dark Legion models from it...

I will probably just pick a faction, and do one of each unit (at least, as many as I have) for them until they're all done, and then move on to the next. I will leave any duplicate units and maybe some of the bigger models until later though, so that factions get a solid core of playable stuff at first pass. I think I want to stick to the "default" colours for the most part, especially as I'm still new to it all, and I just wanted to it to be obvious (1) what a unit was, and (2) what side they were on.

That's why I was asking about whether people's units were painted a particular way or not - as I'm aware that different schemes signalled different units/theatres, and that they often had further special rules too. As the pictures I'd found and saved were of both situations (i.e., units painted as individuals, and units painted as part of an army scheme) that left me somewhat unsure.
Title: Re: Classic Warzone - Request for pictures of painted squads/armies
Post by: Daeothar on March 20, 2023, 12:48:14 PM
...I have a copy of the Blood Berets game too, although I struggled to figure out the scenarios and how to play them. The models are certainly weird-looking, and whilst I understand the need to make them distinct, simplified, single-piece sculpts, they do look unnecessarily... Odd? The Necromutants are the most reasonable of the lot though...

I too have a copy of Blood Berets. And traditionally, we play every acquired game at least once. It speaks for a game when/if it gets played more than once, but I don't think this one will see more than that one outing.

Gameplay is interesting, but simplistic. It could have gone any way, but in the end my Legionaires won the day. The mechanic with the hidden deployment and different locations was interesting, but in the end, the limited options were what decided against it, even though we did not explore the higher difficulties, with more equipment etc.

The minis were... red and green :D

I get the monopose idea; no problem, but my copy came with a foam insert for all the components and especially the Blood Berets simply did not fit in their respective slots. Maybe the insert was aftermarket? (my copy was second hand; only later did I find out that Prince August still sold them new, and I even paid almost retail for my copy... ::) ).

The appeal of these smaller games to me is the fact that they are relatively easy to fully paint up, considering the limited amounts of miniatures in them. But the minis in this one are nothing to write home about I am loathe to admit.

As you say though; the Necromutants are serviceable, but the Blood Berets are basically just all shoulderpad (and that's coming from a guy who actually still likes his Space Marines lol )...

+++EDIT+++ Hey; 5000th post  :)
Title: Re: Classic Warzone - Request for pictures of painted squads/armies
Post by: Major_Gilbear on March 20, 2023, 02:07:25 PM
Maybe the insert was aftermarket? (my copy was second hand; only later did I find out that Prince August still sold them new, and I even paid almost retail for my copy... ::) ).
Mine was new, from PA. Unfortunately, despite the shrink-wrap, I think it must have gotten wet at some point as the rulebook was wrinkled, and there was a mildew-y smell to everything. No insert to hold the models, so everything was rolling around loose in the box (meaning many components had also come loose and become damaged). I would therefore say, yours is the better purchase!

Even so, many "board games" of that type and of that era were... Not great. Some did happen to be quite good, but most were not. And I think that's okay, as long as you know what you're getting.

I must say, I'm leaning more towards just re-purposing the models from the copy I already have; especially after reading your thoughts on the game. I also feel an actual game of Warzone 1st Ed with some Blood Berets and Necromutants on a suitable board with lots of dense terrain would probably be a better game.
Title: Re: Classic Warzone - Request for pictures of painted squads/armies
Post by: NotifyGrout on March 20, 2023, 03:00:07 PM
Wow Inso, that's a lot of Vulkans!  :o I always forget that you have these, as the modifications you made - minor as they were really - completely change their appearance. What's the Victor by the way; are they the spider droids? And are they Warzone figures too...?

"Some," he says.  I felt lucky to get a couple of Viktors recently :D

As for color schemes, I need to take pics of my Life Guard Blood Beret Sgt. for you. It's the scheme of the red and black troops surrounding the Imperial Serenity in the rulebook.
Title: Re: Classic Warzone - Request for pictures of painted squads/armies
Post by: Inso on March 20, 2023, 05:47:57 PM
Wow Inso, that's a lot of Vulkans!  :o I always forget that you have these, as the modifications you made - minor as they were really - completely change their appearance. What's the Victor by the way; are they the spider droids? And are they Warzone figures too...?

The Vulkans are the standard "troops", the Victors are the ones with the missile launcher on their shoulders and the Spider Droids are from Rackham Miniatures (and not part of Warzone) :) .
Title: Re: Classic Warzone - Request for pictures of painted squads/armies
Post by: Ultravanillasmurf on March 21, 2023, 08:23:51 PM
I will have a look and see if I can find mine.
Title: Re: Classic Warzone - Request for pictures of painted squads/armies
Post by: pauld on March 22, 2023, 12:35:56 PM
Grabbed a few out of a dusty cabinet.  Some have been touched up over the years and some are still way back when gloss varnish and goblin green flock.

They ain't bad models - the Copplestone ones especially - I may bring them up to date and find a use for them.

Thanks MG for making me dive back in time.

Free Marines or Sea Lions?  can't remember




Cybertronc (got another 9 unpainted) and the half man/machine thing is stupidly huge which spoils his appeal



Undeady type faction



Title: Re: Classic Warzone - Request for pictures of painted squads/armies
Post by: Major_Gilbear on March 22, 2023, 07:42:03 PM
@ Inso:

Ahh, thank you. They must have been post-second edition variants then, which is why I didn't recognise them. You know, if you you, ah, suddenly ever feel you have too many Vulkans, do please let me know? ;)

@ Ultravanillasmurf:

Yes please! I'd love to see some more photos of these old chunky old figures.  8)

@ pauld:

Thanks for posting those! The Capitol chaps are Sea Lions (the ones with headbands) and Free Marines (the non-headband mohawk heads). All first edition figures too. ;)

Given the difference in painting skill over the years (and the availability of bases that are between 25mm and 40mm in size), might you be tempted to re-visit some of these and make them into playable little forces...? I think the big models at least deserve 32mm bases. 8)

Title: Re: Classic Warzone - Request for pictures of painted squads/armies
Post by: Metternich on March 22, 2023, 09:01:50 PM
Some serious steroids use there.
Title: Re: Classic Warzone - Request for pictures of painted squads/armies
Post by: NotifyGrout on March 24, 2023, 04:28:31 PM
Some serious steroids use there.

It's interesting- these were sculpted in the middle of a trend in both analogue gaming and comics towards exaggeration. Target was arguably one of the biggest proponents of this sculpting style, especially in their Warzone line. It tended to work better in Chronopia since many of those models weren't human anyway (yet the Necromancer (http://www.chronopiaworld.com/artikel.php?id=137) from that range is a classic).

I feel like that's the eternal dilemma with sculpting miniatures- adhere too much to realism and potentially make something either very dull or that somehow doesn't look right in a smaller scale, or focus on making sure certain details really stand out and end up with something cartoonish?

and the half man/machine thing is stupidly huge which spoils his appeal


I feel like I need to get one of these to complete my collection, but this is one of the worst (if not THE worst model) in the range. As you said, he's out of proportion for something that's supposed to be part-human- he's bigger than some of the Nepharites (who are supposed to be 7-9 feet tall). His guns don't match up with anything in Cybertronic's arsenal: the gun on the left looks like Bauhaus tried to recreate a Dark Legion Voriche hand cannon, while the gun on the right looks like a generic machine pistol from a cheaper miniature range. It's like they took what was supposed to be a mockup/draft sculpt and sent it into production.

If I get one, I will probably alter the hair, paint the fleshy areas gold or brass, then paint the cyborg faceplate in a dirtier metal color to suggest a form over aesthetics field repair. Oh, and I'm definitely replacing those guns; I try my best to see both positives and negatives in this hobby, but that model is a swing and a miss.[/list]
Title: Re: Classic Warzone - Request for pictures of painted squads/armies
Post by: Major_Gilbear on March 24, 2023, 04:47:50 PM
NotifyGrout, I agree with all of that... But I will still paint my one copy of this model as-is I think, and just revel in the derpiness!  lol

I did actually almost get another one to convert though, for all the reasons you've stated.  :)

Title: Re: Classic Warzone - Request for pictures of painted squads/armies
Post by: Rossco2 on March 24, 2023, 06:27:56 PM
I don't have pictures, so will need to use descriptions.
My Imperials are WW1 khaki and grey for the Trenchers, simple tartan for the not-Highlanders, jungle camo greens for the regular troops.
My Dark Legion have two main schemes. I repurposed the Necromutants from some Blood Berets boxes to use as ghoul squads for Mantic's Firefight, with Warzone metals as squad leaders and unit specials. These have mid-blue armour, browns for strapping, red guns, grey skin. Some of the bigger Dark Legion figures and leaders were given blue armour and red guns to visually tie them together.
My second Dark Legion scheme is dark armour, dark leather strapping, red guns, skeletal skin appearance. These figures are my standard filler in a long running roleplaying campaign.
Squads from other Warzone factions (Bauhaus, some Capitol and Cybertronic) mostly followed the first edition books for general appearance.
Some of the Cybertronic troops wearing sunglasses were painted to look like Delaque gangers for use in Necromunda. These have brown coats, blue trousers.
A few other character figures have seen occasional service in my roleplaying campaign.
I have only used one of the Brotherhood figures: the Vestal character with spear. The other Brotherhood models are just too weird and I have no wish to paint them.
I got fed up with some of the larger human/humanoid models tipping over, so several of mine are now on 40mm bases. Oddly, this makes them now look a little more believable as Ogres and mutants.
Title: Re: Classic Warzone - Request for pictures of painted squads/armies
Post by: Inso on March 24, 2023, 07:11:22 PM
@ Major_Gilbear - I have a box of spares in the attic... but I don't think they have the heads or the roll-cages of the originals... so you'd need to convert them. I could dig them out, if you are interested.
Title: Re: Classic Warzone - Request for pictures of painted squads/armies
Post by: NotifyGrout on March 24, 2023, 07:19:43 PM
As promised, though hastily shot- my Blood Berets painted as Life Guard (Her Imperial Serenity's personal bodyguard). The middle one I painted about two decades ago, and is probably the best paint job I ever did at that point. The others are still WIP because I never finish anything.
Title: Re: Classic Warzone - Request for pictures of painted squads/armies
Post by: Major_Gilbear on March 24, 2023, 08:37:30 PM
@ Inso:
Wow, thank you! Sure, I don't mind figuring out some heads and rollbars - it's still easier than scratch-building the whole model. Let me know the essentials via PM please, and we'll figure something out? :)

@ NotifyGrout:
Pretty good for an old paintjob, and I sympathise on the struggle to finish things too. I'm hoping the small-unit nature of Warzone means I can do bits between larger batches for other games, or even if I just feel like it. With most models being one-peice as well, this cuts prep time to reach the paint table too. :)

@ Rossco2:
Thanks for the descriptions of your troops - sounds like you went with a bit of everything!  lol
Title: Re: Classic Warzone - Request for pictures of painted squads/armies
Post by: Ockman on April 09, 2023, 11:11:45 PM
Love WarZone, it's a lovely setting!
Title: Re: Classic Warzone - Request for pictures of painted squads/armies
Post by: Curis on April 21, 2023, 11:08:41 AM
Back in the day, I painted mine in as close a copy of the official studio schemes as I could, as the models were very detailed and I needed help parsing what all the parts were. 

Now I'm coming back to it as a nostalgia fest, I'm wanting to recreate the army of my youth, and so I'm copying the studio schemes once again.

(https://www.ninjabread.co.uk/images/warzone/warzone-wolfbane-commandos-on-cassettes.jpg) (https://www.ninjabread.co.uk/)



I enjoy this approach because Warzone was so much less popular than the other 1990s wargames that we don't see it all that often, so the colour schemes don't feel cliche or played out or boring.
Title: Re: Classic Warzone - Request for pictures of painted squads/armies
Post by: Ockman on April 25, 2023, 09:38:44 AM
Awesome stuff, Curis!
Title: Re: Classic Warzone - Request for pictures of painted squads/armies
Post by: robh on April 25, 2023, 11:54:48 AM
I never got into Warzone as a game but have painted a few of the figures for people over the years.
Lost most of the pictures a long time ago but still have these one one of my back up drives.

Trenchers in fairly standard military Green/Brown (best figures from the entire range imho) and one of the character models.


Title: Re: Classic Warzone - Request for pictures of painted squads/armies
Post by: Major_Gilbear on April 26, 2023, 09:51:35 AM
@ Curis:

Lovely models, thank you for sharing more photos of those!  :-* I remember seeing them originally on your blog post here (https://www.ninjabread.co.uk/imperial-wolfbane-commandos/), and I still chuckle every time I see that photos of you and sho3box at the PA factory!  lol

Whilst I totally agree with and understand your logic on the bases, I think I will be using bases that fit the models better - far less chance of the models falling over or getting scuffed. I also agree with comments on the colour schemes actually - as noted at the start of the topic, there's not that many good or varied photos of the official miniatures. I suppose my biggest reservation is that every unit had a different colour scheme, and so when two armies are set up against each other, it's hard to see quickly whose unit is who's.

Also, nice job on those old Blood Commando plastics - you don't see those too often, let along painted so well.  :D

@ robh:

Thank you for posting those up! Really nice paintjobs, and I agree on the sculpts - I think that's why you see Trenchers, Capitol special forces, and Bauhaus far more than other models. I also really like the Vince Diamond figure, but was always a little sad at how stumpy the official model is... I think Agis did a conversion to lengthen the legs, and it really fixed the model IMO. Out of interest, did you have all your forces painted up in an "army" style, or did you paint things by unit/subfaction?
Title: Re: Classic Warzone - Request for pictures of painted squads/armies
Post by: Mason on April 26, 2023, 11:44:53 AM
The only Warzone figures I have are a few Orca Battlesuits, painted up to support my Baronial Guard...


And with a Baronial Guard Technician for scale...


(I still have not made the separate 'gunner' sections that are to go on the back....  ::) )

A couple of close ups....



And with more of the Baronial Guard....
