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Miniatures Adventure => Pikes, Muskets and Flouncy Shirts => Topic started by: Liquid on April 17, 2023, 11:48:59 PM

Title: Period specific fantasy minis
Post by: Liquid on April 17, 2023, 11:48:59 PM
Does anyone make fantasy miniatures specifically for the "Pikes n Muskets" period? Something like what Flintloque does for Napoleonics - I'm thinking orcs in buff coats and lobster pots, elves with muskets and twirly moustaches, that sort of thing.
Title: Re: Period specific fantasy minis
Post by: Wirelizard on April 18, 2023, 12:05:45 AM
Not that I've ever found!

The Frostgrave fantasy plastic figures have arms that are compatible in fitting and size with the Warlord 17th C plastics, so doing up some gunpowder fantasy humans at least is not all that complicated.

You have to behead the Warlord plastics to use Frostgrave heads on them, mind you.

There's been various earlier Renaissance-styled fantasy figures out there - I recall seeing orcs in Elizabethan neck ruffs at one point in pewter - can't recall the manufacturer right now, tho...
Title: Re: Period specific fantasy minis
Post by: mweaver on April 18, 2023, 01:33:24 AM
For the Renaissance orcs, you are probably thinking of the Foundry line, now marketed as Warmonger miniatures. Great figures, and there are a lot of variants.  Here is a sample:


But, back to the original post - I am afraid I cannot think of anything.

Title: Re: Period specific fantasy minis
Post by: Will Bailie on April 18, 2023, 03:15:48 AM
Not exactly what you've asked for, and a pretty limited line, but Eureka has a line called 'Avalon Bleeding' which has fantasy figures for the British Civil Wars:
Not exactly orcs and elves, but faeries and gnomes, witches and cannibals.
Title: Re: Period specific fantasy minis
Post by: fastolfrus on April 18, 2023, 11:34:09 AM
Wargames Atlantic have a box of landsknecht ogres.
Is that the type of thing you were looking for?
Title: Re: Period specific fantasy minis
Post by: Liquid on April 20, 2023, 12:56:52 AM
Not exactly what you've asked for, and a pretty limited line, but Eureka has a line called 'Avalon Bleeding' which has fantasy figures for the British Civil Wars:
Not exactly orcs and elves, but faeries and gnomes, witches and cannibals.

Those are great, just a shame the line is so small!

Wargames Atlantic have a box of landsknecht ogres.
Is that the type of thing you were looking for?

A little too early for the period I'm looking for.
Title: Re: Period specific fantasy minis
Post by: Bogdanwaz on April 20, 2023, 02:35:32 AM
Eureka Miniatures has a small line called Avalon Bleeding that has some fantasy English Civil War figures:


Warmonger has a couple of their Revenant Elves dressed (sort of) in Elizabethan and 18th Century clothing:

Title: Re: Period specific fantasy minis
Post by: Codsticker on April 20, 2023, 03:30:16 AM
What I would really like is some mid-17thC zombies (or skeletons). :)
Title: Re: Period specific fantasy minis
Post by: Cat on April 20, 2023, 03:40:11 AM
Eureka has lovely Skellie pirates:
Title: Re: Period specific fantasy minis
Post by: zemjw on April 20, 2023, 09:07:55 AM
What I would really like is some mid-17thC zombies (or skeletons). :)

Fireforge do a zombie version of their folk rabble. Possibly a bit early, but I'm not sure how much peasants' fashions changed over the centuries

Reaper has some skeleton pirates as well
Title: Re: Period specific fantasy minis
Post by: Will Bailie on April 22, 2023, 06:14:42 AM
Thinking outside the box a bit here - would you consider kitbashing plastic kits?  Warlord Games has plastics for British Civil Wars/Thirty Years War, and there are orcs, elves, goblins, dwarves and more from Wargames Atlantic, North Star (Oathmark/Frostgrave), probably other places to find source figures as well.  Whatever you end up creating would certainly be unique!

-- edit -- If I'd taken the time to read other posts, I'd have seen that is precisely what Wirelizard recommended!
Title: Re: Period specific fantasy minis
Post by: Liquid on April 22, 2023, 02:56:23 PM
Thinking outside the box a bit here - would you consider kitbashing plastic kits?  Warlord Games has plastics for British Civil Wars/Thirty Years War, and there are orcs, elves, goblins, dwarves and more from Wargames Atlantic, North Star (Oathmark/Frostgrave), probably other places to find source figures as well.  Whatever you end up creating would certainly be unique!

-- edit -- If I'd taken the time to read other posts, I'd have seen that is precisely what Wirelizard recommended!

I'll definitely look into it. The Warlord plastics are a little monopose to be ideally suited for it though, here's hoping Wargames Atlantic put out a kit at some point that has compatibility with their other stuff (which has decent compatibility with Oathmark already)
Title: Re: Period specific fantasy minis
Post by: Metternich on April 29, 2023, 08:29:11 PM
The Assault Group purchased rights to White Knight's line of renaissance Dwarfs and Halflings (see links below - the Dwarf reiters on ponies are a delight).
White Knight, who one of the moderators of Lead Adventure, has an entire fantasy Renaissance line that he didn't sell to TAG, which includes Renaissance Goblins.
   This is a link to his blogsight, which has many pictures of his various figures, and if you look down the right margin, it has links to various other manufacturers fantasy renaissance figures.
  Here is the link to the beginning of his posts on Lead Adventure about his fantasy renaissance project:







Title: Re: Period specific fantasy minis
Post by: Wirelizard on May 02, 2023, 06:34:04 PM
The armoured chickens are hilarious, but again the clothing and kit is more early Renaissance poofy-slashing-and-feathers than the 17th C buff-coat-and-breeches look.

(also, hopefully they've gotten better, but the one and only time I ordered from TAG my order took three plus months to show up. Not weeks, months. Do not order from TAG if you're in any sort of hurry to field your purchases...)
Title: Re: Period specific fantasy minis
Post by: The Rogue on May 06, 2023, 10:55:14 AM
Did some Orcs for my Elbstein Setting. Wargames Atlantic, Warlord, Oathmark Plastic. I#m not sure, if I like the results.
Title: Re: Period specific fantasy minis
Post by: mweaver on May 06, 2023, 11:53:02 PM
Interesting kit bashing!

Title: Re: Period specific fantasy minis
Post by: white knight on May 10, 2023, 03:57:04 PM
Iron Mask Miniatures has mounted and dismounted dwarf musketeers and ogres. We collaborated in the time in the sense that I let him use my ponies for his project as he was using the same sculptor.

http://ironmaskminiatures.blogspot.com/ (http://ironmaskminiatures.blogspot.com/)




Title: Re: Period specific fantasy minis
Post by: Metternich on May 23, 2023, 03:44:53 PM
White Knight, very glad to see you are still active with your witty renaissance/early modern fantasy minis.  Loved your 16th century figures (bought some of the Dwarf Pistoleers from the range you sold to TAG - still haven't painted them though!).  Who are to be the opponents of the French Dwarf Musketeers?  Spanish Goblins?  Imperialists?  Would note that your own Dwarf Pistoleers would still work as 17th century ECW/30 Years War harquebusiers, given that they have no "puff and slash" and that the burgonet helmet was still in use.

Title: Re: Period specific fantasy minis
Post by: mweaver on June 09, 2023, 01:52:21 PM
Just spotted this Kickstarter, which might be of interest to you:

