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Miniatures Adventure => Age of the Big Battalions => Topic started by: Mr Mipps on May 04, 2023, 10:30:14 AM

Title: South American Liberators with Soldiers of Napoleon
Post by: Mr Mipps on May 04, 2023, 10:30:14 AM
I have long been after using my Liberators miniatures and think i have now found the rules to get them out of the box.  having tried Soldiers of Napoleon with my 15mm Peninsular figures I wanted to try the rukes for South America.  So, to start with I used the scenario for the alternative Chacabuco in John Fletcher's supplement to his first book on the Liberators as it is small, two brigades and easily played for those of us still trying to get to grips with the game system.
Last night at my club we played the alternative Chacabuco scenario from the first supplement to the Liberators books using Soldiers of Napoleon. This scenario poses a What-if. The premise is that after crossing the Andes from Argentina, the patriot army advances more cautiously giving the royalists time to bring up reinforcements from Santiago.
Soldiers of napoleon is a newish set of rules covering the Napoleonic period and uses cards to determine numbers of orders each turn. It relies on Victory points for certain
The order of battle was taken from that for the alternative Chacabuco scenario as set out by John Fletcher with a few alterations to suit the rules. The main one being to combine the cavalry present in each brigade to make the game easier and also to give reasonably sized units for game play, the overall number of cavalry stands was retained.
The Royalists have Maroto’s Division, which was facing the Argentine army as it came over the Andes. This division is based on his order of battle at the historical Chacabuco. As a what-if, Alternative Chacabuco assumes Mariscal Marco del Pont marshalled troops in Santiago to reinforce Maroto. These are combined into the Santiago Division.
The game began with the patriots under San Martin advancing on the defending Royalists, coming under fire early on but making headway due to my fairly poor dice rolling.
After a couple of turns. The horse grenadiers of Soler’s brigade charged the Frontier Dragoons on the Royalist left but failed to break them and, after two melees, having taken fire from the battery and some volleys from the infantry on the left broke themselves, along with the Cazadores de Los Andes.
On the Patriot left, however, the Horse Grenadiers under O’Higgins broke the Abascal carabineros and threatened the artillery and infantry on the Royalist right.
After 5 turns the game concluded in a slim patriot victory, a result I anticipated but did not think it would be so close.
Title: Re: South American Liberators with Soldiers of Napoleon
Post by: Inkpaduta on May 04, 2023, 05:48:05 PM
Very nice. I am using version of DBA designed for the Wars of Indendence.
Title: Re: South American Liberators with Soldiers of Napoleon
Post by: PBR Streetgang on May 07, 2023, 12:01:20 AM
Brilliant stuff! Love the armies! I have a heap of the old Grenadier Productions Liberator range in 15mm. One day I will finish the project and get them on the tabletop. This serves as inspirational eye candy. I think I'd probably go with LaSalle or Field of Battle for rules.
Title: Re: South American Liberators with Soldiers of Napoleon
Post by: tercio39 on November 20, 2023, 07:19:00 PM
Hi , love these miniatures, does anyone know if they are still for sale anywhere , cheers Alex
Title: Re: South American Liberators with Soldiers of Napoleon
Post by: Frostie on November 21, 2023, 07:35:10 AM
I'm just reading Libertors and I am thinking of gaming these conflicts in 6mm.  I have a pile if unpainted Adler French and Prussians that would paint up well for this. 
I know Prussian uniforms were not represented but in 6mm, who will know lol
Title: Re: South American Liberators with Soldiers of Napoleon
Post by: Greystreak on November 21, 2023, 02:17:03 PM
Hi , love these miniatures, does anyone know if they are still for sale anywhere , cheers Alex

Pretty sure the original poster's figures can be found at https://www.parkfieldminiatures.co.uk/ . :)
Title: Re: South American Liberators with Soldiers of Napoleon
Post by: tercio39 on November 21, 2023, 07:02:49 PM
Thanks for the answers gents , was really just after the 15mm Liberators range . Think it used to be sold by grenadier productions , cheers Alex
Title: Re: South American Liberators with Soldiers of Napoleon
Post by: Inkpaduta on November 22, 2023, 03:41:32 AM
Eureka now makes the figures. If you contact them they can send you a list of figures.
I know because that is where I found them. They are really nice figures.
Title: Re: South American Liberators with Soldiers of Napoleon
Post by: tercio39 on November 26, 2023, 01:43:55 PM
Ok thank you , I’ve emailed them but no response , I’ll try again !