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Miniatures Adventure => Age of the Big Battalions => Topic started by: MiniPigs on June 30, 2023, 01:35:13 PM

Title: French SYW turnbacks for Command vs other ranks?
Post by: MiniPigs on June 30, 2023, 01:35:13 PM
Does anyone know if in French SYW Infantry regiments with turnbacks, the command figures such as drummers, NCOs and officers would also have to wear turnbacks or could they adhere to older non-turnback coats?
Title: Re: French SYW turnbacks for Command vs other ranks?
Post by: clibinarium on June 30, 2023, 02:06:47 PM
Generally the officers would not have worn turnbacks, but NCOs and drummers would have if the rankers did. It seems to have been at the discretion of the regiment's commanders, so it may be that officers did wear turnbacks in some regiments. It seems the kind of thing officers would have resisted as it would have distinguished them not to wear the coat in the same way as the men.. The SYW was a transitional period for French infantry uniforms, so it's hard to be dogmatic. I think in 1762 things began to get more standardised, but I haven't got my books to hand so can't check.

EDIT-If you look at Raspe's illustrations Recueil de toutes les troupes qui forment les Armées Francoise, dessinés et illuminé d'après nature
 https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b8426830c.item you'll see that most units with turnbacks, the officers are unfastened coat skirts. Published in 1761.
Title: Re: French SYW turnbacks for Command vs other ranks?
Post by: bluewillow on July 01, 2023, 08:15:18 AM
Agree, officers generally no turnbacks and NCOs OR turnbacks

Title: Re: French SYW turnbacks for Command vs other ranks?
Post by: Panzer21 on July 01, 2023, 09:26:58 AM
For drummers they mostly wore the King's livery or the colours of the proprietor (such as La Reine). As such, it's likely the clothing was supplied separately so may not follow the pattern of the rest of the regiment. Most illustrations show full skirted coats without turnbacks.
NCOs were normally distinguished by lacing on the cuffs of the coat.
Title: Re: French SYW turnbacks for Command vs other ranks?
Post by: clibinarium on July 03, 2023, 11:24:32 PM
While we are on this subject I might as well ask about something that has long puzzled me- the idea that some regiments had front turnbacks only. Where did this come from? You see it sometimes in SYW figure ranges, but I can't say I've seen any reference to it in any historical material. The closest reference I can think of is the Funcken "Lace Wars" book which shows loads of coats with the front skirt turned back, but it's a schematic drawing and I assumed the artist was just showing the lining colour of the coat.

It never made much sense to me anyway- the front skirt was held back by attaching it to the rear skirt which had to be turned over as well, so if the front one was turned only what would it attach to? I suppose there could be a button to hook on to, but I've never seen that. I suppose the turnback could be "false" i.e. just sown into the coat, but I don't think this was done in the French army of the time.

Perhaps I'm missing the evidence for this?