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Miniatures Adventure => Age of Myths, Gods and Empires => Topic started by: Easy E on August 01, 2023, 06:57:36 PM

Title: Battle of Kadesh
Post by: Easy E on August 01, 2023, 06:57:36 PM

Faithful readers, you recall that my big project for 2023 was to create the forces for a Battle of Kadesh scenario with my post-production rules; In Strife and Conflict.  Of course, it took me a while to get this project started as I needed to first decide on a project! 

Once decided, I quickly went to work and ordered a Hittite and an Egyptian force from Baccus 6mm and some 60mm x 60mm bases to put them on.  I have to admit, ordering from across the pond and getting through the Brexit blockades took a bit longer than I expected.  However, the models all made it through and looked great.  To give you an idea of the size of this order below is a picture of the Egyptian army all bagged up!


Of course, the Hittite side is just as large!  This armies are going to look the part once they hit the table.  The Egyptian force was estimated to be about 16K infantry and 2K chariots!  The Hittites had even more chariots at the battle, with ranges from 2.5K to 10K chariots!  Then there was another 16-25K infantry too.  For an ancient battle, those are some large armies!

Now, In Strife and Conflict is naturally a scale and model agnostic game.  It is unit-vs-unit, so the basing doesn't matter too much.  I really like the look of 60mm x 60mm bases in these Unit-vs-unit games as the units look great and are easy to move all on 1 base.  However, the rules themselves don't care.  A unit, is a unit, is a unit.  Therefore, I began to sort my Egyptians into their respective units and bases prior to painting. I wanted to get a feel for the size of the army once it was complete.


That, is a lot of units! Plus, each base could have between 30-56 minis on it.  That means we are looking at around 884 minis!  Thankfully, painting a 6mm mini is very different than a 28mm mini. 
This give the Egyptians the following force org:

3 Light Chariots
1 Elite Sherden Guard
2 Spearmen units
4 Mixed spearmen/archer units
2 Axemen units
2 Mixed Axeman/Archer support
4 Bow armed skirmish units
6 Archers 

You can get a really close look on how I tackle painting 6mm armies on my blog.  You can even see some of the first finished units too.  If you are inclined, you can read up on the Battle of Kadesh launch here:

Eventually, I want to host the Battle of Kadesh as a set of demo games for the local community to introduce Ancient History, wargaming, and Blood and Spectacles to a wide range of people in the community.  The venues will be local art stores, libraries, coffee shops, and other public venues.  Our local wargame group has had some success attracting eyeballs and new players by hosting games in venues outside of the FLGS.  Plus, I have been inspired by watching HMGS_NextGen on Instagram. 

Thanks for looking, and let me know what has worked or hasn't worked for you on a project like this designed to spread the word of ancient wargaming.

Title: Re: Battle of Kadesh
Post by: Gibby on August 01, 2023, 08:14:00 PM
Very cool. This is how to do masses of chariots. Following with interest!
Title: Re: Battle of Kadesh
Post by: ithoriel on August 02, 2023, 06:27:11 AM
I'm a big fan of 2mm - 6mm figures for the larger battles of Antiquity.

I really like the painted units you show on your blog.

I have a currently stalled Sumerian era project which I am doing in 6mm on 60mm square bases.

Pictures here: https://imageshack.com/a/ZwSX/1 for those interested. There are albums with naval stuff, scenery (including Humbaba) and my Sumerian city there too.

Looking forward to seeing your progress with this. Kadesh has been a fascination of mine for some considerable time.
Title: Re: Battle of Kadesh
Post by: ithoriel on August 02, 2023, 06:36:28 AM
Accidental double post - sorry!
Title: Re: Battle of Kadesh
Post by: Easy E on August 02, 2023, 04:03:57 PM
I need to make the city of Qadesh/Kadesh as a part of the terrain process.  Any insight on how to approach it from your work on the Sumerian city?
Title: Re: Battle of Kadesh
Post by: James Morris on August 05, 2023, 04:40:04 PM
They look very good on the big bases! Keen to see more.
Title: Re: Battle of Kadesh
Post by: Easy E on August 06, 2023, 04:35:25 AM
Yeah, I think they look good and are easier to game with that way. 

Here is a quick tip for basing 6mm units. 


I use this Drydex spackle that I can source locally and relatively cheaply.  It starts out purple/pink and turns light brown as it hardens.

You just spread it on the base with a spackling tool and smooth it to your desired level of smooth.  Then, you simply stick the strips of the 6mm minis down far enough to make them relatively even.  Let it dry. 

If you want, you can also do fun stuff with texturing prior to drying.  You can also sand it smooth if you prefer.  I have never really had a dried base chip or "lose" a model during play.  The stuff works pretty well and makes basing 6mm stuff much easier. 
Title: Re: Battle of Kadesh
Post by: Frostie on August 24, 2023, 08:38:42 AM
Good looking project
Title: Re: Battle of Kadesh
Post by: Easy E on August 24, 2023, 08:43:17 PM
I wish I had some updates, but it has been too hot to paint lately. 
Title: Re: Battle of Kadesh
Post by: Maniac on August 24, 2023, 10:37:01 PM
Yeah, I think they look good and are easier to game with that way. 

Here is a quick tip for basing 6mm units. 


I use this Drydex spackle that I can source locally and relatively cheaply.  It starts out purple/pink and turns light brown as it hardens.

You just spread it on the base with a spackling tool and smooth it to your desired level of smooth.  Then, you simply stick the strips of the 6mm minis down far enough to make them relatively even.  Let it dry. 

If you want, you can also do fun stuff with texturing prior to drying.  You can also sand it smooth if you prefer.  I have never really had a dried base chip or "lose" a model during play.  The stuff works pretty well and makes basing 6mm stuff much easier.

I've used spackle on many bases at 15mm and 28mm scale.  I find that if you coat the spackle with glue or Mod Podge, it protects it really well (I have had minor chipping when I don't do that).
Title: Re: Battle of Kadesh
Post by: Easy E on October 18, 2023, 02:47:17 PM
Progress has been relatively slow thanks to hot weather, and then a pretty busy work/life schedule.  However, progress has been made!


Mostly, I have been working on infantry units for the Egyptian forces.  This included four bases of archer skirmishers and 4 bases of Auxiliary infantry with bow support. 


Here are some skirmishers.  The sharp eyed may see that two units are Egyptians, while two units are also darker skinned Nubians for a change of pace. 


Here are the melee infantry bases with bow armed support.  In this place, and during this time the bow was the dominant weapon of the battle field and firepower was king!


Here is the Egyptian force so far approaching an oasis.  No chariots yet, as I am working on the backbone of the force. 

I have also been working on the "scenario" for Kadesh as well.  I will share that shortly.
Title: Re: Battle of Kadesh
Post by: bluewillow on October 21, 2023, 08:55:23 AM
Coming along nicely
Title: Re: Battle of Kadesh
Post by: Captain Darling on October 21, 2023, 12:18:41 PM
Nice looking armies! well done.

PM sent.
Title: Re: Battle of Kadesh
Post by: Easy E on November 02, 2023, 02:56:11 PM
Thanks all.  I need this inspiration to keep grinding away on this project! The batch painting has been killing me on this project! 

I am working on 6 bases of archers now for the Egyptians.  Each base has about 14 strips of models on them.  2 command and 12 of archers.  Each strip is 4 guys, so 56 models per base. 

Ugh. They are all undercoated, and I am working through skin.  Killing me.

Title: Re: Battle of Kadesh
Post by: nikkobourges on November 11, 2023, 07:08:14 AM

Nice looking army !!!

Title: Re: Battle of Kadesh
Post by: vodkafan on November 13, 2023, 03:58:20 AM
This is a bit of a change for you Eric.
Title: Re: Battle of Kadesh
Post by: Easy E on November 13, 2023, 10:42:28 PM
Well, I do have a pretty large set-up of 6mm Successor forces.  I actually am a big fan of 6mm as a scale.  Plus, to capture the size of the armies and mobility I wanted some larger looking units.   

Now, I need help from the folks here on this board.  For Kadesh, I would like a 3D printed (I have a Resin Printer) for a Bronze Age Mediterranean City that I can print out to represent Kadesh.  I would love for it to be a walled city.  Ideally, it would fit on a CD as a base comfortably. 

Can anyone point out an STL file for me to use?
Title: Re: Battle of Kadesh
Post by: Pattus Magnus on November 14, 2023, 12:03:11 AM
Cromarty Forge has two sets that might work for you. The files are scaled to 10mm, rather than 6mm, but may print okay at 60 or 70% (my opinions about this are second hand - I don’t have a printer, but friends who do have explained resizing to me).

They sell a wall set: https://fileshop.cromartyforge.com/l/IWqsv (https://fileshop.cromartyforge.com/l/IWqsv)

And an adobe buildings set: https://fileshop.cromartyforge.com/l/adobebuildings (https://fileshop.cromartyforge.com/l/adobebuildings)

The sets are nominally for a lizardman fantasy army, but I don’t see any really obvious lizard man art or anything on them, so they probably could work for ancient Mesopotamia with minimal fuss.
Title: Re: Battle of Kadesh
Post by: Easy E on December 12, 2023, 08:31:59 PM
Getting to the end of the year so I am sprinting to try and finish off the Egyptian army before 2024. 

Here is a large batch of archers that I completed....


That leaves me 3 chariot bases and 5 assorted infantry bases left in this force. 

You can read more detail on the blog is you are so inclined, including an army shot so far.....
Title: Re: Battle of Kadesh
Post by: Easy E on January 10, 2024, 03:56:43 PM
So it is written, so it is done. 

The full 6mm Egyptian army is now done. 


That is 24 bases of goodness!  This includes chariot units, infantry, archers, infantry with archers, and skirmishers with bows.  Lots of bows for the Egyptian army!  That seemed to be a "favored" weapon for them. 

You can see some of the WIP shots, some more close-ups of some units, and better photos of the chariots on my blog if that is your thing. 


In others news, I have been working with a 3D sculptor in order to get a cool looking mini for Kadesh.  The results so far are very promising and I look forward to sharing it.  Once completed, the sculptor will be offering the the STLs of the city up for sale as well.

Now, onto the Hittites! 
Title: Re: Battle of Kadesh
Post by: Easy E on February 06, 2024, 10:19:10 PM
Some folks elsewhere asked if I good get some closer shots of the miniatures themselves. 

I do not think my camera is up to it, but here is a shot of the Hittite Spearmen that have been undercoated black. 

Title: Re: Battle of Kadesh
Post by: Easy E on February 13, 2024, 05:58:10 PM
With the Egyptian force done for Kadesh, it was time to turn to their foes.  The Hittite army  will be a similar sized force in bases, but it has a very different composition from the Egyptians.

For this force, I am still using Baccus 6mm minis on 60x60mm bases.  Most of my techniques for painting these guys will be the same.   


This first batch will complete about 1/3rd of the army!

If you would like to learn more about the project, you can see the first blog about the Hittites on the blog:
Title: Re: Battle of Kadesh
Post by: Easy E on March 05, 2024, 10:26:17 PM

I am still forging ahead on my Battle of Kadesh armies that go along with me latest "In-Progress" rules set In Strife and Conflict.  This project began in earnest in 2023, but the rules were written for about 5 years now.  Hopefully this is the year I can get all the post-production wrapped up and I can release it to you! 

To that end, I have been working diligently on my Hittite forces.  Good progress so far with much of the infantry getting done. 


You can find an army shot so far on the blog:

More importantly, my 3D printed Kadesh arrived.  Thanks to Kelly Watson for designing and printing it out.  Kelly said he was planning on making the design available, so I will let you know when it is. 

The city can fit on a CD as a base, but also has two expandable pieces to make it bigger and add some variety.  I look forward to painting it and putting it on the table.
Title: Re: Battle of Kadesh
Post by: armchairgeneral on March 10, 2024, 12:10:30 AM
Nice looking force so far  :)
Title: Re: Battle of Kadesh
Post by: Easy E on March 18, 2024, 04:39:37 PM
One of the big pieces I wanted for the Battle of Kadesh is a model of the city itself!  Therefore, I was ecstatic when my friend Kelly Watson offered to make a 3D printer version of the city for me! 

Here it is.....


This 3D print is 6 pieces that can be deconstructed for transportation, and can be made into a circular city, as well as this oval version.  Their are two small marketplaces/wells, and 1 main gate section of the walls.  The smaller version is about the size of a CD. 

I look forward to painting this and putting it on the table soon.

Title: Re: Battle of Kadesh
Post by: Cat on March 18, 2024, 04:44:02 PM
Super cool!
Title: Re: Battle of Kadesh
Post by: vodkafan on March 19, 2024, 04:51:48 PM
Super cool!

I agree!  I would personally have printed Kadesh off just a tiny bit larger but it's very nice and your army is superb Eric.
Title: Re: Battle of Kadesh
Post by: Easy E on March 26, 2024, 05:15:31 PM
Thanks all. 

I am now done with the Egyptian Forces and Hittite forces for the Battle of Kadesh. In addition, I also finished painting up Kadesh itself. All the pre-work needed to play the scenario is ready. Just need to test the scenario.

You can see a ton of pictures on my blog here: https://bloodandspectacles.blogspot.com/2024/03/on-painting-desk-battle-of-kadesh.html

However, here are some highlights.....

Full Hittite Army

Full Egyptian Army

The painted city of Kadesh (plus inserts to expand it)

All models are from Baccus 6mm and are mounted on 60 x 60mm bases. Kadesh is a 3D print designed by Kelly Watson.  The rules are unit-vs-unit with no model removal. The armies listed above can cover a number of scenarios of various size and not just the Kadesh scenario. The average game is between 4-12 units per side.
Title: Re: Battle of Kadesh
Post by: Pattus Magnus on March 26, 2024, 05:19:56 PM
That all looks excellent! I’m looking forward to seeing the game reports.
Title: Re: Battle of Kadesh
Post by: Basementboy on March 27, 2024, 11:01:02 AM
Fantastic stuff! Looking over this thread I’m really tempted to branch into smaller scales, the project looks incredible :)
Title: Re: Battle of Kadesh
Post by: Easy E on April 02, 2024, 04:59:28 PM

Now that the armies for Kadesh are sorted, I figured it was time to do a playtest of the basic rules.  I have done some playtesting using templates previously, but this will be the first time with actual miniatures!  Exciting. 

I Ramses the II, he who makes mortals tremble, have marched north past the fortress of Tjel.  My intention is to reclaim the city of Kadesh and the Kingdom of Amurru.  The foolish rulers there have turned from my munificence and have taken council with King Muwatalli II from the North.  I shall teach them the error of their ways. 

As part of this effort, my might army has probed the coast scouting the best way forward.  Local vassals of the Muwatalli have come forth to challenge me.  Foolish mortals.  We shall sweep them aside like so much dust.

At some point, the Kingdom of Amurru which was led by the city-state of Kadesh.  They had been vassals of the Egyptians in previous centuries, but overtime had drifted to the Hittite orbit.  This angered Ramessess II who wished to rebuild Egypt's empire in the Levant and return the region to Egyptian control. The year prior to the Battle of Kadesh, Egyptian forces were all ready active in the Canaanite lands. 

Today's battle will represent some of the scouting and blocking forces engaging in southern Canaan. 


Today's battle is speculative in nature.  Therefore, we will be using the standard Lines of Battle to choose forces up to 24 points.


1 Light Chariot 
- Composite Bow

1 Levy Infantry
- Bow

1 Auxiliary Infantry

1 Archer


1 Heavy Chariot

1 Light Chariot

Levy Infantry


We will be playing the Scout the Area scenario found in the main rules.  The intention is not to destroy the foes, but to understand the terrain. 

For ease, we decided not to use any complications for the raid scenario. 

We are using a 48 x 48 MU table, with 1 MU being 1 inch.  Therefore, a 4 by 4 space. 

The Western edge of the table is the Mediterranean Sea.  The Egyptians get the South, and the Hittites the North.  We divide the area into four zones and randomly determine terrain per the rules in the booklet.  The North side is 1 and 2, and the South is 3 and 4. 

1 = 2 level hill
2= Pond 0r Dangerous Terrain
3= Grove or Difficult Terrain
4= No Terrain


Of course, you can read the full battle report on my blog to see how it all played out, and the post-battle breakdown. 

Title: Re: Battle of Kadesh
Post by: vodkafan on April 23, 2024, 01:06:07 AM
I read the AAR. I understand it was a test game with limited forces, I would like to see a bigger game. It seemed odd that the Hittite skirmishers sat on the hill and controlled that whole area around it. Food for thought!
Title: Re: Battle of Kadesh
Post by: Basementboy on April 23, 2024, 08:10:07 AM
Looks like a great game :D
Title: Re: Battle of Kadesh
Post by: Easy E on April 23, 2024, 06:29:11 PM
I read the AAR. I understand it was a test game with limited forces, I would like to see a bigger game. It seemed odd that the Hittite skirmishers sat on the hill and controlled that whole area around it. Food for thought!

Oh?  Tell me more? 

The Egyptian Archers couldn't land the kill shot because of the cover.  Some actual dedicated infantry probably would have sent the Skirmishers packing pretty fast.