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Miniatures Adventure => Future Wars => Sci-Fi Small Skirmish Games => Topic started by: Raedwald on August 04, 2023, 06:31:36 AM

Title: [Five Parsecs / Rogue Stars] Raedwald’s ‘Prima Luce’ campaign (p2: Turn 2)
Post by: Raedwald on August 04, 2023, 06:31:36 AM
Preparations and Campaign Background
As someone who takes great pleasure from the narrative element of wargaming, I love Five Parsecs from Home. It’s really a dream to be able to randomly generate so much content; inspiring the campaign storyline, game backgrounds, as well as miniature conversions and painting.

While the 5PfH campaign system is therefore phenomenal, I’m less keen on  the tabletop game rules, which in contrast with the campaign system, seem to lack granularity or RPG gameplay elements, and come across a bit more like a ‘first-person arena shooter’ style game to me.

Fortunately, it didn’t seem overly complicated to substitute the tabletop rules with an alternative; my choice (based on fairly limited experience) being Rogue Stars. This remains quite a quick and simple system, while allowing for creative storytelling and a fine level of detail.

For my own campaign I’m drawing inspiration from the 40K universe, as described in the classic early 1990s White Dwarf articles for Confrontation and Space Fleet. I’m combining this with my collection of Earthdawn RPG sourcebooks from the same era, as well as some background from 5PfH.

The action will take place on the planet of Barsaive II, with travel between regions or Hive cities taking the place of planet hopping. The basic premise is  that Barsaive II has only recently emerged from a warp storm, which entirely cut it off from the wider system. The native K’Erin survived by modifying their economy and resource management according to the Rites or Protection and Passage; a set of instructions provided by the Imperial human overlords from the system Administratum, based on the planet of Thera. The Therans almost entirely evacuated from Barsaive II ahead of the warp storm, but have now returned and established a colony at Hive Vivane. The native inhabitants, far from welcoming them with open arms, are actively resisting an Imperial take over, having formed independent governments and regimes.

As an interesting approach, my crew are staunch pro-imperial Therans, and begin the campaign in Vivane. Their ship is the Prima Luce (which means ‘First Light’ and seemed like a suitable Latinised nod to ‘Earthdawn’).

For interest, below is an image of the amateurish frontispiece I sketched for my 5PfH campaign notebook, in the style of an old movie poster.

Title: Re: [Five Parsecs from Home] Raedwald’s ‘Prima Luce’ campaign
Post by: Raedwald on August 04, 2023, 06:33:09 AM
Crew Creation

Captain Tarlanth Medari
Baseline human
Background: Peaceful, high-tech colony
Motivation: Political
Class: Agitator

A younger son of a noble Theran family, Medari was raised in the spires of Vivane. His active agitating for a more hardline, aggressive reconquest of Barsaive II made him enemies in high places, given the First Governor’s limited resources and more measured approach. Medari was disowned and run out of town, making enemies with a Brat Gang in the process, but with enough funds to secure a loan on a worn colony ship.

Adagir Garusddin
Baseline human
Background: Lower megacity class
Motivation: Political
Class: Trader

A once ambitious trader from the lower hab zones, Garusddin was duped and ruined by wealthy and ruthless native K’Erin merchants. His xenophobic hated of the K’Erin was deeply embedded, and he sought out fellow loyal Therans who would share his ideology for a ruthless reconquest of Barsaive II.

Dallia Melyora
Baseline human
Background: Alien culture
Motivation: Discovery
Class: Special agent

An orphan, raised in a secretive Eldar Craftworld colony in the northern reaches of the planet, as she reached adolescence, Melyora developed a strong desire to discover more about her own Theran people and the world outside the colony, so travelled to Vivane. Young, arrogant and naïve of human ways, she has nonetheless been trained in combat and espionage.

Baseline human
Background: Religious cult
Motivation: Escape
Class: Scavenger

A native of Vivane’s underhive, Jeslar grew up among scavvies in a cult of the Emperor. Fervently loyal to the Therans and the Imperium, he sees joining the Prima Luce as a means of escaping the brutal existence of life in the underhive.

Khalifa Carinci
Mysterious past
Backgrounds: Subjugated colony on alien world & Research outpost
Motivation: Political
Class: Technician

Unbeknown to her crewmates, Carinci formerly worked as a mechanic for the Theran Orichalcum Institute of psyker research, at a hidden outpost deep in K’Erin territory. When the K’Erin discovered the outpost it was hastily disbanded and all knowledge of it denied. Carinci, a proud Theran, found herself back in Vivane, sworn to secrecy, but with little left to her name.

‘Nonger’ Parn
Mysterious past
Backgrounds: Bureaucrat & Religious cult
Motivation: Escape
Class: Ganger

Running with House gangs, and operating as their accountant or money mover, Parn’s real troubles began when a high-ranking boss developed supernatural powers, and the taint of Chaos began to spread through the organisation. The cult was discovered and even Parn’s loosely associated gang was eliminated. Parn got away, but daren’t reveal her story to anyone, seeking escape from both cultists and authorities.

Ship: Prima Luce (Worn colony ship)

The crew met in Vivane’s underhive, seeking mutual protection among like minded loyal Therans. Their actions against K’Erin merchants and rebel sympathisers has seen them characterised as somewhat honourable bandits.

They start at Hive Vivane, the Imperial foothold on Barsaive II. The surrounding wastes are distinctly Flat for many miles around.

Title: Re: [Five Parsecs from Home] Raedwald’s ‘Prima Luce’ campaign
Post by: Grumpy Gnome on August 04, 2023, 07:19:28 AM
I like your old school artwork for your campaign notebook. It nicely sets the tone. The narrative aspects of the 5 Parsecs campaign system really seems to be its major strength. I have been considering how to best adapt it to other games.

Your crew sounds like an interesting bunch and look forward to reading of their adventures.
Title: Re: [Five Parsecs from Home] Raedwald’s ‘Prima Luce’ campaign
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on August 04, 2023, 07:47:45 AM
Will be following with interest. We are currently in a 5LftB campaign, but are considering 5PfH for the future.

Story and crew sound great.
Title: Re: [Five Parsecs from Home] Raedwald’s ‘Prima Luce’ campaign
Post by: ced1106 on August 04, 2023, 08:41:59 AM
Which Battle Systems sf set is this?

Feel free to post in the BS terrain FB pages!
Title: Re: [Five Parsecs from Home] Raedwald’s ‘Prima Luce’ campaign
Post by: Tactalvanic on August 04, 2023, 08:49:04 AM
Nice 80's/90's sci-fi vibe coming from the campaign cover.

Look forward to some interesting mission reports

Hoping a copy of 5pfh will be landing near me for birthday soon for a perusal.

Maybe you could add a servo skull or cherub later that floats around covered with LED lights muttering "biddi-biddi-biddi" or similar.
Title: Re: [Five Parsecs from Home] Raedwald’s ‘Prima Luce’ campaign
Post by: Raedwald on August 05, 2023, 11:34:38 AM
Thanks for the comments all. Shame the picture turned sideways, not sure why.  :-I

@Grumpy Gnome - I’ve only played one game in the campaign to date, will report on it when I get the chance, but Rogue Stars does seem to fit reasonably well, the XP awards between systems seem proportionate, will see how it pans out.

@Mad Lord Snapcase - Thanks, I’m trying not to get drawn into Five Leagues given the number of projects on the go already, but given how great Parsecs is, it’s definitely noted for future potential.

@ced1106 - It’s the Gothic set, really pleased with it as a simple and affordable solution for interior settings. I might pick up a second set to expand beyond 2’ x 2’, or look at the bolt on options.

@ Tactalvanic - Thank you, hope you enjoy the book. I’ve got a Caryatid painted up, but it’s perhaps not quite the same theme.  lol
Title: Re: [Five Parsecs from Home] Raedwald’s ‘Prima Luce’ campaign
Post by: Burgundavia on August 05, 2023, 07:46:32 PM
Lovely background. Be interested to see how you adapt Rogue Stars to a solo setting.
Title: Re: [Five Parsecs from Home] Raedwald’s ‘Prima Luce’ campaign
Post by: Ultravanillasmurf on August 06, 2023, 10:07:35 AM
I look forward to seeing how this goes on.
Title: Re: [Five Parsecs from Home] Raedwald’s ‘Prima Luce’ campaign
Post by: Ragnar on August 06, 2023, 10:42:39 AM
Following.  I'm also doing a 5PFH campaign so I'll enjoy seeing yours progress.
Title: Re: [Five Parsecs from Home] Raedwald’s ‘Prima Luce’ campaign
Post by: blacksoilbill on August 06, 2023, 01:40:43 PM
That's a great looking crew: I love the range of miniatures you've got there. Looking forward to seeing your campaign.
Title: Re: [Five Parsecs from Home] Raedwald’s ‘Prima Luce’ campaign (Update: Turn 1)
Post by: Raedwald on September 01, 2023, 06:04:16 AM
Thanks for the comments folks. Whilst I’ll be staying true to the combined game and campaign mechanics, my main interest is in fuelling a narrative.

A habitually long account of the first round follows, photos attached at the end.

Campaign Turn 1

Most of the crew went ‘trading’, which largely consisted of banditry against anti-Theran sympathisers, and obtained a variety of grenade components, creds, training materials, and general trade goods.

Melyora, in her desire for discovery, went exploring around Vivane’s underhive. Unfortunately, her manners and appearance drew the wrong attention, and some thugs set upon her in a dark passage. She fought well, but outnumbered she was taken down, and beaten to within an inch of her life. By luck (the expenditure of a Story point) a gun toting bar landlady, hearing the commotion, intervened, but Melyora would be out of action for some time (2 rounds, reduced from 3).

Medari paid off a chunk of the Prima Luce’s ship debt, before advertising the crew’s availability for hiring, via the dark network. Such a well connected crew were always sure of job offers, and Medari was able to turn down a Spire nobel’s request for someone to chase off an official and his Navy bodyguards investigating his air yacht. Instead Medari accepted a job from his existing contact in the Vivane lower council.

A particularly dominant and aggressive Sand Runner had drawn together a pack in the wastes south of the hive, and they were terrorising the outlying settlements. Councillor Oathstone collected the tithes from these communities and was responsible for their security, so was under pressure to act. His limited security team had killed one sand runner, but the lightning fast reptiloids were proving too elusive for them. Worse yet, Oathstone’s own pet sand runner, Munchie, had now escaped from his out-of-hive compound and joined them. If Munchie’s identity nose ring was picked out, Oathstone would be finished by the scandal.

So it was, that Medari and his four healthy crew mates, along with their trusty Scanner Bot, found themselves on the trail; assigned to eliminate the pack leader, and thereby break up the sand runners. As a secondary objective, Munchie was also to be put down, and the incriminating nose ring recovered.

Game 1
On the tracks of the sand runners, Medari, Jeslar the scavvy, and Parn the secretive fence, wandered towards a huddle of apparently abandoned shacks. Old Garusddin and Carinci the Tech had taken the scanner bot over to a distant cluster of rocks, so weren’t present when Jeslar spotted some fast moving shapes appear from the heatwaves the other side of the shacks… heading right towards them!

Even at a distance, Jeslar made out the pack leader, from it’s distinctively large, lolling tongue. He sprayed some rifle fire ineffectually, until his gun clicked out of ammo. Six sand runners in all were speeding towards them, and as Jeslar reloaded, Medari and Parn fanned out to the right, trying to keep some open ground in front of them.

Medari and Parn kept drawing beads on the approaching critters, and quickly learnt that sand runners were too quick to allow time to stop and aim. Firing off a number of snap shots however also failed to find a mark.

On their left, the pack leader, shielded by another sand runner, had weaved up towards Jeslar, who took down the latter with a shot between its eyes, the body bouncing some way on through its own momentum.

Parn sprinted over to some crates to get a clear shot at the pack leader itself, just as Garusddin and Carinci also arrived on the scene. Unexpectedly, the pack leader changed course and hurtled at Parn, leaping the last few meters with fangs bared. In an explosion of blood, Parn flew backwards to the ground, unmoving. The pack leader, licking gore from its face, saw three guns rising to point at it, and in a flash darted behind a boulder to its right.

This brought it in front of Jeslar, who opened fire, throwing up ash and dust before some shots hit, lightly wounding the pack leader and knocking it down. Old Garusddin then appeared around the boulder, and delivered the coup de grâce at point blank with his shotgun.

Garusddin then caught sight of Munchie and another sand runner near the shacks, and edged forwards to zero in. The pair skittered out of sight, but spying one behind some barrels Garusddin fired, dropping the creature, before taking a satisfied drag of his cigar. Munchie was still alive though, and Carinci moved forward and began to open fire at him. Missing at first, she then managed to lock on with her targeter and clipped him.

With the pack leader down and shots raining in at them, Munchie and the other two remaining sand runners turned, and began bolting off. Garusddin pumped off a couple of shots at the rapidly disappearing Munchie, clipping him again with one (the higher toughness was really showing). As Munchie began to vanish back into the heatwaves, the advancing Jeslar dropped to one knee, took careful aim, and squeezed the trigger. Munchie went down, dead. (This was an awesome 30” shot, just in time!). Not to be outdone, Garusddin fired at extreme range at the other receding sand runners, missing as one escaped, but then impressively taking down the last.

It transpired that Parn, aiming her gun at the pack leader, had had it smashed back into her face, the burst of blood coming from her nose and mouth as she was knocked out, with no lasting damage.

(Rolling for Parn’s injury revealed a ‘gruesome fate’. This would have been a suitable bit of narrative, but having just converted and planned the painting of the miniature, I spent a Story Point for a re-roll!).

The relieved Councillor Oathstone paid well, including the promised bonus for recovering Munchie’s nose ring, and the crew earned some extra creds for harvested sand runner parts. They also had a rummage around the abandoned shacks, and uncovered three stun grenades too.

Back in Vivane, Medari managed to get hold of a needle rifle, and Carinci drained one of their Duplicators to create a second one. Her workload went up though, as first the ship’s Analyser module failed (campaign event), and then Garusddin, cleaning his shotgun, managed to cross-thread and jam a choke halfway in the barrel (character event), and also came grumbling for assistance.

And that was it for campaign Turn 1. Thanks for reading!

1. L-R: Carinci (with spotter bot), Parn, Medari, Jeslar, Garusddin.
2. Sand Runners, front-left: Pack Leader, front-centre: Munchie.
3. Initial deployment.
4. The pack leader leaps at Parn, as Carinci and Garusddin arrive.
5. Jeslar takes a long shot at the fleeing Munchie.
Title: Re: [Five Parsecs from Home] Raedwald’s ‘Prima Luce’ campaign (Update: Turn 1)
Post by: zemjw on October 01, 2023, 08:54:29 AM
I did wonder what you were going to use for the sand runners. Seeing the squigs brought a smile to my face ;D

Looks like it was fun. Mine has stalled after the first game, but I really must get back to it
Title: Re: [Five Parsecs from Home] Raedwald’s ‘Prima Luce’ campaign (Update: Turn 1)
Post by: ithoriel on October 01, 2023, 10:48:50 AM
Good looking game and great write up.

Love the squigs as sand runners too.

As I do my 5 Parsecs games in 20mm I used CP Models carnosaurs as sand runners, wish I'd thought of squigs now!

Must drag myself away from Starfield long enough to do another 5 Parsecs game.
Title: Re: [Five Parsecs from Home] Raedwald’s ‘Prima Luce’ campaign (Update: Turn 1)
Post by: Bullshott on October 16, 2023, 12:10:01 PM
Great campaign background and game report. I'll keep an eye out for more from this crew.
I'm busy painting up figures in order to be able to start my own 5 Parsecs campaign
Title: Re: [Five Parsecs from Home] Raedwald’s ‘Prima Luce’ campaign (Update: Turn 1)
Post by: Tactalvanic on October 16, 2023, 12:59:14 PM
Nice Narrative

great use of squigs to.

Look forward to the next
Title: Re: [Five Parsecs from Home] Raedwald’s ‘Prima Luce’ campaign (Update: Turn 1)
Post by: Raedwald on October 19, 2023, 08:35:27 AM
Thanks for the kind comments all, I’d not checked this board for a while so it’s a pleasant surprise. 

When I rolled up the sand runners as opponents my first thought was ‘what nice lizard minis can I buy?’  :) But as I needed six, the squigs I already had came to mind. I very rarely get games in, and unexpectedly, they’ve ended up featuring in almost every one (sci fi or fantasy) that I’ve played in the last few years!

@zemjw - I’m sort of in the same boat. The campaign’s not so much stalled, it’s just taking me ages to get terrain and minis painted up for Turn 2… perhaps that is stalled actually.  lol

@ithoriel - CP Models have some great stuff, I’ve got them earmarked if I roll up certain other opponents in the future.

@Bullshott - Thank you, I’ll look forward to seeing, if you’re going to post.

@Tactalvanic - Many thanks! I’m hoping to play Turn 2 before the end of the year.
Title: Re: [Five Parsecs from Home] Raedwald’s ‘Prima Luce’ campaign (Update: Turn 1)
Post by: Bloggard on October 28, 2023, 07:46:45 PM
great set of crew figures and paint-jobs.
fantastic narrative b/ground and aar - do hope you can keep it going.
Title: Re: [Five Parsecs / Rogue Stars] Raedwald’s ‘Prima Luce’ campaign (p2: Turn 2)
Post by: Raedwald on February 22, 2024, 05:26:13 PM
Campaign Turn 2

Photos attached at the end. All of the events, and even most of the details in the following narrative were generated by the 5PfH and Rogue Stars systems.

Aboard the Prima Luce, while young Melyora continued her recovery in the sick bay, Carinci the Tech repaired and cleaned up Garusddin’s trusty shotgun. Meanwhile Captain Medari sent Garusddin, with Jeslar and Parn, to put feelers out for potential new recruits, who might share the crew’s values. In one bar, they heard about a Theran scientist who’d just left service aboard an Imperial interstellar cruiser, and together the three tracked him down for an ‘interview’.

Talos Patracheus did not disappoint. An astronomer from the Seventh Fleet science division, he’d fallen out with his immediate superiors and been discharged. With no appealing work available, but keen to make a quick fortune, Patracheus had no qualms in trying his luck with the Prima Luces.

Medari, having paid off some more ship debt, managed to find potential employment from two sources. The first was a shadowy figure who hinted at a connection with Parn. Little did Medari know, this was Verjigorm, the Chaos corrupted gang boss who had caused the destruction of Parn’s gang. He was offering an admittedly dangerous, one time only contract, before abstracting himself off-planet. The other offer was from a representative of a spire noble, which came with health insurance and private transport to the site, on top of reasonable pay. Even if Parn hadn’t totally freaked, Medari had decided to take on the noble’s job. Would they ever hear from Verjigorm again?

It transpired that the noble’s job involved infiltrating a huge Clan Denairastas complex within Hive Vivane, that was being heavily guarded by military contractors. They would make contact with an informant who would share some files and intel before showing them a safe route out. A lightly guarded entry point had been identified, opposite a rundown food plaza in a lower level of the hive. It was usually manned by only a couple of mercs, and the plan was to kill the lights in that dome, create some distractions, and sneak a couple of the Prima Luces through to rendezvous with the informant.

An innocuously branded delivery transport carried the crew deep into the hive, to arrive close to Hawke’s Food Plaza. They climbed out at a distance and stealthily fanned out towards the entry point of the Denaitastas complex, as the agreed time approached for the lights to be killed.

Jeslar the scavvy, punk/accountant Parn, and Tech Carinci circled round to the left, while Patracheus and Garusddin moved up in the centre, and Medari approached from the right. To all their dismay, a third Merc had been stationed at the entry point, all three were fully armoured and looking alert, and worse yet, an enormous combat droid could be seen just inside the complex.
“It’s time Captain, do we bail? This wasn’t in the plan.” croaked Garusddin through the comms, just as the lights went out and the dome plunged into darkness.
“Stick to the plan,” replied Medari, “draw them out so Parn’s team can sneak through.”

Game 2
As the Prima Luce’s moved up, the crying of a small child rang out from the centre of the food plaza. “Get that kid out of here!” yelled Medari, as he and Garusddin took up positions where they could just begin to make out the barricades through the gloom. As Parn, Jeslar and Carinci advanced up to some rubbish piles on the left, Patracheus (Pat) sprinted over to the wailing boy, soothed him and directed him towards the emergency lights in a distant exit tunnel.

As the three mercs ducked into hidden positions behind the fortified barricades, the lumbering form of the droid could be heard advancing out of the complex. It emerged from the darkness quicker than expected, as Pat chivvied the boy to run for it, Medari waved his arms to get the droid’s attention. He immediately felt some regret at this, as it pounded towards him and opened fire with its built in heavy bolter. Shots tore through Medari and he went down.

The boy finally scuttled off, and Pat drew back to join Garusddin beside one of the food booths, as the droid advanced into the food plaza. On the left, Jeslar had crept forwards through the rubbish piles, but still couldn’t make anything out behind the barricades.

At this point, the combat droid appeared in front of Pat and Garusddin, and without hesitation Pat opened fire with his colony rifle on automatic. Sparks and fizzing came from the droid’s torso as it toppled off balance and fell, however it immediately rose as Pat continued to pour fire into it. Further shots ricocheted off the droid’s chest and arm as it relentlessly advanced, one finding a mark; with the glow from its power fist flickering then going out. Nevertheless, as it reached Pat the fist was raised, and Garusddin recklessly discharged his shotgun, creating another big dent in the chest plates. As the fist swung around, Pat narrowly dodged it, smashing his rifle butt into the droid’s leg, with little effect, then up into its face, which to all their surprise made it lose footing again, and crash onto its back. Garusddin steeled his nerves, which had been shaken when Medari fell, and together with Pat they pounced on top of the droid to batter it. Another blow to its head from Pat’s rifle butt finally saw the lights die from its eyes, and servos whir as it shut down.

Pat and Garusddin’s adrenaline fuelled elation was short lived, as the mercs behind the central and right-hand barricades opened fire, having honed in on where the sounds and muzzle flashes had been. Garusddin dived behind the food booth, while Pat hunkered behind the prone droid as best he could, as machine gun and automatic rifle fire pattered all around him.

Back on the left, as all this broke loose, Jeslar noticed a rat scurry by, apparently with blister packs of pills strapped to its back. He could have grabbed for it, but now was not the time. (This was a ‘You want me to check that out?’ Battle Event). Instead, he steadied his breathing, and taking his time took very careful aim at the merc gunner behind the central barricade who was lit up, blazing away. As Jeslar’s finger moved to the trigger of his needle rifle, the machine gun fire spontaneously stopped and the gunner disappeared into hiding again. Uttering some scavvy expletives, Jeslar adjusted his aim to the distant right-hand merc firing the assault rifle. Again, taking time and care, he lined up the shot, and moving to squeeze the trigger, that merc also ducked back into cover, reloading his empty clip as he did. More extreme expletives followed from the frustrated scavvy.

Pat received this change more favourably, and grabbed the opportunity to steady himself and dash over to a hidden position by one of the other food booths, from where he could make out the barricades through the murk. Meanwhile, Jeslar’s cursing had been overheard by the left-hand merc, who’d spotted the hidden scavvy amongst the waste, and was taking aim at him. However, Parn and Carinci had also crept forward by now, the former priming and lobbing a stun grenade over the barricades. It overshot slightly, but caught the gunner in its blast of irritants, flashing and high pitched whines. This had limited effect on the armoured gunner, but did light up his position, and provided sufficient distraction to the left merc, whose shot at Jeslar harmlessly whumped into the rubbish piles near his head.

Seeing the muzzle flare, Carinci locked on with her targetter, and embedded a needler shot into the merc’s chest plate. At the same time, Pat got a clear sight of the gunner in the centre, and put a well aimed bullet into his shoulder, between the armour plates, knocking him down with a wound. The Prima Luces sustained the assault, with another stun grenade lobbed in by Parn, catching both the left merc and downed gunner. Jeslar scrambled forward to the barricade and gunned down the left merc at point blank range. The right hand merc called out a truce offering, they simply weren’t being paid enough for this, but it was met with more scavvy curses from Jeslar.

Gritting their teeth, the mercs fought back, the right merc narrowly missing Pat with a shot, while the gunner got to his feet, and letting rip with his machine gun as he moved forward, took Jeslar down in the hail of fire. The right merc emptied another clip, firing at Pat’s position, and hearing the click, Pat and Garusddin seized their chance and dashed up and through the barricades. Pat sprayed fire towards the machine gunner as he ran, until his rifle malfunctioned and jammed. Meanwhile, Garusddin blasted the right merc in the arm with his shotgun as he wheezily ran past. The merc’s rifle fell to the ground, his arm a bloody mess, as Garusddin disappeared into the complex.

Parn and Carinci, having rallied themselves from the loss of Jeslar, kept the gunner occupied; Carinci emptying a needler clip in his direction, as Pat continued after Garusddin. The wounded right merc, well trained in unarmed combat, had other ideas though, and chased after him. Using his good arm, he grabbed Pat by the shoulder, but Pat rammed his rifle butt back hard into the merc, cracking a rib and knocking him to the floor. Having reloaded, Carinci continued to fire at the gunner, sending needler shots into both of his arms, the machine gun falling from his grip. Meanwhile, Pat was overcome by wrath, and started pounding his trusty rifle butt into the prone merc’s head, the second blow smashing the optic lenses but otherwise doing little harm.

Remarkably, the resilient gunner shook some life back into his numbed arms, retrieved his machine gun, and staggered round into the complex to save his comrade. Seeing the soldier loom out of the shadows, Pat regained his senses and quickly fled into the facility, to meet with Garusddin and the informant at the planned rendezvous point. Grabbing the opportunity, Parn and Carinci dragged Jeslar back to safety, before circling around to haul the bloodied Medari away also.

The rendezvous went to plan, with Garusddin and Pat receiving some coded info and data slates before being ushered through some rubbish shutes, much to their distaste, and thereby escaping the Denairastas complex. Passing the info on to the spire noble’s representative, a man named Santos, the Prima Luces received their pay, and opened communication channels with him for future opportunities. Garusddin had also spotted and swiped some Rage Out pills while in the complex, as an added bonus.

The other Prima Luces had returned to the transport, where, bundling Jeslar and Medari in, they were met by the boy Pat had saved, and his father, who in gratitude, insisted on them taking a finely crafted wreath of carved spider designs. As they set off, Jeslar came round, pulling his mangled slug pistol from a chest holster, the gun having saved him from a bullet through the chest. Medari had not been so lucky, but true to his word, Santos had him shuttled straight to a private lower hive clinic for emergency treatment. The doc made a good job of it, and Medari was able to make a quick recovery.

Incidentally, the three mercs also recovered, although it would be a long process for the one Jeslar had gunned down, while the droid was fine after a quick rewiring and trip to the panel beaters. With no leads, and a desire to hush up the breach, the merc company let the matter go.

The spider wreath sold to a collector for a handsome profit (cashing the story point earned during the game). The Prima Luces had all learned so much from this mission, the whole team really grew in their professionalism (campaign event), with Patracheus in particular prospering, in part from his improved diet since joining the crew (character event).

Thus ended campaign Turn 2.
Having gone into the game with fairly low expectations; having to get through a defended position - it turned out to be incredibly enjoyable, unpredictable and thrilling to play. Loved it, and although it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, I’m continuing to have an amazing time using Rogue Stars, which is fitting brilliantly with the 5PfH campaign. Hope it made for a tolerable read.

1. Crew of the Prima Luce, L-R: Parn, Carinci, Jeslar, Garusddin, Patracheus, Medari.
2. Denairastas’ Mercenaries with Combat Droid (plus Boy, far left background).
3. Initial set up.
4. Initial set up.

More photos in following post.
Title: Re: [Five Parsecs / Rogue Stars] Raedwald’s ‘Prima Luce’ campaign (p2: Turn 2)
Post by: Raedwald on February 22, 2024, 05:28:12 PM
Campaign Turn 2 - additional photos

5. Patracheus sees off the boy.
6. Patracheus and Garusddin face the droid.
7. Jeslar charges the barricades, supported by Carinci and Parn.
8. Patracheus and Garusddin break through the barricades.
9. Patracheus’ wrath.

Title: Re: [Five Parsecs / Rogue Stars] Raedwald’s ‘Prima Luce’ campaign (p2: Turn 2)
Post by: Pattus Magnus on February 22, 2024, 06:14:13 PM
Great figures! The narrative is engaging, too.
Title: Re: [Five Parsecs / Rogue Stars] Raedwald’s ‘Prima Luce’ campaign (p2: Turn 2)
Post by: ithoriel on February 22, 2024, 10:40:55 PM
Great write up and a nice looking game.

I'm enjoying the sudden outbreak of 5 Parsecs campaign reports popping up on LAF.
Title: Re: [Five Parsecs / Rogue Stars] Raedwald’s ‘Prima Luce’ campaign (p2: Turn 2)
Post by: Kourtchatovium104 on February 23, 2024, 02:02:53 PM
Great minis, pictures and story!  :)
Title: Re: [Five Parsecs / Rogue Stars] Raedwald’s ‘Prima Luce’ campaign (p2: Turn 2)
Post by: hubbabubba on February 23, 2024, 06:32:00 PM
Great minis, pictures and story!  :)

What he said.

Excellent painting but your photography is really good. Well played.
Title: Re: [Five Parsecs / Rogue Stars] Raedwald’s ‘Prima Luce’ campaign (p2: Turn 2)
Post by: Raedwald on February 24, 2024, 10:31:21 AM
@Pattus Magnus, @Kourtchatovium104 - Thank you! I’m glad my self indulgent write ups are of interest to some, I know it’s probably far too excessive for most people browsing.  lol

@ithoriel - Me too! Cheers.

@hubbabubba - Thanks, I love seeing your stuff on LAF, have been drooling over your latest Five Parsecs post  :).
I don’t really know what I’m doing with the photography to be honest, but moderns phones are very forgiving.
Although I stick to the LAF attachment limits, my stuff always seems to get shrunk loads more as it uploads, so the resolution is often pants. I’ll try a little experiment here exceeding the limits to see if it ends up a sensible size.

*EDIT: Well, ignoring the limits didn’t prevent the upload, but they still shrank loads and ended up only marginally larger/better res. I might replace some of the images above when I get time. Cheers.