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Miniatures Adventure => Weird Wars => Topic started by: nicknorthstar on September 22, 2023, 09:38:25 AM

Title: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on September 22, 2023, 09:38:25 AM
When Osprey announced their Folk Horror game A War Transformed I thought 'how interesting'. Was it going to be similar to The Silver Bayonet? I spoke with Osprey and the author, and the answer was no. It's a larger skirmish game involving units rather than individual figures. I realised then that we already had a range to cover the majority of the figures you'd need, Great War Miniatures.
https://www.northstarfigures.com/list.php?man=20&cat=153&page=1 (https://www.northstarfigures.com/list.php?man=20&cat=153&page=1)
I didn't intend to do an army for the game, but I kept thinking about how you could change the ordinary figures into AWT soldiers. I decided to experiment with a cavalry unit and using Army Painters Speedpaints I knocked them out in no time. Getting stuff done quick is always an inspiration to me, so I'm going to finish the whole army for A War Transformed.
This is it so far:
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on September 22, 2023, 09:50:05 AM
This was the first Unit that kicked the project off, and probably the weirdest looking of the lot.

In the artwork in A War Transformed, the artist has put a lot of the individuals in masks, very 'Wickerman'. We have a set of plastic masks on the frame of Frostgrave Ghost Archipelago Tribals that I thought would go well.
I liked the idea of doing a cavalry force rather than an infantry one, so glued them to the faces of some Great War Miniatures British Cavalry.
Because I was just experimenting at this point, I thought I'd just use Speedpaints rather than paint them 'properly'. I was actually really pleased with the result and the how the colours came out, and I was very pleased it only took one evening.
I have been drawn into the Turnip28 style of things recently, and have done a number of figures with tufts and foliage springing off them, so it crossed my mind to try greenery and flowers on these cavalry. I liked the result, maybe went over the top with the garlands, but rather than fiddle about I went onto the next Unit.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on September 22, 2023, 09:55:48 AM
The second Unit I wanted to do was cavalry again. I picked out the later British cavalry in helmets this time. And with lances. I thought about giving them archaic looking shields, and them I remembered some Hussite pavaises and transfers I had lying around from an old project that never happened.

I did pause wondering if they looked way too large, but then thought 'nah, go for it'  lol

I also couldn't resist the flowers on the helmets either, going for red this time rather than white.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on September 22, 2023, 10:05:07 AM
Once the two units were done, both with Speedpaints so were finished in 2 evenings, I was sucked right in.

I got hold of a draft copy of the game from Osprey and started to plan a British Army.

To keep in with the early 20th Century theme, and the fact Pulp figures do a figure of him, I wanted to have Aleister Crowley as the Platoons witch. (In real life he was on Germanys side in WW1, but there's some discussion as to whether he was actually a double agent)
You can see the pack here: https://www.northstarfigures.com/prod.php?prod=16833 (https://www.northstarfigures.com/prod.php?prod=16833)

After reading the army list, you can replace your Captain with a Mesmerist. Having not played yet, I thought I'd go with that option, so Crowley is now the Mesmerist leader of the British platoon.
Again, I just used Speedpaint to get him done.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: BeneathALeadMountain on September 22, 2023, 10:07:53 AM
They’re great Nick. I love it when inspiration suddenly fuels a project and you find you’ve progressed more in one session than it feels like you’ve done in days (weeks/years in my case!).

Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on September 22, 2023, 10:15:00 AM
You can have a Witch for free in your A War Transformed platoon, so it'd be rude not to.

There's so many options you can have for a witch in the game. We are giving away a frame of plastic Wizards with every game bought from North Star so you can make a traditional magic user for your platoon, but you can just as easily have a well dressed officer figure who's an expert in the new Magic.

As Crowley had been promoted in my Platoon to the leader, I thought one of his Scarlet Women would make a great witch. I was already going to use the female cultists from Pulp Figures in the platoon, I only needed 4 of them so the 5th figure has become the Witch.

Again painted with Speedpaints. One coat of flesh, one coat of red and black for the hair and mask, all done.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on September 22, 2023, 10:19:48 AM
In regards to Speedpaints.

I don't love the finished look, it's not what I'd do if I sat done to paint seriously, but I'm very happy with the results I'm getting so far. The colours are looking right, and I'll have this project done long before something else pops up and totally distracts me.

The basing is also really quick, it's just sand, unpainted, with brown tufts added. I want to try and get this 'fighting over the raised sea bed of Doggerland' effect, I've not given much thought to how the terrain will be just yet.

Plus I don't have an opponent either.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on September 22, 2023, 10:35:20 AM
A special unit the British can have are 'Spiritualists'. It's a 4 figure unit of civilians that can raise Guardian Spirits, and Unquiet Spirits. They look like a fun addition to a British Platoon, plus a Mesmerist can support Spiritualists.

Looking around for suitable models, North Star doesn't have any WW1 civilian types, so I went for a more Cultist look using Pulp Figures. Choosing the female figures meant the 5th figure in the pack could be used as Crowley's Scarlet Woman Witch.

A reason I really liked the idea of Spiritualists was the Guardian Spirits. My immediate thought was The Angels of Mons. A fiction that became fact for many people in WW1 was that the ghosts of the English Longbowmen from Agincourt rose to defend the BEF in their hour of need.

I've tried to recreate them by painting come Crusader Miniatures medieval bowmen grey, and add a swirling mist to the base. Not sure if I've achieved the effect.

Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on September 22, 2023, 10:41:17 AM
I now have to do at least 3 Infantry Units. You have to have as many Line units as Elite units, and I've done 3 Elite units so far.

The first infantry unit is the British Dismounted cavalry from Great War Miniatures, with the same Ghost Archipelago masks on the cavalry wear. I've held off giving them the flowers that the cavalry sport, but that'll be an easy add on if the mood takes me.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: voltan on September 22, 2023, 05:44:49 PM
I've not given much thought to how the terrain will be just yet.

Plus I don't have an opponent either.

I believe those count as minor details and so can be ignored.  ;)

It's a really good looking force you're putting together but I absolutely love the lancers and I couldn't really say why.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: fred on September 22, 2023, 05:52:10 PM
Great stuff Nick - you’ve really got into this concept.

I really like your units - and that you have gone with a different take than I was thinking about - much greener, I was thinking of more muddy sea bed look (not least as that’s the basing for my existing WWI figures!)

I like the ghost archers - I’ve gone for a light bluish wash for some ghost figures in the past, I wonder if the white look is leaving them look a little unfinished? But I think the idea works, and do look forward to what other inspiration you come up with!
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on September 22, 2023, 06:56:06 PM
I’ve gone for a light bluish wash for some ghost figures in the past, I wonder if the white look is leaving them look a little unfinished?

I might do. I think I'll get the army finished then look at maybe re-doing parts. Or just do army 2.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: sir_shvantselot on September 22, 2023, 08:04:47 PM
Very inspiring. Especially how you’ve got such great results with fairly minimal efforts.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: Ultravanillasmurf on September 22, 2023, 08:15:13 PM
Great start and nice work.
I like the ideas you have used.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: Snackelwolf on September 23, 2023, 01:24:12 AM
A special unit the British can have are 'Spiritualists'. It's a 4 figure unit of civilians that can raise Guardian Spirits, and Unquiet Spirits. They look like a fun addition to a British Platoon, plus a Mesmerist can support Spiritualists.

Looking around for suitable models, North Star doesn't have any WW1 civilian types, so I went for a more Cultist look using Pulp Figures. Choosing the female figures meant the 5th figure in the pack could be used as Crowley's Scarlet Woman Witch.

A reason I really liked the idea of Spiritualists was the Guardian Spirits. My immediate thought was The Angels of Mons. A fiction that became fact for many people in WW1 was that the ghosts of the English Longbowmen from Agincourt rose to defend the BEF in their hour of need.

can you share a special unit or ability the French can have? I ordered the German and French platoons, because I like the Char-Bis tank better than the spiritualist sculpts. I'd love an example to ease my mind  that I won't regret my decision!
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: Snackelwolf on September 23, 2023, 01:50:00 AM

To keep in with the early 20th Century theme, and the fact Pulp figures do a figure of him, I wanted to have Aleister Crowley as the Platoons witch. (In real life he was on Germanys side in WW1, but there's some discussion as to whether he was actually a double agent)
You can see the pack here: https://www.northstarfigures.com/prod.php?prod=16833 (https://www.northstarfigures.com/prod.php?prod=16833)

There is some indication his writing during WW I for a German paper while living in New York was pure amusement to pay his bills.  Regardless, being far beyond just the liberated type, Aleister Crowley later had no love of fascism, and there is a really fun tale and rumor that goes well with this new miniature game we are  keen on --- that Crowley developed the "V" for Victory sign, wielded by Winston Churchill, to combat the Germany's own occult ties and symbol manipulations in  a surge of media and visual warfare.

For those that want a story that ran with that tale, , there's a now out of print graphic novel imagining the  occult psychological and magickal battle between the two sides.
Here's a link on Goodreads;  I just ordered it on eBay for A War Transformed inspiration. I cannot vouch for the story or writing quality yet -- but the reviews are that it is a better premise than execution of the myth.  The comments aren't super good, and it is only illustrated in black and white.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: Ultravanillasmurf on September 23, 2023, 09:09:47 AM
I ordered the German and French platoons, because I like the Char-Bis tank better than the spiritualist sculpts.
The French tank in platoon offer is an FT.
https://www.northstarfigures.com/prod.php?prod=17565 (https://www.northstarfigures.com/prod.php?prod=17565)
They are cute, and if I do a French unit it would be called Bonaparte for obvious reasons.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominion_(manga)#The_Tank_Police (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominion_(manga)#The_Tank_Police)
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: Snackelwolf on September 23, 2023, 09:56:26 AM
The French tank in platoon offer is an FT.
https://www.northstarfigures.com/prod.php?prod=17565 (https://www.northstarfigures.com/prod.php?prod=17565)
They are cute, and if I do a French unit it would be called Bonaparte for obvious reasons.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominion_(manga)#The_Tank_Police (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominion_(manga)#The_Tank_Police)

That's right -- my mistake. Wishful thinking perhaps on the Char Bis!  I do like what it comes with, however.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on September 23, 2023, 12:27:40 PM
You can have a Schneider with the French as well as the FT.

The Vitiated Spirit is the French special weirdness, a nymph that creates areas of tangled growth. You can also have a Theosophist instead of a Captain.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: gimzod on September 23, 2023, 01:33:42 PM
Are there rules for dragons/Wyverns in the book?

Always had the idea of doing a VBCW Wyrm cult faction and this seems like the kind of rules for it.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on September 23, 2023, 01:44:14 PM
Are there rules for dragons/Wyverns in the book?

Always had the idea of doing a VBCW Wyrm cult faction and this seems like the kind of rules for it.

No. The rules are more Folk Horror than Fantasy, so no Dragons. There's not flying rules either, so you couldn't even proxy the dragon as a fighter plane  lol

What you could do is have the Wyrm Cult, and if the Witch Manifests a 'Crusher', use a Dragon/ Wyvern. The author really had Giants/ Titans in mind for Crushers, but a non-flying Dragon, why not?
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: Ultravanillasmurf on September 23, 2023, 02:05:25 PM
Where did you get the Hussite shields?
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on September 23, 2023, 02:32:42 PM
1st Corps/ Curteys Miniatures.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: Krokodil on September 23, 2023, 03:02:17 PM
A really interesting mash up of different genres nicely brought together into a coherent whole. I like the idea of a reawakened lush landscape better than a WW1 mudscape, although both would work for me, maybe even a mix of the two would be the way to go. It really is an anything goes concept, but one that has a dynamic cohesion all the same. Very well done to the writers and designers. It's difficult to bring something truly original to life in a very crowded wargaming market that manages to reinvigorate old figure ranges and give them new purpose.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: Ultravanillasmurf on September 23, 2023, 04:23:54 PM
1st Corps/ Curteys Miniatures.
Thanks (reading Andrzei Sapkowski's series).

So what are your other line units?
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on September 23, 2023, 05:41:03 PM
I'm just going to go with 2 more Infantry Units, one will be dismounted cavalry in helmets, the other dismounted cavalry in caps, but maybe with a mix of uniforms this time.

I've been thinking about adding Sailors, or Colonial Troops. (Crowley travelled in the East a lot, and studied Buddism & Islam, so having affinity with Colonial troops would be a good match up). But I think if I get the two dismtd Cav units done & a Cav HMG, I've got the basis of a platoon. I can add other stuff later, or do a new platoon.

I'm intrigued by the Russian Empire lists. There's three distinct types. A Siberian Shaman + Hunters type, a Cossack type or a more 1914 Imperial Russia type. I'd like all three.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: Kommando_J on September 23, 2023, 06:38:56 PM
Volunteer troops from Hong Kong?
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: fred on September 23, 2023, 07:03:06 PM
igued by the Russian Empire lists. There's three distinct types. A Siberian Shaman + Hunters type, a Cossack type or a more 1914 Imperial Russia type. I'd like all three.

These sound intriguing!

Are the summoned creatures themed to the different nations?
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on September 23, 2023, 07:12:28 PM
Volunteer troops from Hong Kong?
British & French can have Colonial Assault Troops as their normal 'Line' infantry, they aren't a specific nation so you can use any you want. The author had Gurkhas & Tirailleurs in mind really, armed with their 'blades'.

Also, normal 'Line' infantry are not a specific nation, the Brits could have Indians, Sikhs, KAR, Hong Kong, Aussies, whatever you like.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on September 23, 2023, 07:17:39 PM
These sound intriguing!

Are the summoned creatures themed to the different nations?

No, there's 6 categories of summoned creatures. You'd choose whatever folk-lore creatures suit your faction. Because I've gone with Crowley as my leader, I ought to have Pan as my 'Crusher' (The largest manifestation) etc. But I might just go with what I have in the Frostgrave/ Silver Bayonet collection.

Here's an idea of what the 6 categories are:
https://www.northstarfigures.com/prod.php?prod=17566 (https://www.northstarfigures.com/prod.php?prod=17566)
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: fred on September 24, 2023, 01:29:36 PM
No, there's 6 categories of summoned creatures. You'd choose whatever folk-lore creatures suit your faction. Because I've gone with Crowley as my leader, I ought to have Pan as my 'Crusher' (The largest manifestation) etc. But I might just go with what I have in the Frostgrave/ Silver Bayonet collection.

Here's an idea of what the 6 categories are:
https://www.northstarfigures.com/prod.php?prod=17566 (https://www.northstarfigures.com/prod.php?prod=17566)

Thanks. Thats good to know, so I can have some generic ones, and some that fit more to a specific faction. I was thinking about some bears for the Russians.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on September 25, 2023, 01:28:19 PM
The Army is done!

12 points (I'll need to get it up to 20 really, but this'll get me started)
1 Leader (Mesmerist)
1 Witch
1 Unit of Spiritualists
2 Units of Lancers
3 Units of Infantry.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on September 25, 2023, 01:32:05 PM
Infantry Section 2.
I went with the authors description of the supply chains failing post-Catastrophe with this unit, painting a unit of dismounted cavalry in a blue uniform they'd scrounged from the Police/ County Militia etc.

I wasn't as pleased with the Speedpaint results with these, but I'll keep them.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on September 25, 2023, 01:36:18 PM
Infantry Section 3.
This is a unit of Dismounted Cavalry, a bit better equipped with helmets.

I might do a bit more work on these, get them 'garlanded' up like the cavalry.

Although the platoon is ready to go, I've got a HMG on the painting table, so there's more to come.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on September 25, 2023, 01:39:09 PM
The Platoon Witch with her Ritual Cards. I'm going to go with the Horned God as my Hermetic Lodge for the first few games, see how we get on.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: Ultravanillasmurf on September 25, 2023, 05:52:13 PM
This is a unit of Discounted Cavalry, a bit better equipped with helmets.
A Freudian slip or the curse of autocorrect? ^__^
They look great.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on September 26, 2023, 12:44:30 PM
I decided to add a Machine Gun Team to the platoon last night.
It's a Great War Miniatures cavalry HMG.
Speedpainted again. Put onto a 40mm round base.

I think I'll do a Mortar team and leave it there. Maybe...
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: Ultravanillasmurf on September 26, 2023, 06:16:37 PM
I think I'll do a Mortar team and leave it there. Maybe...
Or not?
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: fred on September 26, 2023, 06:50:52 PM
A mortar would be good.

Then perhaps an 18pdr (or 13 if you are going all cavalry)

Then a little tank (or two)

Since you’ve made such a rapid start, shame to loose the momentum!
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on September 26, 2023, 08:30:07 PM
I'd like to get a MkIV, but I need to give it some thought how to pimp it up to AWT.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: Ultravanillasmurf on September 26, 2023, 09:07:56 PM
I'd like to get a MkIV, but I need to give it some thought how to pimp it up to AWT.

What you do not want to do is make it look like an escapee from 40k.

A mechanised base to a wicker man?

Or a Rushcart?
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saddleworth#Rushcart (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saddleworth#Rushcart)
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rushcart (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rushcart)
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: fred on September 26, 2023, 09:47:53 PM
I'd like to get a MkIV, but I need to give it some thought how to pimp it up to AWT.

In that image it looks to have a mask very much like your cavalry, along with a banner.

Interested in the idea of the woolly mammoth skeleton in the foreground and what sort of terrain might be of use
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on September 26, 2023, 11:16:07 PM
The Mammoth skeleton is something the author mentions as being seen when Doggerland rises from the sea. It's based on the fact Mammoth bones have been be retrieved from the English Channel. I can't recall how right now, maybe in fishermen's nets?

Not sure who does Mammoth skeletons as terrain pieces?

TBH, we should do a separate post on AWT terrain once everyone has their books.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: Snackelwolf on September 27, 2023, 02:10:55 AM
How many captains are needed for one army side?  Does each unit of 8 soldiers have one, or just one  special mini to go alongside the witch and other supernaturals?
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on September 27, 2023, 07:59:26 AM
One Captain per platoon. (Platoon = AWT Army)

You can buy Lieutenants extra, and have a Witch.

Each armies have characters you can exchange for your Captain, not have as well.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: Snackelwolf on September 27, 2023, 02:50:03 PM
One Captain per platoon. (Platoon = AWT Army)

You can buy Lieutenants extra, and have a Witch.

Each armies have characters you can exchange for your Captain, not have as well.
got it, perfect -- thank you.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: Ultravanillasmurf on September 27, 2023, 06:06:48 PM
Does each unit of 8 soldiers have [a captain]?
One Captain per platoon. (Platoon = AWT Army)

You can buy Lieutenants extra, and have a Witch.

Each armies have characters you can exchange for your Captain, not have as well.

In addition there is an NCO upgrade per unit (subject to upgrade points being available).
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on September 28, 2023, 11:03:26 AM
I decided to add a Mortar Team to the Platoon last night. Rather than going with the standard British Stokes Mortar, I wanted to use the weird looking 'Toffee Apple' mortar.

The model is part of the Great War Miniatures range.

To 'AWT' it up, I stuck two pixies from The Silver Bayonet range on the base. That'll stop me using it for Historical games.

Why are they there? I don't know. Do the crew even know they are with them? Are they Enemy Snatchers about to sabotage the mortar? Are they Guardian Spirits protecting the crew? Dunno.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on September 28, 2023, 11:04:15 AM
Finished Platoon.
I might be done now. 16 point British Platoon. That's with no upgrades, so I could up the points easily with some upgrades for the characters and units.

Mesmerist Leader: Free,
Witch : Free,
Infantry Sections x3 : 6 points,
Lancers x2 : 4 points,
Spiritualists : 2 point,
Machine Gun Team : 2 points
Mortar Team : 2 points.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: fred on September 28, 2023, 12:22:11 PM
Like the mortar - there were plenty of odd mortar designs in WWI.

And the overall platoon looks good - looks like you get plenty of units for your 20pts
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: Ultravanillasmurf on September 28, 2023, 07:08:08 PM
Nice mortar, and the pixies are a neat addition.

You could psych out a conventional WW1 opponents by deploying as is.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: SirRoystonPapworth on October 04, 2023, 07:15:50 PM
Whilst I really liked the cavalry, that mortar, with the pixies nailed it for me.great job..
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: BeneathALeadMountain on October 04, 2023, 07:53:06 PM
It’s a lovely job on that awesomely Heath-Robinson looking mortar Nick. I’d be tempted to make an exact double of the mortar sans pixies and swap them around sneakily throughout a game……. “What Pixies? I can’t see any Pixies!”……

Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: Captain Blood on October 04, 2023, 08:29:57 PM
Definitely weird and slightly wonderful Nick lol The bombardier pixies are a charming touch :)

That’s what you call an eclectic force!
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on October 04, 2023, 08:47:32 PM
It’s a lovely job on that awesomely Heath-Robinson looking mortar Nick. I’d be tempted to make an exact double of the mortar sans pixies and swap them around sneakily throughout a game……. “What Pixies? I can’t see any Pixies!”……

lol lol lol lol
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on October 04, 2023, 08:48:54 PM
Definitely weird and slightly wonderful Nick lol The bombardier pixies are a charming touch :)

That’s what you call an eclectic force!
Cheers Old Bean. First game tomorrow, looking forward to it.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: Bullshott on October 04, 2023, 08:55:16 PM
Love the pixies 👍
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: Ultravanillasmurf on October 04, 2023, 10:00:33 PM
First game tomorrow, looking forward to it.
Good luck.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on October 05, 2023, 11:07:45 PM
First game played at the Rose & Crown this evening against Mike Bradford's French.
Good fun, but an exercise in page flipping and communal reading. It's not a quick pick up, fast play game, there's loads of details to take in, but we completed a game in an evening session which means as we get used to our armies, it will be a lot faster and a good 'club night' game.
We had 12 points each.
I didn't play it well, the British Lancers repeated the same 'Valley of Death' charge that their ancestors had. But it was good to see the limitations and advantages of the troop types.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on October 05, 2023, 11:10:10 PM
Mike's French and my British.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on October 05, 2023, 11:21:34 PM
I tried the Ritual 'Judgement' three times in the game. It regenerates a unit that has taken casualties.

So as Mike's Heavy Mortar crashed shells into my units, I tried to get the casualties back. The first two times the Ritual failed (the first time I spent 5 command points to roll 5 dice and couldn't get 2 ones on a D3). The third turn trying, I succeeded in passing the Ritual, and then rolled a 6 which was a blunder instead of getting my unit back up to strength. 
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on October 05, 2023, 11:26:14 PM
My Spiritualists raised Guardian Spirits to help the Lancer Unit. It saved the three hits taken in this round. (Saved on 1 to 3 normally, the Guardian Spirits increased the throw to 4).
God bless the Angels of Mons.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: BeneathALeadMountain on October 05, 2023, 11:44:56 PM
Nothing wrong with showing everyone what not to do in a learning game! lol Very self deprecating and decent of you, maybe even counts as a moral victory? Well done sir!

Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: Ultravanillasmurf on October 06, 2023, 05:32:16 AM
Interesting to read about the game in the wild.
It certainly looks good.
I will be interested in hearing how future games go as you get more used to the rules.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: fred on October 06, 2023, 07:01:07 AM
Good looking game. Interesting that you play at a pub!

Did you find that using d6 for d3s for the rituals worked fine? Can’t recall if it is on Rituals or Manifestations that any doubles are a problem, and I wondered if spotting doubles on d6 acting as d3 would get a bit tricky/tedious the later the evening went on.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on October 06, 2023, 07:41:04 AM
Good looking game. Interesting that you play at a pub!

Did you find that using d6 for d3s for the rituals worked fine? Can’t recall if it is on Rituals or Manifestations that any doubles are a problem, and I wondered if spotting doubles on d6 acting as d3 would get a bit tricky/tedious the later the evening went on.

It wasn't tricky or tedious once we'd remembered to do it. We forgot turn 1, remembered turn 2, so from turn 3 on we were looking for it. I got three manifestation dice and rolled for a Snatcher turn 4. Set it up near the opponents mortar but forgot to save a command point for the Goblin to effect his mortar, so took another turn of fire without him having to test.

Getting hold of actual D3s would be better of course.

Need to check the rules because I performed a ritual and a manifestation in the same turn, not sure if that was right but TBH if you can only do one, in a 6 turn game it doesn't give you much time to get this stuff on the table.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: Captain Blood on October 06, 2023, 08:10:49 AM
It looks fun. I like the fact that in this alternative Weird WW1 the British can fight the French as well as the Germans  :)
First few times through any new set of rules is always rather tedious - getting the hang of the details, endlessly referring back to the book, interpreting what the author has written. But it looks like you’ve mastered the basics already. And at least you were at the pub! lol
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: fred on October 06, 2023, 08:18:34 AM

Need to check the rules because I performed a ritual and a manifestation in the same turn, not sure if that was right but TBH if you can only do one, in a 6 turn game it doesn't give you much time to get this stuff on the table.

I’m not sure on the first point. But there is an optional rule to start with some manifestion dice to get more creatures on the table.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: A_War_Transformed on October 06, 2023, 09:31:04 AM

Need to check the rules because I performed a ritual and a manifestation in the same turn, not sure if that was right but TBH if you can only do one, in a 6 turn game it doesn't give you much time to get this stuff on the table.

You can perform rituals and manifestations in the same round. In fact, you can perform mulitple rituals and a manifestation attempt in the command phase, though you can only do the same ritual once per round and only make one manifestation attempt per round.

There isn't an order in which to do them, but the fact that performing rituals means the probability of generating additional manifestation dice, you'd be silly not to do the rituals first!
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on October 06, 2023, 09:51:24 AM
You can perform rituals and manifestations in the same round. In fact, you can perform mulitple rituals and a manifestation attempt in the command phase, though you can only do the same ritual once per round and only make one manifestation attempt per round.

There isn't an order in which to do them, but the fact that performing rituals means the probability of generating additional manifestation dice, you'd be silly not to do the rituals first!

Ah good, did do it right. And in fact I did use the Manifestation dice generated in that Ritual to summon a Snatcher. What I did do wrong was spend all my Command Points so although the Snatcher appeared by the enemy mortar, it couldn't effect it.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on October 06, 2023, 06:45:02 PM
We both muddled through the game. Notice where Mike's witch is. He forgot magic doesn't work near lumps of iron called tanks!
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: Snackelwolf on October 07, 2023, 04:44:03 PM
Thank you so much for your battle pics and thoughts!

I so look forward to trying this and, my biggest dilemma, is do I paly it soon partially painted, or wait quite a while and enjoy a true spectacle with friends.

I wager it will be a combination -- learn the rules casually, then display in public when a small battle between my French and German forces are ready.

Keep it coming!
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on October 20, 2023, 07:46:58 PM
Have folks started to think about terrain? I'm planning to go with the author's idea of raised Doggerland, rather than the old WW1 battlefields.
I'm looking for a sand/ desert mat to represent the sea bed.
I've just built the sunken boat from Sarissa. The picture here is theirs, I'll be painting mine this weekend.
I'm thinking of basing the 'scary woods' we sell, to represent prehistoric forests that the withdrawing seas have exposed.
I might have a visit to the local tropical fish shop to see what aquarium scenic items they have.
The author likes 'mires', so I'll have a go at some mires, I've got some ponds I could just repaint the grass edges to sand.
The last thing I've been thinking of is the idea the author includes of fertility being fed by blood, so maybe having an incredulous area of green growth around a sacrifice site?
What have other people planned?
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: Ultravanillasmurf on October 20, 2023, 09:36:23 PM
I picked up a 3D print of a hollow tree stump at SELWG, looking at something Seahenge like.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: Snackelwolf on October 22, 2023, 03:14:05 AM
Have folks started to think about terrain? I'm planning to go with the author's idea of raised Doggerland, rather than the old WW1 battlefields.
I'm looking for a sand/ desert mat to represent the sea bed.
I've just built the sunken boat from Sarissa. The picture here is theirs, I'll be painting mine this weekend.
I'm thinking of basing the 'scary woods' we sell, to represent prehistoric forests that the withdrawing seas have exposed.
I might have a visit to the local tropical fish shop to see what aquarium scenic items they have.
The author likes 'mires', so I'll have a go at some mires, I've got some ponds I could just repaint the grass edges to sand.
The last thing I've been thinking of is the idea the author includes of fertility being fed by blood, so maybe having an incredulous area of green growth around a sacrifice site?
What have other people planned?
I love the idea of patches of greenery and flowers scattered about the Doogerland detritus. Such as areas of massive growth due to mass casualties.  My models basing are going for a more established lush and verdant approach, think a bit later in the conflict. I think your ideas are fantastic and I look forward to seeing the results. I also ordered the surfaced tug boat, that is a cool model.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: fred on October 22, 2023, 04:27:45 PM
I’m starting to think about terrain. I am thinking of two approaches as I have WWI figures based up grassy for early war, and I do fancy getting my Russian forces on the table for AWT, and muddy for late war. My stuff is all 10mm.

I think the late war Britsh and Germans would suit the Doggerland style games - I’m imagining this as more mud flats rather than sand.

Sunken boats sound good, but struggling a bit to find useful models, either traditional or 3d printed.

I have some mires already, but want to make some thickets both plant and wire based ones.

I have been thinking about some areas of growth - I might add some flower style tufts to smallish bases so these can be added other pieces of scatter terrain to give them a different look.

I also think I will add some sand bank style prices of terrain from foam as from the first game having some things ot break up lines of sight, like hedges or walls would feels sensible.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on October 26, 2023, 11:04:10 PM
Added a new Unit, a tank.
The green Speedpaint wasn't as green as I thought, so back to the paint shop, but it did the job tonight, smashed the French attack up.
I'm wondering if tanks are not costed high enough. 6 points for a MkIV, which has 3 HMGs and 2 AT Guns. And the French only had one weapon to cope with it, and my field gun blew it to pieces turn 2.

Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on October 26, 2023, 11:06:54 PM
I also 'fielded' a Field Gun this evening. In an 'arms race' exercise, I was getting fed up of being pounded by the French Heavy Mortar each game, so brought this out and blew the mortar up in one turn.

This is actually from my SCW collection.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: Ultravanillasmurf on October 27, 2023, 06:00:04 PM
I'm wondering if tanks are not costed high enough. 6 points for a MkIV, which has 3 HMGs and 3 AT Guns.
I think the Mark IV has only two AT guns (one left, one right arcs) with matching HMGs plus a front arc HMG.

Though you might be right about the points.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on October 27, 2023, 07:30:09 PM
Damn, not watching what I'm typing. Yes, two AT guns.

That's 10 points of weapons for 6 points, encased in a vehicle that can only be harmed by Ordinance weapons, of which there's very few. I didn't move my tank, I just sat broadside and blew away everything that approached.
The French player produced an AT Gun, that fired one shot which caused one wound, and I destroyed it in one turn with a Field Gun. From then on the tank was untouchable.

If it cost 12 points, you might think twice about fielding one, especially if you have to declare to your opponent you are fielding one and they can 'tool up' accordingly.

I know tanks are vulnerable to Close Combat, but you have to get across the board in the face of HMG fire and attack it when it's unsupported to stand a chance.

Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: fred on October 28, 2023, 08:17:19 AM
We have found the same with tanks and last night with armoured cars. AC seem even more effective they are fast, protected, shooty with a HMG and cheap.

It does seem odd that small arms are completely ineffective against armoured vehicles.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on October 28, 2023, 09:31:02 AM
My MkIV blew the French opponents AC away last game, so it wasn't very effective. & I agree, I should have been able to rake the A/C with HMG fire to maybe not destroy it, but put it out of action in some way.

The three games I've played have been a growing arms race. I think the 4th game we should rein it in, no armour or cannonades, see how that plays.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: fred on October 28, 2023, 12:57:35 PM
In our first game we had a Mark IV tank and field gun for the British, the Germans had an AT rifle, AT Gun, Flammenwerfer and HMG. The tank was very effective, didn’t need to move too much and could generally fire 2 of its MGs. Field gun was pretty good too.

Second game, both sides had an A/C, the Germans had a field gun, which elected to use the Sustained Fire order to fire twice, and gain a CSM which then made it very inaccurate for much of the game. Both A/C were pretty effective, mine was eventually pinned by cavalry. The German one was invulnerable to my troops - it destroyed my HMG in the first turn, and chopped up infantry in cover.

With playing in 10mm we have lots of choice for support and have been trying options out so far. Not sure which way we take lists next game.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: Ultravanillasmurf on October 28, 2023, 04:11:28 PM
My MkIV blew the French opponents AC away last game, so it wasn't very effective. & I agree, I should have been able to rake the A/C with HMG fire to maybe not destroy it, but put it out of action in some way.
Same with a field gun.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on October 28, 2023, 06:45:19 PM
I was thinking about Witches earlier when I saw some really nice looking kit-bashed Hexanjager. The German army has an anti-witch slant, 'seek out and kill the witch'. But the witches aren't game changers, they are fun but not critical.
Tanks are. Field Guns are. You really need to shift them or the games lost.
I'm too busy learning the game still to put the time in, but if the witches had a spell book of anti-vehicle schemes, and something to knock shells out of the air, you'd really want to focus on taking them out of the game to be able to launch an armoured assault or artillery barrage.
A lot of rituals are about close combat, but from the games I'd played so far, your units are so raked with rifle fire, cannonade fire and HMGs, there's not a lot left to fight with.
Maybe I need to try games with the Harrowed absorbing fire and other ways to get units into combat before judging fully.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: fred on October 28, 2023, 07:14:55 PM
We had a very similar conversation last night.

Feels summoning Prowlers or Devourers (Trolls) is a fairly good way of taking out artillery as it tends to be hugging the base line. These creatures would probably be good in melee against tanks - but can’t really see how they would get into range..

Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: Ultravanillasmurf on October 28, 2023, 07:27:57 PM
Something gremliny would be nice for witches, affecting technology (revenge for the Curse of Iron).

Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on October 28, 2023, 07:36:24 PM
I tried to get a Mortar with a Snatcher in the first game, but it didn't work.

The problem with close combat on tanks is unless the tank owner is daft, the tank should have infantry/ cavalry in support, and you have to fight them before the vehicle.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: Captain Blood on October 29, 2023, 05:21:53 PM
Added a new Unit, a tank.
The green Speedpaint wasn't as green as I thought, so back to the paint shop, but it did the job tonight, smashed the French attack up.

I actually really like the tank in spectral yellow, Nick. Gives it a somewhat otherworldly feel, which seems about right for the setting  :)
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on October 29, 2023, 08:38:29 PM
I actually really like the tank in spectral yellow, Nick. Gives it a somewhat otherworldly feel, which seems about right for the setting  :)

Well, that photo is all's that's left. I tried to over-paint it with a green Speedpaint today and I've ruined it. Streaky, patchy rubbish. I'm going to respray it white tomorrow and start again.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on October 30, 2023, 11:04:36 PM
The tank is now green.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: Metternich on October 30, 2023, 11:05:25 PM
I was thinking of using my SCIBOR Otto von Bigsmark as a Troll.  He is 28mm scale (I have 28mm German and French WW I armies), making him 48mm from feet to eyes.


Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: Ultravanillasmurf on October 31, 2023, 06:24:43 PM
The tank looks good.

By the way, is that the tank on the North Star site?

How is the wrecked boat going? Are you going to try to get the lower planks on the multi-plank attached to the ribs?
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on October 31, 2023, 10:55:25 PM
The tank looks good.

By the way, is that the tank on the North Star site?

How is the wrecked boat going? Are you going to try to get the lower planks on the multi-plank attached to the ribs?

The tanks are by Skytrex: https://www.northstarfigures.com/list.php?man=20&cat=153&sub=705&page=1 (https://www.northstarfigures.com/list.php?man=20&cat=153&sub=705&page=1)

The boat is built, it doesn't come with more planks. I'm just going to base it & dry brush it.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on November 02, 2023, 11:18:29 PM
My sunken boat rose from the floor of Doggerland this evening in a game with James Morris.

I also increased my cavalry army.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: fred on November 03, 2023, 07:10:24 AM
The boat looks good - I like the addition of the greenery to it.

And the cavalry look splendid! How did they fare?
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on November 03, 2023, 12:24:48 PM
They got murdered.

4 figure units can't cut it when there's open fields of fire. That's what happened in reality of course, but right now I can't find a use for cavalry in AWT.

I even used Vanguard to put on unit behind his lines. But you have to form outside of charge range, so the German just turned around and shot them up.

Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: fred on November 03, 2023, 06:58:41 PM
We have found similar! Long ranges and generous spotting rules, make shooting very deadly. The most effective they have been is charging around a wood to tie an armoured car in melee. Which might have been deadly for the A/C if it hadn’t had some infantry to come to its aide.

They have proved useful in the back lines for chasing down manifestations - but this was after their advance had stalled.

As I write this I do wonder if a force of pretty much just Line Infantry with Armoured Cars would be a very effective force. The regulars generate lots of Command Tokens, the A/Cs as Elite are easy to buy and are much more useful than HMG teams.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on November 03, 2023, 07:46:06 PM
I think my army in the last game but one was the most deadly. MkIV tank, Field gun behind a hill and the Line Infantry hunkered down to create the command points, let the tank and gun blow everything away in front of them.
It's why we played with no tanks and no arc of fire weapons last night.
The next game I think we'll add more terrain to reduce fields of fire.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: fred on November 03, 2023, 08:11:47 PM
That sounds similar to the force I used in my first game - it was good, but felt very slow, and I think would be a bit scenario dependant. We have had variable results from Field Guns - in the first game it was pretty good, but in the second due to deviation dice it was much less effective.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: Ultravanillasmurf on November 03, 2023, 08:17:20 PM
The boat looks good.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on November 12, 2023, 08:00:32 PM
5 games in, and still working through the rules. Found I'd missed a crucial Cavalry rule last time.

What's amused me, and my gaming buddy James, is we've asked some questions on the Facebook pages about game play, and it's bloody obvious none of 'em have bleedin played yet, but still pontificate on in a vagally patronising fashion about WW1 tactics.

James and I are both very familiar with WW1 tactics, we're asking other players their opinion on how the GAME works  lol lol

(Photo of my last game with James, it's all his terrain. My British have occupied the central objective, mostly due to me using Advance order to steal a march on him.)
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: fred on November 12, 2023, 08:41:11 PM
I like the obelisk / standing stone - very atmospheric. And I’d managed to miss the blue dismounted cavalry before, they add a nice bit of difference to the force.

What's amused me, and my gaming buddy James, is we've asked some questions on the Facebook pages about game play, and it's bloody obvious none of 'em have bleedin played yet, but still pontificate on in a vagally patronising fashion about WW1 tactics.

James and I are both very familiar with WW1 tactics, we're asking other players their opinion on how the GAME works  lol lol

Well it is Facebook…

I do love it on forums when you ask about a GAME and get lots of REAL WORLD hypothetical answers.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: Ultravanillasmurf on November 14, 2023, 05:34:25 PM
I agree that Standing Stone looks good.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: BeneathALeadMountain on November 22, 2023, 01:23:49 AM
Great to see your force featured in WI432.

Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: nicknorthstar on November 22, 2023, 09:03:24 PM
Cheers. TBH I didn't know they were going to use it.
Title: Re: Nick's British Platoon for A War Transformed.
Post by: Metternich on November 23, 2023, 03:09:01 PM
Haven't played the game yet, but have studied the rules.  I would say that the force you take would (and should) be dependent on both the scenario (and objective) and the terrain to be encountered.  I wouldn't want to take a Flammenwerfer or Stoss troops in an open field environment (their range is too short) - but in broken terrain with plenty of cover, attacking a trench, they would come into their own and be good choices.