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Other Stuff => Bazaar of Obscurities => Commercial => Topic started by: Slave_2_gaming on October 24, 2023, 01:03:54 AM

Title: (Commercial) New Ma.K in 15mm from Slave 2 Gaming
Post by: Slave_2_gaming on October 24, 2023, 01:03:54 AM
G’day once again from the Slave Dungeon,

It’s been a few months since we had a release, there’s been a lot happening around here. But we’ve finally got to the point where the next Ma.K in 15mm release is ready to go ahead, all the figures have been beautifully sculpted by both Mike Broadbent and Jayden Barr. So, without further ado, lets run through some new figures.


First off we have the Raptor/ Rappon team, a pack of four figures, all cast in metal and retailing for AU$9.00


Next, the AmmoKnights pack. Also a four figure, metal cast pack. This is one of my favorite packs, it retails at AU$13.50


The Friedrich unit is a 6 figure, metal pack, retailing for AU$13.50


The Hummel aircraft is the next figure. It is as single multi-part, metal figure that also retails for AU$13.50


The beautiful Falke Antigravity Armoured Raider, is up next. This a is a Metal and resin figure that retails for AU$13.50


Finally, a few items that are game related for our Ma.K in 15mm game. We have the Objective Marker pack. This pack of 3 resin &metal stands are perfect for both objective markers  or ruined terrain vehicles. This pack retails for AU$13.50


Finally, we have the Activation/dice bag. This 190x220mm fabric bag is designed for the drawing of activation tokens during the gameplay, or it can be used to carry dice! This bag retails for AU$5.00


As always, don’t forget to check out all our great products here: www.slave2gaming.com
Title: Re: (Commercial) New Ma.K in 15mm from Slave 2 Gaming
Post by: manic _miner on October 24, 2023, 12:29:33 PM
 Very nice additions to the range.