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Miniatures Adventure => Fantasy Adventures => Topic started by: ced1106 on October 30, 2023, 04:56:59 PM

Title: Wildspire Fantasy Miniatures Thread w/ Gloomhaven Crimson Scales
Post by: ced1106 on October 30, 2023, 04:56:59 PM
I posted these earlier in a Halloween thread, but here're some better views of the Wildspire mini's!
These are from the "Enchanted Objects" set, part of the "Spellblades and Enchanted Objects" collection.
Miniatures are pre-assembled soft plastic. Fine for RPG's and other gaming.
More to come as I paint the set!

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=wildspire+miniatures




Title: Re: Wildspire Fantasy Miniatures Thread
Post by: Freddy on October 30, 2023, 09:32:34 PM
That killer turkey is scary :)
Title: Re: Wildspire Fantasy Miniatures Thread
Post by: ced1106 on November 10, 2023, 03:35:41 AM

Trying out the Wildspire miniatures as proxies for the fanmade expansion for Gloomhaven, Crimson Scales!
If you play Gloomhaven, Crimson Scales PnP is *free*. Looks like a lot of content, but you only need to PnP 30-some cards for the first scenario.

Monsters and Oni from the Wildspire Monsters set.
Dwarf from the Wildspire Heroes set.
Both available on Amazon!

Photobox improvised from Loke Battlemat's "The Veiled Dungeon" RPG accessory.







Title: Re: Wildspire Fantasy Miniatures Thread
Post by: Luigi on November 10, 2023, 04:26:28 PM
Is that dwarf holding... a cactus?

Title: Re: Wildspire Fantasy Miniatures Thread with Gloomhaven: Crimson Scales
Post by: ced1106 on November 24, 2023, 04:50:16 AM
Yep! And there's a birdhouse in his beard! Didn't notice it until after I painted him, of course. :P

Two more mini's from the Heroe's set!
Originally painted them as proxies for Gloomhaven: Crimson Scales.



The Crimson Scales scenario ends with the Spitting Drake taking down one of the Crimson Scales miniatures:



Title: Re: Wildspire Fantasy Miniatures Thread w/ Gloomhaven Crimson Scales
Post by: ced1106 on December 14, 2023, 12:02:39 PM
Painted a few more proxies for Gloomhaven: Crimson Scales!

The scenario is still aquatic, so went for water-themed miniatures, rather than proxies based on the enemy artwork.

Lizardmen: Guard.
Turtle Cannoneers: Archer.
Frog Riders: Deep Terror. I looked for an aquatic-themed miniature who matched the powers, rather than the artwork, to proxy the miniature, and the enemy has a six-hex (?) straight piercing attack! This fit well with the frog's tongue, although the enemy doesn't actually move. I figure all the other effects of the enemy are from spells cast by the faerie.

Went through this CS scenario three times as solo, which is hard mode. Failed the first time. Succeeded the second time. Went after the treasure the third time. 🥯🥯🥯

Picture shows the alchemy guy valiantly sacrificing himself to take down a poisoned guard, so that the star guy can get the loot. Huzzah!



Title: Re: Wildspire Fantasy Miniatures Thread w/ Gloomhaven Crimson Scales
Post by: ced1106 on December 26, 2023, 09:35:03 AM
For Christmas, my party got a present. They didn't die in the scenario! ☠️

This Crimson Scales scenario takes place in a flooding chamber. It's a single room, and your heroes have to kill the boss monster. In the game, you use a regular standee as the boss. So, with the Wildspire Monster set, I used... SHARKNADO BEAR. 🐻 Don't tell him that his miniature is larger than his hex! I also used the Wildspire faeries on toads and D&D Snake miniatures to represent the jumping fast Giant Vipers, and Wildspire Mushroom men for the Lurking Horror monster, which has some spellcasting-like abilities.

GH:CS. Free PnP download for Gloomhaven. : https://www.thecrimsonscales.com/
Wildspire. Amazon. : https://www.amazon.com/stores/WildspireMiniatures/page/B343BFEF-3714-440E-9750-50FC66D51848





Title: Re: Wildspire Fantasy Miniatures Thread w/ Gloomhaven Crimson Scales
Post by: Constable Bertrand on December 26, 2023, 10:12:37 AM
Sharknado Bear is amazing!  :o
Title: Re: Wildspire Fantasy Miniatures Thread w/ Gloomhaven Crimson Scales
Post by: ced1106 on January 02, 2024, 06:08:33 PM
Thanks! The Army Painter Strong Tone was glossier than I'd like, but at least it's painted!


For the next Crimson Scales scenario, we had to heal four Infected city guards and archers. Except, if you've played Gloomhaven, you might remember how the random draws from the enemy decks resulted in less-than-brilliant enemy behavior. Well, the city guards and archers, once you heal them and they become allies, use their enemy decks, so, basically valiantly pew-pewed the enemy for a few points of damage, until they got killed. One of them decided to move, but, since he couldn't walk over the obstacle, he decided to walk into a trap, killing himself. Semi-useful drake fodder, though.

For the city archers, I used the Wildspire Monster set's Kitty Pistoliers, and, for the imprisoned City Guards, I used that as an excuse to paint the Goblin Miners. I guess the plot, then, was less that monsters were infecting the city, than the Kitty Pistoliers ate a bad batch of fish, while the Goblin City Guard Sometimes Deadly Mushroom Picking Festival ran into a few problems.

Wildspire Monster Set on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/WildspireMiniatures/page/B343BFEF-3714-440E-9750-50FC66D51848?ref_=ast_bln
Crimson Scales free PnP : https://www.thecrimsonscales.com/




Title: Re: Wildspire Fantasy Miniatures Thread w/ Gloomhaven Crimson Scales
Post by: ced1106 on January 10, 2024, 08:59:24 PM
"Now, then. All we have to do to cure the infected town is to run across the meadow, pick up the barrels, crate, and wheelbarrow full of the antidote, and drop them into the fountain, all the while avoiding ambushes by corrupted water spirits, infectious oozes, nasty faeries, and the occasional dive-bombing drake. Oh, and rip out that strange looking bush with the strange pointy cones."


"Okay. Now what?"


Terrain by Archon! Archon Caves on GameFound coming soon! Sign up ahead for a freebie! : https://gamefound.com/en/projects/archon-studio/caves

Title: Re: Wildspire Fantasy Miniatures Thread w/ Gloomhaven Crimson Scales
Post by: ced1106 on January 17, 2024, 12:43:23 AM
Just starting this scenario, in which the party accidentally releases a bunch of demons and some Vermling Scouts who have been experimented upon. Whoopsie!

Opening pic shows a lot of enemies. Playing solo, so I get "perfect information" while the game goes up in difficulty (higher level monsters). The acrylic tokens and condition markers show plan out the first turn -- if things turn out right! As before, I'm using the Wildspire Monster set as proxies for the Gloomhaven monsters.

Skullboy will poison three enemies.
Neil deGrasse is going to make his enhanced ranged attack against three opponents, combined with an ability that adds negative conditions.
Chainguy will shackle the flying goblin shaman and smash him into a column.

Fun for the whole family!








Title: Re: Wildspire Fantasy Miniatures Thread w/ Gloomhaven Crimson Scales
Post by: ced1106 on January 30, 2024, 07:31:43 AM
A new character joins the party, and some proxied enemies! Last pic shows some summoned spirits for Skullboy, the Spirit Caller character. Enemy proxies are from the Wildspire Monsters set, four of each figure. Summoned proxies are from the Wildspire Enchanted Objects set, one of each figure.

Wildspire miniatures: https://www.amazon.com/stores/WildspireMiniatures/page/B343BFEF-3714-440E-9750-50FC66D51848




Title: Re: Wildspire Fantasy Miniatures Thread w/ Gloomhaven Crimson Scales
Post by: ced1106 on February 06, 2024, 04:49:57 PM
The third cultist, proxied with a Goblin Shaman, falls to a Wound delivered by the Mirefoot, himself the last party member surviving the Cultist's Cave scenario! Neil deGrasse, and Harry Hierophanty lay exhausted. The Living Corpse is proxied by a Mushroom Man, and a Living Shield from the Wildspire Companions set serves as a shielding obstacle the party obtained on the way to the cave. First pic is the Hierophant, before he exhausted!


Title: Re: Wildspire Fantasy Miniatures Thread w/ Gloomhaven Crimson Scales
Post by: ced1106 on February 20, 2024, 04:05:57 PM
Hmm... Fight the BBEG or go after the treasure and let someone else do it?

Decisions... Decisions... 🥯🥯🥯

Amber Aegis : Available as a .stl file from the Crimson Scales website. An advanced character, the Aegis has indirect attacks, primarily through stacking Retaliation. Retaliation allows a character to damage an enemy without making an Attack, thus useful against enemies with a high Shield, and avoiding Attacks against enemies with high Retaliation. Of course, as a major drawback, a character can only use Retaliation when the enemy Attacks first! Aegis has a high Health, to help offset damage. Aegis can also lay down Colonies. Colonies are permanent stacking abilities (eg. Retaliation 1, Heal 1, and Shield 1) that affect characters in an adjacent hex. (Heal 1 is particularly useful to remove Poison!) Thus, Aegis is a good defensive character, as enemies come to the party. However, in this picture, all he's done is jump into a thorn bush so he could retrieve treasure... 💰

Demon : From Wildspire Miniature's "Monster" set. Used the demon as a proxy for the boss monster. Rebased onto cork as a lava base. He's about twice the height as a human figure, but we took his treasure, anyway!



Title: Re: Wildspire Fantasy Miniatures Thread w/ Gloomhaven Crimson Scales
Post by: ced1106 on February 26, 2024, 12:37:07 AM
This scenario takes place at some docks, which the designers creatively used the T-shaped maps for. However, my tablecloth is boring bleach blonde, so I figured why not see what the board looks like with some Loke Battlemat foldout water maps. Yes, that purple bug and the guy with the pointy hat are the heroes.

Hero miniatures are available free as the Crimson Scales .stl files.

Lizardmen Miniatures are by Wildspire Miniatures, from the Monster Set, available retail.

Walls are WizKids's prepainted Village Set. Other terrain from Mantic.

Maps are from Loke Battlemat's "Box of Adventure: Coast of Dread". LB is currently running an RPG terrain book KS, with vinyl clings to customize your terrain. Take a look if you play RPG's.

Title: Re: Wildspire Fantasy Miniatures Thread w/ Gloomhaven Crimson Scales
Post by: ced1106 on March 08, 2024, 06:01:47 AM
A few character classes from Crimson Scales, and a few proxy mini's from Wildspire Miniature's "Monster Set".

You can download the CS figures as .stl's as part of the free CS download. : https://www.thecrimsonscales.com/
Wildspire Miniatures are available retail, on Amazon. : https://www.amazon.com/stores/WildspireMiniatures/page/B343BFEF-3714-440E-9750-50FC66D51848?ref_=ast_bln
Tree and plants are terrain from Archon. KS coming up on 3/12!

More pics on my CS thread : https://forum.reapermini.com/index.php?/topic/103935-wildspire-miniatures-gloomhaven-crimson-scales-thread/



Title: Re: Wildspire Fantasy Miniatures Thread w/ Gloomhaven Crimson Scales
Post by: ced1106 on March 24, 2024, 05:11:27 AM
Orchid Chieftan: Her abilities center around summons, which she can use as mounts, so that means even more painting before she gets onto the board. Her Summons are animals, so I proxied from the Wildspire Miniature's "Heroes and Animals" set. The corgi (Scout Dog) and pack lizard (Pack Lizard) matched their Summoned counterparts. The red elk (painted as a generic herbivore) was a sort-of match for the Summon Bull. The rabbit and elephant had to make do for the ostrich and turtle summons. As for the "combat wombat", we picked him up at a Road Event as a wounded creature and he helped us in a fight in a beast-ridden scenario.

Crimson Scales. Free PnP and miniature .stl's : https://www.thecrimsonscales.com/
Wildspire Miniatures : https://www.amazon.com/stores/WildspireMiniatures/page/B343BFEF-3714-440E-9750-50FC66D51848
Archon Caves KS : https://gamefound.com/en/projects/archon-studio/caves






Title: Re: Wildspire Fantasy Miniatures Thread w/ Gloomhaven Crimson Scales
Post by: ced1106 on April 05, 2024, 05:01:47 PM
Artificer joins the party after the Chieftan retires!

Artificer has a unique resource, Scrap, which he generates and consumes with certain character ability cards of his. The Hallowpact has a similar concept, with his Void Energy. Although accumulating too much Void Energy has negative effects, I prefer Hallowpact because he generates Void Energy faster, and has more powerful abilities using them.

First picture has the Artificer with one of his summoned creatures. The construct is from the Wildspire Miniature's "Spellblades" set.
Second picture has the Artificer and Ruinmaw ending a scenario the hard way after too many oozes, proxied by mushroom men and dice, spawned. 😛

The creators of Crimson Scales will have a KS for their own Gloomhaven-alike game, ROVE in May!
KS: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/addaxgames/rove?ref=profile_saved_projects_live


Title: Re: Wildspire Fantasy Miniatures Thread w/ Gloomhaven Crimson Scales
Post by: ced1106 on April 24, 2024, 08:27:36 AM
More adventuring!

Used some Beer Golems as proxies, so rethemed the adventure to the boys crashing a drinking party. :D


Title: Re: Wildspire Fantasy Miniatures Thread w/ Gloomhaven Crimson Scales
Post by: ced1106 on May 10, 2024, 10:52:06 AM
"Behold! Ze Prestigulous Power Modulator!"
"Oh, how wonderful. Has it (ahem) been field tested to dispose of the required number of enemies?"
"Indeed! Und it has proved effective in debilitating many others!"
"Oh, how wonderful. We need a little more, um 'field testing' at the University."
"It seems that the League of Amphibious Beings weren't keen on our using their habitat as a heat sink, so have behooved themselves into taking over the Translocation Lab. It's a perfect way to impress the academics of your new invention."
"Fine. Point me to the fiends."
"Ah. There are a few little minor teensy details you should know."
"WHAT details???"
"Their teleportation has somehow made them to immune to Wounding."
"And Poison."
"And one of them has holed up in the Refractor Assembly."
"And they seemed to have let the highly secret experimental also Immobilize and Stun-proof golem loose in the Cooling Chamber."

Enemies from WildSpire Miniature's "Monster Set".
Additional terrain by Archon.
Wall by WizKids.
Coming soon! ROVE, by the creators of Crimson Scales on KS this month! : https://addaxgames.com/
Title: Re: Wildspire Fantasy Miniatures Thread w/ Gloomhaven Crimson Scales
Post by: ced1106 on May 18, 2024, 10:19:25 PM
Firelady, Rineheart, and Combat Wombat join the fray, as new party members!

Combat Wombat replaces the retired Ruinmaw but is just as short and short-tempered!
Rimehearth is from the free Trail of Ashes PnP expansion!
Bombadier is stuck as babysitter.

The party is on the trail of the Cult of Aquatic Partiers, whose Lizardmen Cultists manifest the Transparent Icon That I Gave Up Even Trying To Paint Because It's Transparent as Living Beer Barrels. They even possess a stone golem from the previous adventure! The heroes make short work of the cultists at the gate, but the baddies buy time to summon more Living Beer Barrels!

Enemy miniatures by Wildspire Miniatures, from the "Monsters Set".
Combat Wombat and Stone Golem from the Wildspire Miniature's "Spellblade and Companions Set".

The designers of Crimson Scales, Addax Games, are running a KS for their own GH-alike boardgame, Rove on KS. Less than a month to go!


Title: Re: Wildspire Fantasy Miniatures Thread w/ Gloomhaven Crimson Scales
Post by: ced1106 on May 27, 2024, 12:44:31 PM
With the designers of Crimson Scales continuing their Rove boardgame on KS, I figure I'd post a pic of one of their classes from Trail of Ashes. Both CS and ToA are free PnP. IMO, This class should work fine with CS and GH, if you can juggle elements, or have someone in the party who can generate green Earth elements (eg. Flask Dude, or Jungle Jane). The class has a Level 1 card, which creates a thorn bush hindering terrain that attacks all adjacent enemies -- if you can find some Earth element to consume! The guy in the back is the third character I've played for the Flask class. His miniature is from the Wildspire Miniature's "Spellblades and Enchanted Objects" set. The scatter terrain is from Archon. Pit traps from Altar Quest Strech Goals. The coin is from a coin set on Amazon. :P

EDIT: RPG.net review of CS! : https://www.rpg.net/reviews/archive/19/19205.phtml
