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Miniatures Adventure => Interwar => Topic started by: Doug ex-em4 on January 27, 2024, 02:50:59 PM

Title: Building the Borsetshire Brigade More recruits 15.04.24 (VBCW)
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on January 27, 2024, 02:50:59 PM
After intensive training, including gruelling manoeuvres on Salisbury Plain, Chief Superintendent Ronald Biggsworth-Hill is satisfied that his new command has reached a state of high efficiency and is ready for action.

A colourful parade is organised at the new unit’s secret Wiltshire HQ, Chief Superintendent Biggsworth-Hill himself taking the salute


Here we see The Chief (as his men affectionately call him) saluting his favourite unit, the Motorcycle Fast Reaction Section

The climax of the parade was the complete Flying Column arrayed on the nearby sports ground. A brave sight indeed, guaranteed to strike fear into the hearts of all who may oppose good order in Wiltshire and beyond

And with that, Passing Out was completed, the beer was on The Chief and passing out could commence.


Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - Passing Out Parade (VBCW)
Post by: Roo on January 27, 2024, 04:27:39 PM
Great stuff Doug!
Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - Passing Out Parade (VBCW)
Post by: Capt Troy Tempest on January 27, 2024, 04:45:11 PM
Very nice. What scale?
Building great as well, are they scratch made.
Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - Passing Out Parade (VBCW)
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on January 27, 2024, 11:16:47 PM

Great stuff Doug!
Thanks, Roo. I have to confess that these lads have appeared some years ago at Hereford but I’d never got round to mentioning them here.

Very nice. What scale?
Building great as well, are they scratch made.
Thank you.

26mm - motorcycles from Bob March’s Pulp range.

The building on the left is a Plasticville and the one on the right is scratch built but not by me.

Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - Passing Out Parade (VBCW)
Post by: mikos khan on January 28, 2024, 02:42:27 AM
Very cool.  I really like the wanna be Mussolini figure that you used for The Chief.  Who makes it?
Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - Passing Out Parade (VBCW)
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on January 28, 2024, 08:39:05 AM
Very cool.  I really like the wanna be Mussolini figure that you used for The Chief.  Who makes it?


Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - Passing Out Parade (VBCW)
Post by: leadboy on January 30, 2024, 09:10:41 AM
Lovely stuff Doug, but aren't the motorcycles sold by RAFM, rather than Pulp Figures ?
Although I think they were originally sculpted by Bob Murch !
Sorry to nit pick.....
Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - Passing Out Parade (VBCW)
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on January 30, 2024, 10:28:02 AM
Lovely stuff Doug, but aren't the motorcycles sold by RAFM, rather than Pulp Figures ?
Although I think they were originally sculpted by Bob Murch !
Sorry to nit pick.....

No harm in nit-picking; nasty little buggers need disposing of anyway. Howsomever, I got the motorbikes from Bob. I think he sells/sold in sets of one bike and rider with one combination and crew (not sure exactly, it’s a while since I got them). I wanted 10 bikes and 1 combination so I got a friend of mine in Canada (who knows Bob) to see if he would supply them as a special order. Which he did.

As regards their current availability, I don’t doubt that you’re right and thanks for putting the record straight :)

Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - Passing Out Parade (VBCW)
Post by: Vagabond on January 30, 2024, 01:44:56 PM
The Flying Column are a stirring sight. I bet they put the fear of God into the Wiltshire poachers. :)
Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - Passing Out Parade (VBCW)
Post by: Metternich on February 01, 2024, 05:11:28 PM
  "To Protect and Serve" (motto of the LAPD - Los Angeles Police Dept.)
Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - Passing Out Parade (VBCW)
Post by: syrinx0 on February 02, 2024, 02:24:04 AM
That is a great looking fast response bike unit. No doubt it was quite a passing out after all that training.
Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - Passing Out Parade (VBCW)
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on February 02, 2024, 01:40:03 PM
The Flying Column are a stirring sight. I bet they put the fear of God into the Wiltshire poachers. :)
They certainly put the fear of God into Wiltshire pedestrians  :)

  "To Protect and Serve" (motto of the LAPD - Los Angeles Police Dept.)
WPFC -haven’t got a motto yet but it’ll probably be along the lines of "To Ruthlessly Crush Oposition to How The Chief Constable Things Should Be" but it’ll be in Latin and look quite reassuring.

That is a great looking fast response bike unit. No doubt it was quite a passing out after all that training.
Thank you. Yes, The Chief was very generous with the beer.

Coming up, an insight as to how the column came to be so well equipped, considering the upheaval caused by the Civil War.

Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - Passing Out Parade (VBCW)
Post by: Overlord on February 02, 2024, 02:02:15 PM
WPFC -haven’t got a motto yet but it’ll probably be along the lines of "To Ruthlessly Crush Oposition to How The Chief Constable Things Should Be" but it’ll be in Latin and look quite reassuring.

"United we stand or Devizes will fall" - "Stemus unita aut Devizat cadet" :D
Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - Passing Out Parade (VBCW)
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on February 02, 2024, 04:54:10 PM
"United we stand or Devizes will fall" - "Stemus unita aut Devizat cadet" :D
:D :D :D Brilliant, mate - that’s a real contender👍

Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - Passing Out Parade (VBCW)
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on February 03, 2024, 03:05:29 PM
"United we stand or Devizes will fall" - "Stemus unita aut Devizat cadet" :D

Love it, a work of genius!
Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - Passing Out Parade (VBCW)
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on February 03, 2024, 04:49:16 PM

WPFC’s Surprising Assets

Sir Albert “Badger” Brock, Chief Constable of Wiltshire Police, hasn’t taken sides in the Civil War; his preoccupation is good order within the law. He’ll support any faction he considers is closest to his values. In his opinion, this precludes communists or BUF, both of which he’ll always oppose without exception. Whether or not a faction is actually communist of Fascist is decided by Brock himself.

] Chief Constable Brock in the uniform of Honorary Colonel-in-Chief of Sir Gilbert Hill’s Legion of Frontiersmen]

When he conceived the idea of a Flying Column, he had in mind a unit of about 30 specially selected constables and sergeants, organised in sections of 10 and provided with requisitioned transport to enable them to quickly deploy to trouble spots in Wiltshire and further afield if requested. Realising that this new force needed a dynamic leader with a modern outlook, he decided to appoint Ronald Biggsworth-Hill to the position. On the face of it this was an extraordinary decision. Biggsworth-Hill had served briefly in the BUF and had no police experience whatsoever. However, Brock saw the qualities in the young man that were required for this job and appointed him as leader of the Column with the rank of Chief Superintendent.
Chief-Superintendent Bigsworth-Hill in his rather operatic, self-designed, uniform

Many knowledgeable people were very surprised when the photographs of the Column’s Passing Out parade appeared. No longer was it a group of 30 coppers in old delivery vans. Where had all this extra equipment come from?

The answer was from the exertions of its leader, Ronald Biggsworth-Hill. He had set to work immediately with great enthusiasm and gusto. His boss had initial concerns about him designing and wearing an elaborate uniform and shaving his head like the Italian dictator Mussolini. However Bigsworth-Hill convinced him that this was necessary to give a sense of esprit de corps to the new unit. Once over that hurdle, Biggsworth-Hill looked round for ways of increasing the effectiveness of the Column. Leaving the training of the rank and file to his experienced sergeants, he made excursions to nearby Salisbury Plain to see if there may be useful equipment abandoned, mislaid or forgotten by the army in the confusion caused by the out break of the Civil War.

He was in luck right from the start. In an abandoned RAOC workshop, he discovered a neat little armoured scout car. It was a prototype that had been under assessment by the army but forgotten about when hostilities broke out. Along with the vehicle itself were a mass of spares, manuals and tools. Within 24 hours, Biggsworth-Hill had the whole lot shipped to his Wiltshire HQ. He had found himself a suitably impressive command vehicle. Within days, and greatly encouraged by his find, he was back on the plain, scouring it for useful kit.
The Chief with his “neat little scout car”

He quickly made a very useful find; a Vickers machine gun, complete with spares and plenty of ammunition. Bizarrely, he discovered the Vickers in the deserted married quarters of a Pay Corps Lieutenant-Colonel! This find was whisked off to HQ and Bigsworth-Hill continued his searches.
The Vickers MG – crew in training

After his initial successes, the next few days were a disappointment until one of his team reported spotting an isolated shed at the end of disused track. “You never know”, thought Bigsworth-Hill and set off to investigate. And hit the jackpot! Inside the shed was an 18pdr gun, with a full complement of spares, tools, manuals and ammunition. It was an obsolescent MkII but had never been used. Bigsworth-Hill surmised that it may have been a reserve gun in a unit that was converted to the MkIV and had just been overlooked during the swap over. Whatever the actual story, he didn’t care – it was his now.
The “jackpot” – The Chief’s 18pdr

Back at HQ, Chief Superintendent Bigsworth-Hill was a happy man after his acquisitions on Salisbury Plain. Happy but not satisfied. He wanted a fast, reconnaissance element in his command. His first thought was mounted infantry but all his modernist ideals rebelled against the notion of horses. Mechanisation was his watchword. Motorcycles were what he needed but they were at a premium. The Civil War had virtually ended production of British machines and existing stocks had been hungrily snapped up by the various factions at the beginning of the war. Even requisitioned bikes were hard to come by and anyway, a hodge-podge of assorted vehicles was unacceptable equipment for what was intended to be the élite unit in his command. He discussed the problem with Chief Constable Brock who was sympathetic. A day later, Brock telephoned Bigsworth-Hill and told him he may have hit on a scheme that would solve the motor-cycle problem. “Can’t say any more just now. Leave it with me” he said and hung up.

Bigsworth-Hill heard no more for a couple of weeks and concentrated on the training of his machine gun and artillery crews. Then he was called in to see the Chief Constable. Without any preamble, Brock told Bigsworth-Hill that there was ship docking in Liverpool in a week’s time and on it was a consignment of Harley-Davidson motorcycles for the reconnaissance section. They were to be taken by rail to Swindon from where Bigsworth-Hill was to collect them. He was astounded! How had this come about? It transpired that in the 20’s, Brock had spent some time In Milwaukee with the local police department. He had kept in touch with several senior men there. They in turn had good relations with the Harley-Davidson company that was based locally. A call from Brock oulining his problem had produced a typical no-nonsense, “can-do” response from the Americans and this was the result. Bigsworth-Hill had his motorcycles.
Largesse from The States – The Chief’s motorcycle dream realised

His good fortune was not yet exhausted. He travelled to Swindon with sergeant Ted Mundy to organise the transport back to HQ of the motorbikes. Overnight, in a pub by the goods yard, Mundy got into conversation with a member of the GWR Railway Police who mentioned that a lone tank had been sitting on a flatbed in the sidings for months, covered by a canvas sheet. Apparently it was a Canadian design which had been sent to the UK for appraisal and no-one knew what to do with it. Coupled to the flatbed was a goods wagon which contained everything necessary to get the tank serviceable and maintain it. Ted passed this information onto Bigsworth-Hill who recognised another opportunity. Within twenty-four hours the unwanted tank had a proud owner and was attached to the first goods train headed for Devizes.
Out of the blue – The Chief finds some armour

With this acquisition, Chief Superintendent Bigsworth-Hill felt his command was equipped for action. The next step would be to find out how his men would perform in action. Had their training been successful? Would their equipment justify the effort that had gone into finding it? It was time to find out.

Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - Where Did They Get All That Kit? (VBCW)
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on February 03, 2024, 09:13:44 PM
Stunning. It looks like the Flying Column must be one of the best equipped units around. The question now must be, what is Bigsworth-Hill intending to do with this accumulated military might?
Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - Where Did They Get All That Kit? (VBCW)
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on February 03, 2024, 10:47:33 PM
Stunning. It looks like the Flying Column must be one of the best equipped units around. The question now must be, what is Bigsworth-Hill intending to do with this accumulated military might?
As always, Snappers old boy, you ask the pertinent question….!

The answer, I hope and trust, will eventuate directly, or, to put it another way, soon.

Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - Where Did They Get All That Kit? (VBCW)
Post by: FifteensAway on February 05, 2024, 12:28:50 AM
Given the well written history on the sourcing of equipment, perhaps it should be called the Surreptitious Flying Column.

Not knowing a lot about the VBCW, I thought the first photo of Biggie was a fascist salute!  Not like a friendly wave at all.   :o
Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - Where Did They Get All That Kit? (VBCW)
Post by: Moriarty on February 05, 2024, 07:31:52 AM
Just the Police ‘making their enquiries’?
“Have you seen Kyle? He’s about this big” . . .
Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - Where Did They Get All That Kit? (VBCW)
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on February 06, 2024, 04:52:18 PM
Given the well written history on the sourcing of equipment, perhaps it should be called the Surreptitious Flying Column.

Not knowing a lot about the VBCW, I thought the first photo of Biggie was a fascist salute!  Not like a friendly wave at all.   :o

I think The Chief has been influenced a little by fascist rigmarole - he was briefly in the BUF after all. However, that’s all behind him now and those bits of fascist theatre he’s borrowed are solely intended to help weld his fledgling unit into a cohesive fighting force. His boss wouldn’t countenance any fascist ideology being disseminated amongst his men. Oh dearie me no…..

Just the Police ‘making their enquiries’?
“Have you seen Kyle? He’s about this big” . . .


Thanks for your interest everyone, the next episode in the history of the WPFC is on the horizon. Hopefully less text, more photos….

Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - Where Did They Get All That Kit? (VBCW)
Post by: Metternich on February 06, 2024, 05:13:08 PM
Love the backstory.
Another possibility for some kit could be appropriation and refurbishing of war-time souvenirs brought back from The Great War.  In US, many towns have a German 77mm or Minenwerfer sitting on a plinth as a memorial.  Also, could be some deactivated MP18s and/or MG08/15s around, and I'm sure the police armorers could put those right.
Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - Where Did They Get All That Kit? (VBCW)
Post by: Vagabond on February 07, 2024, 12:06:11 AM
Excellent background explaining how the flying column came into being, I  am looking forward to hearing how their training transfered into the real world maintaining law and order in Wilts.

I did for a moment ponder the question "do the flying column have an air support contingent"?
Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - Where Did They Get All That Kit? (VBCW)
Post by: CapnJim on February 15, 2024, 06:25:47 PM
Having now read the entire thread, I must say, that I am impressed.  I too am interested to see how the Flying Cir...er, I mean, Column, fares in action.  I await further dispatches...
Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - Where Did They Get All That Kit? (VBCW)
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on February 16, 2024, 10:32:46 PM
Love the backstory.
Another possibility for some kit could be appropriation and refurbishing of war-time souvenirs brought back from The Great War.  In US, many towns have a German 77mm or Minenwerfer sitting on a plinth as a memorial.  Also, could be some deactivated MP18s and/or MG08/15s around, and I'm sure the police armorers could put those right.
That’s a great idea. I know that various units, some of which may be potential enemies of The Column, are scouring the country for anything that may even be vaguely useful.

Excellent background explaining how the flying column came into being, I  am looking forward to hearing how their training transfered into the real world maintaining law and order in Wilts.

I did for a moment ponder the question "do the flying column have an air support contingent"?
Thanks, Vaggers. There are a number of gliding clubs located in Wiltshire so there’s a very strong possibility of some sort of air-arm.

Having now read the entire thread, I must say, that I am impressed.  I too am interested to see how the Flying Cir...er, I mean, Column, fares in action.  I await further dispatches...
Good to see you here, Capt and thanks for your comments. I’m just putting together a report on The Column’s first deployment.

Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - Where Did They Get All That Kit? (VBCW)
Post by: CapnJim on February 21, 2024, 07:49:48 PM
Glad I could make it.  Just hanging around, waiting for those dispatches.... :D
Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - Where Did They Get All That Kit? (VBCW)
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on February 21, 2024, 11:12:16 PM
Glad I could make it.  Just hanging around, waiting for those dispatches.... :D
As always, I’ve spent far too long on dense and tedious background (which obviously I’ll post here). Just about ready now so hope to get it posted before doing the AAR on the continuation of today’s Western.

Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - Into Action (sort of) Preliminaries (VBCW)
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on February 25, 2024, 03:06:30 PM
Thirsting For Action

Chief-Superintendent Ronald Bigsworth-Hill, commander of the WPFC, was erupting with impatience to try out his unit now that it was fully equipped and had undergone at least basic training. Chief Constable Brock had confirmed Ronald’s rank (officially, he’d been Acting Chief Superintendent up until now) which served to increase Ronald’s determination to get his men into action.
Sir Rufus with Wrench, his butler in the cosy comfort of the butler’s pantry. They are discussing the arrangements for upcoming visit of Chief Superintendent Bigsworth-Hill. Esmeralda Golightly VII, one of Sir Rufus’ Afghan hound is with them

It was at this time that Chief Constable Brock was contacted by Sir Rufus Pitt-Bulstrode, Lord Lieutenant of the neighbouring county of Borsetshire*. The county was under threat from a loose alliance of revolutionary groups that were massing on its northern border. Having largely escaped the ravages of the Civil War, Borsetshire now appeared to be on the brink of invasion and it had to be admitted, it was seriously unprepared. Sir Rufus was acquainted with Brock and they shared a tenuous family link so it was no surprise that he turned to Brock for assistance. He’d heard of the WPFC and was aware that Brock intended it for use anywhere it was needed, not just in Wiltshire. Brock agreed to send a detachment comprising the best trained elements of the Column.

Encouraged by this, Pitt-Bulstrode set about organising some Borsetshire units. He also contacted his cousin, Sir Gilbert Hill. Hill lead a well trained company of volunteers who had seen service defending Herefordshire’s Golden Valley. They had subdued all local attempts to wrest control of the valley from Sir Gilbert and so he was able to second some of them to assist Sir Rufus. Sir Gilbert is also the uncle of Chief-Superintendent Bigsworth-Hill.

Reinforcements from Sir Gilbert Hill. Lead by Freddie, Sir Rufus’ son who has been helping Sir Gilbert, they comprise some much-needed support weapons including the famous steam armoured car, the POUM mortar crew, Mad Wullie McSpaniel the tank hunter and Nanny Pankhurst, the grenadier

The Chief-Superintendent was delighted by news of action for his command and within hours of the co-operation deal being finalised, he set off for Borsetshire in his new scout car with Sergeant Ted Mundy driving. The detachment was due to follow within 48 hours but Ronald wanted to meet Sir Rufus as soon as he could and discuss how best to proceed with their unified force.

The "Chief" approaches Much-Rampling manor for his meeting with Sir Rufus

Sir Rufus may have been slightly anxious for the safety of his gateposts as “The Chief’s" armoured car bore down upon them. However the driver, Sergeant Ted Mundy swept safely through with some aplomb

Sir Rufus and his wife, Lady Ferocity, greet "The Chief". With them is their second daughter, Lady Recreation Pitt-Bulstrode, her mother is keen for her to meet the dashing Chief-Superintendent. There are 5 daughters altogether but the eldest, Lady Anticipation, has no interest in meeting eligible young men - she prefers horses, dogs and slaughtering wildlife

They met at Sir Rufus’ country house and, after meeting Lady Pitt-Bulstrode and the five Pitt-Bulstrode daughters, the two leaders got down to serious talks.
It soon became clear that neither were completely happy with the standard of training their men had had or, indeed, their own preparedness for command. Neither had commanded more than a section of about ten men. The way forward occurred to both of them almost simultaneously. "Let’s organise a field exercise - your lot against mine" said Ronald "Do you know, I was thinking along the same lines myself" retorted Pitt-Bulstrode. Once that decision was made, organising the event was completed in a matter of days. "We’ll stage it in the Ambridge area," decided Sir Rufus "There’s some unruly elements in that part who have caused me some trouble recently so a show of force there would be very useful." The two men quickly agreed on what units could take part and Sir Rufus supplied the necessary maps and a day set for the action to take place, a week hence.

The crucial meeting between Sir Rufus, "The Chief" and the Bishop of Felpersham, the Right Reverend Chauncey Lancelot

It so happened that the Bishop of Felpersham was at The Manor on other business and, as an ex-Colonel in the Royal Marines, he was delighted to accept the rôle of adjudicator. "If there’s one man from Borsetshire we can trust to be neutral, it’s got to be the Bishop," joked the Chief Superintendent, slapping the worthy prelate on the back.

A scenario was devised based on the premise that the Crown Jewels had been spirited out of London and hidden in the Ambridge area of Borsetshire. The object of the exercise was to secure the three farms in the exercise area. As soon as he got back to his palace, the bishop began deciding the details of the exercise.

<next - The Field Exercise>

Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - Into Action (sort 0f) Preliminaries (VBCW)
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on February 25, 2024, 05:10:31 PM
This looks like the precursor to momentous doings. A field-exercise with these two dear boys in charge, what could go wrong?   :o   :o

Excellent work, I particularly like the library scene.
Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - Into Action (sort 0f) Preliminaries (VBCW)
Post by: CapnJim on February 25, 2024, 06:59:31 PM
Fascinating.  Simply fascinating.

I hope someone remembers to tell the men to use blanks.... :o
Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - Into Action (sort 0f) Preliminaries (VBCW)
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on February 25, 2024, 07:27:08 PM
This looks like the precursor to momentous doings. A field-exercise with these two dear boys in charge, what could go wrong?   :o   :o

Excellent work, I particularly like the library scene.
Don’t forget Mad Wullie McSpaniel is involved - with carte blanche to batter engage in friendly rivalry with a load of English coppers.

Fascinating.  Simply fascinating.
I hope someone remembers to tell the men to use blanks.... :o
This is something the bishop has been very concerned about.


Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - Into Action (sort 0f) Preliminaries (VBCW)
Post by: CapnJim on February 27, 2024, 06:28:21 PM
This is something the bishop has been very concerned about.


Oh, I'm sure things'll be just fine.  I mean, what could possibly go wrong?   8)
Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - Into Action (sort 0f) Preliminaries (VBCW)
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on February 28, 2024, 12:51:16 PM
Oh, I'm sure things'll be just fine.  I mean, what could possibly go wrong?   8)
All possible precautions have been taken and the bishop has recruited a couple of assistants to monitor things.

It looks like today’s western game has had to be postponed so I can do the AAR for this one, not that there’s an overwhelming clamour to see it - it’s like a private conversation between you and me on this one, Jim :)

Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - Into Action (sort 0f) Preliminaries (VBCW)
Post by: leadboy on February 28, 2024, 01:30:53 PM
Hey, I'm listening in ! Bring on the AAR !
Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - Into Action (sort 0f) Preliminaries (VBCW)
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on February 28, 2024, 02:32:23 PM
Hey, I'm listening in ! Bring on the AAR !

 :)Splendid - I am reassured. Just been fiddling with some photos to round off the AAR.

Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - Into Action (sort 0f) Preliminaries (VBCW)
Post by: CapnJim on March 01, 2024, 02:39:40 AM
:)Splendid - I am reassured. Just been fiddling with some photos to round off the AAR.


Beautiful, man!  Looking forward to news from the flying column.  But I must admit - I see "flying column" on the screen, but my brain is programmed to read "flying circus"...here's to hoping a circus it isn't... 8) 
Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - Into Action (sort 0f) Preliminaries (VBCW)
Post by: Vagabond on March 02, 2024, 12:11:35 AM
Issue them with live ammunition, it will help them learn to keep their heads down.

Did someone mention AAR?
Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - Into Action (sort 0f) Preliminaries (VBCW)
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on March 02, 2024, 09:51:08 AM
Issue them with live ammunition, it will help them learn to keep their heads down.

Did someone mention AAR?

it will help them learn to keep their heads down.
It will definitely help them to learn something!

Chief-Superintendent Bigsworth-Hill's Flying Circus does have a certain ring to it.   lol
Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - Into Action (sort 0f) Preliminaries (VBCW)
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on March 02, 2024, 03:36:37 PM
Beautiful, man!  Looking forward to news from the flying column.  But I must admit - I see "flying column" on the screen, but my brain is programmed to read "flying circus"...here's to hoping a circus it isn't... 8)

Chief-Superintendent Bigsworth-Hill's Flying Circus does have a certain ring to it.   lol

I turn my back for five minutes and what happens? An outbreak of levity…! Humour of a dangerously tendentious nature; possible leading to mirth. I deprecate this development.

Did someone mention AAR?

Yeah but, you know what it’s like when you’ve got the whole thing ready but just can’t quite get round to posting it? Well, you certainly do. That’s how it is but thanks for asking.

Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - Into Action (sort 0f) Preliminaries (VBCW)
Post by: CapnJim on March 04, 2024, 04:59:33 PM
Dang it.  I was going for jocularity, not levity or mirth...oh well, carry on...
Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - Into Action (sort 0f) Preliminaries (VBCW)
Post by: syrinx0 on March 07, 2024, 02:33:27 AM
Tendentious.  Well.  Learn a new word every day.
Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - Into Action (sort 0f) Preliminaries (VBCW)
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on March 10, 2024, 03:54:14 PM
Dang it.  I was going for jocularity, not levity or mirth...oh well, carry on...
I’m against all those on principle.

Tendentious.  Well.  Learn a new word every day.
:DGlad to be of service ;)

And now - on with the After Action Report

The Field Exercise

The weather was fine for the day of the exercise. The two leaders, along with the bishop, met to finalise details an hour before H-Hour. "I need your assurance, gentlemen, that you have made absolutely certain that no live ammunition is available to either side? No shotgun cartridges secreted in poachers pockets; no air rifles or pistols, catapults, bows and arrows or any other missile weapon? And no fireworks or pyrotechnics? Because," he continued "I think this exercise may get a little rough even without any of that sort of weaponry. The Felpersham section you recruited, Sir Rufus, the "Do-or-Dies as they call themselves, are little more than a bunch of gangsters with no love for the police. And some of the police, in their turn, have quite a simplistic approach to enforcing the laws."

Sir Rufus and the Chief-Superintendent hastened to assure the bishop that all was in hand and in order. "We both checked our own commands thoroughly then checked each other’s. Confiscated a few bits and pieces; all clear now," The Chief assured the bishop with Sir Rufus adding his agreement.

"That’s reassuring, gentlemen," said the bishop "And you will, in turn, be reassured to know that I’ve recruited two umpires to help me with this task." He indicated his two companions. Presenting a jolly, rotund gentleman, he said "This is Father Fallacious O’Deere "and this", he continued, pointing to the other man, a taller, more intense personage, "is Presbyter Enoch Tantamount

The Bishop with the two leaders on his left and his assistant adjudicators on his right

"One slight request, said Sir Rufus with untypical diffidence, "the nanny from Herefordshire, Sir Gilbert’s grenade-thrower." "Yes? What of it," queried the bishop. "Well, she’s a very determined lady. She says she hasn’t come this far just to throw tennis balls at coppers. She wants to have a few fireworks, just some penny bangers, to make things a bit more realistic.The bishop mused briefly then said "Of course, we can’t have the good lady thinking her time has been wasted. A few penny bangers for her, and only her, will be acceptable." When Sir Rufus passed the good news to Nanny Pankhurst, she smiled a little smile that could only be called enigmatic.

Formalities concluded, the two leaders returned to their commands and awaited the bishop’s signal which was the firing of the only gun allowed in the exercise - a starting pistol.

The area of the exercise


Adjudicator: Right Reverend Chauncey Lancelot, Bishop of Felpersham
Umpire: Father Fallacious O’Deere
Umpire: Presbyter Enoch Tatamount


Wiltshire Police Flying Column Detachment

HQ - Chief Superintendent Ronald Bigsworth-Hill
2 I/c
2 runners

1st Section - 9 rifles, 1 Lewis gun - regular
2nd Section - 9 rifles, 1 Lewis gun - inexperienced

HMG - 1 Vickers and crew - regular

Motorcycle Section - 9 rifles, 1 Lewis gun - regular

Borsetshire Militia

HQ - Sir Rufus Pitt-Bulstrode, Lord Lieutenant of Borsetshire and Squire of Much Rampling
Hon Freddie Pitt-Bulstrode - 2 i/c
Stirrup - valet, acting as runner
McGruel - gamekeeper, acting as runner

1st Section (Tenants, Farmers etc) - 9 assorted rifles/shotguns; 1 Lewis gun - regular
2nd Section, The Felpersham “Do-or-Dies” – 9 smg; 1 Lewis gun - untrained

Seconded from Sir Gilbert Hill’s Volunteers (Herefordshire):
Steam armoured car - regular
POUM mortar section – regular
Mad Wullie McSpaniel – satchel bomber and confirmed maniac
Nanny Pankhurst - grenadier

Positions after initial moves to contact

Initially, the police moved with speed and determination. The 1st section sped down the main road and turned left into the lane leading to Bridge Farm. They debussed by the junction and headed for Bridge Farm on foot, not wanting to be exposed to fire whilst in the vulnerable lorry.
The WPFC 1st Section (in helmets) debussed by the telephone box - the 2nd Section’s van halts outside Grange Farm

Close behind them, the 2nd section halted outside Grange Farm, debussed and occupied the farm. Meanwhile, the motorcycle section roared up the secondary road to the east of Grange Farm, heading for Brookfield with the HMG in support. The Chief Superintendent set up HQ to the south of Grange Farm.
2nd Section debuss from the rear of their van

The Chief sets up HQ

Sir Rufus sent the steam armoured car straight along the main road with the intention of securing the cross road. The 1st section followed them until the hills to the west petered out then turned off the road. They’re objective was Bridge Farm. The support elements came up the main road behind 1st Section with the objective of supporting the armoured car at the crossroads.
Sir Rufus’ armoured car approaches the crossroads, followed by the support elements. The Borsetshire 1st Section has turned off the road

The 2nd Section, the "Felpersham Do or Dies" debussed north of their objective, Brookfield, and straggled towards it.
The Do or Dies disorganised move on Brookfield

The two sides were almost immediately visible to each other. The police 1st Section filed down the lane towards Bridge Farm and immediately found that Sir Rufus’ 1st Section were heading in the same direction. Fire was exchanged and the umpires allocated casualties to both sides. The police, being behind some cover, came off the better.

The police 1st Section and the Borsetshire 1st Section exchange fire

Grange Farm was successfully occupied by the police 2nd Section whilst the Borsetshire armoured car reached the crossroads with the support weapons close behind. Nanny Pankhurst, Mad Wullie McSpaniel and the spotter for the POUM mortar section debussed and proceeded on foot alongside the armoured car.
Signor Vittore Lombardi proudly carries the flag of The Bulk Importers Volunteers, a unit in Sir Gilbert Hill’s volunteer force

At Brookside, the Do or Dies got behind the stone wall on the track leading to the farm. Opposite them, the police motorcycle section had dismounted and were also approaching the farm. Once again, fire was exchanged. This time, the umpires decided both sides had one casualty - the benefit that the Do or Dies received from their stone wall cover being offset by their lack of discipline and training.
The Do or Dies engage the dismounted motorcycle section. Brookside is to the right of the photo

The police HMG was deployed near Grange Farm covering the crossroads.

The police 1st Section, although harassed by fire from their opponents, successfully reached Bridge Farm with minimum casualties.
Their opponents, the Borsetshire 1st Section were still challenging them for possession but had lost far more men.

The running fight between the two 1st Sections as both try to be first at Bridge Farm

The police reach Bridge Farm first

In the centre, the armoured car exchanged fire with the police HMG without casualties on either side. The Borsetshire support elements were still milling about by the armoured car although the mortar spotter pushed on with determination.
The mortar spotter bravely advancing - he is alongside the front left wheel of the armoured car

Police HQ retired to cover and The Chief dismounted from his command vehicle
The Chief on foot and the HMG, being scrutinised by the bishop, engages the enemy armoured car

At Brookside, the Motorcycle Section echeloned right to get behind the farm whilst the Do or Dies kept up an ineffective fire whilst also edging closer to the farm.
The dismounted motorcycle section with the Do or Dies harassing them from behind the stone wall

The survivors of the Borsetshire 1st Section reached Bridge Farm but had been reduced to only three men. They were quickly overwhelmed leaving the farm in the possession of the police.
The outnumbered remnants of Borsetshire 1st Section overwhelmed at Bridge Farm

The armoured car and HMG continued to fire wildly at each other but the POUM observer was shot by rifle fire from Grange Farm leaving the mortar incapable of accurate indirect fire.
Stalemate as the HMG and armoured car continue their struggle

Mad Wullie McSpaniel crossed to a small copse by the crossroads where he waited in ambush, furious but largely redundant.
Mad Wullie McSpaniel, well hidden in ambush and seething with impotent fury

Meanwhile, Nanny Pankhurst was sent by Sir Rufus to support the attack on Brookside.
Grenadier Nanny Pankhurst arrives to assist the Do or Dies at Brookside

The situation near the end of the day when the bishop sent word to his assistants to curtail the exercise

The light was beginning to fade and Bishop Lancelot sent runners to his umpires to curtail the exercise. However there was still time for perhaps the most dramatic incident of the day. The Do or Dies had been adjudged to have some success down at Brookside and the police Motorcycle Section had been reduced to four men who took refuge in the farm, besieged and outnumbered by the Do or Dies. However, it looked as though the umpires would have to rule that the farm was still contested when Nanny Pankhurst took a hand in the proceedings. She was a keen cricketer and was a valued member of the Golden Valley men’s first eleven. As well as being an obdurate lower-order bat and a conventional (but wily) off spinner, she was an exceptional outfielder, being able to regularly send the ball from her customary position at cow-corner directly into the hands of the ‘keeper. Now, she reached into her weapons-pram and drew out some of the fireworks that the bishop had allowed her to have. Except, they weren’t quite what the bishop had specified. Instead of an innocent penny banger, she had in her hand a bundle of five, Standard Fireworks, tuppence ha’penny Cannon Crashers, secured by string round a stone. Quickly lighting the fuses, she threw them with marvellous accuracy <she had a sequence of very good dice> through the window above the front door of the farm. The missile hit the wall and bounced down into the farm, exploding with tremendous force. Father O’Deere had just arrived in the vicinity to tell the participants that the exercise was over. He had no hesitation In declaring that the police in the farm were all casualties and that Brookside should be awarded to the Borsetshire Militia side.

Nanny Pankhurst’s spectacular intervention

The bishop convened a meeting with his fellow controllers and after a short discussion, announced that the WPFC had gained the victory, holding two objectives whilst the Borsetshire Militia had one. Actual physical casualties were limited to abrasions, bruises, bleeding shins and just one broken nose - a member of the police 1st Section who "tripped" whilst contesting Bridge Farm with a beefy tenant farmer. His helmet slipped over his face and the rim collided with his nose.

Both commanders declared that valuable lessons had been learned and they were both better prepared to meet the threat from the socialist coalition. Whether this confidence was justified will only be confirmed by victory in the field.

Thanks for reading. If you’ve got this far - you deserve a medal


Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - The Field Exercise AAR (VBCW)
Post by: CapnJim on March 10, 2024, 10:41:08 PM
It looks like the Bishop's live ammunition counter-measures did the trick.  More or less.  I'm sure that lessons were learned all around. Here's to hoping they're the right lessons.

As far as actual injuries go, my guess is those 4 motorcycle cops in the farm who bore witness to Nancy's skills in tossing things about may have had to endure some temporary hearing loss...  ;)

In any event, well done. lad! 

And I'll have me medal now... :D
Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - The Field Exercise AAR (VBCW)
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on March 10, 2024, 10:59:01 PM
It looks like the Bishop's live ammunition counter-measures did the trick.  More or less.  I'm sure that lessons were learned all around. Here's to hoping they're the right lessons.

As far as actual injuries go, my guess is those 4 motorcycle cops in the farm who bore witness to Nancy's skills in tossing things about may have had to endure some temporary hearing loss...  ;)

In any event, well done. lad! 

And I'll have me medal now... :D

Thank you, sir….!

You are hearby awarded the The Grand Order of St Monica, with Oak Leaves (3rd Class) for Patience and Perseverance. You are entitled to wear this decoration at all meetings of the Inner Council of this forum. At other times, the ribbon only may be worn on the inside of the hood of that garment known colloquially as a "hoodie".

Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - The Field Exercise AAR (VBCW)
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on March 11, 2024, 08:00:14 AM
Superb looking game and great fun. I had a feeling in my water, that Nanny Pankhurst would win the day!
Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - The Field Exercise AAR (VBCW)
Post by: CapnJim on March 11, 2024, 05:14:33 PM
I'll wear me newly-awarded medal proudly!  But, I don't own a hoodie...
Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - The Field Exercise AAR (VBCW)
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on March 11, 2024, 06:59:23 PM
I'll wear me newly-awarded medal proudly!  But, I don't own a hoodie...
In that case sir, with regret, you are denied the use of the ribbon.

Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - The Field Exercise AAR (VBCW)
Post by: CapnJim on March 11, 2024, 07:36:29 PM
In that case sir, with regret, you are denied the use of the ribbon.


Well, now, that is sub-optimal...

Oh well.  I've had worse things happen to me... 8)
Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - The Field Exercise AAR (VBCW)
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on March 13, 2024, 01:55:57 PM
Superb looking game and great fun. I had a feeling in my water, that Nanny Pankhurst would win the day!

Not quite - her side still lost but her intervention made the resultant loss look more respectable.

Oh well.  I've had worse things happen to me... 8)
Even worse than this? Incredible…!

Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - The Field Exercise AAR (VBCW)
Post by: Vagabond on March 13, 2024, 11:42:24 PM
Good effort by Nanny Pankhurst but the Flying Column were a sore disappointment, I expected the motorcycle section to perform minor miracles,. Hopefully they'll do better when allowed live ammunition, as I'm sure will the impotent Mad Wullie McSpaniel.
Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - The Field Exercise AAR (VBCW)
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on March 14, 2024, 10:57:06 AM
as I'm sure will the impotent Mad Wullie McSpaniel.

Is this a medical fact, or merely an unjustified slur on the satchel-bomber?
Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - The Field Exercise AAR (VBCW)
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on March 15, 2024, 11:44:33 AM
Is this a medical fact, or merely an unjustified slur on the satchel-bomber?
I think Nanny Pankhurst is the person to ask about that question.

Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - The Field Exercise AAR (VBCW)
Post by: Vagabond on March 16, 2024, 12:12:39 AM
Is this a medical fact, or merely an unjustified slur on the satchel-bomber?

It's a quote from the Borsetshire Echo, "Mad Wullie McSpaniel, well hidden in ambush and seething with impotent fury"  I  imagine anything written in this august news paper is both a medical fact and a justified slur on the satchel bomber. Of course I couldn't possibly comment.
Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - The Field Exercise AAR (VBCW)
Post by: syrinx0 on March 16, 2024, 03:41:39 AM
So.. you think he is a git and most obviously an unworthy violent bomber?  :D
Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - The Field Exercise AAR (VBCW)
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on March 16, 2024, 08:00:42 AM
It's a quote from the Borsetshire Echo, "Mad Wullie McSpaniel, well hidden in ambush and seething with impotent fury"  I  imagine anything written in this august news paper is both a medical fact and a justified slur on the satchel bomber. Of course I couldn't possibly comment.

One must bow down and accede to the ruling of such a respectable and august publication.
Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - The Field Exercise AAR (VBCW)
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on March 16, 2024, 02:16:46 PM
Well thanks for an excellent (if a little puzzling) contribution from Mad Lord Snapcase. I think he must have been having one of his "special" days because obviously his newspaper should be on the SF board, dated as it, 80 years in the future of the events under discussion and costing the equivalent of a day’s wages to the average worker.

Vagabond, of course, is wilfully misunderstanding the description of Mad Wullie’s battle-rage. A person with the enviable erudition of Vaggers understands that the nuances of the English language permit more than one use of the word he is concerned (obsessed?) with. One wonders why dear old Vaggers should be so focussed on this subject. It would be kind, gentlemen, if we avoid delving further.

So.. you think he is a git and most obviously an unworthy violent bomber?  :D

Thanks for your contributions (ithink :D)

Title: Re: Wiltshire Police Flying Column - The Field Exercise AAR (VBCW)
Post by: syrinx0 on March 18, 2024, 06:26:31 PM
Thanks for your contributions (i think :D)

Not sure what I meant either but your welcome.    lol
Title: Building the Borsetshire Brigade (VBCW)
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on March 24, 2024, 04:50:49 PM

Truth in Advertising Statement: This won’t be a brigade, more like a reinforced platoon or at most, a weak company. I just liked the alliteration.

Following on from the Field Trial where Sir Rufus Pitt-Bulstrode commanded a scratch platoon against elements of the Wiltshire Police Flying Column, it was obvious that there was an urgent need for a bigger, better organised and trained force to protect the county from external threats. After the exercise, the support troops that Sir Gilbert Hill had seconded to Pitt-Bulstrode returned to Herefordshire, leaving Sir Rufus with two sections, one made up of tenants and staff and the other mainly petty criminals from Felpersham. These units desperately needed proper training and his first thought was to put his wife, Lady Ferocity Pitt-Bulstrode, in charge of that task but on reflection decided against on the grounds that any training régime she set up would certainly be too harsh for the city boys in the Felpersham section. He settled for putting his son Freddie in charge. Freddie had recently returned from Spain where he had been fighting in the International Brigade and was a battle-hardened veteran.

Next, Sir Rufus had a brainwave. He contacted Colonel (Retd.) Crispin Pringle, MFH of the Little Wynkey Hunt. He’d remembered that before the Great War, the MFH of the time had organised a volunteer troop of cavalry to serve as a honorary guard to the Lord Lieutenant at official functions. Being a very rich man, he’d equipped them in imitation of the Life Guards. It was well known that all that equipment was stored in the cellar of County Hall in Borchester. Sir Rufus asked Colonel Pringle if he thought it likely that a troop of ten could be formed from volunteers from amongst the bestriders in the hunt. The colonel was delighted by the idea and the thing was done in record time. Sir Rufus had acquired a valuable support weapon - a troop of heavy cavalry.

Sir Rufus, in the scarlet tunic of his Lord-Lieutenant’s ceremonial uniform, and accompanied by his house-guest, Grand-Duke Ivor Nastikoff, exiled ruler of Bulimia. Nastikoff is Colonel of his own regiment of infantry (now disbanded) and called (confusingly) the Nastikoff Hussars, for reasons long forgotten. He is a distant relative of another of Sir Rufus’ house-guests, Baron Dietrich von Strepsil. The event was captured by a film crew from British Movietone News

This was a good start but much more was required. He began to look round for additions. One appeared almost immediately.
Title: Re: Building the Borsetshire Brigade (VBCW)
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on March 25, 2024, 09:45:54 AM
Absolutely superb, old fruit. The Lord Lieutenant’s Guard look magnificent and the photo showing the film crew is just sublime. Well done, that man!
Title: Re: Building the Borsetshire Brigade (VBCW)
Post by: Silent Invader on March 25, 2024, 09:53:22 AM
Absolutely superb, old fruit. The Lord Lieutenant’s Guard look magnificent and the photo showing the film crew is just sublime. Well done, that man!

Agree with all that  8)
Title: Re: Building the Borsetshire Brigade (VBCW)
Post by: Metternich on March 27, 2024, 05:12:51 PM
Beautiful.  But bet those breastplates will make a wonderful pinging sound when penetrated by a .303 round !
Title: Re: Building the Borsetshire Brigade (VBCW)
Post by: Khusru2 on March 28, 2024, 12:48:21 PM
Splendid looking chaps. I'm thinking a detachment of dragoons for scouting and cross-country would have been a better choice
Title: Re: Building the Borsetshire Brigade (VBCW)
Post by: syrinx0 on March 28, 2024, 04:54:27 PM
Agree with all that  8)

+1  What they said.
Title: Re: Building the Borsetshire Brigade (VBCW)
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on March 28, 2024, 08:47:40 PM
Absolutely superb, old fruit. The Lord Lieutenant’s Guard look magnificent and the photo showing the film crew is just sublime. Well done, that man!
Thank you, m’lud; much appreciated  :)

+1  What they said.
Thanks - I’m chuffed you like it…!

Beautiful.  But bet those breastplates will make a wonderful pinging sound when penetrated by a .303 round !
You’re spot on, of course but you have to remember that Sir Rufus, not having seen frontline service in the Great War, has been able to maintain a romantic outlook on war. His recent (and only) experience of command (see above) was in a mere exercise so no blood was spilled. Horses and red tunics are his idea of what’s needed in an army. He’s probably in for a shock but let’s let him enjoy his cavalry while he can.

Splendid looking chaps. I'm thinking a detachment of dragoons for scouting and cross-country would have been a better choice
Couldn’t agree more but Sir Rufus is surprisingly naive for a man of his accomplishments. Regrettably, perhaps, he fancies himself as a war leader.

+1  What they said.

Thanks for reading - I’m glad you like them.

Title: Re: Building the Borsetshire Brigade (VBCW)
Post by: CapnJim on April 09, 2024, 09:12:36 PM
Personally, i like the scarlet-tunic'ed horsey fellers.  But, I'm partial to cavalry.

I do wonder how some farm-boy who is part of any invasion forces would react, while holding his SMLE, should he see 10 of these splendid-looking horsey fellers bearing down on him.  Would he have the testicular fortitude to shoot at them, or would discretion prove the better part of any valor he might have?  I presume we will one day find out the answer to that very pertinent question...

By the bye, I'm back and sufficiently recovered from my southward journey... 
Title: Re: Building the Borsetshire Brigade (VBCW)
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on April 10, 2024, 07:47:55 PM
Personally, i like the scarlet-tunic'ed horsey fellers.  But, I'm partial to cavalry.

I do wonder how some farm-boy who is part of any invasion forces would react, while holding his SMLE, should he see 10 of these splendid-looking horsey fellers bearing down on him.  Would he have the testicular fortitude to shoot at them, or would discretion prove the better part of any valor he might have?  I presume we will one day find out the answer to that very pertinent question...

By the bye, I'm back and sufficiently recovered from my southward journey...
Welcome back from wherever your southward journey took you.

You are obviously of the same stuff as Sir Rufus when it comes to red coats and cavalry. And these are not the last of his red-coated lads, of which more later.

Both sides in the likely upcoming clash are building their forces as fast as they can. In fact, a small action is due to take place tomorrow in which the jockeying for advantage, in this case possession of a prototype wonder-weapon, will continue.


Title: Re: Building the Borsetshire Brigade (VBCW)
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on April 10, 2024, 09:49:41 PM
In fact, a small action is due to take place tomorrow in which the jockeying for advantage, in this case possession of a prototype wonder-weapon, will continue.

One awaits, with breath appropriately bated!
Title: Re: Building the Borsetshire Brigade (VBCW)
Post by: Bullshott on April 15, 2024, 06:28:01 PM
Lovely stuff Doug 👍
Title: Re: Building the Borsetshire Brigade More recruits 15.04.24 (VBCW)
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on April 15, 2024, 08:29:37 PM
One awaits, with breath appropriately bated!
I think you’d better unbate, old chap - you’re looking decidedly puce :D And before the event that’s caused you to bate, there is another update on Sir Rufus’ determined effort to create a Borsetshire Militia. Of which, more below.

Lovely stuff Doug 👍
Thank you sir, glad you like it.

And so, onwards:

Here we see a graphic representation of Sir Albert talking to Sir Rufus on the telephone. In reality, the telephone wasn’t that big

Not long after the cavalry troop joined the Borsetshire militia, Sir Rufus got a call from his old friend Sir Albert Brock, Chief Constable of Wiltshire who, as always, got straight to the point.
"I know you’re trying to find recruits and I think I may have something for you. A group of Canadian Mounties are in Britain - they came over on a goodwill tour but have been caught up in the civil war. They’ve been told by their superiors in Canada, that any of them that wish to stay as volunteers may do so so long as they support established authority. I think my force represents that and I guess you do as well. Unfortunately, I don’t have the money or resources  to keep them on my payroll. So, have you got a place for a section of highly trained riflemen? No horses, I’m afraid but they do have nice red jackets that I know you will appreciate."

Sir Rufus was delighted and agreed without hesitation to take the mounties. "And I’ve got a couple of spare horses for two of them. They’ll be welcome here as soon as they can get over."

The Mounties arrive in Borsetshire. They already have the two horses provided by Sir Rufus. These are ridden by the leader, Staff Sergeant Brad McSpaniel and his Number 2, Corporal Veracity "Grizzly" Burr

Sir Rufus greets his new recruits, the occasion filmed by the now familiar presence of a Movietone News team. The event took place in the local churchyard just prior to the Mounties paying their respects to the Dominion Fallen of The Great War. Staff Sergeant McSpaniel demonstrates the finer points of his revolver to a fascinated Sir Rufus

Sir Rufus is already looking for more recruits but his enemies have not been idle either. Their efforts to improve their firepower will be the next chapter in this tale. It may be more suitable for the Pulp board - I’m not sure yet.

Title: Re: Building the Borsetshire Brigade More recruits 15.04.24 (VBCW)
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on April 15, 2024, 08:59:47 PM
Excellent work. Sir Rufus must be very proud of his new recruits.

'Maintiens le Droit'
Title: Re: Building the Borsetshire Brigade More recruits 15.04.24 (VBCW)
Post by: CapnJim on April 18, 2024, 06:02:35 PM
I went down to sunny Florida...

And I do like those Mounties.  They may have jurisdictional issues operating in England, but I'm sure that will get sorted out in due time...but remember - the RCMP always gets their man... 8)