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Miniatures Adventure => Fantasy Adventures => Topic started by: Dr. Zombie on March 26, 2024, 01:27:54 PM

Title: Warhammer Renaissance Now with a Battle report
Post by: Dr. Zombie on March 26, 2024, 01:27:54 PM
For the longest time I have had a nostalgic urge to play old-school warhammer and Warhammer Renaissance has really hit the spot for me. It is a fan based set of rules based of 3rd and 4th editions of WFB but with some tweaks that makes units more useful than heroes and other characters. Read more about it here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/229862157776959
So now I have taken the plunge and am building a High elf army. I am 3d printing everything. But it will be in the old 3rd/4th ed. aesthetic. I am even doing goblin green('ish) bases.

So without further beating around the bush. Here is my first painted unit of spearmen ready to take to the battlefields og the old world.
Title: Re: Warhammer Renaissance
Post by: LouieN on March 26, 2024, 01:30:50 PM
A nice looking unit. Also very old school
Title: Re: Warhammer Renaissance
Post by: Cubs on March 26, 2024, 01:41:53 PM
3rd-4th were definitely peak Warhammer for me. Oh, the hours I spent leafing through the big orange rulebook, writing army lists for armies that would never hit the table.
Title: Re: Warhammer Renaissance
Post by: Onemanworkshop on March 26, 2024, 05:24:17 PM
4th Edition was my favorite as well, nice colorful armies. I like the idea of sourcing STLs to remake the old style stuff, time to get searching...
Title: Re: Warhammer Renaissance
Post by: Elbows on March 26, 2024, 05:44:29 PM
Amusingly (also, perhaps poorly timed), my buddies convinced me to convert my ancients rules over to fantasy-capable, and now we're doing old school Warhammer inspired stuff too...just not using GW rules.

There are some solid STL's out there for sure.  It's tough to source even old plastic monopose since Old World is so popular right now.  People are asking comically stupid money for 7-8 broken monopose High Elves from 1994...lol.

Title: Re: Warhammer Renaissance
Post by: OSHIROmodels on March 26, 2024, 06:17:22 PM
Nice  8)
Title: Re: Warhammer Renaissance
Post by: Vanth on March 27, 2024, 10:37:22 AM
Yes, 4th edition has been the best! I am enjoying WHR too, wish I had more chances to play though...
Great job on those spearmen!
Title: Re: Warhammer Renaissance
Post by: Aerendar Valandil on March 27, 2024, 03:03:19 PM
I like WHR. In my meta more people are into WAP (also a great adaptation) and now TOW,
Title: Re: Warhammer Renaissance
Post by: anevilgiraffe on March 27, 2024, 03:50:22 PM
whats WAP? (and not the song)
Title: Re: Warhammer Renaissance
Post by: Elbows on March 27, 2024, 04:52:56 PM
Warhammer Armies Project --- a pretty popular fan-mod of Warhammer Fantasy.  Enjoyed a lot of success right before Old World launched.
Title: Re: Warhammer Renaissance
Post by: Dr. Zombie on March 28, 2024, 11:36:34 AM
Thanks guys. I have yet to actually play any games. But I am having a blast of a time painting these in a very old school way and also making armylists and going through all the magic item cards from the old Battle magic supplement that I had squirreled away in my attic.

I have never before played High Elves. I have always been a fan of the evil armies. Back in the day I had a huge Undead army, a big Orc army and a more moderate Nurgle Chaos army. And now that I think about it I think they really contributed to my style of painting that is very much dominiated by earthy tones, dirt and gritt. So painting these elves is very much outside my comfort zone. But i saw the STL files for these and they gave me all the correct old school vibes.
Title: Re: Warhammer Renaissance
Post by: Dr. Zombie on March 29, 2024, 10:18:23 AM
Next unit done is a unit of archers.

In the paint que is a repeater bolt thrower and after that I think it is time for some cavalry.
Title: Re: Warhammer Renaissance
Post by: beefcake on March 30, 2024, 01:59:31 AM
Nice. I'm looking forward to seeing where you go with this.
Title: Re: Warhammer Renaissance
Post by: Dr. Zombie on April 25, 2024, 07:42:17 PM
Next finished unit for the army is a repeating Bolt thrower.

Next up will be a unit of Ellyrian Reavers so stay tuned. Maybe I will even finish them before dropping to the depths of page 2 again.
Title: Re: Warhammer Renaissance
Post by: Elbows on April 26, 2024, 02:22:20 AM
Looking good!  My group is sadly absent any Elves so far...we'll have to rectify it at some point.
Title: Re: Warhammer Renaissance
Post by: Dr. Zombie on May 07, 2024, 05:35:57 PM
A unit of Reaver knights are now finished.

Next up will be a unit of swordmasters.
Title: Re: Warhammer Renaissance
Post by: Dr. Zombie on May 11, 2024, 08:17:24 AM
I finished up a unit of Swordmasters.

And I got the whole gang out for a picture.

I have a unit of Silverhelms on my painting table right now and once they are finished. I need to do a few character models and I am ready for my first game with these guys.
Title: Re: Warhammer Renaissance
Post by: syrinx0 on May 12, 2024, 03:19:07 AM
Nice work on your new old army.  Definitely brings back some fun memories.
Title: Re: Warhammer Renaissance
Post by: Pattus Magnus on May 12, 2024, 05:06:01 AM
They do look quite sharp.
Title: Re: Warhammer Renaissance
Post by: Dr. Zombie on May 23, 2024, 07:25:53 PM
Here are the Silverhelms.

I painted up some Giant Eagles as well.

And a mounted Hero and Battlestandard bearer.

That means I am technically ready to take the field with this army. However I do want to paint up a mage and some foot characters as well.
But hopefully by this time next week they will have had their first outing on the battlefield.
Title: Re: Warhammer Renaissance
Post by: Elbows on May 23, 2024, 10:49:37 PM
Nice seeing it all come together - can't wait to see a proper army shot (which I find tough to manage!)
Title: Re: Warhammer Renaissance
Post by: Elk101 on May 25, 2024, 10:16:49 PM
Nice job on those, especially the barding, white isn't the easiest to paint.
Title: Re: Warhammer Renaissance
Post by: Dr. Zombie on May 26, 2024, 10:12:54 AM
And I finished some characters on foot also.

I tried to cram all of the army into my small'ish foto stage. So here it is in all its glory. Ready to take the field against som Dwarves soon.

It is strange to think that I printed and painted a whole Warhammer army in 3 months.
In my teens when i played warhammer 3rd-4th that was such a Herculean and monumental task. No one had a fully painted army, who would ever find the time and patience for that!? Now a days I would almost consider less than 60 models a small skirmish force.
Title: Re: Warhammer Renaissance
Post by: Pattus Magnus on May 26, 2024, 03:45:21 PM
That’s a great looking army! I know what you mean about having different perspectives on gaming forces now, compared to when I was in my teens or early ‘20s. I was chatting with a friend yesterday about that. I’m not sure exactly why that difference is there, except that I have a much wider range of painting and modeling skills now and make better use of the time I spend on the hobby.

I’m looking forward to seeing future expansions to this army, or new armies!
Title: Re: Warhammer Renaissance Now with a Battle report
Post by: Dr. Zombie on May 29, 2024, 07:38:16 PM
So yesterday my army took to the field to beat up some pesky and stubborn dwarves.

The dwarves took first turn and advanced towards the High elves. Their shooting was mostly ineffective.

The Elf archers return fire was deadly killing 6! of the stunty crossbowmen. while the rest of the army advanced upon the enemy.

The Ellyrian Reavers moved around the dwarven flank.

As the two armies confront each other. The elven mage tries to cast assault of stone. But the tricky dwarf Runesmith not only dispels it he destroys the spell. And he also dispels the mages doomfire ring.

The dwarf artillery returns fire once again but only manage to kill a single crewman of the bolt thrower.
But again the elves shooting proves superior as they kill two more crossbowmen and force the remaining two to flee.

With a mighty (but well diciplined) roar the high elves charge. The spearmen engange the massive slayer unit together with the Reavers, who charge the flank. While the Silverhelms take on the Ironbreakers.

After a few turns of combat the last remaining Silverhelm is forced to flee. And the Spearmen and Reavers chop away at the Slayers.

The Swordmasters move into a blocking position to stop the Iron breakers from charging the spearmen in the flank. It is a forlorn hope mission. They are doomed to be cut down by the unstoppable Ironbreakers

But their noble sacrifice alows the spearmen to finish off the slayers and move away to capture a table quarter and free the reavers to go hunt the artilley and claim another tablequarter.

The Ironbreakers have built themselves into an unstoppable frenzy by taking out the last remaining Silverhelm, the last Swordmasters and now they charge the elven archers and even manage to catch the as they try to flee!

But It was all in vain. As the High elves held more tablequarters and had killed a lot of dwarves the victory goes to the Elven army.

Ohh and somewhere along all this the dwarven organ gun blew itself up..

It was a blast to play a game of Warhammer for the first time in 25 years - at least. We are definitely going to be doing that again.
Title: Re: Warhammer Renaissance Now with a Battle report
Post by: Dr. Zombie on June 03, 2024, 02:57:29 PM
I have painted up a wizard on a unicorn with a spell familiar and another bolt thrower.
Title: Re: Warhammer Renaissance Now with a Battle report
Post by: DalyDR on June 03, 2024, 04:12:52 PM
Fun project!  This brings back a lot of good memories of my games using my own High Elf force against a good friend's Dwarven army using WFB 4th ed., also about 25 years ago!
Title: Re: Warhammer Renaissance Now with a Battle report
Post by: Dr. Zombie on June 03, 2024, 06:38:18 PM
The fun thing is that me and my opponent seems to have played the game hugely different back in the day. The group he played with used huge units that just bashed away at each other while the group I played in use many smaller units so we could outflank each other. I Actually felt quite clumsy having a big 20 strong unit of spearmen. I would have never had that back in the day.

It just goes to show how the "meta" game varied hugely in local gaming groups before the time of the internet.