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Other Stuff => General Wargames and Hobby Discussion => Topic started by: FifteensAway on March 28, 2024, 06:16:24 AM

Title: Fistful of Lead: Bigger Battles "aimed shot"?
Post by: FifteensAway on March 28, 2024, 06:16:24 AM
For those who know the rules, what constitutes an 'aimed shot' in FFOL:BB?  Since the rules don't account for two actions on a card draw except for Maneuver which allows a shoot/move or move/shoot with penalty, all others are really one action as far as I can tell.  Is this, maybe, a left over from the non-Bigger Battles version?

Title: Re: Fistful of Lead: Bigger Battles "aimed shot"?
Post by: Harry Faversham on March 28, 2024, 08:41:08 AM
Don't know if this helps? first action aim yer popgun, second action pull the trigger and gain a +1. Works even better if you've saved the 'shoot twice in one action' card.

Title: Re: Fistful of Lead: Bigger Battles "aimed shot"?
Post by: Elk101 on March 28, 2024, 09:13:24 AM
Any unit of regulars that are Formed Up in close order may use Aimed Fire.
Title: Re: Fistful of Lead: Bigger Battles "aimed shot"?
Post by: FifteensAway on March 28, 2024, 02:37:18 PM
I think I've located the discrepancy.  On page 11 of bigger battles, at the bottom of the page, there is a list of firing modifiers and the only +1 modifiers are for Concentrated Fire, Large Target (vehicle or big dinosaur or such), and artillery/crewed weapon shooting at a Close Order unit.  However, on the QRS, while the Large Target and Close order modifiers are listed, there is no Concentrated Fire - just "aimed" fire.  I think this is a "misprint" of sorts or an oversight in editing.  So, we should read "aimed" fire on the QRS as "concentrated fire".

So the win goes to Elk101, since only Close Order units can use Concentrated Fire. 

And, Harry, perhaps the biggest difference between FFOL basic and bigger battles is that in BB, each unit only gets one "action" from my reading of the rules rather than the two actions in the basic or "core" rules.  The only exception being as listed above for maneuver getting to move/shoot or shoot/move with the -1 modifier to firing.

If I am incorrect about only one action, please point me to where that is defined in the rules.  I'm pretty sure it is just the one action, part of what keeps the game moving - and, frankly, in my opinion, makes for a little fairer game.  Both versions still fun, though.

It is these little bits of difference that cause my concern with multiple variations of the rules.  Not horrible, just at times confusing, especially if using multiple versions of the rules in near proximity to each other time wise, say BB in the AM and core in the evening.

For Jaye, if you read this - and I am correct in my analysis about the discrepancy, can we get a new and corrected QRS as a free download on the site, please?  And perhaps clarify for us the two actions versus one action.  I like the one action, makes the game move faster.

Title: Re: Fistful of Lead: Bigger Battles "aimed shot"?
Post by: BaronVonJ on March 28, 2024, 03:23:58 PM
Answering Harry first:
Works even better if you've saved the 'shoot twice in one action' card.
This card doesn't exist anymore. You are operating on the original Reloaded rules. The 2 card doesn't do this anymore in any version.
Both Bigger Battles and Battlesuit Alpha use a list of actions that you can do.
To 15's question:
Since you know we have a website, you know that you can contact us directly and I will respond a lot faster than posting on LAF and hoping I'll see it. I only knew about this thread because someone else steered me this way.
Concentrate Fire is listed under the Actions a unit can do on page 6 right below the Form Up action, which is the only way you can use Concentrate Fire. It also says that only Regulars can use Form Up or Concentrate Fire as Elk 101 says.
On page 11 it again says that Concentrate Fire gives a +1.
The Actions listed are the actions a unit may take. It also says whether the action can be used by a unit, Commander or Hero can use it. There is no 2 actions or 1 action, just this list.
We don't give away QRS sheets online. The rules are simple enough someone with a QRS can play without much need for the rules. Since this question has come up in the 4 years since we released the rules, I have fixed the QRS in the rulebook. When we reprint it, it will fixed. There will be a Bigger Battles section in the upcoming VSF rules.
So I guess you're going to need some whiteout and a pencil to correct your current QRS to scratch out "Aimed" and replace with "Concentrated".
Title: Re: Fistful of Lead: Bigger Battles "aimed shot"?
Post by: FifteensAway on March 28, 2024, 04:55:29 PM
Fair enough, "white out" it is.  Well, actually, I'll probably just do a personalized full re-work of the QRS and make it two sided to include a few more things on it like move distances and weapons ranges (can do various lists for different periods to keep the weapon list shorter).  And put it in plastic sleeves, printing enough copies so all players will have one.

And had I not gotten an answer, I was intending to contact via the website.  You just saved me the trouble.  :D

Also, thanks for the explanation on the Actions list for Bigger Battles.

Title: Re: Fistful of Lead: Bigger Battles "aimed shot"?
Post by: Harry Faversham on March 28, 2024, 05:06:08 PM
Thanks Baron, I have indeed gone back to the basic rules, 'cos I love 'em.
Daft thing is, I've got and read bigger battles, but forgot it's a tad different!