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Other Stuff => Workbench => Topic started by: Ray Rivers on December 03, 2009, 12:03:40 PM

Title: GF9 movement trays?
Post by: Ray Rivers on December 03, 2009, 12:03:40 PM
I'm thinking about getting some movement trays for my 10 man units on 25mm round bases.  I was taking a look around the net and the best I seem to come up with are those made my Gale Force 9.

Has anybody ever tried these unit movement trays? 

Any recommendations, comments..

Much appreciated.
Title: Re: GF9 movement trays?
Post by: Captain Blood on December 03, 2009, 02:21:00 PM
I've been pondering the same thing. The problem with the GF9 bases is they are three or four ply and just look so damn thick!  :?
Title: Re: GF9 movement trays?
Post by: Heldrak on December 03, 2009, 02:41:08 PM
I've got some of the GF9 movement trays (20mm square based skirmish trays) and I like them quite well. They are essentially made for the Evil Empire/slottabase market, so they do appear thick by the standards of the washer-loving crowd ;)

One solution might be to bevel the edge of the base with some kind of rotary tool. Alternatively, you could partially fill the divots in the tray so that miniatures on thinner bases don't look like they're each standing in a hole...

Another solution might be to contact GF9 directly with your requirements. They do apparently custom make movement trays and it seems to me that it wouldn't be all that difficult for them to custom make a thinner base with a smaller ply. If enough people want them, it might even be worth clubbing together to get a larger number, or lobbying GF9 to stock a thinner tray as a regular item.
Title: Re: GF9 movement trays?
Post by: Ray Rivers on December 03, 2009, 06:53:06 PM
Thanks mate!

Do they have any problems with warping?
Title: Re: GF9 movement trays?
Post by: Heldrak on December 03, 2009, 08:34:52 PM
Mine are still bare wood at the moment so perhaps I'm not the best person to advise you, but they seem pretty sturdy and moisture/warp resistant. A heavy coat of primer prior to painting/texturing/flocking/etc. probably wouldn't go amiss either for those that have concerns...

Another nice feature about them is that they come with the cutout pieces, so you can fill in extra divots in the tray (or use the fillers themselves as bases, if you're so inclined).
Title: Re: GF9 movement trays?
Post by: tonykapolka on December 03, 2009, 09:42:12 PM
I was thinking about buying some from Litko - http://www.litkoaero.com/page/LAI/PROD/Skirm/GMT_25mm_Rd_Skirm - but didn't decide yet.
Title: Re: GF9 movement trays?
Post by: Ray Rivers on December 04, 2009, 09:11:25 AM

Litko and GF9 appear to be the only two.

Undecided as well...
Title: Re: GF9 movement trays?
Post by: OSHIROmodels on December 04, 2009, 09:19:44 AM
I can do skirmish trays from 2mm acrylic, drop me an e-mail wioth what you want and we can go from there (I'll be taking those neff photos at some point today aswell).


Title: Re: GF9 movement trays?
Post by: Captain Blood on December 04, 2009, 06:17:27 PM
I can do skirmish trays from 2mm acrylic, drop me an e-mail wioth what you want and we can go from there (I'll be taking those neff photos at some point today aswell).




Tempting, James - verrry tempting...   ;)

It would be handy, in the early stages of a large scale skirmish game (which is the only type of game I play), to be able to move batches of figures all in one go...  ::)

The problem with the GF9 bases is not only are they doorstep thick, but also that the 'tray' for 10 x 25mm round bases is huge. It's ultra-open formation.

I'd like to see something with a smaller footprint, capable of carrying - say - 10 figures, NOT all equally spaced out, but in more natural irregular clusters.
On as small an overall area as possible (but without the figures looking too cramped obviously...  :D)
Oh yes, and the overall 'tray' should have a genuinely irregular outline shape...
With bevelled edges.
And there should be several variant shapes...

Not asking much is it?  ;)

I'd get going on a protoype if I were you, Jimbob...
I guarantee there's a market out there for a more elegant product than the GF9 / Litko lumps.

Title: Re: GF9 movement trays?
Post by: Ray Rivers on December 04, 2009, 06:44:32 PM
(I'll be taking those neff photos at some point today aswell).

Title: Re: GF9 movement trays?
Post by: Silent Invader on December 04, 2009, 08:20:52 PM
Oooh can I express an interest as well please, though for something similar but different!  :D  (I've added it here rather than by PM as others might have input)

It just so happens that I've been trying to find a solution to a movement tray AND storage problem.

I store my miniatures in an IKEA Bertby display case, which has glass shelves of 30.5cm x 16.5 cm.  I then put approx 12 minis into a clear acrylic drawer scavenged from a tool chest, four drawers to a shelf.  The drawers are somewhat inelegant and if not handled very carefully allow the figures to bash together.  I've also now run out of drawers.

I might be interested in clear acrylic trays that could be used for storage in the cabinet, transfer to the table, and then movement on the table.  The trays would need a circular recess of 21.5mm internal dia (to accomodate a penny base and the occasional overhang of basing material) and be robust enough not to flop and discard their contents while being thin enough to be 'invisible'. A bevelled edge would be nice but not essential.

I work out that a tray of 150mm by 75mm could accomodate 6 x 3 = 18 recesses = up to 18 figures.  And the Bertby display case would accomodate 4 trays.

On the table I normally field my troops in units of 6 and so an 18 recess tray would provide plenty of options for line, column or skirmish order.


Title: Re: GF9 movement trays?
Post by: Ray Rivers on December 14, 2009, 03:49:30 PM

Litko and GF9 appear to be the only two.

Undecided as well...

Litko now have new movement trays that look just like what I am after....

Probably try them out in the new year and post a pic for folks to see.
Title: Re: GF9 movement trays?
Post by: Chairface on December 14, 2009, 05:23:28 PM
I've dealt with Litko on a few occassions, and I can't say enough good about them. Great products and great service, although I can't speak for the movement trays.
Title: Re: GF9 movement trays?
Post by: Michi on December 14, 2009, 05:34:41 PM
What I dream of is this:

Solid (unwarping) bottom ply with attached magnetic foil (to perfectly hold my figures based on iron core coins) and a surface ply of 2mm with 20mm diameter holes...
Title: Re: GF9 movement trays?
Post by: geronimo on December 17, 2009, 08:57:54 AM
We do a couple of ply laser-cut movement trays in modular 1.5mm thickness (so you can stack them in multiple thicknesses, standard setup being 3mm including cutout and base).

Always happy to look at custom-cut orders, too.