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Miniatures Adventure => Post-Apocalyptic Tales => Topic started by: Commander Vyper on December 28, 2009, 12:00:59 PM

Title: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc Project: Mototerminator progress
Post by: Commander Vyper on December 28, 2009, 12:00:59 PM
Right then, having spent most of the year knee deep in the dead I thought it was time for a little bit of a change.

For a while now I've had a load of Doug's brilliant 'not' terminators on the desk. Had a little spurt of activity converting and undercoating over the summre but then nothing.

So, after a few reads of the Terminator Salvation artbook, a trip to the musuem of film on the south bank in June and the dvd release of Terminator Salvation, I thought I'd sort this one out and move it from the back burner.


So far going for:
Endoskeletons, (T600's or T800's take your pick).


Skin jobs, (T600's with rubber masks, tattered rags spot them easily ;)).



T800 infiltrators, (fully skinned up but with battle damage).


What I'd done so far:

10 endoskeleton terminators, (8 stock, one 'skin job' (will do more convincing ones later) & one battledamaged, missing legs but still coming!).

1 infiltrator: E4M trooper with Light Assault Cannon. (Bareheaded Ref: 0009): Converted with use of a pin vise, scapel and the lower part of the leg from old crawly above, drilled and pinned to the knee, then GS'd skin and tattered fatigues.

So armed with my trusty Artwork of Terminator Salvation book, DVD and my quiver of paint brushes I set to work.


Well the first three films had the terminators all shiney, that doesn't work for me and the post apoc setting so mine are darker, dirtier and more deadly! :D

From a black undercoat I went for successive coats ranging from VJ German grey (which is almost a black) grading up through the darker greys to lighter greys, (will check the pots later for a colour check). After that work they were washed with a thin badad black wash.

Once dry, successive dry brushing of boltgun metal, with tiny amounts of chainmail, to give a really subtle hint of metallic. The eyes were highlighted in white, (yup, stay with me ;)). The painted gold. Finally, Tamyia clear read was applied as a glaze over the gold, making the cold red eyes pop!

Weapons were painted back and highlighted with greys and gunmetal, (slightly different to the endo's) then washed several times to give them an almost carbon look).


Well I've got a load of Ian's (Fenris Games) resin bases and decided on the most post apoc ones I had, (DS toppers) but mounted them on standard slotters. It's a marmite kinda thing but I like it). I also robbed my GW basing kit for all the resin skulls I could find and mounted them on the bases randomly. An enduring image from all of the future shots in the films is the amount of skulls crushed underfoot. (Not that I'm going down a Khornate route of course!).

Bases were painted with a very muted palet of greys, keeping it dark. Skulls and gravel picked out and washed with delvan mud.

Once painted the figures were cut from their tabs, drilled to accept pins and mounted on the bases. Edges were then repainted black and there we go!

Finished at 1:30am today, very pleased indeed. Might dig out the MG weathering powders but we'll see.




T600 Skin job: (more planned).






Infiltrators to do today plus some pig iron miniatures to work up as T600 skinjobs, then onto the resistance, though I've plans for a bike or two too!


The Commander
Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: Commander Vyper on December 28, 2009, 12:14:15 PM
Oh yeah, just ordered two of these babies!


Well the resistance has got to get around somehow!


Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: The Somnambulist on December 28, 2009, 12:18:35 PM
Fantastic job commander!
Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: Anpu on December 28, 2009, 12:35:06 PM
Real nice work indeed. I have just started on my own terminator force. I am looking forward to see what you have coming next =)

Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: uti long smile on December 28, 2009, 12:44:51 PM
That's the first time I've really looked at the EM4 versions. They're really rather nice. I've the later Copplestone's, but I like the varied weapons in this set.

BTW I picked up the flying Hunter Killer for £10 at Toys R Us just before christmas and they had a few other Salvation bits too.

Just for painting or planning to play? If the latter I can recommend Ganesha Games Mutants and Death Ray Guns as a quick system - with ready made stats for all these.
Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: marrony on December 28, 2009, 01:53:38 PM
Terminators looking good.Well painted and based. Can't wait to the rebel types.(don't forget the dogs to sniff out the skin jobs :D)
Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: General Roos on December 28, 2009, 01:57:23 PM
Love the bases! Awesome!
Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: Darkoath on December 28, 2009, 04:04:40 PM
Nice job Vyper!  I like what you did for the skin job! :-*  Looking forward to seeing more of them!

Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: Commander Vyper on December 28, 2009, 04:54:44 PM
That's the first time I've really looked at the EM4 versions. They're really rather nice. I've the later Copplestone's, but I like the varied weapons in this set.

BTW I picked up the flying Hunter Killer for £10 at Toys R Us just before christmas and they had a few other Salvation bits too.

Just for painting or planning to play? If the latter I can recommend Ganesha Games Mutants and Death Ray Guns as a quick system - with ready made stats for all these.

Personally prefer the originals to the Copplestone one. Anyway thanks fot the Toys R US tip...

£5.99 each now! 

So got two :D

Planning to play, you'll have to send me though the stats list if you can cause I'm going to try and be as accurate as possible, may even go for a rule mod on this one as well.

Right, thanks all for the comments, Going to start the pigiron skinjobs now, so AEG point taken re rags, the first one was a little bit of a tester so will be more on subsequent.

The Commander
Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: Commander Vyper on December 28, 2009, 11:00:13 PM

New T600 skin job using pig iron ferral, plastic warzone minigun and some Green stuff to taste! ;)

Original T600 skin job: more GS rags added, and webbing, will paint tomorrow.

Resistance troopers, (mix of E4M troopers, scavengers, Hasslefree zombie hunters etc..) 16 or so with added GS 'blood sash' on left upper arm.

All ready for undercoating tomorrow now. Pics later.

The Commander

Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: Hitman on December 29, 2009, 02:33:10 AM
Those look awesome!! The bases are fantastic!! Thanks for sharing.
Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: Bako on December 29, 2009, 03:57:38 AM
Why didn't SkyNet ever think of giving some of the less obvious termies the mark of resistance fighters? Surely the red band would stick out from the otherwise drab clothing they wore enough to make people think there's friendlies about with only a casual, human glance >:D.
Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: Commander Vyper on December 29, 2009, 08:28:39 AM
Why didn't SkyNet ever think of giving some of the less obvious termies the mark of resistance fighters? Surely the red band would stick out from the otherwise drab clothing they wore enough to make people think there's friendlies about with only a casual, human glance >:D.

Cause they only thought of it in the fourth film?  ;) Good call though re: infiltration, but I suppose that at the stage we're seeing now the T800's are just coming out so before then the T600's were given the notion of a human profile, maybe with the T800's that would be another option. Good rule though, infiltators that begin the game 'intact' (costing more points) could also carry resistance colours, giving a further -1 to be spotted by humans but with no impact to dogs? (See thinking game rules here already too! :D).

Pics of last night's work in a mo.

The Commander
Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: Commander Vyper on December 29, 2009, 09:26:50 AM
Resistance fighters:

(Most with resistance blood mark mix of E4M, Copplestone castings, Hasslefree, a Mark Evans merc and a GW converted catchan mini). Will probably also have a group of survivors, (not resistance, armed civies really, just trying to survive) and will use the scavengers I've got for those.




More webbing and rags added to the first one, will paint up in a mo, second one is the pig iron feral with feet swop, (E4M trooper and terminator), warzone minigun, (may shortened a tad as it looks too long with where the hands are positioned) Heads had a little more GS to build the mask up.


Won't be able to get much done today as we're Christmas entertaining but if I at least get the first T600's rags painted and the minigun shortened a bit I'll be pleased.

The Commander
Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: Pil on December 29, 2009, 09:51:29 AM
Very nice, I especially like the idea of the skin jobs 8)
Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: Gluteus Maximus on December 29, 2009, 10:00:25 AM
Anyway thanks fot the Toys R US tip...

£5.99 each now! 

 :o 8)

Must have one!  ;D

Yet another fantastic project from the mighty Commander. I'm looking forward to seeing the Resistance fighters painted, as well as the T800s.
Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: Commander Vyper on December 29, 2009, 11:35:06 AM
Very nice, I especially like the idea of the skin jobs 8)

Barrel shortened and rags painted on the first one.

Plus my Bell UH1 Huey Hogs turned up this am, thanks postie!

Today is a good day! :D
Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: Bako on December 29, 2009, 11:36:12 PM
Yeah, the dogs. Speaking of which, I don't recall seeing much of them in Salvation. Even if there wasn't proper infiltrator termies by then.

Cause they only thought of it in the fourth film?  ;)

Yes, yes. Before I saw the film though, I was hoping that the idea would have already been implemented because it seemed a logical pair with the more humaniform T-800 infiltrator model. Though, I'm sure film and gamer minds differ in their wiring. :)
Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: Commander Vyper on December 30, 2009, 10:50:11 AM

Think the first skinjob's come out well now with the extra webbing/rags.


Shortened the minigun barrel on the other one. Still a little bit of plastic surgery to do on the mask but almost there.

Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: TheMightyFlip on December 30, 2009, 11:37:16 AM
Is Dwarf Vader part of Terminator squad? :P

Can you show some pic's of the HK for size comparrison, thinking of heading to Toys R Us today and having a look see.
Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: Commander Vyper on December 30, 2009, 07:16:54 PM
Is Dwarf Vader part of Terminator squad? :P

Can you show some pic's of the HK for size comparrison, thinking of heading to Toys R Us today and having a look see.

No.   ;)

HK's won't be through until next week, but the Toys R Us website shows them in scale with the 3 3/4 inch figrures and they look pretty good to me.

The Commander
Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: supervike on December 31, 2009, 02:06:42 AM
I'm digging this Commander!

Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: Pil on December 31, 2009, 09:15:03 AM
Nice paintjob on the skin and the shorter barrel looks better too 8)
Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: warrenss2 on December 31, 2009, 06:50:15 PM
Here are some possible terrain ideas for your Terminator Games, Commander Vyp.

http://www.skankgame.com/Highrises.html (http://www.skankgame.com/Highrises.html)
http://www.skankgame.com/SlagMaking.html (http://www.skankgame.com/SlagMaking.html)
http://www.terragenesis.co.uk/infopages/page423.html (http://www.terragenesis.co.uk/infopages/page423.html)
http://combatzonechronicles.net/cozoxb/plastrex.htm (http://combatzonechronicles.net/cozoxb/plastrex.htm)

The mother sites of the above links have lots of cool ideas.
Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: Commander Vyper on January 01, 2010, 01:20:48 AM
Here are some possible terrain ideas for your Terminator Games, Commander Vyp.

http://www.skankgame.com/Highrises.html (http://www.skankgame.com/Highrises.html)
http://www.skankgame.com/SlagMaking.html (http://www.skankgame.com/SlagMaking.html)
http://www.terragenesis.co.uk/infopages/page423.html (http://www.terragenesis.co.uk/infopages/page423.html)
http://combatzonechronicles.net/cozoxb/plastrex.htm (http://combatzonechronicles.net/cozoxb/plastrex.htm)

The mother sites of the above links have lots of cool ideas.

Cheers Warren already seen and bookmarked my friend but thanks anyway. Been sidetracked by Uruks and men of Gondor but will sort out the second T600 tomorrow, erm later today.

Happy New year, one nearer Judgement day! :D
Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: Dr. The Viking on January 01, 2010, 09:41:35 AM
Here are some possible terrain ideas for your Terminator Games, Commander Vyp.

http://www.skankgame.com/Highrises.html (http://www.skankgame.com/Highrises.html)
http://www.skankgame.com/SlagMaking.html (http://www.skankgame.com/SlagMaking.html)
http://www.terragenesis.co.uk/infopages/page423.html (http://www.terragenesis.co.uk/infopages/page423.html)
http://combatzonechronicles.net/cozoxb/plastrex.htm (http://combatzonechronicles.net/cozoxb/plastrex.htm)

The mother sites of the above links have lots of cool ideas.

Damn that first link is brilliant!!! I think I'll go with that for my (completely stalled) Terminator projekt.
Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: Arlequín on January 01, 2010, 10:27:05 AM
This one was particularly awesome... http://www.skankgame.com/zombietown.html
Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: Commander Vyper on January 01, 2010, 11:04:36 AM
This one was particularly awesome... http://www.skankgame.com/zombietown.html

Well as I said I've had all of these bookmarked ages ago for obvious zed related reasons.

For scenery I'll be using a mix of plasticard/foamcore, resin & plastic GW ruins. Although this may well change. The future is not set. ;)
Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: abhorsen950 on January 01, 2010, 01:42:18 PM
Its looking quality
First topic ive looked at for 2010 and youve set the standard high

Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: warrenss2 on January 02, 2010, 01:37:02 AM
Have you decided which set of rules you're going to use for these games, Cmdr?

Mutants and Death Ray Guns?
Combat Zone?
The Skank Game?

Or do you have another rule set in mind?
Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: comet5 on January 02, 2010, 11:45:42 PM
Very good, totally inspiring.
Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: Unforgiven on January 03, 2010, 12:05:12 AM
I love it, keep up the good work!  :)
Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: Commander Vyper on January 03, 2010, 12:25:20 PM
I love it, keep up the good work!  :)

HK's came through yesterday. Have taken a few pics for scale reference. Should work quite well actually. Post up later.
Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: Whiskyrat on January 03, 2010, 11:38:49 PM
Very nice - as usual.

I've acquired a few Necron flayed ones to use as skin-jobs in my games as my Green-stuff-Fu is still weak.  :-X

I'm sure the Commander will post up better pictures - but in the meantime for those interested here (http://s157.photobucket.com/albums/t50/Whiskyrat/Terminator%20Salvation/) are a few piccies I took in the summer of the Flying-HK and the T1 with EM-4 minis for scale.

Commander V - have you managed to snag yourself a "normal" tracked HK?
Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: Commander Vyper on January 04, 2010, 06:18:14 PM
Very nice - as usual.

I've acquired a few Necron flayed ones to use as skin-jobs in my games as my Green-stuff-Fu is still weak.  :-X

I'm sure the Commander will post up better pictures - but in the meantime for those interested here (http://s157.photobucket.com/albums/t50/Whiskyrat/Terminator%20Salvation/) are a few piccies I took in the summer of the Flying-HK and the T1 with EM-4 minis for scale.

Commander V - have you managed to snag yourself a "normal" tracked HK?

No not as yet, on the look out though.

Yup scale's good a bit on the big side but perfectly usable:


The Commander.

Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: Whiskyrat on January 04, 2010, 10:49:22 PM
No not as yet, on the look out though.

Drop me a PM - I bought 2 of the 3 they had in store - or Dean as he pointed me towards the source.

Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: Commander Vyper on February 07, 2010, 05:23:30 PM
Tracked (;))  down a Hunter Killer Tank from T2 (The Hollwood limited ed one) down in Australia:


Nice, but I think I like my T1's I got through from the states more, still in two minds whether to keep it and paint it or sell in on.

Will think on.

Some nice ideas re: mototerminators elsewhere, will have to keep an eye on those.

One T1 built up, mould lines removed and undercoated. May well go back and further fill all the screw holes, though still toying with LED's in the head so leaving those for now.

Nothing else cooking at present, rotten cough, cold and shivers so no painting! :(

The Commander
Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: Anpu on February 07, 2010, 08:04:57 PM
If you decide to get rid of it I might be interested depending on pricew and shipping and what not. Hope you get well soon.

Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: Commander Vyper on August 27, 2010, 01:20:38 AM
A further 8 T800 endo's finished tonight and a little suprise pair of minis too. Pics tomorrow.

(yup back on with this one, I'm trying to split my time between a number of projects at present, keeps the interest levels up).

The Commander
Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: dwartist on August 27, 2010, 05:39:35 PM
Another great project - nearly missed this one! It might be a bit late but I had been considering Empress miniatures SAS and US special forces might make good, futuristic resistance fighters. have a look if you're not already familiar with them...
Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: Commander Vyper on September 05, 2010, 07:25:33 PM
Tomorrow erm was extended and defied the laws of time and space. ;)

Just rebased them this afternoon and finished the final details, came out nice I think:

T800 Endo's:



I bought these two drones from Ground Zero Games to go with my 15mm project, however, in flicking through the artwork of terminator salvation and of course watching the film itself, I realised that they would work well in 28mm as Terminator Aerostats:



(Might just add a bit more highlight/shading to the lenses on these puppies).


All terminators painted as the previous set. Just the infiltrators and the moto-terminmators to do next, then onto the T1's HK's and tracked HK from Terminator 2.


The Commander

Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: Commander Vyper on September 05, 2010, 10:53:08 PM
Lenses highlighted:

Much nicer.
Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: AKULA on September 05, 2010, 10:57:29 PM
Looking good.

Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: manic _miner on September 05, 2010, 11:02:56 PM
 These look great.Fenris bases if I am not mistaken.Will you be using the newer copplestone robots too?
Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: Commander Vyper on September 05, 2010, 11:04:35 PM
These look great.Fenris bases if I am not mistaken.Will you be using the newer copplestone robots too?

Yes and no, (Yes = Fenris DS toppers on slottas, I dunno why just like em) No= copplestone robots...don't like the heads, too comical, prefer the older E4M ones for the proper 'terminator' look.

Cheers all.
Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: The_Beast on September 06, 2010, 12:34:12 AM
I so love going back to this thread, especially the part about the Hunter Killers. I showed them down at the store, and yawns were palpable. Still, they keep buying the GW and FoW stuff, and it keeps the roof over our heads.  lol

The other thing is seeing the first piccie of the T-600; I took a similar bust image, slotted half of my grandson's face over with, can you believe it, M$ Paint?, and sent it to my daughter. I assumed she'd be pissed I was abusing the sweet five year old lad, but she actually loved it.

Not sure which of us is more twisted in this case...

Thanks for showing yet another developed-in-depth project!

By the way, are you considering Harvesters? *duck*

Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: Commander Vyper on September 06, 2010, 12:37:56 AM
I want to do some resistance after I finish the skin jobs and the moto-terminators and the HK. Plus I;ve some out of scale toy T100's to use as smaller HK's oh and the pair of flying HK's I've got too.

Then I'll be onto the huey's, Warthog and technicals and troopers/survivors for the resistance.

Eventually..... ;)

Thanks for dropping by.

The Commander
Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: Pil on September 06, 2010, 03:56:35 PM
Nice job on the endoskeletons and the aerostats! 8)
Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: Anpu on September 07, 2010, 06:53:10 PM
Nice work Commander
Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: Commander Vyper on October 05, 2010, 09:40:20 PM

Got some nice little bits and pieces through from a 15mm company here in the UK, very usable and will mean I can start work on my moto-terminators.

Keep you posted.

The Commander
Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: AKULA on October 05, 2010, 11:03:52 PM
mototerminators - those should be worth waiting for!

Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: Commander Vyper on January 29, 2011, 11:33:24 PM
mototerminators - those should be worth waiting for!


I hope you like them.

Ok then, so you know when you're really really involved in a project and you get to a position of almost completed? It's about then that something else rears it's ugly head and off you go again right? Well that's what happened to this project. With just three T800 inflitrators and some mototerminators to go... I peaked!

I had the three T's all built, primed and ready to paint, the moto's parts were coming together well, (Anders sent me three void bikes, I'd managed to find a little 15mm company with some perfect miniguns) and that's how it sat till this afternoon.

Not relishing another monochrome paint stint, I did what every good hobbist did, I had a bit of a sort out.

And then I started work, with the aid again of my trusty copy of Artwork of Terminator Salvation.


Parts: (stage one).

Old void bike, (Again thanks to Anders (Anpu) for these and for his original inspirational motos, hoe you can see a little different highway travelled on these ;)).
Pair of chain guns and stands from a little 15/28mm company called The Scene Uk:
http://thesceneuk.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=16_63 (http://thesceneuk.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=16_63)
(The gatling guns in question are now discountinued, but they have plenty there that will still work for the conversion).


Then I took a look at the artwork again, and as well as the twin chainguns, the moto's also have a further pair of fairing mounted guns. So a quick dive in the bits box and a pair of  Hersey sci-fi guns did the trick. magazines, grip and handle removed and shortened to fit.

So I started work on cutting the basic parts:


Then I went back to the artwork and the concept design and thought about how I could ensure that this looked like a terminator bike, the background design notes talked about being able to see the terminator body used with the bike's framework. Over the designs this became more stylised, but was still there, (the spine reference and the shape of the frame minicing a rider's body in places).

Was at a loss as to how to do this. Then I had a bit of a brainwave....necrons!  ;)

More later.

The Commander
Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: inkwell on January 30, 2011, 12:07:52 AM
Super nice work Commander!
Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: Braz on January 30, 2011, 10:11:05 AM
I see where this conversion is going and can't wait to see the finished piece.
Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: Anpu on January 30, 2011, 10:44:21 AM
I have actually finised one of mine but there the steam ran out for this time. I guess I should take a photo and put it in my thread
Title: Re: New Project: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc
Post by: Commander Vyper on January 30, 2011, 11:37:34 AM
Ok then so necron bits:

From the design shots I needed to include some spine work, the hint of a ribcage and the bike chasis having some 'leg struture to it.

I decided that I'd try to be as frugle with parts as possible and set myself the challenge of only using one necron per bike. So after I'd filled the seat gap with greenstuff I set to work.

Parts used:


Legs (cut and trimmed and added to the framework)
Pelvis (used towards the rear of the bike behind the spine)
Spine and rear torso (shoulder pads shaved off to smooth the section to fit the gap between the fron fairing/screen and the rear of the bike).
Ribcage (halved and trimed down to minic the powerplant cage).
Gun muzzle, (one fin used on the top of the bike as a vent, two used as sensors/eyes, the ring halved and used on the sideS).
Necron gun stock, (trimmed and shaped added to each side as exhaust ports, plastirod tube sections added as exhaust pipes).

Finally, where I'd cut the rear of the bike off I added part of one of those necron swarmy things, (scarabs he says after a quick grab of the codex!;)) and shaved the sides to match the contours of the bike.

The chanigun mounts were trimed, filed and added to the lower sides and the heresy guns, shaped and added to the front fairings.

Finally a bit more plasti-rod (square and round) and some GS over the front sensors and we have almost a finished product, (still might add a bit more gs/plasti-rod strips, we'll see.

Final(ish) pics in a bit.

The Commander

Title: Re: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc Project: Mototerminator progress
Post by: Commander Vyper on January 30, 2011, 02:17:41 PM




Just need to finish off the sensory arrays at the front, tidy up the intake on the top and possible add another couple of bands and i'm done, hopefully paint tonight.
Title: Re: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc Project: Mototerminator progress
Post by: dwartist on January 30, 2011, 03:49:56 PM
That's brilliant!
Title: Re: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc Project: Mototerminator progress
Post by: YIU on January 30, 2011, 03:50:24 PM
Nice project and the bikes look nice : great conversion.
Title: Re: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc Project: Mototerminator progress
Post by: TheSnackist on January 30, 2011, 04:16:44 PM
Wow, that bike is sweet! Very nice.
Title: Re: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc Project: Mototerminator progress
Post by: white knight on January 30, 2011, 05:32:42 PM
Impressive conversion!  8)
Title: Re: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc Project: Mototerminator progress
Post by: mattblackgod on January 30, 2011, 06:40:54 PM
Looks great - unpainted I can see how the parts go together.
Title: Re: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc Project: Mototerminator progress
Post by: Inso on January 30, 2011, 06:56:00 PM
Nice job on the bike...different enough to be unique but similar enough to tie in with the rest of the project.

...of course, I don't condone the use of those Void bikes for conversions...I have been painstakingly trawling E-bay for years to build up enough to put together a 'cavalry' force... ;) .
Title: Re: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc Project: Mototerminator progress
Post by: Commander Vyper on January 30, 2011, 07:18:58 PM
Nice job on the bike...different enough to be unique but similar enough to tie in with the rest of the project.

...of course, I don't condone the use of those Void bikes for conversions...I have been painstakingly trawling E-bay for years to build up enough to put together a 'cavalry' force... ;) .

You don't want to know what I've done with two of the three riders then.... ;)

Cheers guys, really pleased with this, just need to finish it off then I can move to moto two
Title: Re: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc Project: Mototerminator progress
Post by: Commander Vyper on January 30, 2011, 10:46:59 PM
Last little play tonight, added ammo belts from the chainguns to the bike,



A few more plasti-rod sections in the spaces left in the engine block section and a clean up of the green stuff and that's about it.


Will give it a final wet and dry going over for the last few mould lines before undercoating.


The Commander
Title: Re: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc Project: Mototerminator progress
Post by: uti long smile on January 30, 2011, 11:25:44 PM
I've been a fan of that Void bike for years! That's a cracking conversion too.
Title: Re: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc Project: Mototerminator progress
Post by: Connectamabob on January 31, 2011, 05:46:38 AM
I really like this. I think this actually looks much better than the actual film version, as IMO the idea of the bike looking like a terminator skeleton was waaaaay too cartoony, and you've actually dodged that pretty well while keeping the "early SkyNet" Look of the film.

I know that's kind of the opposite of what you were actually going for, but it looks great precisely because of that IMO. I hope that doesn't come off as a left-handed compliment: I really like what you've done.
Title: Re: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc Project: Mototerminator progress
Post by: Commander Vyper on January 31, 2011, 06:56:41 AM
Not at all mate cheers, reading through the artwork book, the design team in the end wanted to play down the whole terminator on a bike thing, much like the aerostats and hydrobots and moto-terminators: why should terminators designed for air recon, water and fast road pursuit look human, skynet's niche evolution works with me.


The Commander
Title: Re: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc Project: Mototerminator progress
Post by: Connectamabob on January 31, 2011, 11:18:29 AM
:) Cool.

Yeah, that was pretty much my thoughts: useform robots for different jobs is the natural way SkyNet would go. The Termies only look anthro because their mission profile calls for it.

It did seem to me the bikes looked different on screen than they do in the concept art, but I never got a really good look while watching the movie, and the only pics I've ever found online have been the anthro-bike version you posted earlier. I did notice the harvester definitely looks way different in the film than it does in the commonly circulated art: the art uses a lot of scaled up T-800 parts cut-and-pasted together, but the on screen version is definitely it's own design.

I rather liked most of the early SkyNet hardware in the film. IMO it did a good job of looking like earlier, less advanced generations of the T1/T2 stuff. For some reason I particularly fell in love with the big proto-HK defense towers guarding the VLA and the factory complex (that, and the hydrobots' point cloud vision). Are you planning on doing some of those? I've had a hard time finding pics of them online, does the "Art Of" book show them at all?
Title: Re: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc Project: Mototerminator progress
Post by: Commander Vyper on January 31, 2011, 12:48:31 PM
The book is well worht getting, lovely full panel concept, airbrush and digital shots of everything. Perfect reference for any project.

Using toy T1's as tracked HK's and one of the resin tracked HK's f(sideshow's) from the Terminator/T2 future scenes. Will have a go at hydrobots at some stage, also looking at some of the Terminator salvation xbox game only Terminators (GZG should have some useful stuff).

Title: Re: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc Project: Mototerminator progress
Post by: Dr.Falkenhayn on January 31, 2011, 01:19:11 PM
talking about "Not in the Movie" Terminators,will you also do some early Skynet Stuff like the T-350/400? (from the Dawn of Fate Game)
Title: Re: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc Project: Mototerminator progress
Post by: Commander Vyper on January 31, 2011, 06:51:10 PM
talking about "Not in the Movie" Terminators,will you also do some early Skynet Stuff like the T-350/400? (from the Dawn of Fate Game)

Probably T-7T's from the salvation game as I think Ground Zero Games has 15mm walker drones that are perfect for the job.
Title: Re: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc Project: Mototerminator progress
Post by: Anpu on January 31, 2011, 07:08:30 PM
Probably T-7T's from the salvation game as I think Ground Zero Games has 15mm walker drones that are perfect for the job.
Do you have a picture?
Title: Re: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc Project: Mototerminator progress
Post by: Commander Vyper on January 31, 2011, 08:18:57 PM
Do you have a picture?

No but google is your friend! :D

Title: Re: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc Project: Mototerminator progress
Post by: Anpu on January 31, 2011, 08:27:42 PM
Those I know but not what gzg has that could be used for it...  ;)

Title: Re: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc Project: Mototerminator progress
Post by: Commander Vyper on January 31, 2011, 09:07:49 PM





Also potential with some further work, (bit bigger too):

A few ideas... ;)

Title: Re: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc Project: Mototerminator progress
Post by: Dr.Falkenhayn on January 31, 2011, 10:58:59 PM
WTF  :o where are all those Spider Mechs from?I like the 2nd "Better one" the Most  ;D
Title: Re: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc Project: Mototerminator progress
Post by: Commander Vyper on February 01, 2011, 06:40:46 AM
WTF  :o where are all those Spider Mechs from?I like the 2nd "Better one" the Most  ;D

Ground Zero Games mate.
Title: Re: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc Project: Mototerminator progress
Post by: Commander Vyper on June 15, 2012, 11:16:26 PM
Well then,

Back painting now and this has sat on the side for over a year and a bit but got it finished tonight:



Again naff night time shots and need to base it still and then complete the other one at least but looks really nice, will go well with my other terms:


Back in the game! ;)

The Commander
Title: Re: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc Project: Mototerminator progress
Post by: Too Bo Coo on June 16, 2012, 07:39:17 AM
Very nice, do you plan on doing more with the bases?
Title: Re: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc Project: Mototerminator progress
Post by: Commander Vyper on June 16, 2012, 10:20:55 AM

What do you mean, more terminators or improve on the moto base? Well the moto-terminator will get a base in keeping with the others and I've about 5 or so more T800 terminators to paint twenty done, four infiltrators to do two medium sized tracked HK's one T2 resin tracked HK and two Terminator salvation HK flyers. Plus what ever I come across in 28/15mm that will work as role specific Terminators.

So a few yes.... ;)
Title: Re: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc Project: Mototerminator progress
Post by: Too Bo Coo on June 16, 2012, 12:11:58 PM
The bases on the terminators seem to lose the figs a bit.  Perhaps a little contrast would make them pop a bit more for the eye. 

Love the bike!  But I assume you'll also kit-up the base on that one a bit as well?
Title: Re: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc Project: Mototerminator progress
Post by: Commander Vyper on June 16, 2012, 03:03:29 PM
The bases on the terminators seem to lose the figs a bit.  Perhaps a little contrast would make them pop a bit more for the eye. 

No, it's a cold dark ash covered wasteland out there. ;)
Title: Re: Terminator inspired future modern/post apoc Project: Mototerminator progress
Post by: inkwell on June 16, 2012, 11:36:35 PM
Great stuff :-* keep'em coming!