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Miniatures Adventure => The Great War => Topic started by: Stecal on February 04, 2010, 09:42:25 PM

Title: New Woodbine WW1
Post by: Stecal on February 04, 2010, 09:42:25 PM
Yes!  "coming soon" isn't soon enough for me.



Title: Re: New Woodbine WW1
Post by: Helen on February 04, 2010, 10:23:00 PM
Thanks S,

I notice that Soapy has placed on his blog a photo of a command miniature for a possible forthcoming release:


Title: Re: New Woodbine WW1
Post by: Pentaro on February 04, 2010, 10:32:37 PM
Didn't they say something about making some French? I want some cool characters like these in my army.
Title: Re: New Woodbine WW1
Post by: Helen on February 05, 2010, 12:00:25 AM
Didn't they say something about making some French? I want some cool characters like these in my army.

The 1st newsletter which I received this day mentions that the second newsletter will have more information of the French.

An idea would be to go to the GB website and join their mailing list to receive their newsletter.

Title: Re: New Woodbine WW1
Post by: Pentaro on February 05, 2010, 07:46:38 AM
So I didn't make it up :) That's a good idea, thanks.
Title: Re: New Woodbine WW1
Post by: Plynkes on February 05, 2010, 08:54:55 AM
Rather than previewing more things, I just wish they'd release some of the stuff that has already been previewed for almost a bloody year. I can't paint previews.
Title: Re: New Woodbine WW1
Post by: Hammers on February 05, 2010, 09:01:54 AM
Rather than previewing more things, I just wish they'd release some of the stuff that has already been previewed for almost a bloody year. I can't paint previews.

You can say that again. I am positively waddling about as an egg sick hen in want of those Sikh heads.
Title: Re: New Woodbine WW1
Post by: soapy on February 05, 2010, 03:22:15 PM

I've gotta take the hit for those last two posts.

Those things were shown on my blog rather than the GB site and rather than being previews they were 'what I've just finished'. The problem was that shortly after I finished them I went off and shut down for about a year... :?

Although I have done loads more heads since then I haven't shown them off just in case I go the same way again but I hope that now that I have finished the Indian section pack figures the Sikh and Indian heads will have some bodies to go with them and so will be released sometime soon. That being said the French are a lot further along now that I have done the Officers, NCOs and bombers so the Indians may be held back until after the French releases, who knows (well the Beasty boys but they ain't sayin...)

Basically what I trying to say is it's not coming out until the Beast says it's ready to come out, just cos I've shown a sculpt doesn't mean it's in the producton schedule.

My fault, sorry.
Title: Re: New Woodbine WW1
Post by: Plynkes on February 05, 2010, 03:32:00 PM
I don't think you can take all the blame for my grumblings, Soapy. What I've been waiting for is the second batch of British heads (tin hats & Wolseleys with neck curtains) so I can do some conversions. It says on the Gripping Beast website (not your blog) that they will be available "soon", and it has said that since I was a little boy.  :)

By the way, love the "Woodbine Willy" vignette.
Title: Re: New Woodbine WW1
Post by: soapy on February 05, 2010, 04:01:27 PM
Glad you recognised it!

Yep my fault again though really. Did all the extra heads and told the guys (too soon as it turned out...) that I was back on form and that the figures to go with these heads would be ready 'next week' can't believe we all trusted that one. You see the new head sets, although compatible with the Brits that are already out, were designed for release with a new set of Brits in tunics, shorts and '14 pattern equipment. Of course these never materialized due to me being a slack git.

I suppose the blame does lie with the Beasty boys though, they believed what a flakey sculptor told them. Fools! ;D

The shorts blokes are nearly ready though so who knows...
Title: Re: New Woodbine WW1
Post by: Darkoath on February 05, 2010, 05:59:28 PM
Will you be sculpting the French Soapy?  Early or Late war French?

Title: Re: New Woodbine WW1
Post by: Plynkes on February 05, 2010, 06:09:55 PM
Will you be sculpting the French Soapy?  Early or Late war French?


1915-18, with head options:
http://soapyvision.blogspot.com/2009/03/twdc-ww1-stuff-for-salute.html (http://soapyvision.blogspot.com/2009/03/twdc-ww1-stuff-for-salute.html)
Title: Re: New Woodbine WW1
Post by: Hammers on February 05, 2010, 09:56:35 PM

I've gotta take the hit for those last two posts.

Those things were shown on my blog rather than the GB site and rather than being previews they were 'what I've just finished'. The problem was that shortly after I finished them I went off and shut down for about a year... :?

Although I have done loads more heads since then I haven't shown them off just in case I go the same way again but I hope that now that I have finished the Indian section pack figures the Sikh and Indian heads will have some bodies to go with them and so will be released sometime soon. That being said the French are a lot further along now that I have done the Officers, NCOs and bombers so the Indians may be held back until after the French releases, who knows (well the Beasty boys but they ain't sayin...)

Basically what I trying to say is it's not coming out until the Beast says it's ready to come out, just cos I've shown a sculpt doesn't mean it's in the producton schedule.

My fault, sorry.

What Plynkes says. I don't really go by the artistes' blog, the sensitive and reckless souls that they are, but rather by the company's. I contacted Gb way before Christmas regarding the Indians and got the answer: "Check in the next few weeks", so...
Title: Re: New Woodbine WW1
Post by: carlos marighela on February 06, 2010, 02:23:17 AM
Chaps in shorts and a variety of Indian Army heads. Just the ticket for some NWF frontier campaigning. Probably the mosty sensible investment the GB people could make, opens up a wealth of possibilities.
Title: Re: New Woodbine WW1
Post by: WillieB on February 06, 2010, 10:52:20 AM
I can only wish other manufacturers would follow where Gripping Beast/ Woodbine leads.
Not even mentioning the consistent very good quality, have you noticed how complete this range is becoming?
Even without the interchangeable heads at least 25 different poses just for the infantry. With the heads literally hundreds each for the Turks , Anzacs and British.
With the exception of Redoubt and the Empress Anglo Zulu range I can't think of any other company offering so much variety.
These guys know what wargamers want!
Title: Re: New Woodbine WW1
Post by: Svennn on February 06, 2010, 10:59:29 AM
I have only dabbled with this range so far but Indians in shorts may just get me buying more in bulk. Some lovely compositions in these command packs that are going to be hard to resist.
Title: Re: New Woodbine WW1
Post by: Plynkes on February 06, 2010, 11:10:06 AM
Now I may well be wrong, but I was under the impression that (other than Gurkhas) Indian infantry didn't wear shorts until the 1930s. So while that would be cool for Hammers' NWF inter-war fun, personally I'd rather they stuck to their Great War remit for now.
Title: Re: New Woodbine WW1
Post by: Hammers on February 06, 2010, 02:38:50 PM
Now I may well be wrong, but I was under the impression that (other than Gurkhas) Indian infantry didn't wear shorts until the 1930s.

That's what the photographs tell me. The webbing was different by then to.
Title: Re: New Woodbine WW1
Post by: Plynkes on February 06, 2010, 03:16:17 PM
The new webbing didn't come in until 1937, and Indian troops on the NWF still could be found in '08 pattern webbing or 1903 leather equipment even after that time. For operations on the frontier in the late 30s you want an odd combination of elderly webbing, shorts and British Army-style knitted sweaters or shirtsleeves. Can't see that getting sculpted any time soon.  :)

Before then you can just use Great War figures.
Title: Re: New Woodbine WW1
Post by: soapy on February 06, 2010, 03:39:21 PM
Hold up I think we're talking at cross purposes here.

There are Indians (for the Great War)

There are Brits in tunics and shorts (for the Great War)

No Indians in shorts, sorry.
Title: Re: New Woodbine WW1
Post by: Plynkes on February 06, 2010, 03:52:06 PM
That's what I understood you to mean. Not sure where the Indians in shorts thing came from. Glad you've cleared that up, anyway.  :)
Title: Re: New Woodbine WW1
Post by: carlos marighela on February 06, 2010, 08:21:14 PM
Pity. I'd love some Indians in shorts with a mix of head variants beyond just the standard 'Muslim' and 'Sikh' options. Actually I'm quite happy to convert British troops in shorts, shirts and '08 webbing, just need a variety of head varieties.

As for Indian Army troops in shorts during the Great War, well whilst they weren't popular initially , well they started to be adopted by quite a few battalions in Mesopotamia and Palestine from late 1917 onwards. There are both photographs and colour plates illustrating them being worn in Mollo's The Indian Army. Pattern '08 webbing started to be issued to Indian battalions in the early 1920s from the huge  stockpiles, some of the leather equipment did soldier on for a while and again there are illustrations in Mollo to support that.
Title: Re: New Woodbine WW1
Post by: Plynkes on February 06, 2010, 08:32:07 PM
Cheers, Carlos. Good to know that (I've got that book, too - head like a bloody sieve, me).
Title: Re: New Woodbine WW1
Post by: timg on February 08, 2010, 10:59:41 AM
Yeah British troops in shorts will be good. Can paint in Khaki drill or ServiceDress with Khaki drill shorts and even use them for the Somme etc in the summer when the SD trousers were cut down into shorts by many units. Very versatile idea this.

May just be tempted by some and paint them up as New Army troops if any in shorts plus 14 Patt equipment come out.
Title: Re: New Woodbine WW1
Post by: soapy on February 08, 2010, 01:39:57 PM
May just be tempted by some and paint them up as New Army troops if any in shorts plus 14 Patt equipment come out.

That's a bit of luck then, shorts and '14 pattern were finished this morning.
Title: Re: New Woodbine WW1
Post by: Darkoath on February 09, 2010, 02:39:10 AM
I've a question...  in the second photograph are those brits opening tins of food?  With a pile of empty tins?  Or are they using empty tins to make home made grenades?

Title: Re: New Woodbine WW1
Post by: Hammers on February 09, 2010, 07:48:44 AM
I've a question...  in the second photograph are those brits opening tins of food?  With a pile of empty tins?  Or are they using empty tins to make home made grenades?


I think they are bomb makers, yes. I recall from somewhere that TNT was scooped out of HE shells and crammed with pebbles, nails etc into tin cans.

I should add that I have no ready source to back this up but I am sure Helen or Plynkes do.
Title: Re: New Woodbine WW1
Post by: Plynkes on February 09, 2010, 08:45:09 AM
Aye, they were known as jam-tin bombs (though containers for things other than jam were used). Britain (and most of the other countries) went to war without any kind of grenades. Once it was discovered how useful such things were in trench warfare there was a race to fill this void. Improvised bombs were made at the front until mass-manufactured ones began to arrive.

On the left a jam-tin bomb. On the right one of the first generation of grenades - a No.8, which were essentially mass-manufactured jam-tin bombs (I think these are replicas, but they give you the idea).
Title: Re: New Woodbine WW1
Post by: Helen on February 09, 2010, 09:51:00 AM
Thanks Dylan for answering the query,

Title: Re: New Woodbine WW1
Post by: carlos marighela on February 09, 2010, 11:23:47 AM
Aye, they were known as jam-tin bombs (though containers for things other than jam were used). Britain (and most of the other countries) went to war without any kind of grenades. Once it was discovered how useful such things were in trench warfare there was a race to fill this void. Improvised bombs were made at the front until mass-manufactured ones began to arrive.

On the left a jam-tin bomb. On the right one of the first generation of grenades - a No.8, which were essentially mass-manufactured jam-tin bombs (I think these are replicas, but they give you the idea).

Hah! That one on the right is clearly some sort of illicit drug paraphanalia.