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Miniatures Adventure => Future Wars => Topic started by: cheetor on February 05, 2010, 10:24:12 AM

Title: Serenity/Firefly Dr. Simon Tam figure???
Post by: cheetor on February 05, 2010, 10:24:12 AM

The last figure that I have to source for my Serenity crew is a suitable Dr Simon Tam.

In order for the figure to have the look that I am after, I want an unarmed guy in a shirt and waistcoat, as he appears in the picture below:


Pic from tvacres.com.  Simon is the second guy in from the right hand side in the rear row.

I dont mind having to do some minor conversion work (a head swap, removing a weapon etc, just no significant sculpting) but obviously the less modification that I have to do the better.

Do any of you guys have any ideas?  Or should I post this in the Wild West section for a better response I wonder...

Title: Re: Serenity/Firefly Dr. Simon Tam figure???
Post by: dijit on February 05, 2010, 10:36:34 AM
Erm, I'm getting forbidden access to the picture. But as I know what he looks like it doesn't matter that much. I'm pretty sure I've seen a model for him somewhere but just can't remember where, it'll come to me I'm sure.
Title: Re: Serenity/Firefly Dr. Simon Tam figure???
Post by: cheetor on February 05, 2010, 11:09:18 AM
Erm, I'm getting forbidden access to the picture.

It is showing up fine for me, which is odd because I can get at a lot of stuff from work.  Not that it matters.

But as I know what he looks like it doesn't matter that much. I'm pretty sure I've seen a model for him somewhere but just can't remember where, it'll come to me I'm sure.

Great!  Im ready when you are ;)
Title: Re: Serenity/Firefly Dr. Simon Tam figure???
Post by: dijit on February 05, 2010, 11:28:10 AM
ok, it's not the one I was thinking of but...
http://www.hasslefreeminiatures.co.uk/pack.php?pack=1874 (http://www.hasslefreeminiatures.co.uk/pack.php?pack=1874)
http://www.hasslefreeminiatures.co.uk/pack.php?pack=1586 (http://www.hasslefreeminiatures.co.uk/pack.php?pack=1586)

but, remembered what I've seen now a conversion of this model (far right)
http://www.blackscorpionminiatures.com/product.asp?the_range=TOMB&product=TOMB3 (http://www.blackscorpionminiatures.com/product.asp?the_range=TOMB&product=TOMB3)
Title: Re: Serenity/Firefly Dr. Simon Tam figure???
Post by: cheetor on February 05, 2010, 11:54:19 AM

The guy from Black Scorpion has the right clothing.  He would definitely need a head swap and his pose is a bit too aggressive IMO.  Eevn after removing the weapons he looks a bit more dynamic than I would like.

The Hasslefree Prof has a very apt head and pose, but the long coat isnt something that I associate with the Dr Tam character really.

I do appreciate your help though, thanks :)

Any other suggestions from anyone?

Title: Re: Serenity/Firefly Dr. Simon Tam figure???
Post by: Earther on February 05, 2010, 12:00:13 PM
Heresy's Dr Hugh, with the Professor Beattie head?

Title: Re: Serenity/Firefly Dr. Simon Tam figure???
Post by: cheetor on February 05, 2010, 03:21:12 PM

I saw someone else using Dr Hugh as Dr Tam somewhere, but I cant remember where.

I have a Dr Hugh and while it is a great model, it doesnt really look right for the Firefly character , to me at least.  Maybe I am missing something.

I want to avoid the long coat look really.  I particularly want Dr Tam to be a figure with a waistcoat.  I remember the character as being immaculately groomed in his expensively decorated clothes waistcoat and thats how I am set on representing him I think.  Better keep looking I suppose.

Thanks for your help :)
Title: Re: Serenity/Firefly Dr. Simon Tam figure???
Post by: anevilgiraffe on February 05, 2010, 08:29:25 PM
It is showing up fine for me, which is odd because I can get at a lot of stuff from work.  Not that it matters.

probably because it's cached on your PC... happens to me all the time...
Title: Re: Serenity/Firefly Dr. Simon Tam figure???
Post by: anevilgiraffe on February 05, 2010, 08:54:25 PM
I knew this was ringing a bell somehow... unarmed, waistcoat... the micro universe Professor Yana figure...

he is a rare though, so hard to find...  one on ebay, just no pic

you can spot him amongst the group shot though just in front of the black dalek

the plastic is horrible and bendy, but can be strengthened with wire, hands are usually a bit lacking in detail, but can be swapped out... head likewise... depending on your courage and skill  :D

I did some mu cybermen on my blog http://anevilgiraffe.blogspot.com/search/label/Cybermen
Title: Re: Serenity/Firefly Dr. Simon Tam figure???
Post by: anevilgiraffe on February 05, 2010, 09:00:52 PM

be wary of this one - if it's in the pack still, the rare's were never in the window, so no way he could know Yana is in there...
Title: Re: Serenity/Firefly Dr. Simon Tam figure???
Post by: myincubliss on February 06, 2010, 12:30:29 AM
The Yana figs a little too portly for Simon though is it not? I'll dig one out tomorrow and doublecheck if I remember...
Title: Re: Serenity/Firefly Dr. Simon Tam figure???
Post by: anevilgiraffe on February 06, 2010, 12:50:40 AM
well the mu figures are very slender anyway, so against a normal 28mm figure should look ok...
Title: Re: Serenity/Firefly Dr. Simon Tam figure???
Post by: Tomsche on February 06, 2010, 01:14:41 AM

be wary of this one - if it's in the pack still, the rare's were never in the window, so no way he could know Yana is in there...

Actually, it was, I bought one of them about a month ago (look in his feedback for buyer tomsche69) and his pictures are all with the cyberman, but the windowed models where those listed in the title.
Title: Re: Serenity/Firefly Dr. Simon Tam figure???
Post by: anevilgiraffe on February 06, 2010, 09:46:24 AM
Actually, it was, I bought one of them about a month ago (look in his feedback for buyer tomsche69) and his pictures are all with the cyberman, but the windowed models where those listed in the title.

really? oh well, fair enough - they did cock up the distribution of some of the rares with the first releases so anything is possible :)
Title: Re: Serenity/Firefly Dr. Simon Tam figure???
Post by: myincubliss on February 06, 2010, 05:50:02 PM
Having dug out a Yana, it's not as portly as I recalled, and the clothing is pretty much spot on (well, waistcoat and a cravatt) - anevilgiraffe is right though, he'd need new hands and head...
Title: Re: Serenity/Firefly Dr. Simon Tam figure???
Post by: cheetor on February 08, 2010, 10:34:17 AM
Having dug out a Yana, it's not as portly as I recalled, and the clothing is pretty much spot on (well, waistcoat and a cravatt) - anevilgiraffe is right though, he'd need new hands and head...

That figure does look the most like what I am looking for so far.  Thanks for all of the feedback guys.

The Doctor Who Universe figs look slightly gangllier than the usual Copplestone/Hasslefree/Reaper/Black Scorpion etc figs (even though I have only ever even seen one Micro Universe fig).

Do any of you by any chance have both the Yana figure and the Heresy not-Firefly figs?  I know that its a bit of a long shot, but a comparison shot of Yana and those would be really great...

Title: Re: Serenity/Firefly Dr. Simon Tam figure???
Post by: Tomsche on February 08, 2010, 11:54:09 AM
Actually, I do, I`ll try and remember to make a picture this evening when comming from work and relocate my picturemachine`s USB cable (in the process of changing computers, so its quite a mess in here  lol)
Title: Re: Serenity/Firefly Dr. Simon Tam figure???
Post by: bandit86 on February 08, 2010, 12:14:01 PM
How about the guy at the top center(maybe a head swap)
Title: Re: Serenity/Firefly Dr. Simon Tam figure???
Post by: bandit86 on February 08, 2010, 12:24:36 PM
You can get almost the whole crew with reaper miniatures.
Title: Re: Serenity/Firefly Dr. Simon Tam figure???
Post by: Commander Vyper on February 08, 2010, 12:58:05 PM
Was gonna say didn't reaper do one, also didn't black cat bases?
Title: Re: Serenity/Firefly Dr. Simon Tam figure???
Post by: Tomsche on February 08, 2010, 02:09:04 PM
Roight, hope this helps


Tried to put their bases and slips `off` the black field to get an idea of foot to head size
Title: Re: Serenity/Firefly Dr. Simon Tam figure???
Post by: anevilgiraffe on February 08, 2010, 02:49:32 PM
new head and hands, should look good...
Title: Re: Serenity/Firefly Dr. Simon Tam figure???
Post by: cheetor on February 08, 2010, 03:23:12 PM
Roight, hope this helps

That was quick, thanks very much Tomsche!

That figure does look just about right, although a quick scour of ebay didnt turn up any results for "Yana".  Any suggestions as to where to pick up Micro Universe singles?

How about the guy at the top center(maybe a head swap)

I cant get at the Pulpfigures site from work.  I will check when I get home, thanks!

You can get almost the whole crew with reaper miniatures.


Was gonna say didn't reaper do one, also didn't black cat bases?

I picked up Reaper figures for Zoe (Ellen Stone) and Jayne (Turk Space Salvager with the addition of the Hasslefree V.E.R.A. instead of the awful steampunk thing that he is holding).  I didnt see suitable figures for any of the others actually.  Which ones were they?  I dont recall seeing any Black Cat Bases figures that seemed suitable either actually.

Just in case anyone is interested I went for a Hasslefree "Miranda" for River, Black Scorpion "Governors Daughter" for Inara, Heresy "Engineer Adams" for Wash (needs a head swap), plus the three Heresy figures already pictured for Mal, Kaylee and Book.  The figures mix pretty well scale wise, good enough for me at least.  Zoe is a smidge on the tall side, but it doesnt bother me that much.
Title: Re: Serenity/Firefly Dr. Simon Tam figure???
Post by: anevilgiraffe on February 08, 2010, 03:32:41 PM
That figure does look just about right, although a quick scour of ebay didnt turn up any results for "Yana".  Any suggestions as to where to pick up Micro Universe singles?

well that second auction listed 10 available, so it may get relisted soon - drop them a line, he might be a while relisting it as his other items for sale list in 4,000 :o
Title: Re: Serenity/Firefly Dr. Simon Tam figure???
Post by: bandit86 on February 09, 2010, 06:26:28 AM
With a little work, a head swap or some putty these could work. or you can go 15mm they have the whole crew a GZG
River and Simon not sure on how they are size wise
? with Reaper but i am sure they will have one planed


Heresys' stuff is nice too. Te not Kaylee could do with a head swap But if you used Heresy I would used them with Hasslefree stuff and not Reaper there is a notable ferance but they all are nice figures.
Title: Re: Serenity/Firefly Dr. Simon Tam figure???
Post by: cheetor on February 09, 2010, 11:37:40 AM
Heresys' stuff is nice too. Te not Kaylee could do with a head swap But if you used Heresy I would used them with Hasslefree stuff and not Reaper there is a notable ferance but they all are nice figures.

I have a couple of the Reaper figures that you pointed out, not-Jayne and not-Zoe.  I hadnt seen their not-Mal before: he looks fine, although I prefer the Heresy figure.

I have the figure pack that you pointed out for use as Simon and River on order, but not for use as those characters.  To be honest they dont really look recognisable enough as the Tams for my tastes (I do plan to use the girl in that pack as another Joss Whedon character: Cordelia from Buffy/Angel).

How about the guy at the top center(maybe a head swap)

The guy in the waistcoat there is a pretty good match for Simon, one of the best that I have seen so far.  He looks a little more stout and jowly than I would like but if I cant get my hands on that Doctor Who figure then this guy is running second.  Thanks!
Title: Re: Serenity/Firefly Dr. Simon Tam figure???
Post by: Froggy the Great on February 09, 2010, 01:09:50 PM
I've not seen a  good Inara or Tam from Reaper, though I would like them to release a "Summer Glau Kicks Everyone's Ass" movie character.
Title: Re: Serenity/Firefly Dr. Simon Tam figure???
Post by: cheetor on February 09, 2010, 02:47:04 PM
I've not seen a  good Inara or Tam from Reaper, though I would like them to release a "Summer Glau Kicks Everyone's Ass" movie character.

While I certainly would be quite happy to get my hands on a "Summer Glau Kicks Everyone's Ass" figure I am pretty much equally happy with the figure that I plan to use as a "Summer Glau Stares Thoughtfully Into the Distance Spouting Gibberish As A Prelude To Homicidal Violence" figure ;)

Pic from Hasslefree

Its not a perfect match, but it is pretty good I think.  As a Hasslefree figure the proportions are petite, which is ideal for a Summer Glau figure.  Additionally, the pose is probably more indicative of the characters behaviour through out the series than a figure that resembled the character as depicted on the cover of the Serenity DVD really.  I *think* that it was Gluteus Maximus that had the idea for using the Miranda figure originally.

For Inara I went for a Black Scorpion figure (also an idea purloined from a LAF thread on more or less the same topic).  Again its not a perfect match (in particular the bows on the dress are more "Kaylee at a shindig" than Inara) but I hope that painting the dress in a fashion reminiscent of Chinese formal wear will make it look a little more like the TV character.  The fan doesnt hurt the look either.

Pic from Black Scorpion
Title: Re: Serenity/Firefly Dr. Simon Tam figure???
Post by: myincubliss on February 18, 2010, 08:41:02 PM
Whilst looking for something else, I found a possible Jayne:


that I thought might be of use to other peeps - head swap, gun swap, add a silly hat - bang! done!

[edit] can't seem to make the pic work, so here's a link: http://www.rafm.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=RAF&Product_Code=RAF02811&Category_Code=USXMin (http://www.rafm.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=RAF&Product_Code=RAF02811&Category_Code=USXMin)
Title: Re: Serenity/Firefly Dr. Simon Tam figure???
Post by: dijit on February 18, 2010, 10:01:06 PM
I'd originally got hasslefree's Miranda for a Summer like character. I think she fits perfectly, especially in the espisode where Simon geta kidnapped.
Title: Re: Serenity/Firefly Dr. Simon Tam figure???
Post by: cheetor on February 19, 2010, 08:07:39 AM
I'd originally got hasslefree's Miranda for a Summer like character. I think she fits perfectly, especially in the espisode where Simon geta kidnapped.

My thoughts exactly, except that she has her big ol' boots on that episode I think (she does some dancing in them I think).

She spends loads of time barefoot anyway, so Miranda is pretty much perfect IMO :)