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Miniatures Adventure => SuperHero Adventures => Topic started by: Hat Guy on February 07, 2010, 04:05:42 AM

Title: Quick Battle 29/01/10
Post by: Hat Guy on February 07, 2010, 04:05:42 AM
Just over a week ago at my local wargames club I whipped out some Capes and my friend and I threw down in a Super System game for a bit of fun. A few pictures of the game can be seen here:


You'll have to scroll down a bit. I'm the shorter fellow in the slashed blue shirt. Also on the page are Fuzzy's Blood Bowl board and teams.

The game involved one team trying to snatch the VIP (Alfred Pennyworth until I can find a more suitable figure), whilst the defending team tried to hold onto him until the extraction team arrived.

As we're still trying to get a hang of the rules and build some proper teams, we just picked whatever characters I had statted up and lying around.

The attacking team consisted of Ultimate Captain America, Ultimate Iron Man, Batman, Red Skull and Scorpion.

The defenders had Clayface and some of the characters from my home-brew team, Wildcat (disgraced mutant super soldier), Particle Man (shrinker), The Scarlet Blade (actor turned superhero) and Colonel Quantum (solar energy controller).

The first round saw Red Skull leap out and open fire at Scarlet Blade, the former actor simply rolled away from the shot. Colonel Quantum flew up into the air and retaliated with a blast of light that knocked the wind out of the Nazi super soldier. Most participants took the turn to position themselves, but Wildcat managed to super leap near Batman and fired off his shotgun. As the caped crusader seemed not to feel the hit, Wildcat kicked out the stun rounds and started to load up buckshot.

In the second round Wildcat had some more luck, injuring Gotham's favourite son and leaping away before he could retaliate. Scarlet Blade and Clayface made a run at Cap, knowing how dangerous he could be. Cap swung out at Scarlet Blade, but couldn't connect. Iron Man positioned himself for some shooting, but missed Clayface by a mile. Red Skull began to move around the wrecked bus to get at Alfred.

Between them, Batman and Cap managed to make a few hits against Scarlet Blade count, but he deftly dodged out of combat and drew some blood on Batman. Wildcat learned just why he shouldn't try and snipe with a shotgun when he blew out some pavement instead of Cap's head. Iron Man connected a shot with Clayface, but the amorphous brute just shrugged it off and then proceeded to wrap up Cap in a huge clay fist. Red Skull shot at Alfred and missed, only realising his mistake when a tiny scientist punched him in the head, almost finishing him off.

Cap managed to break from Clayface's grasp and charged Scarlet Blade again, aided by Batman and Scorpion, finally dragging the pesky actor down. Clayface, sick of the Batman, picked him up and dumped him on top of a nearby building. Colonel Quantum swept down upon Red Skull, keeping him pinned whilst Particle Man rode an air current into Cap, sadly bouncing off with no effect. Once again, Clayface's hide proved too thick for Iron Man to penetrate with a repulser blast. Wildcat repositioned, hoping for a target softer than Cap.

In one last desperate ploy, Scorpion leapt next to Alfred, just managing to grab him and leap off the board moments before the rescue could arrive.

Bit of a fun game, the next week I dragged out all of my Superhero figures and started to organise them a bit better. As soon as I can get my hands on some appropriate bases, a Green Goblin mini and one more mini for one of my home-brew heroes I can field three five-man hero and three five-man villain teams. Next club I'm thinking about a game involving The Ultimates battling a group of escaped Arkham inmates.
Title: Re: Quick Battle 29/01/10
Post by: fourcolorfigs on February 12, 2010, 06:23:10 PM
Great battle report! Thanks! Love that bus paper model!
Title: Re: Quick Battle 29/01/10
Post by: Hat Guy on February 13, 2010, 03:53:39 AM
Thanks, but the bus is actually a converted plastic toy. It (and pretty much everything else on the table) is part of my large Necromunda terrain collection. I made it for a large display game last year by ripping out the plastic driver, dirtying it up with some dry-brushing and cladding it with cardboard for a Mad Max 2 (The Road Warrior) look to be the gate of an underhive settlement. There's some pictures of the game (but not the bus sadly) here:


Once again, you'll have to scroll down to the Necromunda heading.

I'm working on some early 21st century terrain for Super System and Infinity, but it'll be a while until I have decent pictures of that.