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Miniatures Adventure => Age of Myths, Gods and Empires => Topic started by: carlos marighela on March 02, 2010, 12:59:19 PM

Title: Later Period/ Saitic Egyptians
Post by: carlos marighela on March 02, 2010, 12:59:19 PM
Ok, bit obscure I know but the wonderful creations I've spied from Immortal Miniatures had me thinking about a project to do Cambyses II army, which in turn got me thinking about some more opponents for Achamaenid Persians.

Anyone know what minis or ranges would do for these chaps? I know that they used mercenary types, probably Greek Hoplites and that there were likely Persian influences on the army but what minis would do for the locals. The only Egyptian ranges I can find in 28mm are Old and New Kingdom Egyptians which predate the period I'm interested in by about 700 years.
Title: Re: Later Period/ Saitic Egyptians
Post by: El Grego on March 02, 2010, 02:26:18 PM
I don't know of any specific 28mm offerings for Saitic Egyptians, and unfortunately I do not know enough about the period to suggest proxies   :?   Would the 'Numidian' light infantry from Wargames Factory work as a base for conversions?

The era sounds interesting; more opponents for the Persians would be a good thing!
Title: Re: Later Period/ Saitic Egyptians
Post by: Doomsdave on March 05, 2010, 07:32:42 PM
This is probably not the answer you want to hear, but this is why I game historicals in 1/72 plastics.  Well one of a few reasons:

1. Almost every period of soldiery is made by some company in this scale. 
2. They are dirt cheap. 
3. My kids can play them without any anxiety on my part about breakages etc.
4.  I can give them mediocre paintjobs and be satisfied/not feel guilty.
Title: Re: Later Period/ Saitic Egyptians
Post by: carlos marighela on March 05, 2010, 10:42:25 PM
Yes, you are right, that wasn't the answer I was looking for as it didn't go to the question I posed. Thanks anyway.

As it happens whilst browsing the Eureka catalogue I found they carry a range of obscure allies for Achamaenid Persians. including some 'Egyptian Marines', it  looks like they might be a start point for the opposition.
Title: Re: Later Period/ Saitic Egyptians
Post by: 1ngram on March 06, 2010, 11:22:43 AM
Again not the answer you were looking for but I built a Saite army in 15mm many years ago and still use it when playing Basic Impetus.

In 28mm Immortal Miniatures are the way to go.  When they bring out their plastic hoplites you will be able to very cheaply add greeks to your spear armed forces.  The Saites also used Nubian archers and Libyan javelins and Immortal Kushites are fine for these.  You should also check out Gripping Beast Desert Frontier range - they do camels as well.  There is a problem finding suitable light chariots and light egyptian horsemen.  The latter can be abandoned in favour of camel riders of course (better looking too) but Foundry do/did both Egyptian light horse and a variety of egyptioan chariots including ones with armoured horses.

The main problem is finding egyptian spearmen.  Looking at Stillman and Tallis drawings 43, 44, 45 and 46 you can easily find figures for 44 and 45.  43 is likely an officer so not really a problem which leaves 46 which is a tentative reconstruction of Herodotus' description of an Egyptian marine in the Persian army.  Museum do a good version of this figure in 15mm but I've never seen one in 28mm specifically identified as Saite.  But its really anachronistic in any case as most egyptian spearmen in reliefs etc show greek style shields and sometimes greek style helmets.

Your first port of call should be Stillman and Tallis book "Armies of the Ancient Near East" publ WRG though I don't know how available that is these days.
Title: Re: Later Period/ Saitic Egyptians
Post by: carlos marighela on March 06, 2010, 02:18:17 PM
Many thanks for the tips, much appreciated.
Title: Re: Later Period/ Saitic Egyptians
Post by: former user on March 06, 2010, 04:40:39 PM
found this: