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Miniatures Adventure => Fantasy Adventures => Topic started by: Erny on March 17, 2010, 01:19:55 PM

Title: A few of my old minis. New battle report added. (well the start of one 29/02/12)
Post by: Erny on March 17, 2010, 01:19:55 PM
OK I have posted these on other sites but seeing the old school goodness here I thought I'd share, I'm currently getting more mileage out of them playing SoBH:





Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Erny on March 17, 2010, 01:20:40 PM
A few more:





Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: abhorsen950 on March 17, 2010, 04:26:09 PM
Really interested stuff.
Some nice painting

Thanks for sharing

Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Thantsants on March 17, 2010, 07:16:41 PM
Cracking stuff - I want your Hydra!!  :-*

Always quite fancied those old Dark Elves too...

Love your scenic backgrounds!  :D
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: rob_alderman on March 17, 2010, 09:06:54 PM
Awesome! I love them.


Dark elves especially.
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: hetz on March 17, 2010, 09:09:44 PM
Proper minis :D Excellent stuff.
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Erny on March 18, 2010, 08:32:25 AM
Thanks for the good words, the dark elfs are a personal favorite myself. The old 2nd and 3rd edition marauder lines are definite favorites of mine. I have a pretty comprehensive collection of the marauder sea elves, with SoBH enthusing me perhaps its time to get them painted up too.

I'm so happy there seams to be a real old school buzz going on at the moment. And there are some nice collections on this site so here's a few more:




Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Thantsants on March 18, 2010, 07:41:44 PM
Nice Slaaneshi stuff - must admit although I'd have little use for it I'd definitely like to have one of those old Keeper of Secrets. :-*

Keep finding myself drawn to 80s chaos warriors too on ebay...  :o
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: abhorsen950 on March 18, 2010, 07:50:01 PM
Again brilliant sadly im only fourteen new school is all i know and new school is not that great.

Keep up this brilliant work

Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Erny on March 19, 2010, 10:48:09 AM
Nothing sad about being 14. Just means you've got about 20 years more life left than me!

To be honest I'm collect stuff that I really wanted when I was your age, I had a few regiments of renown, a fair few blisters and then the range changed as we entered the 90s. Most of my collection has been built up since then. Slowly from independent games shops, car boots and the like to begin with and then much faster as I discovered ebay about 10 years ago.

The point being if your really attracted to old school citadel minis there is nothing stopping you raiding other peoples junk for your own treasures. Being 14 perhaps you are at a disadvantage to other collectors financially but that just means your collection will grow slower until you start earning (or discover something less geeky like a social life..)

Even then there are plenty of bargains and old minis that are way cheaper than the modern equivalent. My advice next time you have some cash for minis get on to ebay and look for something old but common to start your collection. The old white styrene warhammer regiments springs to mind.http://www.solegends.com/citcat88/0004plastics.htm (http://www.solegends.com/citcat88/0004plastics.htm). Usually found in lots of units of just one race they tend to go for peanuts. I only had one set as a kid, now so many I very happily butcher them for conversions.
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Erny on March 20, 2010, 12:44:40 PM
So I thought I'd post a few images of the styrene warhammer regiments the dwarf in this case, as intended:


and as x-bow men, armed with the dark elf x-bow from the same set:


And here are some troll slayers for good measure, a little newer but hey:


Some miners, looking at them now, the beards need more work and the candle flame is the wrong way round but nice minis:


And some more x-bows:


Perhaps some green skins next post.
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: abhorsen950 on March 20, 2010, 05:26:13 PM
Thanks for that ill have a snoop.

Loving the dwarfs too keep them coming.

Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Red Orc on March 20, 2010, 10:49:17 PM
So I thought I'd post a few images of the styrene warhammer regiments ... as x-bow men, armed with the dark elf x-bow ...

Aaargh! Is this why I have a load of Dark Elves with no x-bows?!

I too pick up these from ebay when I see them, and again it's partly nostalgia for things I couldn't aford when I was a teenager (and I also remember thinking 'Chaos Ratmen? No way am I paying for them, they'll never catch on...') so buying them now for as you say peanuts is very rewarding. And those little goblin archers were great sculpts, among my favourite GW minis if I'm honest.

Thanks for the blast from the past! Almost enough for me to break out the boxes of fantasy minis I've promised myself are going to stay in the loft till I've done some more VSF...
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Thantsants on March 21, 2010, 12:01:41 AM
My little plastic gobbo archers have now moved a few places up the painting queue too!

Keep it coming - lovely stuff!  :D
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Erny on March 21, 2010, 01:37:57 PM
Ahh yes the plastic stickas,

There are some in the rear row here:



More later, perhaps some of the dark elf x-bows.
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Erny on March 23, 2010, 08:46:13 AM
More green skins.

Some early marauder Orcs:


And some citadel wolf boys and chariots:


Hope you like them.
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Thantsants on March 23, 2010, 09:04:26 AM
Certainly do!

Especially the chariot and wolf boys  :-*

Got some of the 90s wolf boys - nice gobbos but the placcy wolves are awful... Shame the 080s ones seem to command a good price on ebay - too good to build uop a nice big pack that is...

The old box set of 2 goblin wolf chariots always seemed like great value back in the day - why didn't I save my pocket money and buy one!!!  :'(
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Erny on March 23, 2010, 10:31:07 AM
Yes if I could go back in time for just a second and tell my teenage self to have more focus with collecting.. never mind the electric guitar you'll always stink at it, forget the shadow run and hero modules you'll never play them, why bother going boozing with your mates in, 20 years time you won't be talking to them what you really want is some of these nice marauder villagers.

I have some of the all lead marauder wolf boys but they need painting up, both the citadel and marauder groups were collected very slowly though one or two here and there at reasonable prices.

Currently on the painting table are a bunch of citadel boar boys but they've been half finished for about 6 months now!
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Thantsants on March 23, 2010, 11:15:53 AM
Yes if I could go back in time for just a second and tell my teenage self to have more focus with collecting.. never mind the electric guitar you'll always stink at it, forget the shadow run and hero modules you'll never play them, why bother going boozing with your mates in, 20 years time you won't be talking to them what you really want is some of these nice marauder villagers.

Too true  lol

Boar boyz you say - ditto...

Race ya!  >:D
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Erny on March 23, 2010, 12:25:18 PM
Now there is a challenge, how much free time i get will dictate how serious I take it....
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Thantsants on March 23, 2010, 01:08:44 PM
Well you're probably on a winner - being dragged along to our son's music club for an hour this afternoon - yay happy clappy  >:(  :D

Then Mother-in-Law is treating us to a meal out tonight!

Can tell my lead addiction is becoming unmanageale as I'd really rather stay in and pait little men...  ;D
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: hetz on March 24, 2010, 12:04:22 AM
Can tell my lead addiction is becoming unmanageale as I'd really rather stay in and pait little men...  ;D

 :o Me too! And I'd usually rather watch Eurovision than paint minis! I'm also painting Citadel Boarboyz at the minute :D

Erny I needz your wolf riders plz :D Excellent stuff you have there, gonna haveta post my collection - though most of mine is unpainted
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Thantsants on March 24, 2010, 12:21:17 AM
I'd usually rather watch Eurovision than paint minis!

I nearly found myself watching the One show this evening before I kicked myself upstairs to do some painting!  ::)

Oh and I saw those wolfies first!!!  >:(  :D
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Erny on March 24, 2010, 08:44:32 AM
:o Me too! And I'd usually rather watch Eurovision than paint minis! I'm also painting Citadel Boarboyz at the minute :D

Three lots of citadel boar boys! Myself I really enjoy painting just don't get the time. By the time I've put my little boy to bed and the wife is back from London and we've spent the quality time together there just isn't time. Still she is at a function tonight so I'll crack on with the boar boys, really looking forward to it, man I'm a geek.

Erny I needz your wolf riders plz :D Excellent stuff you have there, gonna haveta post my collection - though most of mine is unpainted

Most of my collection isn't painted either, that's one thing about posting on a forum like this, gives you inspiration and motivation.
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Erny on March 24, 2010, 08:47:09 AM

Oh and I saw those wolfies first!!!  >:(  :D

Here is a better look:


Some seriously old painting there that needs some attention, the wolfs are terrible.
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Thantsants on March 24, 2010, 10:46:31 AM
Wolf-licious - gotta collect 'em all!  >:D

Some seriously old painting there that needs some attention, the wolfs are terrible.

well at least you own them...  :(
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Erny on March 24, 2010, 12:17:30 PM
I noticed today that even the mid 90s plastic wolf lead gobbo riders are going for sillish money now!
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Thantsants on March 24, 2010, 12:39:41 PM
Crazy! At least I have 5 of them  :D

Know any good 80s citadel wolf look-a-likes as they really need remounting - plastic wolves aren't too great...
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: white knight on March 24, 2010, 06:24:07 PM
Crazy! At least I have 5 of them  :D

Know any good 80s citadel wolf look-a-likes as they really need remounting - plastic wolves aren't too great...

black hat ones, sculpted by Kev Adams.
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Thantsants on March 24, 2010, 09:25:14 PM
Oops - sorry for hijacking this thread a bit!

Cheers for the suggestion - normally I'd say All Hail to the Goblin King Kev Adams  >:D

but those wolves aint doing it for me for some reason...   :(
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: thebinmann on March 25, 2010, 05:27:18 AM
Yes if I could go back in time for just a second and tell my teenage self to have more focus with collecting.. never mind the electric guitar you'll always stink at it, forget the shadow run and hero modules you'll never play them, why bother going boozing with your mates in, 20 years time you won't be talking to them what you really want is some of these nice marauder villagers.

I'd tell myself to get a load of the scenario figs, with a few extra Lichemaster and Mikeal Jackson figs because they are worth the weight in... something bloody exspenvie (mabye vanila or truffles)
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Erny on March 25, 2010, 08:36:01 AM
Unfortunately they were OOP even when I was a kid. I've collected a few of the good  guys from these scenarios,  Albie, Gim and Samgaff just by finding them in job lots I've picked up but none of the evil guys that everyone wants. I watch Mikael Jacsen hit £155 recently on Ebay. I would like him and £155 isn't huge amounts for something you want, I just don't want any one figure that much....
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Thantsants on March 25, 2010, 09:04:54 AM
Ha I watched him go for silly money too - my eyebrows were raised quite high when he was at around £60 with a couple of days to go!

I'd agree with Binman about the scenario figs - they're certainly at a premium at the mo - is it us lot bidding against each other in a frenzy of dewy-eyed nostalgia?!  ;D
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Erny on March 25, 2010, 03:20:49 PM
More nostalgia but elves this time.

Marauder Woodies from the 80's not the later 90s sculpts, mid game here so no background:

(http://i576.photobucket.com/albums/ss204/ernyroamer1/elf1.jpg) (http://s576.photobucket.com/albums/ss204/ernyroamer1/?action=view&current=elf1.jpg)

Citadel hero (well I use him as such) with warhounds:

(http://i576.photobucket.com/albums/ss204/ernyroamer1/elf11.jpg) (http://s576.photobucket.com/albums/ss204/ernyroamer1/?action=view&current=elf11.jpg)

Wardancers enter a sunny glade (I don't think I've ever used Skarloc's chum with the rest of them):

(http://i576.photobucket.com/albums/ss204/ernyroamer1/elf2.jpg) (http://s576.photobucket.com/albums/ss204/ernyroamer1/?action=view&current=elf2.jpg)

As always more later.
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Thantsants on March 25, 2010, 05:38:13 PM
Great stuff - like your lighting, especially the sunny glade!

What's all this about mid-game - you don't actually play with your minis?!  ;)

Those marauder Elves look pretty cool and seeing your hounds reminds me I've got about 8 more of mine to paint... and the rest of the Elven host I scrubbed together off ebay and forgot about as soon as I started painting my greenskins!
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: thebinmann on March 25, 2010, 07:16:11 PM
Unfortunately they were OOP even when I was a kid. I've collected a few of the good  guys from these scenarios,  Albie, Gim and Samgaff just by finding them in job lots I've picked up but none of the evil guys that everyone wants. I watch Mikael Jacsen hit £155 recently on Ebay. I would like him and £155 isn't huge amounts for something you want, I just don't want any one figure that much....

Wow now that is a lot!
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Thantsants on March 25, 2010, 11:14:07 PM

More ebay lunacy - wouldn't mind but I need him!  >:(

Haha just noticed the reserve hasn't even been met yet  ;D

Yikes also noticed the £13 postage from Norway!
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Erny on March 26, 2010, 03:19:48 PM
So as promised, the Red redemption:




The big boss:

Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Erny on March 26, 2010, 03:26:26 PM
May as well finish this set with various warriors:



Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Thantsants on March 26, 2010, 03:34:38 PM
My what a Khorne-ucopia of minis you have - love the Red Redemption and those flesh hounds are very tasty - always thought they should make a halfling equivalent and call them sausage dogs!  ;D

Where did you get your nice background piccy of the misty mountains from?
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Erny on March 26, 2010, 04:01:36 PM
It's a calendar so loads of cool backdrops, problem is it is only so wide meaning stuff has to get cut off.
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Thantsants on March 26, 2010, 04:26:01 PM
Cool - I'll have to search t'internet for some nice mounain paintings - Heaton Cooper's version of Skiddaw perhaps...
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: thebinmann on March 26, 2010, 06:34:41 PM

More ebay lunacy - wouldn't mind but I need him!  >:(

Haha just noticed the reserve hasn't even been met yet  ;D

Yikes also noticed the £13 postage from Norway!
Gtrea figure but really not worth that!
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Erny on March 28, 2010, 11:12:41 AM
Just a quick one today, high elves:

Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: LeadAsbestos on March 28, 2010, 12:17:53 PM
Love thr Redemption! Good work proving me wrong! :-*
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Thantsants on March 28, 2010, 12:30:37 PM
Aha another convert for the Blood God...  >:D lol

Nice High Elves - got the beginnings of a little unit of Wood Elf cavalry from the same line-up somewhere in the queue!
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: thebinmann on March 28, 2010, 01:36:12 PM

More ebay lunacy - wouldn't mind but I need him!  >:(

Haha just noticed the reserve hasn't even been met yet  ;D

Yikes also noticed the £13 postage from Norway!


reserve not met at £97 (I can't believe he wants at least a ton for one fig!)
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Thantsants on March 28, 2010, 02:42:18 PM
What amazes me is that there are folks out there willing to bid it up to £97!  :o

Wouldn't mind that kinda money...  :D
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: thebinmann on March 28, 2010, 07:21:23 PM
What amazes me is that there are folks out there willing to bid it up to £97!  :o

Wouldn't mind that kinda money...  :D

£103 and reserev not met that is crazy, but If I were a millionaire!
sorry for the slight off topic
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Erny on March 29, 2010, 10:24:09 AM
Love thr Redemption! Good work proving me wrong! :-*

Always a pleasure when it comes to minis, do you still have your ones?
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Erny on March 30, 2010, 10:12:04 AM
I have to confess these were not painted by me, got them this way off ebay about 5-6 years ago and haven't found the time or the heart to touch them yet. I have a lot of Slann and these are the only ones painted.

Eagle Warriors:


Jaguar Warriors:

Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Thantsants on March 30, 2010, 10:26:06 AM
Ahh man - Slaan! Now I'm getting jealous...  :D

Great stuff - I always liked the lobotomised slaves - some nice pics in the opld 3rd ed army book.
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Erny on March 30, 2010, 10:27:41 AM
I've only got 6 of them  :-[ and 4 of them are carrying the generals litter.
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: phreedh on March 30, 2010, 11:02:48 AM
Mmm... slann. Taste like chicken. =)
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: rob_alderman on March 30, 2010, 11:25:44 AM
I'd love to see someone do some slann models like those.

Yeah, I love the 3rd edition artwork, most of the B&W stuff was done by Pete Knifton, who also did the Flintloque artwork back in the day and the cover of 'Warmaster' by Bolt Thrower. Now it's impossible to find any info on him at all!!!  :(

Supposedly he's a bugger to work with, but there we go.
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: LeadAsbestos on March 30, 2010, 11:45:46 AM
Always a pleasure when it comes to minis, do you still have your ones?

Sold away sadly... :'(

Love the slann! I had the grand total of 3 of them, also sold! The only minis to survive the great purge are a Citadel Anti-Hero, my original Skrag, and a Ral Partha Fire Giant that I just love. The rest have been coming back a la eBay for a few years now! ::)
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Thantsants on March 30, 2010, 11:53:06 AM
I've only got 6 of them   and 4 of them are carrying the generals litter.

Makes a nice entourage though!

I seem to remember the cold one warhounds were rather tasty too  :P
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Erny on March 30, 2010, 12:25:47 PM
I'd love to see someone do some slann models like those.

Yeah, I love the 3rd edition artwork, most of the B&W stuff was done by Pete Knifton, who also did the Flintloque artwork back in the day and the cover of 'Warmaster' by Bolt Thrower. Now it's impossible to find any info on him at all!!!  :(

Supposedly he's a bugger to work with, but there we go.

There were loads of artists in the 3rd eddition rules books, my favorite was Paul Bonner, he did most of the small unit pictures in Warhammmer Armies.
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Erny on March 30, 2010, 12:27:48 PM
Makes a nice entourage though!

I seem to remember the cold one warhounds were rather tasty too  :P

Only got 2 and a handler not really enough for a decent unit. I'll probably use the handler for some giant scorpions or something.
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Thantsants on March 30, 2010, 12:51:52 PM
Only got 2 and a handler not really enough for a decent unit. I'll probably use the handler for some giant scorpions or something.

hmm sounds interesting - citadel I presume  :D

Maybe the warhounds could be tethered to the general's litter and woe betide any slave who steps on their tail...
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: hetz on March 30, 2010, 09:20:31 PM
I have 1.5 warhounds :D Remnants of my Slann warband which I sold a few years ago. Always thought the Slann would look great painted up, I was just too lazy to do it, so I sold 'em. Yours are cool Erny, don't sell 'em!

Paul Bonner was amazing, loved all his artwork.
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Erny on March 31, 2010, 08:40:45 AM
I've never sold anything! The only time I've made money from this hobby has been painting for others, I can actually paint reasonably well just too lazy to do it for myself...

I have a garage and cellar full of lead and the mountain just keeps growing, hence the preference for OK paint jobs not stunning paint jobs. Besides even bare lead has a pleasure, once every few months take down an old box and remind yourself what you've got and what you could do with it. No, never sell anything!!!!! ;D
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: rob_alderman on March 31, 2010, 08:47:24 AM
hetz, Paul Bonner is still amazing.
He moved to Denmark to be one with the forest spirits!  :D

Brilliant artwork, I am a big fan. Very traditional, in the same ilk as Brian Froud.  :)
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Erny on April 01, 2010, 02:36:34 PM
Inspired by White Knight here are some early 90's minis:





Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Thantsants on April 01, 2010, 03:53:10 PM
Those Greatswords look... Great!

Is the mounted fellow one of the old Elector Counts or just a Reiksgard Captain - great mini either way.

The wizard looks suitably camp - guessing he's a bit older?

Great scenery by the way - like the sky!
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: white knight on April 01, 2010, 08:16:04 PM
The wizard is one of the plastic warhammer quest ones.

The mounted knight was one of the hero figures (but not an elector count or grandmaster).
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: rob_alderman on April 03, 2010, 12:37:17 AM
Yeah I wanna say Hochland, but I have no idea.

They look cool though!
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: white knight on April 03, 2010, 11:33:32 AM
Oh and, good stuff. I like those greatswords. :)
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Erny on April 03, 2010, 02:50:46 PM
Thanks White Knight, oh and the plastic wizard is the astronomer from Tailsman 4th edition. I have almost the complete set of those and almost a complete set of the lead mounted and unmounted colour wizards. I chose this one for the picture because he matched the colour scheme which is Middenland not Hotchland.

I should get some photos of some more of my 90's Middenlanders/Middenheimers for you. I've certainly got the count knocking about.
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Erny on April 17, 2010, 03:07:17 PM
Some more Dark Elves painted about 5-6 years ago, I was chuffed with them then, they look like they need finishing/starting again now.




Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Thantsants on April 17, 2010, 06:09:24 PM
I dunno - don't look too shabby - nice purples!
Title: Re: A few of my old minis. added dwarves.
Post by: Erny on May 02, 2010, 02:32:30 PM
Some more of my dwarf army:



Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Thantsants on May 02, 2010, 06:10:58 PM
Hang on a minute...

Those Bolt Throwers look familiar...

Oi what 'ave you done with Notlob and his crew!!  >:(  ;)

Great stuff - love these old dwarves and I don't even like dwarves!  ;D
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: phreedh on May 02, 2010, 07:36:33 PM
Erny, I'm jeallous of your stash of painted old lead. Wish I still had mine, not that much was painted - but atleast it was old... and mine! =) Things are progressing fine at the Mt Pewter construction site though. o_o
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Red Orc on May 02, 2010, 08:19:10 PM
@ Thatsants, at the same as GW was selling Notlob and crew, they were also selling blister packs with (basically) the same bolt throwers with either a Dwarven or an Orcish crew. If I recall correctly, the blister-packed bolt throwers were mariginally more 'decorated', they had a crank handle on the side and some extra detailing on the base. But basically the same.

Thus proving that like many arms manufacturers in the real world, GW are quite happy to supply hardware to both sides!
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: abhorsen950 on May 02, 2010, 08:42:03 PM
excellent stuff.
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Thantsants on May 02, 2010, 10:13:15 PM
Thus proving that like many arms manufacturers in the real world, GW are quite happy to supply hardware to both sides!

Double-crossing swines!!   >:(

Its the children I worry about...  ;D
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: rob_alderman on May 03, 2010, 06:57:51 AM
Grand stuff.

I love the old dwarves, but then, I do love old dwarves.

Yellow and red... Nice colour combo, mine have always been blue, white and red... Tempted by red and yellow now.

The dark elves ain't that bad, you're being harsh on yourself! The purples are excellent!
Just add a highlight here and there and they'll be fine!!!  :)
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Erny on May 04, 2010, 10:14:13 AM
Yep Red Orc has it same bolt thrower many different crews, you can see them being used by skellies at the front of the 3rd edition rules too. These are the ones with winding handles.

I went through a reasonably prolific part of my life now gone but for good reasons. I made quite a dent in my lead mountain painting an army every 3-4 months perhaps so there is a fair backlog of stuff to post. Quite a bit was Sci-Fi and WW2 though so won't get on this thread.

Glad you like the red and gold Rob, the whole army is either red, yellow or red and yellow. I must get Uthers and Bugmans units photographed soon.
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Thantsants on May 04, 2010, 07:08:14 PM
Mmmmmmmmmmmmm Bugman's...  :P

Mmmmmmmmmmm Ulther's...  :P

Never noticed the skellies bolt thrower - I'll have to investigate!
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Erny on May 05, 2010, 08:40:56 AM
I think the skellies are just plastic ones they used to crew the bolt throwers rather than a set they produced but a bolt thrower is a bolt thrower so anyone can crew it.
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Thantsants on May 05, 2010, 09:20:07 PM
Ah yes - spotted them!

Must admit I've always been intrigued by the big orange giant in the same set of shots... and the big orange cyclops a few pages further!
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Erny on May 06, 2010, 08:35:59 AM
I believe they are 60mm plastic Fighting Fantasy Ogers used quite frequently as Giants in 25mm.

http://www.solegends.com/citfightfant/fly8505-bfx-33.htm (http://www.solegends.com/citfightfant/fly8505-bfx-33.htm)

I've heard they often come up on Ebay, but I've never seen them.

That huge battle has always inspired me. Though I think it may have been a nightmare or at least a bit of a slog to play with 3rd edition rules.
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: phreedh on May 06, 2010, 09:08:40 AM
I believe they are 60mm plastic Fighting Fantasy Ogers used quite frequently as Giants in 25mm.

http://www.solegends.com/citfightfant/fly8505-bfx-33.htm (http://www.solegends.com/citfightfant/fly8505-bfx-33.htm)
It's where everything started for me... =) Should still have a few tucked away in my folks' garage. Maybe I ought to dig them out. Don't remember if I had any of the ogres, or if those were my cousin's.
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Thantsants on May 06, 2010, 09:30:18 PM
Brilliant - that's solved a little mystery for me!

Can't imagine it would have been a slog - 3rd ed. rules are very concise and user friendly!  ;) ;D

Should still have a few tucked away in my folks' garage.

Get 'em out and get 'em painted...

... bright orange!  8)
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Erny on February 28, 2012, 03:48:16 PM
Thought it worth resurrecting this old thread since I’m resurrecting the blog.  For such Threadomancy I appropriately have a slightly converted Marauder Vampire, chuffed because I’ve been meaning to do this conversion since the early 90’s and just got round to it. There should be some more new paints on the blog very soon and a battle report but for now I give you Lord Micka Ston just one of the reports many stars.

Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: phreedh on February 28, 2012, 07:50:59 PM
Good to have you back, Erny. Like that vampire a lot!
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Blue in vt on February 28, 2012, 08:22:53 PM
Yeah...that dude is creepy!!!

Well done!

Title: Re: A few of my old minis. Battle report now included (well part, 29/02/12)
Post by: Erny on February 29, 2012, 11:11:46 AM
I’ve added the first post in a narrative battle report to my blog. Just the introduction for now but full of very bad puns based on British culture as all good old school miniatures WD homage articles should be. It’s quite long so I won’t paste the full text here but please do check it out. To wet your appetite here is Xispa Kerm and his kinband ready to face Bald Rick and his master Lord Micka Ston who you met just the other day.

Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: JollyBob on February 29, 2012, 11:13:43 AM
Great stuff. More old-school love.  :-*
Title: Re: A few of my old minis.
Post by: Old Brush on February 29, 2012, 11:16:30 AM
Good to see the blog resurrected :D lovely stuff
Title: Re: A few of my old minis. New battle report added. (well the start of one 29/02/12)
Post by: DeafNala on February 29, 2012, 12:31:11 PM
I just took a pleasant stroll through the thread. WONDERFUL STUFF! I'm delighted you resurrected the tread. Keep up the INSPIRING WORK!
Title: Re: A few of my old minis. New battle report added. (well the start of one 29/02/12)
Post by: Braxandur on February 29, 2012, 03:34:41 PM
 :-* Thanks for digging up these old models  :-*

You're not helping my wallet though  >:(