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Miniatures Adventure => Fantasy Adventures => Topic started by: LeadAsbestos on March 31, 2010, 02:32:00 AM

Title: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: LeadAsbestos on March 31, 2010, 02:32:00 AM
I'm a total King Arthur junkie be it Dark Ages, Merlin, Excalibur, etc. Anything shy of the Kniggits in Shining Armour, and I'm in!

I got hooked by the Salute06 Arthur v. Mordred vignette:
bought myself a Gripping Beast army, and never looked back!

Please have a look around!
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: Erny on March 31, 2010, 08:53:08 AM
Lovely stuff, puts my dark ages/ late roman armies to shame. I gamed it a bit several years back using WHA and fall of the west, never got round to getting the later Arthur book. It was the Osprey book on Arthur and the paintings by McBride in it that pushed me into historical/mythic gaming, that and the Winter King.

Have you checked out Song of Arthur and Merlin?
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: LeadAsbestos on March 31, 2010, 09:35:17 AM
I haven't, but I'm tempted. Any good? The WAB leaves me a little  :-I to be honest! Tried out a few skirmish scenarios w the Warband rules, and those were closer to what I want.
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: Thantsants on March 31, 2010, 10:22:51 AM
Very nice indeed!

Think I mentioned that I'd been reading Rosemary Sutcliffe a while back and these fellas look they've jumped straight out of one of her books!

The Roman/Dark Ages stuff is great like Eagle of the Ninth as is her take on the Arthur legend - Sword at Sunset being particularly good - keep on mentioning Arthurian goodness and I might be tempted at this rate to pay Gripping Beast a visit myself and gather a Host together for Artur the Bear!

If Songs of Arthur and Merlin is as good as Blades and Heroes it'll be definitely worth a look...
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: Erny on March 31, 2010, 10:41:39 AM
I got in a bundle from wargames vault so have read it but not played though I have played SOBH a bit.

It looks good, options for larger warbands then SOBH but still probably smaller than your above unit. It also gives options for high medieval/Hollywood Arthur, not much use for these guys, as well as historic and mythic dark ages Arthur so very appropriate.

May convince me to dust the old units off. Its cheap but you do need SOBH to play it, still very good may even get you playing because games are quick.
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: Captain Blood on March 31, 2010, 03:08:47 PM
Very nice painting  :)
I used to have all those Gripping Beast Arthurian figures, but I sold 'em...
Wish I hadn't now...  :'(
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: Lowtardog on March 31, 2010, 03:43:59 PM
Very nice indeed!

Think I mentioned that I'd been reading Rosemary Sutcliffe a while back and these fellas look they've jumped straight out of one of her books!

The Roman/Dark Ages stuff is great like Eagle of the Ninth as is her take on the Arthur legend - Sword at Sunset being particularly good - keep on mentioning Arthurian goodness and I might be tempted at this rate to pay Gripping Beast a visit myself and gather a Host together for Artur the Bear!

If Songs of Arthur and Merlin is as good as Blades and Heroes it'll be definitely worth a look...

Soon to eb a film of Eagle of the Ninth hoping it is good.
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: Thantsants on March 31, 2010, 03:55:09 PM
Excellent news... I hope!

Story is great so no danger there as long as they don't Hollywoodize it!

Back on topic-ish - there must be some good scenarios to be developed from Sutcliffe's books?

Roman officer decides to remain in Britain as the legions withdraw, gradually gathers a circle of warriors around him to fight off the barbarian threat to keep the remnants of civilisation from falling into darkness...  >:D
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: Will Bailie on March 31, 2010, 04:54:42 PM
Eagle of the Ninth is directed by the same chap who did Last King of Scotland, so it ought to be good.  Unfortunately, there is a swords and sandals fantasy movie called Centurion also on offer, with almost the same premise (legion marches north and is wiped out by barbarians) - this one looks to be drek.
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: Axebreaker on March 31, 2010, 05:17:59 PM
Very nice looking stuff and I happen to be a big fan of WAB as well,and this looks to be what your army is based for. 8) 8)

After Cornwell's Arthur series,McBrides artwork,WAB supplement,Andy's army and some great mini's from GB and Musketeer have all been influencing me into building one myself! lol 8) 8)

Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: Red Orc on March 31, 2010, 05:23:57 PM
... there must be some good scenarios to be developed from Sutcliffe's books?

Roman officer decides to remain in Britain as the legions withdraw, gradually gathers a circle of warriors around him to fight off the barbarian threat to keep the remnants of civilisation from falling into darkness...  >:D

"What is 'The Lantern Bearers'?"

My favourite.

Pity the whole premise of 'Eagle of the 9th' is completely wrong, but it is a great story.
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: Hitman on March 31, 2010, 06:11:56 PM
Your warband looks great. Crisp, clean brush strokes, nicely mounted, nice variety of figures. Looks like you enjoyed painting them. Thanks for sharing.
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: anevilgiraffe on March 31, 2010, 08:39:45 PM
Unfortunately, there is a swords and sandals fantasy movie called Centurion also on offer, with almost the same premise (legion marches north and is wiped out by barbarians) - this one looks to be drek.

it's by Neil Marshall - director of Dog Soldiers, Descent and Doomsday (actually now I think about that, he should of called this one Decurion)... they may not all be art, but they have some great moments at least... and a lot of gaming inspiration, so I hold out that Centurion will be enjoyable enough as long as you leave the history book at the door...
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: guitarheroandy on March 31, 2010, 11:15:23 PM
Nice unit!! Very well painted!! As a few folk on here may know, I am probably THE Arthurian nut to end them all when it comes to 'historical' Arthur gaming!! Check out my blog archive for pics of my Romano-British and Welsh (plus various Germanic allies) for WAB. It's the one period where I really 'go to town' with my painting to get the best I can out of every single model, including lots of subtle conversions...

WAB really is a great system for Age of Arthur, as it has that semi-skirmish game feel with individual figures and saving throws...I know that some folk can't stand it, but for me it's perfect for this and the supplement and scenarios therein are marvellous!!

Oh, and any of Rosemary Sutcliff's Arthurian books are all worth a read and can be plundered for scenario ideas!

Please post more pics as your army grows - I can never get enough of seeing other peoples' Age of Arthur armies!!!

Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: twrchtrwyth on March 31, 2010, 11:28:26 PM
They are lovely.
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: Sterling Moose on April 01, 2010, 01:13:06 AM
Fantastic job.  Cornwell's books prompted me to amass a large Arthurian Army, it's taken 10 years and there's still half again still in blisters under the gaming table.  It's been on the table twice, including once a proxies for a viking raid scenario.  Are there there no rules out there that fit the period?  Tried WAB, Spearsong, Dogs of War, Glutter of Ravens and a bunch of others but none seem to capture the feel of the period a la Cornwell.   :(
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: LeadAsbestos on April 01, 2010, 09:45:40 AM
Nice unit!! Very well painted!! As a few folk on here may know, I am probably THE Arthurian nut to end them all when it comes to 'historical' Arthur gaming!! Check out my blog archive for pics of my Romano-British and Welsh (plus various Germanic allies) for WAB. It's the one period where I really 'go to town' with my painting to get the best I can out of every single model, including lots of subtle conversions.

Please post more pics as your army grows - I can never get enough of seeing other peoples' Age of Arthur armies!!!
Now don't anyone go and look at Andy's stuff, cuz it will certainly take away any appreciation of my own humble painting! :-* ::)

Andy, the unit that the cavalryman you painted for me is in remains unfinished! Soon the will be up and running, I hope!
Now if I could only talk you into painting one of my Salute06 vignettes for me...
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: guitarheroandy on April 01, 2010, 10:46:32 AM
Aha!!! It's you!!! Sorry...hadn't worked that out!  :) Seems ages since I painted that cavalryman...

I'm taking a break from Arthurian stuff at the moment, painting colonials and Republican Romans using Army Painter dip but adding my own 'twist' to the technique. However, I have lots more Welsh and Saxons sitting there waiting for me to have time to do them...real life has eaten a huge chunk out of my available painting time, hence exploring the use of dip to speed up my 'other period' armies...

@Sterling Moose: Cornwell's books are actually far more 'Viking Age' warfare than what current thinking suggests around 5th century British warfare. Having said that, that's no reason to ignore the inherent fun available from gaming the period a la Cornwell...Have you tried Crusader rules? They might work for you, as there are lots of options for shieldwall spearmen, etc. (You could either use the Late Roman/Federate Roman/late barbarian lists from the Roman supplement or just use the guidance in the rulebook to create your own lists..it's very easy to do!) Personally I have only used them for Classical era and they work well for that, but folk at my club have played Normans vs Byzantines with them and enjoyed it, so they seem pretty versatile.
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: Grimm on April 02, 2010, 10:35:35 AM
wow! hey are nice !
good work

cheers Grimm
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: Dr. The Viking on April 02, 2010, 11:36:05 AM
Splendid! This era of gaming is really getting to me as well.
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: dijit on April 02, 2010, 12:16:03 PM
Dark Age gaming has a lot to be said for it, the whole mystique of the area, the way that myth is intertwinned with reality is fantastic.
Lead asbestos, I'm guessing they're being used for WAB? Have you tried any other rules sets, like SOBH?
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: Axebreaker on April 02, 2010, 06:12:27 PM
Why am I not surprised to hear Andy on this thread! lol

Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: dodge on April 02, 2010, 06:19:16 PM
I have a few of those Gripping Beast figures and they look absolutely brilliant

just great

Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: LeadAsbestos on April 02, 2010, 08:53:24 PM
I just ordered Song of Arthur and Merlin, in the hopes that someday I may actually play a game!

They are based for WAB, but sadly, they've never seen a battlefield!

I'm working on a little boar hunting game, and am going to convert Andy's excellent Tristan and Isolde scenario to SOAAM if it is at all possible.

I love the Dark Ages! So many great minis! I need a pile of those sweet GB SAxon characters.
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: dijit on April 02, 2010, 10:49:55 PM
I love the Dark Ages! So many great minis! I need a pile of those sweet GB SAxon characters.
What scenerio is that based on Tristan and Isolde?
http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=16487.0 (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=16487.0)
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: guitarheroandy on April 03, 2010, 12:18:00 PM
What scenerio is that based on Tristan and Isolde?
http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=16487.0 (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=16487.0)

I wrote one for a WAB skirmish campaign I ran at my wargames club. It used a 'character-heavy' variant of the WAB army lists (as suggested by Paul Leach, regular contributor to Wargames Illustrated magazine) which is included in the scenario document. It uses 800pts of models per side on a 4x4 foot table.

Is there any way to attach Word documents to these posts? If so, I'll attach it. If not, if you PM me your email address, I'll gladly pass it on (that goes for anyone else interested...)
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: dijit on April 03, 2010, 02:46:56 PM
That'd be great. To attach a file, when you post a reply if you click 'Additional Options' under the text box there'll come an option to attach files there.
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: guitarheroandy on April 03, 2010, 04:50:31 PM
No...it's not there. All I see is 'notify me of replies; return to this topic and don't use smileys'. No attachment option at all. Sorry! Is this because I'm not a 'supporting member?' I read in the help section that you have to be one of those to add attachments...and as I'm not one of those...no attachment option?

Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: dijit on April 03, 2010, 06:51:29 PM
Quite possibly then. I'll send you a PM with my email address, then if you want i can post it up?

here is the scenario from Andy at the bottom of this post:
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: guitarheroandy on April 05, 2010, 10:06:47 AM
Quite possibly then. I'll send you a PM with my email address, then if you want i can post it up?

here is the scenario from Andy at the bottom of this post:

Thank you for uploading the sceanrio for me. I hope that folk get some use out of it - it's a tough one to win for either side!
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: LeadAsbestos on April 06, 2010, 01:07:58 AM
Fun though! I must admit a bit of an obsession w/ the movie Tristan and Isolde, w/ James Franco. Quite horrible history-wise, but a damn good yarn. Always gets me in the mood for a good skirmish, and I'm also quite taken w/ the actress who plays Isolde. :-*
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: guitarheroandy on April 06, 2010, 10:32:51 AM
Fun though! I must admit a bit of an obsession w/ the movie Tristan and Isolde, w/ James Franco. Quite horrible history-wise, but a damn good yarn. Always gets me in the mood for a good skirmish, and I'm also quite taken w/ the actress who plays Isolde. :-*

Yes, I enjoy that movie as well. The history side has its (massive) flaws, but good to see some 'reasonably' accurate armour and shields on the Britons - although don't get me started on the horse archer scene!! Totally twaddle on the Irish though - they are more like Saxons and 'Hollywood' Saxons at that!! Mind you, real 5th Century Irish just wouldn't look intimidating enough would they?

Agree about the lass playing Isolde...
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: Argonor on April 06, 2010, 11:48:23 AM
I just ordered Song of Arthur and Merlin, in the hopes that someday I may actually play a game!

They are based for WAB, but sadly, they've never seen a battlefield!

The 'Song..' engine is a very easy system to use, but you'll need to base your minis one and one, as it is a skirmish system. I know Andrea Sfiligoi is working on a mass combat system to accompany the skirmish rules, but I haven't seen any release date, yet.

I'm a fan of the engine, as it is easily adapted to a lot of different settings, be they historical og fantasy/sci-fi.

Now, if only I wouldn't roll 2 ones each time I try to activate a model on more than 1 die...  lol
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: LeadAsbestos on April 06, 2010, 02:59:35 PM
Mind you, real 5th Century Irish just wouldn't look intimidating enough would they?

I find hairy, barefooted men in short yellow dresses quite intimidating.
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: Argonor on April 07, 2010, 10:34:20 AM
I find hairy, barefooted men in short yellow dresses quite intimidating.

I thought the 'leinen' was a scottish phenomena?
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: guitarheroandy on April 07, 2010, 01:09:47 PM
I thought the 'leinen' was a scottish phenomena?

Well, don't forget that, in the 5th Century, the Scots were actually from Ireland...the Picts were from Scotland...
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: Argonor on April 07, 2010, 02:18:47 PM
Yeah, well, I do remember the scots migrated from northern Ireland at some point....
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: Gluteus Maximus on April 08, 2010, 09:56:32 AM
I find hairy, barefooted men in short yellow dresses quite intimidating.

Have we met?

Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: LeadAsbestos on April 11, 2010, 09:41:21 AM

Got my Song of Arthur and Merlin, along w/ Blades and Heroes today! Got a brief look, but seems like it might be just what I'm looking for.

Gallery updated w/ more Arthur stuff too!
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: Argonor on April 11, 2010, 10:04:18 AM
Those are very nice - where are they from?
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: Barry S on April 11, 2010, 03:02:55 PM
They look great.

I'm really looking forward to the "Eagle of the Ninth" movie and remember watching the TV version of it all those years ago after rushing to finish my homework.

I find it hard to pick a favorite novel by Rosemary Sutcliff but I quite enjoyed 'Frontier Wolf'. A bit sad I know, but I did convert an element of my Late Imperial Roman light horse to look as though they were wearing wolf skins...     
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: guitarheroandy on April 11, 2010, 09:11:03 PM
Love that Sacrifice vignette! Here's my 'Merlin' vignette: Merlin by 'West Wind', rocks from my garden...(http://i943.photobucket.com/albums/ad276/guitarheroandy/Arthurians/DSCF4875.jpg)



I hope you like him!! I have lots more Arthurian stuff and intend to post some pics of my first 'Songs of Arthur & Merlin' warbands (Britons and Saxons from the Welsh King variant) as soon as I've created them, chosen the models from my collection and taken photos...

Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: dijit on April 11, 2010, 09:16:08 PM
Looks great Andy, looking forwards to seeing them.
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: Captain Blood on April 11, 2010, 09:27:32 PM
Lovely work on those vignettes boys  :-*
The blooming heather on Merlin's perch is particularly fine.

And great to see this genre / period here on LAF - keep 'em coming  :)

'Eagle of the Ninth' was the second favourite novel of my boyhood (my favourite was 'Sun of York' by Ronald Welch - really must read it again now I'm painting all these Perry WOTR figures!)

Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: Sterling Moose on April 11, 2010, 09:49:26 PM
Lovely vignettes!!  Not sure if the Chi-Rho would be there though - must be grafitti put there by early Christian vandals.  :D
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: LeadAsbestos on April 11, 2010, 10:29:50 PM
I need that Merlin!

Druids are from West Wind, who really should wise up and get some photos going of their character vignettes on their site, as they are all very nice.

I'm also dying to get some warbands up and running. NO time for play these past few days! Damn you, work!! >:(
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: dijit on April 12, 2010, 08:11:43 AM
I'm also dying to get some warbands up and running. NO time for play these past few days! Damn you, work!! >:(
Yeah I know that sentiment only too well :(
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: guitarheroandy on April 12, 2010, 06:06:07 PM
Lovely vignettes!!  Not sure if the Chi-Rho would be there though - must be grafitti put there by early Christian vandals.  :D

Yup...That was exactly what I was going for by putting it there!!  ;)
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: LeadAsbestos on April 12, 2010, 11:11:21 PM
I'm soooo doing Andy's Tristan and Isolde! The "Inconvenient" special rule in Song of Arthur and Merlin sounds just perfect! Buy a fair maiden, stick her in your enemy's warband, and watch them scramble to protect her! Such a great idea! :-*
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: Erny on April 13, 2010, 08:40:39 AM
Glad you took the plunge with Song of Arthur and Merlin. It is crammed full of stuff for such a small book. Too many ideas to be honest and no time to play!
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: abhorsen950 on April 15, 2010, 08:45:50 PM
Really nice, quality stuff.
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: LeadAsbestos on April 15, 2010, 10:53:33 PM
Got in 3 games of SOBAH! Got my butt kicked the first time by LadyAsbestos, a non-gamer  :(, and the next 2 times by LadAsbestos, who is 6.  ::)

Goes to show just how easy the rules are to pick up! And what a crap player I am! Really looking forward to getting more involved games going, but our starter games were a blast!
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: Argonor on April 16, 2010, 07:31:48 AM
Nice to hear thet I'm not the only one getting busted whe playing with the SBH-engine  lol
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: Gluteus Maximus on April 16, 2010, 09:00:49 AM
Nice to hear thet I'm not the only one getting busted whe playing with the SBH-engine  lol

Young Minimus, who is only 10, manages to beat me almost every time we play   :'(

Mrs M won't go near a wargames table, which is a mixed blessing.

I think it's one of the laws of wargaming - "The longer you have played and the better you know the rules, the easier it is for a complete novice to beat you without trying"  lol
Title: Re: The Warlord Chronicles and The Age of Arthur
Post by: Argonor on April 16, 2010, 09:40:36 AM
Last time I played - with Elves - I managed to roll 2 1s and or 2s every time I rolled more than 1 die for activation... Basically, I moved one model at most each turn...