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Miniatures Adventure => Pulp => Topic started by: Puuka on April 29, 2010, 09:22:07 PM

Title: My Pulp Project
Post by: Puuka on April 29, 2010, 09:22:07 PM
So, I am going to start a pulp project. Thinking "Lost World meets Mad Scientist" for my starter to play with my son, and maybe my girlfriend.

First up is our band of heroes. Looking for an ancient artifact that can generate unlimited power.
a female mercenary turned good type, the Playboy adventurer, a female archeologist, the spunky young preteen looking for adventure and the stalwart muscle that wades in to the fray.
The figures are;
-Natalia Kassle (Indy Heroclix)
-Wonderman (Heroclix, Avengers)
-Archeologist (Horrorclix, The Lab)
-Chase Stine (Heroclix, Hammer of Thor)
-Firefighter (Horroclix, Freakshow)

Next, the denizens of the island they are landing to investigate.
A big T-rex (3 inch base if you want to compare size), and a few raptors. (All D&D plastic minis)

Then, the adversaries that also want the power source
The mad scientific mind with his trusty dog, his female bodygaurd and a small group of his robot minions

-Per Degaton (Heroclix, Arkham Asylum)
-Yula (Tannhäuser)
-M-11 (Heroclix, Hammer of Thor)
-Mercy (Heroclix, Brave & Bold, from Goodness and Mercy Duo)

I plan on painting them up. Might keep the smaller "bases" that came on some of the later Heroclix figures (Chase, Per Degaton and the M-11). got to figure out a way to flatten or swap out the T-Rex base as it's badly warped.

Not sure what else I need. Not sure if I want to get the occult involved or save that for a future adventure. This is my first time out and want to try and keep it simple.
Title: Re: My Pulp Project
Post by: Alfrik on April 30, 2010, 02:07:07 AM
Keep in mind the mad scientist may have employed the cultists at some point, whom afer consideration of the scientists goals, later, come back to take the "item" for themselves, only to stumble onto the adventurers... neatly leading into the next chapter of adventures.
Title: Re: My Pulp Project
Post by: P_Clapham on April 30, 2010, 06:55:24 AM
When you paint them up, I strongly recommend giving them a couple coats of gloss sealer, followed by a matte.  I had some nicely painted Heroclix that ended up being bent and warped by the chessex case I had them in.
Title: Re: My Pulp Project
Post by: magokiron on May 01, 2010, 05:15:30 AM
Nice collection of "clix" figures.

I've painted a few and a good coat of varnish is a must.

For the warped base, (and all warped limbs for that matter) try hot water.

And I mean REALLY HOT water (almost to the point of boiling). put the figure a few seconds in the water - be very careful and use some pliers, as boiling water can give severe burns - get the figure out and the plastic will be very soft and can be positioned as you like... for a short amount of time.

Actually, once I snap all my figures out of the 'clix' base, I usually drop them for a few secons in hot water so they "straighten up" because they usually have some ugly bents.

Hope that helps.
Title: Re: My Pulp Project
Post by: abhorsen950 on May 01, 2010, 08:30:11 PM
I agree, excellent clix figures your using them well.

Title: Re: My Pulp Project
Post by: P_Clapham on May 01, 2010, 10:04:45 PM
If you haven't seen the figures yet, Brave and the Bold have Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman in their civilian disguises.  Perfect for bystanders or pulp characters.  The Star Wars miniature line has some great stuff in it too, giant killer robots and Rebel or Fringe Characters that make for great pulp heroes.
Title: Re: My Pulp Project
Post by: Mr.Dodo on May 06, 2010, 09:20:14 AM
I dip them in the almost boiling water, position them and then plunge them in cold water to 'set' them. Most plastic figures (like Britains Deetail) benefit from this Turkish Bath treatment.
Title: Re: My Pulp Project
Post by: former user on May 06, 2010, 10:05:59 AM

For the warped base, (and all warped limbs for that matter) try hot water.

this is really useful advice, thx a lot