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Miniatures Adventure => Other Adventures => Topic started by: Pappa Midnight on June 14, 2007, 09:24:19 PM

Title: Nice Motor Guv!
Post by: Pappa Midnight on June 14, 2007, 09:24:19 PM
Stood next his brand new Ford Cortina we have Detective Inspector Lorne Hargreaves, Flying Squad.


The mini is Malamute's 10th Doctor and the car is a 1:43 Corgi diecast ( I know it's a little over-size but I think it looks OK)

Title: Nice Motor Guv!
Post by: Plynkes on June 14, 2007, 09:25:29 PM
Man, that motor is a thing of beauty. Ford used to make the most beautiful cars. Where did it all go wrong?
Title: Nice Motor Guv!
Post by: Lowtardog on June 14, 2007, 09:56:15 PM
They had to stop because the Vinyl (a rare amphibious creature form the Outer Hebrides) became endangered and the WWF (Wrestlers with an interest in conservation) fought to save the last 6 breeding pairs in 1981. So no vinyl rooves on cars are a thing of the past and trying to import or export them is a serious criminal offence  :cry:

Dont even mention the horros and cruelty of Fluffy dice :o
Title: Nice Motor Guv!
Post by: Westfalia Chris on June 14, 2007, 10:08:51 PM
Quote from: "Lowtardog"
Dont even mention the horros and cruelty of Fluffy dice :o

Heeeeey! I even added miniature fluffy dice to my Space Wolf landspeeders!
Title: Nice Motor Guv!
Post by: Howard Whitehouse on June 14, 2007, 11:22:12 PM
There was a 70s punk band called the Cortinas. They claimed that their act reflected the crappiness of the cars.
Title: Nice Motor Guv!
Post by: Malamute on June 15, 2007, 08:34:30 AM
Nice one Pappa :)  I love that car, very nostalgic. I think the size is spot on.
Good use of the Dr too :)
The idea of sculpting flairs, kipper ties, incredibly wide lapels on horrendous large check sports jackets and Polyester trousers is starting to appeal :lol:
Title: Nice Motor Guv!
Post by: PeteMurray on June 15, 2007, 12:42:33 PM
Ford kept all their good 70s designs for overseas, I think. The family owned a 1975 Datsun station wagon that was Chinese red with black vinyl interior. I understand that six large male vinyls had to be killed to upholster that car.
Title: Nice Motor Guv!
Post by: Lowtardog on June 15, 2007, 03:58:20 PM
Quote from: "PeteMurray"
Ford kept all their good 70s designs for overseas, I think. The family owned a 1975 Datsun station wagon that was Chinese red with black vinyl interior. I understand that six large male vinyls had to be killed to upholster that car.

You are so right Pete :cry:  much like the now extinct Spandex eel and Lycra Bird..gone all for fickle fashion
Title: Nice Motor Guv!
Post by: PeteMurray on June 15, 2007, 04:04:14 PM
There's an Eastern Naugahyde on display at the Smithsonian Zoo. They're worried that unless the poor girl has a litter in the next few years, the population may shrink below sustainable levels. I give a dollar every time I go.
Title: Nice Motor Guv!
Post by: Pappa Midnight on June 15, 2007, 04:17:43 PM
This thread is becoming very surreal.............besides everyone one knows that the softest vinyl comes from the female of the species!

Title: Nice Motor Guv!
Post by: Hammers on June 15, 2007, 06:00:23 PM
You're all a bunch of tree hugging pinko liberals. So we loose a few species! New ones are evolving all the time! Just lookat the North American kevlar elk and ornithorhynchus anatinus weatherproofus (the gortex platypus)

That ride is a great, great find, Pa Midnight.
Title: Nice Motor Guv!
Post by: fastolfrus on November 25, 2007, 02:50:17 PM
PappaM : great looking car but .....

Has anyone found any suitable cars that are a bit smaller than 1/43rd scale ?

I don't base my figures on big bases, so the cars look a bit big for mine.

I found some vanguards 1/60th scale commercial vehicles, but their cars all look to be 1/43, and to be honest the 1/43 mini looks more like a small range-rover.
I've seen a couple of "Fast Lane" & "Majorette" pieces that are marked up at 1/57 or 1/56, but they only seem to have current styles, not old bangers. Matchbox look hopeless because they just seem to scale the cars to fit the box.
Title: Nice Motor Guv!
Post by: Commander Vyper on November 28, 2007, 01:13:36 PM
Quote from: "fastolfrus"

I found some vanguards 1/60th scale commercial vehicles, but their cars all look to be 1/43, and to be honest the 1/43 mini looks more like a small range-rover.



This looks like a small Range Rover!  :wink:
Title: Nice Motor Guv!
Post by: fastolfrus on November 28, 2007, 01:34:09 PM
Nicely done range rover, what make is it ?

Still a bit tall though.
The zombies are on tall bases but still only stand in height to halfway up the passenger window (even allowing for the poor posture. Don't they realise they could get serious back problems sfuffling around like that ?)
Title: Nice Motor Guv!
Post by: Commander Vyper on November 28, 2007, 02:01:29 PM
Quote from: "fastolfrus"
Nicely done range rover, what make is it ?

Still a bit tall though.
The zombies are on tall bases but still only stand in height to halfway up the passenger window (even allowing for the poor posture. Don't they realise they could get serious back problems sfuffling around like that ?)


That's two people who've asked me that now, need to get 'er up on the ramps and take a look underneath. I think it cost no more than £2 from a local model railway shop though.

Its always the way with vehicles suspension of disbelieft always required.


The Commander
Title: Nice Motor Guv!
Post by: Gluteus Maximus on November 29, 2007, 12:39:15 AM
...and I still love the blood-splatter effect  :love:  :lol: