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Miniatures Adventure => Fantasy Adventures => Topic started by: True on July 06, 2010, 12:13:03 AM

Title: Pygmy Disaster
Post by: True on July 06, 2010, 12:13:03 AM
I posted an introduction over in the appropriate forum and in it I promised information about Pygmy Disaster. Each year, a small group of like minded artists and writers, led by myself and my writing partner who prefers to remain anonymous online for professional reasons (mysterious huh!?) try to mount the largest and most interesting 28mm board game we can. Our central focus is always the same...a small band of old GW Pygmies who are out to save the world from whatever peril we come up with. This year's theme was natural disaster. As pictures can say volumes...I will save my explanations and just get on with it.





These pictures are an overview of the board itself. It encompasses a number of different locations and environments.
We do as much of our own work as possible (though there are a couple of prepainted buildings on the board) and we design and print all of our own cards and this year even had our own custom scatter dice made for the disasters themselves.



These are pictures of the Pygmy Village itself.


Thanks to the Swashbucklers forum for inspiration on the megabloks conversion.


A bit of scratch-built fun with some steampunk inspiration.

All total we were 160 sq.ft. of usable space this year. We ran 4 sessions of 8 players at 3 hours apiece...and it only took us a whole year and more cash than I care to account to pull it off (and some silent help from the LAF).

We certainly have more pictures and close ups of locations if there is interest but I have learned that early linking is poor form...one must show one's wares here first. Consider them shown.

Next year the theme is Lovecraftian Horror so our Pygmies will face unspeakably nameless creatures. The painting has already begun and tentacles are being sculpted as we speak.

Thanks for reading...

Team Pygmy
Title: Re: Pygmy Disaster
Post by: Thantsants on July 06, 2010, 12:28:53 AM
Wow - beautfiul and huge looking board - particularly like the tsunami in the background and I don't think I've ever seen clouds used before !  8)

I have an old White Dwarf that details a WFB Roleplay scenario involving Pygmies, Snotlings and an old Slaan flying fortress - like something off of Laputa - not that it looks like you are short of ideas!  ;)

Would love to hear more about your intrepid heroes!
Title: Re: Pygmy Disaster
Post by: General Roos on July 06, 2010, 12:39:03 AM
Wow. Thatīs a cool board!  :)
Title: Re: Pygmy Disaster
Post by: Alfrik on July 06, 2010, 02:32:49 AM
Could you provide a short guide to the activities of the Pygmy's and what and how they saved the world??

Title: Re: Pygmy Disaster
Post by: m4jumbo on July 06, 2010, 04:56:05 AM
Very cool set up.  Looks like that would be a very entertaining game and would love to hear how the pygmies saved the day.  Would also be interested in seeing more pictures, either here or linked.  Great stuff.
Title: Re: Pygmy Disaster
Post by: Tacgnol on July 06, 2010, 07:23:43 AM
Absolutely spectacular. Did the Pygmies win?
Title: Re: Pygmy Disaster
Post by: marko.oja on July 06, 2010, 07:46:32 AM
Beautiful stuff,

where did you get the pygmy village buildings and statues?
Title: Re: Pygmy Disaster
Post by: bc99 on July 06, 2010, 07:52:56 AM
Sure looked like Cal Poly in the background there.

Cool game.
Title: Re: Pygmy Disaster
Post by: Sheerluck Holmes on July 06, 2010, 08:38:02 AM
 :o  :o

 This is amazing - I love the scenery - even the clouds!

 I would love to see and hear more about this game
Title: Re: Pygmy Disaster
Post by: commissarmoody on July 06, 2010, 09:50:40 AM
WOW! :o
Title: Re: Pygmy Disaster
Post by: Ray Rivers on July 06, 2010, 10:47:58 AM

That's absolutely brilliant!

More closeups would be appreciated.  ;D
Title: Re: Pygmy Disaster
Post by: Johnno on July 06, 2010, 10:49:38 AM
Gorgeous terrain.
More close ups please!
Title: Re: Pygmy Disaster
Post by: JollyBob on July 06, 2010, 10:56:53 AM
Oh, cock on! (This means "well done" in the UK, by the way...)  :-*

That set up is brilliant, so much scope for mayhem and hilarity.
Title: Re: Pygmy Disaster
Post by: Welf VIII. on July 06, 2010, 11:36:11 AM

That's absolutely brilliant!

More closeups would be appreciated.  ;D

Title: Re: Pygmy Disaster
Post by: DFlynSqrl on July 06, 2010, 12:13:44 PM
That's great.  Looks like a lot of fun.  I too would like to know what all the pygmies have to do to save the world.
Title: Re: Pygmy Disaster
Post by: Doomsdave on July 06, 2010, 04:28:52 PM
That is insane and brilliant.  The board looks like the most fun wargaming set-up I've ever seen.  Truly inspired inasnity. 
Title: Re: Pygmy Disaster
Post by: True on July 06, 2010, 05:24:59 PM
An astute observation Bezzo...that particular corner is a board edge. You are not the first to comment on the misuse of space there.
And BC99 has either a good eye or a good memory as that is the UU at Cal Poly SLO in the background. The Con was held there this year after a couple of years at the Embassy Suites.

Thanks for the kind words folks. We have a blast building and writing every year but it is always nice to have that work appreciated outside of our own little minds.

As to the game itself, I could go on for pages on the history of it. It started out as an advanced version of Tom Wham's Search for the Emperor's Treasure...but that was many years ago. The way it works now is that each year we examine our succession crisis (the Pygmy Chieftain is always perilously close to dying) and add a new theme to how the Pygmy heroes must go about proving themselves worthy of the Pygmy throne. The first year it was an RPG run for friends and the goal was to bring back something useful. We built all of our locations, played for 14 hours and had a blast. The Pygmies returned to their village on an airship. The one pictured below is the current version of that ship.


The Pygmies took a break for a few years while people moved and married but when my partner (the Wastrel) returned to SLO we decided to revive the pygmies with a treasure hunt board game.


That is the preset board for our first year at the Con. The game was well received but we felt like it could be more than it was. For the following year, the pygmies themselves were the theme in that they had all been waylaid in some fashion and had to be rescued by the players. This was the only time we will depart from Pygmy Players. It was fun, but not the same.

For this year, our theme was natural disaster in that the Shaman of the Pygmies was so busy keeping the dying Chieftain from moving on that his normal control over the elements was failing.

There were four disasters that would come up in the course of the game: Tornado, Tidal Wave, Earthquake and Fire





We had one game of the four we played where all four disasters made an appearance, mayhem ensued and everybody had a great time.

I will go into more detail next time and see about posting images of some of the other custom game components we made. As to that, Marko.oja asked about where the Pygmy village buildings came from...I built those out of scrap while my wife was in China last summer. It was a long two weeks.

Team Pygmy

Title: Re: Pygmy Disaster
Post by: Centaur_Seducer on July 06, 2010, 08:13:00 PM
Its like Heroes of might and magic, with minis :o
Its amazingly done, thanks for sharing :)
Title: Re: Pygmy Disaster
Post by: Ray Rivers on July 06, 2010, 08:40:59 PM
Thanks for the closeups!

What an absolutely lovely game you have there.  Tons of great details...  :o

The disasters thing is just... too cool!   :-*
Title: Re: Pygmy Disaster
Post by: Sheerluck Holmes on July 06, 2010, 11:12:47 PM
not only is this awesome, but it is totally awesome!

 What are the cards with hand prints on them? are they objectives?

 Also, I don't know if it is my browser or not, but I can only see one of the four photos above  :'(
Title: Re: Pygmy Disaster
Post by: True on July 06, 2010, 11:56:16 PM
Silversixx...you are the second person to make that reference (one was a participant on the day we ran). I have not played this game but must look it up now as apparently it is similar to the aesthetic that I favor.

As to the cards with the hand-prints on them...those are recruitable characters. the luxury of custom printing one's own cards is that we can set up our own iconography. A member of the Team (The Zumwalt) did all of our graphic design this year and his work was top notch. All of our encounter cards had photos of the actual miniature on them and the Treasure and Weapons all had custom artwork reflecting the item described. I will work on getting pictures of them up. Scott also designed the icons for the custom scatter dice we used.

Objectives in our games are acquired via Quest cards that can be picked up at the Major or Minor centers. The key mechanic for victory is the accumulation of Renown (represented by large D6s) and Quests are the easiest way to earn renown...but the disasters are in the Quest deck so questing triggers disasters and each disaster hurts the Renown of one of the Pygmy clans if it is not stopped.

All of our rules and our Reputation/Renown system are homebrewed but they are simple enough that we can teach them to players quickly because we run this particular game only at the Con. The terrain and minis that we use are all owned and painted by the team though so we can use them in our own games during the rest of the year.

As to the pictures not showing....I noticed that in my first post all of my pictures showed. In my second, they are all there but three of them are listed via links. I don't know why that is and would love clarification from someone wiser than myself.


The Rockapotamus and Mummy Cult in the Ruins
Title: Re: Pygmy Disaster
Post by: VoodooInk on July 07, 2010, 03:56:53 AM
Its like Heroes of might and magic, with minis :o

Agreed... and that makes it extra totally awesome! :D
Title: Re: Pygmy Disaster
Post by: Sterling Moose on July 07, 2010, 04:06:57 AM
What a fantastic looking board!!
Title: Re: Pygmy Disaster
Post by: Argonor on July 07, 2010, 09:18:57 AM

Was talisman a source of inspiration for the table layout with the different 'locations'??

I would very much like to know how you made - in particular the pygmy huts, and the clouds (the plastic rods are terrific (- if you wanted a thunderstorm, you could make the clouds dark and use 100's of thin rods to represent the rain! - and make some lightning out of thin wire...)).

Truly inspirational - all gamers should get together with others to do such things at least once a year!!
Title: Re: Pygmy Disaster
Post by: bc99 on July 07, 2010, 11:45:20 AM
And BC99 has either a good eye or a good memory as that is the UU at Cal Poly SLO in the background. The Con was held there this year after a couple of years at the Embassy Suites.

Ahh, yes, I still live in SLO. This may be enough to make me get to the Con. Great stuff, wonderful table.
Title: Re: Pygmy Disaster
Post by: Sheerluck Holmes on July 07, 2010, 11:21:17 PM

 Also, I don't know if it is my browser or not, but I can only see one of the four photos above  :'(

I tried clicking of each little broken image squares showing in my browser, and they took me to the photos  :D

 Having seen the other photos - is that a floating hand in one of the photos? if so , what does it do?

 What is the creature in the rock/mountain (the one you can see the face of as the top of the feather cracks open)? was it just scenery or did it play some part in the game?
Title: Re: Pygmy Disaster
Post by: True on July 08, 2010, 04:09:36 AM
The Floating Hand is a Magnificent Ego piece. We call it the Slap and it is simply a force of nature that smacks around any character who draws it. The upshot of it is that if you are at sea when you encounter it you can send it against another player. ( just reviewed the pics and you may be looking at earthquakes hand. He has a non attached hand. The slap is green and it is also a big hand.)

The Rock monster is one of the disasters. He was our Earthquake. He would show up in a location and the Pygmies had to use a dice matching mechanic to try and fight him before he used his dice to destroy the location.

And in answer to Argonor....no. I am really not a fan of Talisman (heresy I know) so any resemblance was purely coincidental.  Any resemblance to Search for the Emperor's Treasure is purely intentional.

Couldn't resist...


Title: Re: Pygmy Disaster
Post by: Chairface on July 08, 2010, 05:14:14 AM
Inspired insanity! I love it! Close ups of the Pygmy heros please!
Title: Re: Pygmy Disaster
Post by: Argonor on July 08, 2010, 07:18:47 PM
And in answer to Argonor....no. I am really not a fan of Talisman (heresy I know)

No heresy at all - I think Talisman is boring  lol
Title: Re: Pygmy Disaster
Post by: War In 15MM on March 05, 2015, 12:50:03 AM
Title: Re: Pygmy Disaster
Post by: Marine0846 on March 05, 2015, 02:29:20 AM
Talk about a post returning from the dead.
Thanks War in 15mm for you post.
Got to love it. whole board is insane.
Any updates? Is True still a member of the Forum?
Wait, I used the Membership list. He joined in 2010.
About 30 posts. That is about all I could figure out.
Title: Re: Pygmy Disaster
Post by: DeafNala on March 05, 2015, 12:36:25 PM
OOH, what WONDERFULLY  strange & imaginative scenery! A GREAT RESURRECTION!
Title: Re: Pygmy Disaster
Post by: northtroll on March 05, 2015, 02:45:42 PM
Gonzo and fun! What an awesome bunch of terrain!
Title: Re: Pygmy Disaster
Post by: Steam Flunky on March 14, 2015, 07:49:01 AM
...Team Pygmy...you have some SERIOUSLY weird sh*t going on there! What have you lot been smoking?  ;)

On the otherhand it looks like a real fun game!!!