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Miniatures Adventure => The Second World War => Topic started by: Sir Dryden on August 13, 2010, 09:27:21 PM

Title: 28mm British or Commonwealth tank crew?
Post by: Sir Dryden on August 13, 2010, 09:27:21 PM
Hi to all,

Does anybody know where I might find the aforementionned 28mm British or Commonwealth tank crews? I can't seem to find anything on these internets, so I'm in the process of sculpting some. Since my sculpting skills are, well, err, "budding", I could use some professional help in that department. By the way, I'm looking for dismounted crewmen. You know, the kind that runs away from the Ronsons, not the ones trying to look cool while sitting in their tin-cans. Any help would be appreciated.

Yours truly,

Sir Dryden

-Edited 3 seconds after I posted: Added "know" to that first sentence, because it just looked stupid without it, you?...
Title: Re: 28mm British or Commonwealth tank crew?
Post by: Calimero on August 13, 2010, 09:32:17 PM

How about those... http://www.blacktreedesign.com/northamerica/product.php?productid=24972&cat=0&page=1
Title: Re: 28mm British or Commonwealth tank crew?
Post by: Sir Dryden on August 13, 2010, 09:36:07 PM
Hi to you, Calimero paisano (since I'm from Dolbeau)

They're BlackTree, might as well be from the 19th century...

Yours truly,

Sir Dryden
Title: Re: 28mm British or Commonwealth tank crew?
Post by: Remington on August 13, 2010, 11:12:14 PM
I wish I had an answer for you. I am only writing to share your "pain". Till recently I was hoping on Mike from Artizan... In a random chat on the phone a year and a half ago he had mentioned that they were planned and yet... nada. He seems to have slightly given up on WWII. The BTD don't look that bad really, but it is BTD and it might take a century till your order arrives.
Title: Re: 28mm British or Commonwealth tank crew?
Post by: Paul Hicks on August 14, 2010, 07:21:35 AM
These should fit the bill


Title: Re: 28mm British or Commonwealth tank crew?
Post by: Remington on August 14, 2010, 09:50:44 AM
Yeah, these are very cool, but sadly they are missing their legs. Should you need a tank crew member for your bail out actions or a scenario then you need to proxy them. I wish a sculptor were reading this...  :D
Title: Re: 28mm British or Commonwealth tank crew?
Post by: Calimero on August 14, 2010, 04:09:22 PM

Yeah Paul, we all know you’re not lazy (or at least our wallets knows ;) )… Please do some bailed out crews! lol
Title: Re: 28mm British or Commonwealth tank crew?
Post by: Sir Dryden on August 17, 2010, 05:56:12 PM
Hi to all,

Sorry for the response delay, hope you guys don't mind too much.

Well, as I thought, there is no such thing as a 28mm British tank crew on the market (aside from BTD, and, you know...). As noted in an earlier post(Paul Hicks', thanks for the response BTW), Warlord makes a really good set of tank commanders BUT they don't have legs and since they have that great "cupola" pose, they're next to impossible to convert effectively. That absence is surprising, considering how many WW2 enthusiasts use British or Commonwealth forces.

Even more surprising is the fact that the subject has a lot of potential. Consider this: according to Jean Bouchery in his book "Le Canadien de la Libération" (maybe hard to find, but highly recommended if you collect WW2 Canadians), there were 4 different uniforms available for Canadian tankers in NW Europe: the Denim suit, the "Pixie" suit, the Canadian Worksuit (I'm translating freely here, maybe there's a better term) which was sorta yellow-beige and the Black Tank Suit, which was, well, black. The uniform patterns are really different between each of the 4 kits, so I think that gives sculptors a good opportunity to have fun (and share it with us!). Add to that your regular tanker's widely diverse mix of personnal equipment and you've got winners.

Thanks to Calimero and Remington for the response, really appreciated guys.

Yours truly,

Sir Dryden
Title: Re: 28mm British or Commonwealth tank crew?
Post by: King Tiger on August 18, 2010, 12:08:50 AM
closest thing I could think of looking at this pic
was maybe you could do something with some British commandos from warlord
now there in no way a perfect fit, but the smock is sorta similar at a push, and its not to hard to maybe remove the caps from the commandos and sculpt some berets on to them.

thats just my thought though.