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Miniatures Adventure => Future Wars => Topic started by: Rob_bresnen on August 26, 2010, 07:43:00 PM

Title: Space ships (little ones)
Post by: Rob_bresnen on August 26, 2010, 07:43:00 PM
I have rescently bought some nice mini space ships from GZG. They look very cool.  :)
I have also been scouring the net for other manifactures who make similar 'scale' minis.
I know GW make their epic range, and som of the tau ships are a bit nice, and that Spartan make the very lovely minis for their own game Firestorm Amarda, but are their any other companies out there making good space ship minis that will fit in with these manifatures?
Title: Re: Space ships (little ones)
Post by: AKULA on August 26, 2010, 07:49:33 PM
I have rescently bought some nice mini space ships from GZG. They look very cool.  :)
I have also been scouring the net for other manifactures who make similar 'scale' minis.
I know GW make their epic range, and som of the tau ships are a bit nice, and that Spartan make the very lovely minis for their own game Firestorm Amarda, but are their any other companies out there making good space ship minis that will fit in with these manifatures?

The answer to all your space ship needs lies here.

Click on the link, and remortgage your house....  lol

Title: Re: Space ships (little ones)
Post by: dijit on August 26, 2010, 09:35:28 PM
There are of course the old beer can with bits; kinder egg with bits; disposable razors with bits; anything really with bits space ships. Dirt cheap and look half way decent if done with a little thought and very useful as freighters and targets. A few of mine are here, but you'll better on the Starship builder site:
http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=19635.0 (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=19635.0)
Title: Re: Space ships (little ones)
Post by: Malebolgia on August 26, 2010, 11:36:07 PM
If you are a Homeworld fan (like me ;)), check these out:





And note that Spartan's ships are a lot bigger than most other companies fleets.
For the rules sets I think Starmada is the best one. Full Thrust has some issues IMO (damage and vector movement being my biggest gripes). Firestorm Arma and BFG have the "bucket of dice" syndrom I don't like (AKA, roll a lot of dice when attacking...not my cuppa tea).

And welcome to the stars! 8)
Title: Re: Space ships (little ones)
Post by: The_Beast on August 30, 2010, 03:09:58 PM
Okay, my first version of this post was as much a fanboy thread highjacking as Malebolgia's, and I am ashamed.

Instead, let me agree about the go-it-yourself road dijit suggests, and here's more proof, including my still unfinished entries:

However, I still say:
'Show us both up and dig out your old Starfire set.'

Title: Re: Space ships (little ones)
Post by: Malebolgia on August 31, 2010, 02:39:57 PM
Okay, my first version of this post was as much a fanboy thread highjacking as Malebolgia's, and I am ashamed.

Title: Re: Space ships (little ones)
Post by: gloriousbattle on August 31, 2010, 03:59:12 PM

Very basic designs, but also very inexpensive.  I have painted quite a few of these, and they look very nice.  You can get a warbird, fighter, shuttle, defense satellite, and some 25mm space opera style adventurer figures.
Title: Re: Space ships (little ones)
Post by: Antenociti on September 14, 2010, 10:38:58 AM
Speaking personally...

The best quality ships out there in terms of detail and production are NinjaMagic, but they are relatively expensive.
The ones link by Mal - "Otterman" are looking nice and the Homeworld ships he has look very nice.
Zandris are excellent - well made and cast, but not as exactly detailed as NinjaMagic...you can make a nice single fleet and they paint up lovely.
GZG are amongst the very best of the "Hand-made" ships (i.e. not done by 3D) alongside Zandris...massive choice, free rules and ongoing deveolpment and new ships on a regular basis.
Spartan's Firestorm ships I dont rate, (they can never seem to make their own minds up whether they are any good or not, and as with their rules, appear to change them every 4-6 months and the designs are lifeless.)
Some of the Cold Navy ships are very nice, but i cant seem to find many of them...in some cases perhaps too much detail on some ships also.
Odyssey Slipways do the very best Star Wars ships, but will be very expensive...but OMG a fleet by the  would be nice - they also need more ships in the range.

I just bought the GZG Neu Swabian and ConFed fleets as I think they are good looking and the best detail for the price.

Given a bigger wallet though I would go with NinjaMagic on one side and Homeworld on the other: so Zandris IV and the odd ship here and there by others like Otterman.

However, all said and done: When I get the time I will simply make my own fleets in a Homeworld style...which, on current form, will be around 3030.  :'(
Title: Re: Space ships (little ones)
Post by: Viper on September 14, 2010, 10:55:31 AM
My biggest problem is that I really love the style of many of the Evil Empires Battlefleed Gothic miniatures, but only really tyranid and ork fleets can be scratch build or kitbashed with ease. The others are pretty difficult to make and as usual have pretty rediculous prices, and the EE don't allow indie retailers to stock "specialist" (more like we don't care about these) games.

Gothic stuff is really the only mini's that I would consider breaking my "don't buy from GW anymore" decision for, no other companies have anything like the floating space battle cathedral look, most other model ships are far more typical scifi with clean lines and such.

Damn GW for tainting my love of starships.