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Other Stuff => Workbench => Topic started by: alone_withmyaxe on November 06, 2010, 08:48:08 AM

Title: My New Workbench (update) 28th Nov all finished for now!
Post by: alone_withmyaxe on November 06, 2010, 08:48:08 AM
To motivate me to finish this project, this is the start of my thread for my updated workbench. Time has come to actually have a well organised and mostly tidy space for my hobby.

Need a bit of a fresh start  and this is the beginning. I will be posting pics and inviting comments and questions and ideas.

The plan at the moment is to strip out the current desk and put in a custom fitting workspace, that can fit the computer and have a big work area left of it and some extra space right of it.
I want to keep the floor underneath empty, well emptyish and have shelves running up the wall for all the bits boxes an the like. not sure abut the printer yet, but that will come to me!

Thanks for reading.

Here is what it looked like a little while ago...

And my trusty helper in the workspace
Title: Re: My New Workbench
Post by: OSHIROmodels on November 06, 2010, 08:58:27 AM
The only thing I can think of for the moment is to mount the monitor on the wall (say that ten times after plenty of beer  ;D ). and then you'd have some extra storage space underneath it.


Title: Re: My New Workbench
Post by: Slayer on November 06, 2010, 09:00:10 AM
or/and building/putting shelves on the wall, that would leave your work area for..well work :D
Title: Re: My New Workbench
Post by: alone_withmyaxe on November 06, 2010, 10:25:11 AM
The only thing I can think of for the moment is to mount the monitor on the wall (say that ten times after plenty of beer  ;D ). and then you'd have some extra storage space underneath it.

Thanks for the tip, I have an older iMac so I have to keep it attached to the base so attaching the monitor to the wall is an impossibility. Thanks anyways!

Going to pull all the plugs now so will be off line for the foreseeable, When I am back I will update with pics and every thing!

See you all!
Title: Re: My New Workbench
Post by: Photographer on November 06, 2010, 11:27:54 AM
I used to have a cat like that! He was called Garfiled!
Title: Re: My New Workbench
Post by: Alfrik on November 06, 2010, 02:44:35 PM
Agrees, first shelf should house computer/monitor up off desk top, shelves arranged for use to hold miniatures etc would be fairly close together and not very deep. Lighting might be wall mounted on swing out arms to direct light where needed, especially for lower shelf holding areas.  If its possible, shelving made from clear plastic prevents a lot of shadowing. Just some quick thoughts.
Title: Re: My New Workbench
Post by: Stu on November 06, 2010, 03:26:54 PM
Your cat sits there and watches you?! my cats are interactive, they drink my brush water, then lay waste to paint pots with their tails while trying to eat a tasty looking miniature.
Title: Re: My New Workbench-(update 10th-Nov)
Post by: alone_withmyaxe on November 10, 2010, 09:43:16 AM
So most of the project is going well.

Paint on the walls, shelving brackets... I promise that pictures will come, My computer still has no home so images are a bit more complicated to upload (I am logged on in the office at the mo, bit naughty!).

One small disaster... :(
One of the fixings for the desk support went through the plasterboard and straight in to a power cable. A bang, a bit of smoke and the smell of burning indicated that this might be an issue...

I was saved from a fatal electrocution by the trusty fuse box. Turns out I have gone through the loft power cable, the only cable in that particular half meter of wall section and probably a 100 to 1 chance of hitting this 10mm piece of cable >:( and I hit it dead centre! I would like to have that kind of luck on the wargaming table!

It has set the whole job back at least a week, I was hoping to have it at least as a working space before the weekend, and all polished off for the next week, now I will need an electrician to have a look and put a big hole in my wall, not to mention the extra expense...

What a pain. I will update as more news comes in.

Cheers guys.
Title: Re: My New Workbench (update - small crisis)
Post by: alone_withmyaxe on November 13, 2010, 02:46:39 AM
So a week has almost past and I thought you would like to see the pics I have been promising!

So here is how it looked just before starting this.

And after the tidy up

The rest of the room was less tidy then this little area!

On to painting, then adding the brackets etc! The girl did massive amounts on the painting front which is good as I hate painting walls!
This is the desk main support

Then the temporary fitting, using the old desk as make shift bits! you can see the hole in the wall on the left where I tried to kill my self with electric.

And these 2 were no help at all!

Still need to do other stuff but the wire and the hole need fixing first. This is a pain but it is getting there and will give me loads more space for stuff.

Title: Re: My New Workbench (update - Now with pics!) 13th Nov
Post by: Christian on November 13, 2010, 06:10:08 AM
That's looking good! Nice view from the window?
Title: Re: My New Workbench (update - Now with pics!) 13th Nov
Post by: The Dozing Dragon on November 13, 2010, 09:10:38 AM
Looking good! My own 'work' area takes up half our bedroom in the loft conversion - my wife is not a happy bunny. I built a shelving system with the thought of putting doors on it........now the shelves are full and so much stuff sticks out there is no room for doors  :( I thought using IKEA drawers units would create a visual barrier that would split the room allowing her a functional bedroom............definitely not a happy bunny.
Title: Re: My New Workbench (update - Now with pics!) 20th Nov
Post by: alone_withmyaxe on November 13, 2010, 09:56:20 AM
Looking good! My own 'work' area takes up half our bedroom in the loft conversion - my wife is not a happy bunny. I built a shelving system with the thought of putting doors on it........now the shelves are full and so much stuff sticks out there is no room for doors  :( I thought using IKEA drawers units would create a visual barrier that would split the room allowing her a functional bedroom............definitely not a happy bunny.

It is always a balance this needs to be done as the spare room is becoming swamped with my stuff, so much so it was beginning to annoy me!

Have you thought about those decorative storage boxes to go on the shelves, might make a good compromise, or maybe under bed storage boxes to clear the shelves a bit?

That's looking good! Nice view from the window?

Not to bad it is out in to a street in the front of our house, better for light then anything else!

Title: Re: My New Workbench (update - Now with pics!) 13th Nov
Post by: OSHIROmodels on November 13, 2010, 10:07:10 AM
Good to see progress  :)

What might have been a good idea would to have the blue get lighter towards the bottom then you would have a good backdrop to take photos of figures on  :)

Isn't it strange that there always seems to be more stuff than what's actually there. I cleaned my small cupboard out last night and everything that went in there filled the spare room  ???  ??? it's only tiny  lol


Title: Re: My New Workbench (update - Now with pics!) 13th Nov
Post by: alone_withmyaxe on November 13, 2010, 11:46:17 AM
What might have been a good idea would to have the blue get lighter towards the bottom then you would have a good backdrop to take photos of figures on  :)

That would have been cool! The nature of the bracket fittings means I can't get them off the wall without starting again now so that will have to be stored! :( the extra space means that I will be able to make a  proper sceneary to take pics on though  :)

Isn't it strange that there always seems to be more stuff than what's actually there. I cleaned my small cupboard out last night and everything that went in there filled the spare room  ???  ??? it's only tiny  lol

I know what you mean some how all the junk is going to fit back in to a space less the 1/4 of what it fills now! Just crazy!
Title: Re: My New Workbench (update - Now with pics!) 13th Nov
Post by: The Dozing Dragon on November 13, 2010, 02:02:53 PM
maybe under bed storage boxes to clear the shelves a bit?

Already full under there.......................
Title: Re: My New Workbench (update - Now with pics!) 13th Nov
Post by: alone_withmyaxe on November 13, 2010, 02:05:03 PM
Already full under there.......................

... yeah mine too!
Title: Re: My New Workbench (update - Now with pics!) 13th Nov
Post by: alone_withmyaxe on November 20, 2010, 04:46:21 PM
New update then,

The electric is fixed, the wall still needs work as I have 2 big holes that need filling, and will then have to repaint it. >:(

But in general it is good, I have taken apart the old desk and while I wait to save up for the new desktop and shelves, my budget was very tight for this and the blowing the electric's/ attempting to electrocute myself, really hurt it.

So the old desk is now the current new shelves and desktop!
I will post some pics when I get a chance, it is a little Escheresq at the mo.

Will be working on it in the evenings so should have it all done for next week and then can get back to some proper work! :D ;) :D
Title: Re: My New Workbench (update) 28th Nov all finished for now!
Post by: alone_withmyaxe on November 28, 2010, 07:14:02 PM
So I have got to a finish point at last!

The electric's that I broke now looks like this!

The new desk then went in place...

And then the shelves were put in...
(You can see that a second hole that was needed was also repaired at the top of this shot)

And so at last I have something I can use. It is a stage one finish as my budget ran out because of the f***ing electric's problem >:( but using the old desk as shelves and as desktop seems to work well enough for now, and until the money is there to replace the desktop and put in some more pretty shelves it will stay like this (minus the hover)!

My work area.

And the storage.

Overall I am fairly happy with it, I have shifted the printer to the loft for now, so I will have to find a home for that eventually, but apart from that I now have a reasonable work space and easily accessed bits boxes and figures

A thumbs up!