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Miniatures Adventure => Pulp => Topic started by: JazzIsBlues on November 30, 2010, 03:47:51 AM

Title: Searching for U.S. sources for Pulp mini's
Post by: JazzIsBlues on November 30, 2010, 03:47:51 AM
I'm looking for U.S. sources for pulp mini's preferably in 28mm scale.

I'm looking for both heroes/villains and for rank and file troops.


Thanks in advance,

Title: Re: Searching for U.S. sources for Pulp mini's
Post by: Heldrak on November 30, 2010, 05:13:11 AM
You're going to have to nominate specific lines, as different US distributors carry different lines of figures (Artizan, Copplestone, etc.) and some lines of miniatures have no US distribution other than ordering direct from the manufacturer (Pulp Figures, for instance).
Title: Re: Searching for U.S. sources for Pulp mini's
Post by: Wirelizard on November 30, 2010, 05:43:16 AM
Some just off the top of my head:
Brigade Games (http://www.brigadegames.com/) carry Artizan & Great War Miniatures, as well as huge ranges of their own. Lots of good stuff.

Askari Miniatures (http://www.askari-minis.com/webstore/) are US-based, with some pulp and pulp-era figures that look good.

Pulp Figures are exclusively mail-order, based up here in Darkest Canuckistan, and have excellent customer service.

Beyond that, don't be afraid of mail order, especially from the UK. I can get Copplestone miniatures cheaper and faster direct from Copplestone in the UK than I can from their American distributor. The UK firms have mail order down to an artform.

(not specifically directed at the OP, but why is it always Americans who seem afraid of international mail order? It really does work. It worked even before the internet, too; these days it works even better and faster!)
Title: Re: Searching for U.S. sources for Pulp mini's
Post by: Onebigriver on November 30, 2010, 03:15:07 PM
This should be of some help:


Title: Re: Searching for U.S. sources for Pulp mini's
Post by: Capt Croft on November 30, 2010, 03:58:29 PM
 I second wirelizard, order direct.

Arrives faster than most u.s. Companies, very prompt service in my dealings with them
Title: Re: Searching for U.S. sources for Pulp mini's
Post by: Tom Reed on November 30, 2010, 05:03:38 PM
In the US RLBPS now carries Mr Murchs' Pulp Figures line.
Title: Re: Searching for U.S. sources for Pulp mini's
Post by: Heldrak on November 30, 2010, 06:07:38 PM
why is it always Americans who seem afraid of international mail order?

Let's refrain from sweeping generalizations about nationalities, shall we...  ::)
Title: Re: Searching for U.S. sources for Pulp mini's
Post by: Mancha on November 30, 2010, 08:09:12 PM
(not specifically directed at the OP, but why is it always Americans who seem afraid of international mail order?

As an American, my problem with international mail order is that it often costs a lot.  All things considered, I'd prefer to buy the same thing from a US distributor, who can charge significantly less for S&H.  I think most of us would prefer to buy things from within our own continent, whichever continent that might be, for the same reason.  That said, I agree that sometimes buying something direct from the UK or Europe can end up costing less, thanks to the difference in exchange rates. 

Additionally, it's not really my experience that US buyers express greater concern.  In fact, entire threads recently have been dedicated to the woes of ordering from the US into the UK and other countries.  Of course Europeans and Brits have good reason to worry, given the roulette wheel of customs interference.  :(
Title: Re: Searching for U.S. sources for Pulp mini's
Post by: Hammers on November 30, 2010, 08:58:53 PM
Let's refrain from sweeping generalizations about nationalities, shall we...  ::)

Hear, hear.
Title: Re: Searching for U.S. sources for Pulp mini's
Post by: Calimero on November 30, 2010, 10:44:15 PM
... given the roulette wheel of customs interference.  :(

I think that's the bigger concern of many gamers wherever they might be from…
Title: Re: Searching for U.S. sources for Pulp mini's
Post by: Mancha on December 01, 2010, 01:07:41 AM
I think that's the bigger concern of many gamers wherever they might be from…

Although Americans don't have to worry about it ... yet (knock on wood).
Title: Re: Searching for U.S. sources for Pulp mini's
Post by: SMPress on December 01, 2010, 01:56:23 AM
May be the cost of shipping, and the weak dollar.  I just startd my miniatures company about 6 months ago, and I am finding that 70 or 75% of my business is overseas, I am in the US.  I think the weak dollar is responsible for less orders from the US, and greater orders from elsewhere.  I dont know how things are runnign in South Africa, but I am seeing lots of orders from there.  I have also been getting a lot from Australia, and I know they are strong against the dollar at the moment, so tat may be part of it...

Title: Re: Searching for U.S. sources for Pulp mini's
Post by: Bako on December 01, 2010, 05:03:56 PM
Pulp Figures are exclusively mail-order, based up here in Darkest Canuckistan, and have excellent customer service.

And they're priced in USD on the website anyhoo.

Beyond that, don't be afraid of mail order, especially from the UK. I can get Copplestone miniatures cheaper and faster direct from Copplestone in the UK than I can from their American distributor. The UK firms have mail order down to an artform.

Quite. Anything I purchase across the pond will find its way to me faster than anything a tad south of me ever did.
Title: Re: Searching for U.S. sources for Pulp mini's
Post by: warrenpeace on December 01, 2010, 07:13:18 PM
When I think of sources for pulp type figures in the US, I think immediately of Brigade Games. While I like Brigade Games a lot, I did not have such a good experience ordering from them a few years ago. The problem was that the online ordering system at the time did not tie directly to inventory, so many of the figures that I ordered from Brigade were not actually in stock.  That included Sheltrum divers (UK), Shadow Forge tribals (Australia), and Brigade's own Belgian WW1 askari.  I was not charged for the stuff not in stock, of course, but was still a bit disappointed that I never got that stuff.  In genres other than pulp, I've often had to deal with US distributors of other countries' miniatures not having figures in stock, and sometimes have had to wait months for the figures.

Another US maker who I like to order from is Bronze Age Miniatures.  If your definition of pulp includes the "Sword and Planet" genre of trashy novels from the early 1900's, then the Bronze Age "Dead Earth" line of figures is truly great for that.  And the service is really excellent.

Both Brigade Games and Bronze Age have yahoo discussion groups and store web sites.

My luck at ordering direct from manufacturers in countries other than my home USA country has been at least as good or better than my luck at ordering from US distributors.  I have had especially good experiences ordering from:

Pulp Figures -- Canada
Foundry -- UK
Shadow Forge - Australia

I have not tried Eureka in Australia yet, but eventually expect to try ordering from that company.

All those companies produce some figures useful for Pulp (though Shadow Forge is somewhat of a unique company, specializing in female figures, many of very outlandish types).
Title: Re: Searching for U.S. sources for Pulp mini's
Post by: JazzIsBlues on December 01, 2010, 11:20:11 PM
Thank you everyone for your thoughts and insights. I have no personal bias to ordering from one place or another, my specification of a US distributor was largely an effort to keep shipping costs down.

Much appreciated,

Title: Re: Searching for U.S. sources for Pulp mini's
Post by: Chairface on December 02, 2010, 02:20:24 AM
I have not tried Eureka in Australia yet, but eventually expect to try ordering from that company.

They are excellent to order from, but I have also ordered from Eureka USA and I really like them.
Title: Re: Searching for U.S. sources for Pulp mini's
Post by: warrenss2 on December 02, 2010, 07:39:36 AM
why is it always Americans who seem afraid of international mail order?
--- $$$ is a huge factor for me.

I have also ordered from Eureka USA and I really like them.
--- Do you have a link for this, Chairface?
Title: Re: Searching for U.S. sources for Pulp mini's
Post by: Wirelizard on December 02, 2010, 07:55:56 AM
--- $$$ is a huge factor for me.

It is for everyone, I assume! Even the lucky folks who can chuck hundreds of bucks a month into the hobby want best value for their coin.

One of the American resellers of Copplestone currently has a markup of nearly $10/pack over what Copplestone charges, given current exchange rates. Their S&H charges are roughly the same as Copplestone's. It's actually cheaper to order from overseas rather than use this particular North American retailer.

Granted, this isn't always the case, but it's worth comparing prices and checking exchange rates (http://www.xe.com/ucc/) before assuming overseas ordering is always the more expensive option.

My earlier comment about Americans being the first to ask for American retailers wasn't intended to be insulting, just an observation of national stereotypes. If the discussion is on postal duties and the obnoxiousness of same, it'll be the Brits and Canucks again and again; requests for "does [company] have a distributor in [country]" are likewise nearly always Americans. Aussies and Kiwis always complain about the absurd S&H to ship stuff down to the underside of the world. And so on.  :)

Oh, and while I'm posting away: http://www.eurekaminusa.com/[/color]]http://www.eurekaminusa.com/ (http://[color=blue)
Title: Re: Searching for U.S. sources for Pulp mini's
Post by: richarDISNEY on December 03, 2010, 03:03:01 PM
Actually, I found it to be cheaper to buy figs from the manufacturer, even abroad. Almost EVERY time.  There are a few places here in the states which have them on 'sale' (The War Store and FRP Games), but usually, I go to the source.

Shipping usually is not as bad as I thought it would be (there are a few exceptions to this...).
AND I have found that shipping is faster from Europe than it is from the other side of the USA... Odd that...
Title: Re: Searching for U.S. sources for Pulp mini's
Post by: Chairface on December 03, 2010, 03:53:20 PM
--- $$$ is a huge factor for me.
 --- Do you have a link for this, Chairface?

Yes sir: http://www.eurekaminusa.com/

Note that not everything is always in stock, but if there is something you want they get stock in from Australia constantly. Just email and tell him what you want and you save paying the Australian shipping. 
Title: Re: Searching for U.S. sources for Pulp mini's
Post by: HerbyF on December 12, 2010, 08:25:02 AM
Old Glory USA is another source for pulp & pulp era figures. and they are fairly cheap.
Title: Re: Searching for U.S. sources for Pulp mini's
Post by: abu iskander on December 13, 2010, 03:04:25 AM
I live in America and order direct to UK, EU and sometimes Australian companies regularly.  Like has been said above, it's not always cheaper to go with your domestic distributors. There aren't many US operations offering free shipping at a certain $ amount, on what I am often buying at least, plus it usually takes much longer to get drop-shipped stuff sent to you from the Stateside guy than if you just order from the manufacturer. Seems to be that $10+/- is a standard shipping charge these days. For example, why buy Warlord plastics and pay shipping from a US distro guy when I can order from the WL site and pay no shipping at all, at least until January.
Title: Re: Searching for U.S. sources for Pulp mini's
Post by: dreamingleopard on December 13, 2010, 05:04:59 AM
A note on postage from the US to Canada:
Please don't use UPS for minis!  The surcharges are horrendous (like $15 just to peek in your package at Canada Customs).  Use USPS!