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Miniatures Adventure => Back of Beyond => Topic started by: Khartoum on September 15, 2007, 10:37:07 AM

Title: How Long is Yours?
Post by: Khartoum on September 15, 2007, 10:37:07 AM
I am currently about to start painting and modelling my next squad for my back of beyond red army.  The squad is a group of 12 lancers to give flanking and skirmishing to the remainder of my force (still very small at the present - a squad os sailors with a HMG, a squad os partisans and 2 squads off regular infantry.  A half finished plane is also on the way).  ALthough I am not of the standard of the majority of the modellers on this forum I do like to make a model that is fundamentally in scale.  The Copplestone castings I have do not come with lances and previously I acquired in preparation a pack of foundary 80mm lances/spears.  These are I think far too long but I am unsure as to the length that I require for a well balanced model.  

I am sure that there is someone in the forum who could give me an idea of either real length that I can scale back or the size that they have used on previous models.

Lancers may not have been the best of troops by this time as well positioned machine guns could mow them down on mass along with close support artillary but they have always been a favourite of mine and an army supposed to be fun 9not just the best troops available).

Thanks for the help in advance


Title: How Long is Yours?
Post by: Auton on September 15, 2007, 11:28:45 AM
Looking at the lances in the photo on this page, I'd say they were just short of twice the height of a man. So on a Copplestone figure around 50-60mm


Picture on its own...
Title: Thanks
Post by: Khartoum on September 15, 2007, 03:53:23 PM
Thanks for the link and the photo - This amswers my question perfectly.  I had not found as good a source as this one and will be returning when I have some time to have a good read as it looks very intersting and the photos have a lovely feel to them.  

One thing that catches my eye in the photos is the lack of pendants ont he lance.  One less thing to model and try not to make look too think as the green stuff goes on.

As for the lead pile this keeps grwoing a bit dropping a bit but never falling to a level that will please my wife.  Especially if she kne what was in some of the boxes in the attic form past endevours.  I find that I seem to paint and model in spurts partly dependent on work levels.

Viva finally finishing an army (fully based an d varnished) - It happens so rarely that I can say this is complete.  I think this is the nature of us modellers and wargamers as theres always something extra to add and something new to try.

Thanks again

Title: How Long is Yours?
Post by: Auton on September 15, 2007, 05:28:34 PM
No problem and welcome to our friendly forum  :)