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Miniatures Adventure => Old West => Topic started by: Cory on September 16, 2007, 05:40:46 PM

Title: I need a passenger
Post by: Cory on September 16, 2007, 05:40:46 PM
I put together a hearse for an upcoming scenario

but am stumped as to ideas for a passenger.  Any one have any ideas, preferably for a fig that will pass as prepped for a funeral? My backup will be a coffin I guess, but I am hoping for something with more flair.
Title: I need a passenger
Post by: Grimm on September 16, 2007, 05:53:28 PM
what abaut the vampire in a coffin from the GW Vampire wagon ?
Title: I need a passenger
Post by: Evilcartoonist on September 16, 2007, 06:32:48 PM
WOW! Excellent hearse!  How did you build it? Entirely scratch? Hybrid?

As for passengers, check for casualty figures- or along the same lines as what Grimm said, look for a victorian vampire model laying in his coffin- he'll probably be dressed in a nice 19th century suit (and he comes with his own coffin :mrgreen: )   Sorry, I don't have any idea where to even begin looking for these minis. I'm sure someone will come along here with some good sources though :)
Title: I need a passenger
Post by: mousy brown on September 16, 2007, 06:36:43 PM
Firstly ! That hearse is brilliant...is it a scratch build / kit or ??

Secondly ! Grimm that vamp is quite long ? good 28mm and may not
                go unless its a hanging victim.( stretched)

       Dixons do a coffin with occupant which is a nice size with artizan and
       obviously dixon minis, you could use the coffin elsewhere. But its
       not dressed very fancy!


Very near the bottom of the page ![/img]
Title: I need a passenger
Post by: Grimm on September 16, 2007, 06:37:54 PM
Secondly ! Grimm that vamp is quite long ? good 28mm and may not
go unless its a hanging victim.( stretched)

sorry didenīt know that  :?
Title: I need a passenger
Post by: mousy brown on September 16, 2007, 06:42:49 PM
:D  No. Nor did I until I tried leaning the piece up outside my undertakers
shop . !!  Massive dude.   But spose thats what your after in a vampire!

Wondered wheather you could take a piece out off dixons cowboy
lounging seated with hat over face and make him lie flat ??

http://www.dixonminiatures.co.uk/details.asp?code=wg21&desc=Seated cowboy lounging with hat over face
Title: I need a passenger
Post by: Ray Earle on September 16, 2007, 06:54:33 PM
Superb hearse.  :love:

Third the request for building details.
Title: I need a passenger
Post by: fatgoblin on September 16, 2007, 07:24:30 PM
you could try eureka

they should look like this

very nice work btw!
Title: I need a passenger
Post by: Cory on September 16, 2007, 07:53:34 PM
Given some width issues I think I'll try Dixon's lounging Cowboy, that means a call to Scale Creep in the morning I suppose. Thanks.

Construction wise it was pretty quick and simple - did it while watching TV last night. I cheated and used a Reader's Digest "Horse Drawn Pumper" wagon that I removed the pump from
and then constructed the back box by using some curved bass wood (meant to be a 1/12th scale chair rail I believe) to make three picture frame shapes that were glued to a gridded 3x5 note card with white glue.

Once that was done for the two sides and the back I cut the pieces out of  the card and cut out the windows. The bottom and front were cut from a 1" basswood strip.  The top was cut from a wood ruler to give it some shape. I then sprayed everything black, and the windows were cut from a handy blister pack. The trim took just a moment with some dulled gold paint.