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Miniatures Adventure => Pulp => Triumph & Tragedy => Topic started by: twrchtrwyth on January 22, 2011, 12:47:57 PM

Title: Pack transported guns
Post by: twrchtrwyth on January 22, 2011, 12:47:57 PM
Pack transported artillery (and HMGs)

Mule and llama transported.
Mules cost 2 points each and move like infantry. You need 3 mules for the gun, one for the 2 wheels, carriage and barrel, (or base, stand and barrel for a mortar). A couple of extra mules for ammunition would look right to, but these would NOT count as pack train and transport units as per the Colonial rules.
If the gun starts packed on the mules then the procedure for un-packing and setting up is as follows:-
1, Play a special action order to unpack and assemble the gun.
2, Play a second special action order to prepare the gun for firing.
3, Play now proceeds as normal for the gun type.

Ox, yak and water buffalo transported.
As mule transported except may not use a move fast order.

Horse, camel or reindeer transported.
Horses, camels and reindeer cost 5 points each. As mule transported when gun is packed, but follow normal cavalry rules when guns are unpacked. Therefore the crew could abandon the guns and mount the horses, and would then count as cavalry, if there is not more than twice as many crew compared to the number of horses.

Elephant transported.
Elephants cost 9 points each. As Ox transported except you only need one elephant per gun.

Only the following may be pack transported, light mortars, mortars, light field guns, rocket artillery and HMGs. I see this as more appropriate for an ambush type scenario.

Thoughts, comments sought.
Title: Re: Pack transported guns
Post by: Driscoles on January 25, 2011, 09:41:32 AM
Definitely inspiring. I would increase the point costs for mules.
Three steps to have the gun ready seems a bit long. Maybe you can have the gun ready faster when your gun crew has a higher skill level ?
Title: Re: Pack transported guns
Post by: twrchtrwyth on January 25, 2011, 11:54:23 AM
What would you increse the points of mules to?

It's 2 steps/turns, you can fire on the third turn. I think it needs to be 2 because there is more involved than just moving the weapon, which takes 1 turn, 'no shooting after a move'. I wouldn't use a skill check just to keep it nice and simple.
Title: Re: Pack transported guns
Post by: Driscoles on January 25, 2011, 01:44:13 PM
at least 3 points.
A Skill or score check is part of the game, so not a biggie...but anyway...all your ideas are useful and worth trying. We will test it  :)
Thank you very much !
Title: Re: Pack transported guns
Post by: twrchtrwyth on January 25, 2011, 02:48:20 PM
3 points seems fair, as they would also give a strategic advantage if you were playing a campaign as well.

Actually it's a fair point about the score check if you wanted to represent a really good team.