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Miniatures Adventure => Call of Cthulhu => Strange Aeons => Topic started by: Anatoli on March 18, 2011, 01:35:40 PM

Title: Few thoughts about / ideas for the rules
Post by: Anatoli on March 18, 2011, 01:35:40 PM
A few things I've come to think about over the last couple of months.

Psychology tests:

Frenzy: I think it could be toned down a notch, last night a Mummy was beaten up badly by multiple frenzied models. An easy fix to tone this aspect down would be to apply a -1 modifier to the Insanity table roll when facing models that cause Fear. Would make it more likely for a model to succumb to one of the more likely psychology results than getting heroic and whop someone’s behind.

Revulsion, another thing that happened yesterday. A mummy appeared and scared a large number of models standing near a table edge. The result being that some of them rolled Revulsion. Now are models in that situation supposed to leave the table if this occurs?

I implemented a temporary house rule making the insanity result carry over to the next turn and make the models use 1 action to roll a new Resolve test. If passed they would act as normal, if failed they kept being panic stricken and just stood there.

Commanding models in general:

The game is really aimed at a small number of Treshold Agents. A trio is often the perfect number, since the Character can use command to push the two agents/civilian helpers around. However when the number is increased, models tend to be left behind.

There are a few ways around this, like the Lurker player can include multiple models with the command ability - making him able to alternate between two groups of models and push them forwards. The Treshold agents are locked to 1 character however, and can only rely on "chain linking" models with "Lieutenant" skill.

Strange Aeons is different from other games I play in the sense that you don't have to activate all models on the table - instead a turn is made up of a chess move where you and the opponent each move 1 piece each.

Again, this works very well in those cases when there are a trio of agents, and a handful of Lurkers. I do think that implementing the requirement of activating, in an alternating fashion, each model on the table before turnover would allow for slightly larger encounters to be a bit more smooth and scale the action properly.

It could be as simple as "1-5 models on the Treshold team = Use regular command rules" , "6+ models on Treshold teams, use alternate activations and work your way through all models before turn is over". Models with command skills would still be able to activate multiple models at the same time.

I will try out my idea of working through each model before turnover next time I play out a larger game and see how much of an impact it makes on the core rules and if things break apart using that system of activation.

Title: Re: Few thoughts about / ideas for the rules
Post by: hummus on March 18, 2011, 02:01:38 PM
how about a +1 to hit at 4 inch range
Title: Re: Few thoughts about / ideas for the rules
Post by: Anatoli on March 18, 2011, 02:10:17 PM
There is already a skill that allows you to spend 1 action point to increase your Dexterity by 1 notch. Most weapons in the game have short ranges, otherwise it would be tempting to include "long/short range modifiers"  :)

Title: Re: Few thoughts about / ideas for the rules
Post by: BletchleyPark on March 18, 2011, 05:19:05 PM
Thoughts on commanding models:

Have you used the deck-of-cards style of activation before? I've only heard of the odd (old) WWII skirmish games that use that kind of system and thought maybe that would work out in larger Strange Aeons games.

For those unaware of the card-deck activation system, it essentially goes along the lines of this:

Each model gets 1 or more activation cards (the amount would have to be predetermined...either by build point cost or by Dex, Resolve or Attacks ...or something) and all the activation cards from both factions playing in that game are shuffled into one draw pile.

A card is drawn from the top of the pile and that model is activated for that turn, and players alternate drawing activation cards until the deck has been exhausted. Then a new turn begins and the deck is reshuffled.

I've always been enamoured by this way of model/unit/squad activation as it makes every turn a far cry from being any kind of cut and dry. Problems (of course) lay in the sheer randomness of  activation, creating the risk that the game will turn into an affair that is 100% reaction and 0% planning/strategy. (But with a little game design and play testing, I'm sure this can be mitigated...at least some what.)

I do think part of the trick lies in making sure even the lowest-ability model gets more than one activation card--and that players have some way of interrupting the card-drawing sequence to make strategy possible in the game.

Just some quick thoughts.....
Title: Re: Few thoughts about / ideas for the rules
Post by: Anatoli on March 18, 2011, 05:47:29 PM
Sounds similar to the game mechanics of Battles of Westeros (a boardgame) where you have a deck of generic command cards, then you add specific character command cards - shuffle them and draw a number each turn. You then activate units in the command radius of the character using his command cards.

At the same time you get to roll dice and generate random command tokens which can be used to activate single unit types (Green/Blue/Red). Giving the player both tactical choices in how to use the commanding character and the units that are out of his command radius.

This also reduces the "randomness" of the other games in the series such as BattleLore and Memoir44.
Title: Re: Few thoughts about / ideas for the rules
Post by: ZenWired on March 18, 2011, 07:46:14 PM
Have you used the deck-of-cards style of activation before? I've only heard of the odd (old) WWII skirmish games that use that kind of system and thought maybe that would work out in larger Strange Aeons games.

I used that exact system in my published old west rules, with one addendum: to mitigate the randomness of drawing cards, players are allowed to "hold" their models' turns (by setting the model's card aside) until after a later card draw. This allows players to attempt group actions, but they usually have to do so by going later in the round. It works very well; so well, in fact, that my game group has carried it over to other games with great success.

In terms of Strange Aeons, I like the command structure system; but I agree that its inflexibility is a drawback when larger numbers become involved. (It's also a bit annoying when playing on a larger area, which my game group prefers.) Here's an idea for modifying the system to make it more flexible without breaking it too badly (or scrapping it altogether):

On a player's turn, he may move any of his models that is not currently engaged in hand-to-hand, as if assigning the model a normal move action. (Models that have been moved are not considered to be alert. Alternatively, they could be alert but suffer a penalty to any shooting as a result of having moved.) Once the player's moved all of the models he wishes to move, activations (as per the normal rules) are assigned to any model that wasn't moved.

What this house rule does is make key actions (shooting, melee, and other non-move actions) and taking two actions require that a model to be activated. But it doesn't force a player to leave half his force behind as he moves, as the current rules do when more models are involved.

Title: Re: Few thoughts about / ideas for the rules
Post by: Sheerluck Holmes on March 19, 2011, 09:55:30 PM
I have been using a card activation system for solo play for SA. I copied this from my own SA web site I have been working on:

"Solo Play
To play the game as a solo game, I created a deck of cards which is used to activate the models.
 Each model, both Threshold and Lurker, has a card representing the model placed in this deck of cards. Extras such as random events can also be added.
To make it more interesting include a "End Turn" card in the deck - as soon as this card is drawn the turn ends.
Figure Activation - a model is activated when its card is drawn from the deck. If it is a model with command it may activate other models near it on the table just as you would in a normal game of Strange Aeons. Any other model may be activated when their card is drawn, but they only get one action instead of two. Alternatively, you can choose not to activate that model and wait for a command model to activate it, in which case it gets its two actions as per normal.
 If the end turn card is drawn before all models have had a chance to be activated, then they miss out on actions this turn.
When the end turn card is drawn, add all the cards back to the deck and shuffle them before starting a new turn.
How to activate the Lurkers - when a lurker is activated it will wait for a command figure to activate it if with in command range. If not within command range it will take one action for its turn.
When choosing actions, a Lurker will attempt to fill a game objective if closer to the objective than a Threshold Agent.  It will attack/move closer to attack a Threshold Agent with the best of its abilities if closer to the agent than an objective.
 Lurkers with spells will cast those spells when the chances of success are best - treat the lurker models as if they were your own models; don't waste the spells to get them out of the way.
All pre and post game sequences remain the same.
Lurker Lists - create a few different lists to the point values and randomly choose one AFTER you have prepared your Threshold Agent list. It might be a bit of work, but it stops you having insider knowledge before you have prepared your Agents, and makes it a bit more random.
Creating the lists might seem a bit of hard work, but the lists can be used again (with minor mods) in following games. "
Title: Re: Few thoughts about / ideas for the rules
Post by: elysium64 on March 19, 2011, 11:53:15 PM
I like card activation systems, and in Atomic Cafe 57, they have an interesting twist in that both sides prior to shuffling their characters back into the deck select one model card each, to be activated first in the turn (in initiative order) then continue drawing cards from deck for remaining activations, this allows greater strategic options. I hope this makes sense as I have had a few drinks tonight :D
Title: Re: Few thoughts about / ideas for the rules
Post by: widgren on March 20, 2011, 07:20:16 AM
i like carda activation. it brings chaos into the order.
Title: Re: Few thoughts about / ideas for the rules
Post by: Uncle Mike on March 21, 2011, 06:40:40 PM
I love the idea of cards for solo play but stand by the original design of the game. Yes, it can be somewhat restrictive but was designed to be so. This is one of the only places where the Lurker player can catch a break: There are many more Lurkers with Command (yet none with Lieut.) to allow a more fluid attack force, usually the Command models are fairly cheapish points wise as well. The Threshold player is forced to spend Skills to acquire Lieutenant on at least another model in the list if a larger force is required...This is all fine and dandy but the real reason for the rules is when the Command models get removed from the table...once they start to disappear the whole sense of security is removed. Also, psychology can be affected by a Command model and so, the fewer the better IMHO. Watch for the rules for 'Mobs' in Shocking Tales #2, these will allow a bit more flexibility and will be perfect for those guys who want more models involved in the game.

Now back to the original questions/thoughts from Anatoli, which I'll finally (sorry...) get around to after this next batch of models is cast up... :)
Title: Re: Few thoughts about / ideas for the rules
Post by: Anatoli on March 21, 2011, 08:17:48 PM
Thanks for the input Mike  :)
The rules are indeed written in a specific way for a purpose, I can see that and again they make perfect sense in the small scale fast paces skirmish that make up the backbone of Strange Aeons.

Great news with the "mob rule" , really looking forward to that ;D
Title: Re: Few thoughts about / ideas for the rules
Post by: Uncle Mike on March 21, 2011, 09:22:44 PM
Alright, back from the dungeon for a spell...sorry again for the time it has taken to respond...a little busy with casting stuff for the next con, working on Shocking Tales #2...and of course Lead Painters League is eating a bit of my time atm, but in a good way.

Frenzy: Just as 1-2 is terrible so 5-6 is pretty good...although, I've seen models with no close combat weapons Frenzy and run in only to die horribly. I kinda like the set-up as it is. I feel the randomness helps the hero/horror aspects of the game.

Revulsion: The failing models would indeed run off the table and be counted as a minor injury as well as being able to take no further part in the game...thems the breaks. Gotta move those team members into the action just in case something like this happens!  ;)

Command In General: Don't forget that bigger Threshold teams will benefit from Alert models...provided they can be moved into positions of strategic importance. Alert adds a great deal of usage for un-nominated models and also as a counter play to your opponent...
Title: Re: Few thoughts about / ideas for the rules
Post by: hummus on March 22, 2011, 10:45:57 AM
Alert adds a great deal of usage for un-nominated models and also as a counter play to your opponent...
agreed alert is cool and lets all the guys be useful most of the time
Title: Re: Few thoughts about / ideas for the rules
Post by: pixelgeek on April 04, 2011, 03:26:15 AM
Will mob be a general rule that can be applied to any Lurkers or will it be specific to a few types of Lurkers?

I love the idea of doing Zombie mobs but they are often at a bit of a disadvantage in the game due to command restrictions.
Title: Re: Few thoughts about / ideas for the rules
Post by: LidlessEye on April 04, 2011, 03:58:41 AM
Mob is open-ended, though it'd be impractical for models more than 6 points.  After all, once you hit 30 points, that Godling starts to look awfully attractive.  There are a lot of good Mob models though - Tcho-Tchos and Hybrids have a number of good synergies - so it's certainly not just for Cultists, though Human models will see the most benefit overall. 

For those wondering what the heck we're talking about, just wait for Shocking Tales #2  :D
Title: Re: Few thoughts about / ideas for the rules
Post by: thebinmann on August 25, 2011, 11:15:57 PM
i like carda activation. it brings chaos into the order.

That's ture

Me too, which is why I turn nearly all my games into deadlands great rail wars!