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Miniatures Adventure => VSF Adventures => Topic started by: Drachenklinge on June 24, 2011, 10:16:24 AM

Title: Underwater Tabletop, anyone?
Post by: Drachenklinge on June 24, 2011, 10:16:24 AM
Hello Folkes!


This forum is kinda inspiring for new weird ideas ... maybe not so weird for others ... but to me anyway. Me, usually a dwarven player thinking about and underwater tabletop ... hellooohhhh?

So ... does anyone know specifically anything about such a system? I guess, there are lots of possible systems be adaptable for that, also many deep-see and diving minis from all sorts of TT-producers, but specifically a system?

What I do NOT mean is some submarine-TT-system, like sme sort of ship-fight-system. I DO mean some sort of 28mm tabletop-pulp-victorian-captain-nemo-like-deepsea-underwater-buildings-skirmish system. Imagine what kind of cool U-boats, submarines, deepsea-stations and monsters there might be. And all the brilliant colours! Oh, boys!
In addition there should be a lot of highly intelligent doplhins, evil-minded sharks (sharkmen anyone?), lots of selfmade-deepsea monsters (what about these horrors from GW? Excellent ray-fishes!) and all sorts of normal 28mm fishes! °_O And I haven't even began with all the plants and ship-wrecks ... and ... ohhhh!! ... whales! *purrr*

So, I think victorian would fit best, obviously not steampunk ... not sure about pulp, though.

And I REALLY MEAN "deep-sea"! No water-line simulation needed, when more then 3 miles under the sea!

Actually there is more to be found, then I expected, but no specific system, I think. Maybe it is a bit difficult because nearly everything had to be put on "flying-bases" ...

I also have noticed these threads from March/May '09 & May/April '10
http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=28847.0 / http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=29699.0

But maybe scubas are not able to dive that deep (even if starting from pressure-chambers)  ... not sure about the pressure-procedures - my basic knowledge comes more or less from therefore useless hollywood-movies.

Then there is that one:

Pictures and/or links form the threads




Bioshock-Warmachine ^^

I evengot a few Grizzlies from Mongoose's StarShiptropper - might work to converse them, too
Maybe some space-suits are conversable here, too.

impressons and ideas ^^

What do You think? Who likes to join with ideas and brainstorming?

crazy wishes
Title: Re: Underwater Tabletop, anyone?
Post by: argsilverson on June 24, 2011, 10:58:54 AM
Nice and interesting idea.
I just confirm that the ex HLBS deep sea divers are available form Tiger Miniatures: http://www.tigerminiatures.co.uk/page8.htm
Some nice Nemo-type sea divers from Reviresco: http://www.tin-soldier.com/cgi-bin/ustorekeeper.pl
and some from Brigade games: http://www.brigadegames.com/Ends-of-the-Earth_c_204-2-0.html
there are also some metal sea creatures available (Reaper if I remember well).
As for games:
I remember there was some Stingray underwater games:
some rules: http://www.jimwallman.org.uk/wargame/stingray.pdf
and some inspiration: http://www.salute.co.uk/salutegames/stingray/graphics/new_gallery.htm
These are referred to a much modern era Than Nem or VS,  but can be adapted or provide a good inspiration

The only problem is: miniatures like Ratnik, Brigade games, Wargames Foundry and even Reviresco have divers and deck crew for their preparation so, if wanting to use all figures available, you need two boards. One for surface and one for the sea bottom.

Terrain can be easily make even using real life sea debris likea algai, small and larger sea shells form souvenir shops etc.
Title: Re: Underwater Tabletop, anyone?
Post by: Malamute on June 24, 2011, 11:55:25 AM
Interesting to see a deep sea diver with a flame thrower, not sure how that works under water lol

Lovely figures, they should fit in well with the current BLAM underwater game. :)
Title: Re: Underwater Tabletop, anyone?
Post by: Hauptgefreiter on June 24, 2011, 11:59:50 AM
It seems that you missed this thread:
http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=24709.0 (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=24709.0)

And this also might be of interest:
http://www.antimatter-games.com/shadowsea/ (http://www.antimatter-games.com/shadowsea/)
Title: Re: Underwater Tabletop, anyone?
Post by: argsilverson on June 24, 2011, 12:01:19 PM
Interesting to see a deep sea diver with a flame thrower, not sure how that works under water lol
for some introduction see something from the modern world. Underwater welding:


Lovely figures, they should fit in well with the current BLAM underwater game. :)

Photos please. can't wait to see photos!
Title: Re: Underwater Tabletop, anyone?
Post by: Drachenklinge on June 24, 2011, 12:13:16 PM
Interesting to see a deep sea diver with a flame thrower, not sure how that works under water lol
eeeeeasy! close-range-combat-welder with ... magnesia! tadaaa!
You do NOT want to have these touched against Your rubber or even metal deep-sea "swimsuit", huh? HUH!?

Thanks for the additional links! This forum is way deep already! Maybe I will reorganize the first post, later, to keep track of it.

@ land-based miniatures
well - I did NOT say, there could be no inside-station action! There should be some "deep-sea" stations to work and live at&in. Boy, did I say "Babes" already? Tons of lots of bikini-babes and the first time in tabletop-history WITH reason! Me, pure genius!  lol

And who likes to guess, what will happen if anyone fumbles a 1 on a W20 while doing the controls of some water-locks ... hnhnhn ...

best wishes
Title: Re: Underwater Tabletop, anyone?
Post by: argsilverson on June 24, 2011, 12:50:53 PM
Boy, did I say "Babes" already? Tons of lots of bikini-babes and the first time in tabletop-history WITH reason! Me, pure genius!  lol

And who likes to guess, what will happen if anyone fumbles a 1 on a W20 while doing the controls of some water-locks ... hnhnhn ...

best wishes

VSF bikinis, yes I would like to see that, too!
Title: Re: Underwater Tabletop, anyone?
Post by: Drachenklinge on June 24, 2011, 01:54:20 PM
VSF bikinis, yes I would like to see that, too!
omg  :o  You're right about that ... show some skin and be killed, right?

But well I guess them Malifeaux-miniatures should do the trick and somewhere in here Colette Du Bois from M had been posted already. Quite fitting for VSF, I'd say. And where the see is deep, the suits are short ... or so I have heard it said. ^^

best wishes

Title: Re: Underwater Tabletop, anyone?
Post by: gamer Mac on June 24, 2011, 04:47:07 PM
As Chris said in the link above we are working on just that type of game.
Some of the threads so far
http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=23520.msg286999#msg286999 (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=23520.msg286999#msg286999)

http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=24692.msg300329#msg300329 (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=24692.msg300329#msg300329)

http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=24214.msg294235#msg294235 (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=24214.msg294235#msg294235)

http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=23236.msg283784#msg283784 (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=23236.msg283784#msg283784)
Title: Re: Underwater Tabletop, anyone?
Post by: The_Beast on June 24, 2011, 06:49:15 PM
I'll have to chase links when I've got a proper screen and keyboard, stoopid notebook, but my original idea was to take Mage Knight 'Iron Lung's as Nemo's crowd carrying a mine to  float under a ship in water too shallow to run the Nautilus in for a ram.

Then, a pack of indigenous MK Deep Spawn would swarm and battle.

Remember, those divers above, and Disney's 20K, walked on the bottom. The Deep Spawn would glide over rocks, keeping low.

Movement would be almost like ground combat. YMMV.

Arggh, retyping and retyping! I give up!

Title: Re: Underwater Tabletop, anyone?
Post by: Drachenklinge on June 24, 2011, 08:07:01 PM
I LOVE these brainstorm sessions ... cause ... come to think of it ... I have got two or three of these! At least similar ones. Little (ex)void-gliders might come in handy as some Sub-SRAVs!!* Maybe it is even possible to built some canopy for it ^^

also found these

best wishes

* you sure know the abbreviation of a submarine-short-range-attack-vehicle, now do you?

Title: Re: Underwater Tabletop, anyone?
Post by: CPalmer on June 24, 2011, 08:32:33 PM
Here's some pictures of an underwater game I did at Historicon '06 using GASLIGHT.

(http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-G6SNKa9lrxE/TgTkzIn4acI/AAAAAAAAAy4/ktUiyIxxg2E/s1600/147-4799_IMG.JPG"><img style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; MARGIN: 0px auto 10px; WIDTH: 320px; DISPLAY: block; HEIGHT: 222px; CURSOR: hand" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5621869802004441538" border="0" alt="" src="http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-G6SNKa9lrxE/TgTkzIn4acI/AAAAAAAAAy4/ktUiyIxxg2E/s320/147-4799_IMG.JPG)

(http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-W4DyZAtOTw0/TgTkzKBwkOI/AAAAAAAAAzA/YUq042-eXp8/s1600/147-4794_IMG.JPG"><img style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; MARGIN: 0px auto 10px; WIDTH: 320px; DISPLAY: block; HEIGHT: 242px; CURSOR: hand" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5621869802381414626" border="0" alt="" src="http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-W4DyZAtOTw0/TgTkzKBwkOI/AAAAAAAAAzA/YUq042-eXp8/s320/147-4794_IMG.JPG)

(http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Tf_3biqnPFU/TgTkcLSEMnI/AAAAAAAAAyw/-qlm61adVYo/s1600/147-4800_IMG.JPG"><img style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; MARGIN: 0px auto 10px; WIDTH: 252px; DISPLAY: block; HEIGHT: 320px; CURSOR: hand" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5621869407581254258" border="0" alt="" src="http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Tf_3biqnPFU/TgTkcLSEMnI/AAAAAAAAAyw/-qlm61adVYo/s320/147-4800_IMG.JPG)
Title: Re: Underwater Tabletop, anyone?
Post by: Drachenklinge on June 24, 2011, 08:42:38 PM
have read this GASLIGHT-thingy a few times in here, before, but didn't connect it to some tt-system - will check that, now. So thanks for mentioning it!

best wishes

that glassy village is funny, quite giving an sub-ambiente ^^
Title: Re: Underwater Tabletop, anyone?
Post by: Thunderchicken on June 25, 2011, 08:55:22 AM
Has anyone mentioned the Scheltrum divers?:


Apologies if so, I've only got time for speed reading today.

(Nice game Chris).
Title: Re: Underwater Tabletop, anyone?
Post by: Laughing Ferret on June 25, 2011, 09:28:57 AM
I love this idea.  -and great looking terrain & game CPalmer!

Reaper has so many appropriate minis, I've often looked at them and thought how much I wish there was more (or any) chance to game under water scenes.  Just do a search for 'sea' and 'slith' at reaper, plus they have several mer-people of both genders.

some of my favorites:

and this little sub from Tobsen77 is awesome
Title: Re: Underwater Tabletop, anyone?
Post by: Drachenklinge on June 25, 2011, 10:04:17 AM
oooh! You're right about these! Have seen them before, too. It seems all the things needed for such a tabletop* system is already "out there"

Tobsens things I have seen a few times at the tactica, if I remember the guy correctly, great stuff!

best wishes

*table-sub? sub-table-system? ... uhmmmm...
Title: Re: Underwater Tabletop, anyone?
Post by: wolfgangbrooks on June 26, 2011, 12:16:30 AM
I don't think I saw our deep diving suit mentioned. We finally (FINALLY!!!) got in new stock. Had to switch over to metal to do it though.


I'm also working on some soft suits to go with it and some separate helmets/backpacks/weapons and such. With me doing the sculpting it might take awhile though. :) Oh, and some 15mm versions of the hard suit should be coming in a month or two.

Title: Re: Underwater Tabletop, anyone?
Post by: S J Donovan on June 26, 2011, 02:10:00 AM
Recreational Conflict also carries Tiger Miniatures which has three packs of four deep divers each.
Title: Re: Underwater Tabletop, anyone?
Post by: Drachenklinge on June 26, 2011, 06:15:13 AM
I don't think I saw our deep diving suit mentioned. We finally (FINALLY!!!) got in new stock. Had to switch over to metal to do it though.
actually I did linked the threads where I have seen the minis, somewhere above (or someone else does, 'not completely sure for the moment) - but anyway! The need to be posted "doubly"! ^^

I am sure, sooner or later I will get seom of these!

best wishes
Title: Re: Underwater Tabletop, anyone?
Post by: Wirelizard on June 26, 2011, 06:55:25 AM
My take on Tobsen's spherical sub:



It would have fit quite nicely into that VFS underwater table, I think!

Really must work it into a scenario sometime soon, I've owned the sub for a couple of years now and it's never appeared on the table!
Title: Re: Underwater Tabletop, anyone?
Post by: Drachenklinge on June 26, 2011, 07:04:20 AM
well, since it is on a grating already, it is waiting for its shippment, anyway! Just scratch-build a ship - that cannot be too difficult, now can it?

by the way
since I have time, I am really browsing through ALL the thread pages, looking for some more hidden treasures. 'N I found - amoung others! - this link to some "ancient life" citizen
I think the would make some good "sunken atlantis" tabletop-area-mission-scenario

While thinking about it ... maybe this could be the start to the campaign! Some deep-sea-expedition goes wrong (terrible wrong I migzht add and due to some sabotage I like to add!) and the whole ship went done at a rocky part of the ocean, some 5 miles deep  underwater canyons ... all were drowned ... or so it is believed! But when they wake up, there were rescued by ... anciant Atlanticians!

maybe that is more pulp ... I am not sure here ^^

best wishes

oooooh ... I love it already ... but I have so many other "unfinished business" - maybe we should build a jagged alliance ^^
Title: Re: Underwater Tabletop, anyone?
Post by: Andym on June 26, 2011, 08:54:22 AM
Have a look at the 'Clash of the Aquanauts' sticky at the top if the page. All the stuff your talking about is already underway for this years BLAM!

http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=cf9c5ebb1c0e5563cf6758915706a468&topic=24709.0 (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=cf9c5ebb1c0e5563cf6758915706a468&topic=24709.0)
Title: Re: Underwater Tabletop, anyone?
Post by: Drachenklinge on June 26, 2011, 09:30:24 AM
would you mind checking the link? somehow I am ending up with some thomas cool hotel booking page (so now, I know, that the "La Défense" hotel is 15 minutes from Paris city center ... a bit un-pulpy ^^)

best wishes
Title: Re: Underwater Tabletop, anyone?
Post by: Hauptgefreiter on June 26, 2011, 09:36:52 AM
I was wondering why nobody mentioned Reaper's Dark Maiden:
Title: Re: Underwater Tabletop, anyone?
Post by: Drachenklinge on June 26, 2011, 09:43:45 AM
maybe a little bit too moch ghostly-fantasy-like, but ... I do have this mini, anyway. Always want it to paint in a wooden texture, but did not dare to start so far.

best wishes

Title: Re: Underwater Tabletop, anyone?
Post by: Andym on June 26, 2011, 01:47:58 PM
Sorry! The link is now changed.
Title: Re: Underwater Tabletop, anyone?
Post by: Drachenklinge on June 26, 2011, 02:07:14 PM
'Think, the crab was already listed ... but not both (one, not both) of these fish-like subs! Thanks!

Hell, I am sure there are even more tresures hidden in here!

best wishes
Title: Re: Underwater Tabletop, anyone?
Post by: S J Donovan on June 26, 2011, 11:25:42 PM
Four A Miniatures makes a great creature from the Black Lagoon in 28mm that I have about to be painted. 
Speaking of Crabs Recreational Conflict/Lead Bones makes a giant crab, with multiple claw sizes, for 28mm gaming. 
Title: Re: Underwater Tabletop, anyone?
Post by: isaanmini on July 19, 2011, 09:50:39 AM
Thanks very much for the work you have put in to get all of this great info into one post.I really like being able to pull up the pics fast....
It has inspired me to start work on some deep sea divers of my own........Who will, by the way, be wearing deep sea diving gloves.......why on earth some of these other designers have failed to give their guys such protective gear is strange.
What about their poor frozen little pinkies?......its cold down there guys! I suggest people either paint the hands as leather for gloves or Blue
Title: Re: Underwater Tabletop, anyone?
Post by: The Dozing Dragon on July 19, 2011, 12:08:45 PM
There were of course these 2........ :D

Title: Re: Underwater Tabletop, anyone?
Post by: Sir Dryden on July 19, 2011, 03:13:21 PM
@ Dozing Dragon:
I remember those 2, you sculpted 'em, didn't you? I hadn't seen them painted. They look mighty fine!

Sir Dryden
Title: Re: Underwater Tabletop, anyone?
Post by: Drachenklinge on April 12, 2012, 08:55:04 AM
hi folkes ...

found just today ... though it is a at least a few weeks or even months old

Does anyone of You out there any experience with it?

Also I like to show these minis :
http://www.brueckenkopf-online.com/?p=57072 (from DeepWars)
http://www.brueckenkopf-online.com/?p=57165 (Titan Forge)

sounds and looks pretty cool somehow. What do You think?

best wishes
Title: Re: Underwater Tabletop, anyone?
Post by: Engel on April 12, 2012, 09:12:17 AM
Hans the hunter from Westwinds Secret of the third reich could work.

Nice miniature and fun to paint.

Title: Re: Underwater Tabletop, anyone?
Post by: Lowtardog on April 12, 2012, 12:28:36 PM
Four A Miniatures makes a great creature from the Black Lagoon in 28mm that I have about to be painted. 
Speaking of Crabs Recreational Conflict/Lead Bones makes a giant crab, with multiple claw sizes, for 28mm gaming. 

Their sea demons are very nice models too
