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Other Stuff => Workbench => Topic started by: The Breaker on August 16, 2011, 12:08:56 PM

Title: Hay Bales for 28mm
Post by: The Breaker on August 16, 2011, 12:08:56 PM
Hey guys, as the title suggests I'm looking for some hay bales for 28mm gaming. Some crates and stuff would be good as well. The less expensive it is the better.

Thanks muchly,

The Breaker.
Title: Re: Hay Bales for 28mm
Post by: Argonor on August 16, 2011, 01:12:42 PM
I think you're looking for solid models, but the only ones I could find right now was this (paper models):


Otherwise, try looking for die-cast agricultural toys - some might come with something useful...

These are probably too small, and not very nice, anyway...:


Title: Re: Hay Bales for 28mm
Post by: Hitman on August 16, 2011, 02:01:57 PM
These are the right size for 28mm:


My kids have them.
Title: Re: Hay Bales for 28mm
Post by: Commander Vyper on August 16, 2011, 03:13:47 PM
Crates you should go to Fenris Games, (who are having a sale too!). (There are also shots of Fenris games crates and such like in my Zed Thread).

Hay bales:

http://www.britainsfarmtoys.com/farmyard-scenery-accessories.html (http://www.britainsfarmtoys.com/farmyard-scenery-accessories.html)

Title: Re: Hay Bales for 28mm
Post by: Commander Vyper on August 16, 2011, 03:22:10 PM
Also Siku do some hay bales and some very nice wooden pallets/loading pallets that are of great use and v cheap:

http://www.google.co.uk/#q=siku+haybales&hl=en&safe=off&prmd=ivns&source=univ&tbm=shop&tbo=u&sa=X&ei=lHxKTq_DNYrKhAfay4z8Bw&ved=0CDIQrQQ&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=e8f73b674329ec76&biw=1272&bih=814 (http://www.google.co.uk/#q=siku+haybales&hl=en&safe=off&prmd=ivns&source=univ&tbm=shop&tbo=u&sa=X&ei=lHxKTq_DNYrKhAfay4z8Bw&ved=0CDIQrQQ&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=e8f73b674329ec76&biw=1272&bih=814)
Title: Re: Hay Bales for 28mm
Post by: FramFramson on August 16, 2011, 05:33:04 PM
I made my own hay bales pretty quickly, for minimal cost.

Get a small wood or foam block about the right size and paint it to a darkish hay-like colour (yellow and brown, no need to be too precise and very cheap paint works just fine), then just coat it glue and roll it/dip it in a pile of cheap yellow paintbrush bristle clippings until it's nice and fluffy (except for the bottom of course).

If you need bindings, tie some brown-washed string around the thing. Voila!
Title: Re: Hay Bales for 28mm
Post by: Scout_II on August 16, 2011, 06:10:39 PM
Brick of FIMO clay (or Sculpey)...bit of of poking...dozens of bales of hay.

For "square" bales, grab a chunk of clay and roll it into a sausage that is roughly quarter inch in diameter (little bit larger than that).  Use a straight edge to moosh it into a long rectangle that is about 6 mm tall and 7 or 8 mm wide.  Cut it into smaller rectangles that are about 18 mm long.

On the two shorter long sides (the ones that are roughly 6 mm tall and 18 mm long) use a pin to poke hundreds of little holes into the side.  Using a sharp craft knife, make very shallow slashes around the rectangle perpendicular to the long direction.  In order to keep from smashing down the detailing, I normally use a pin to hold the bale.

Grab a bit of stranded wire (I like 26 gauge for baler twine).  If you are like me, you will need to strip the insulation from the wire...since you can get that wire for cheaper than the "craft" wire.  Give the wire a good twist to tighten up the strands and carefully wrap two pieces of wire around the bale parallel to the long direction spaced about evenly (dividing the bale roughly into thirds).  You want it to be snug enough to make small indentations on the bale...but not so tight that it deforms the bale significantly.  Don't worry about securing it permanently yet...just cross them when you tighten them.

Cook in the oven.  Once cooked, use a bit of superglue to secure the wire and trim the ends off.  Once you get into a routine - it only takes a minute or two to do each bale.  You don't have to concentrate too much, so you can take care of it pretty easily while watching a movie or something like that.

Round bales aren't too different, but unlike square bales that have the stalks of hay more or less stacked up...the hay is rolled up.  Roll out your clay as thin as you can possibly get it and about an inch wide.  Square off one end, and begin rolling it up.  Keep rolling until it is about an inch in diameter.  Smooth out the end of the roll, and then slash around the outside of the bale.  Slash the sides following the spiral from rolling up the clay.

For wrapping them up, more twine (wire) or some balers use a net instead.  For the twine, figure 6 or 7 wires.  For the netted bales, steal some of your wives pantyhose.  Remember though, don't cook the nylons.

Crates and pallets...what era are you looking at?  Crates prior to WWII were mostly stick built, following that the advent of cheap plywood pretty much made those crates a thing of the past.  Pallets have changed some as well.  There was a pretty good tutorial a while back here on making pallets fast.  Cost wise, doing it yourself is generally as cheap as you can get.
Title: Re: Hay Bales for 28mm
Post by: Commander Vyper on August 16, 2011, 10:31:04 PM
Crates and pallets...what era are you looking at?  Crates prior to WWII were mostly stick built, following that the advent of cheap plywood pretty much made those crates a thing of the past.  Pallets have changed some as well.  There was a pretty good tutorial a while back here on making pallets fast.  Cost wise, doing it yourself is generally as cheap as you can get.

I got 50 siku pallets for £2.50....you do the math. ;)  ;D


Sometimes just buying something and painting it is cheaper in respect to time costs.
Title: Re: Hay Bales for 28mm
Post by: FramFramson on August 16, 2011, 11:32:54 PM
Are those... Lego people heads used as propane tanks?!  ;D
Title: Re: Hay Bales for 28mm
Post by: Scout_II on August 17, 2011, 05:05:18 AM
I got 50 siku pallets for £2.50....you do the math. ;)  ;D

Sometimes just buying something and painting it is cheaper in respect to time costs.

I did.  Box of Coffee stirrers costs about $2 per 1000 stirrers.  That will make you somewhere around...1000 pallets give or take a few hundred.  Setup a jig and you can build them extremely fast.

How big are those anywho?  They look like you can set one of those trash skids on it without too much of a problem.
Title: Re: Hay Bales for 28mm
Post by: Connectamabob on August 17, 2011, 03:09:55 PM
Are those... Lego people heads used as propane tanks?!  ;D

Even if they're not, that's an awesome idea.
Title: Re: Hay Bales for 28mm
Post by: Luckyjoe on August 18, 2011, 04:47:48 AM
I made some hay bales from flocked rectangles of green scrub pads. Can't get much cheaper than those.
Title: Re: Hay Bales for 28mm
Post by: Commander Vyper on August 18, 2011, 09:35:21 PM
Are those... Lego people heads used as propane tanks?!  ;D

No they're resin propane tanks from Fenris games.

I did.  Box of Coffee stirrers costs about $2 per 1000 stirrers.  That will make you somewhere around...1000 pallets give or take a few hundred.  Setup a jig and you can build them extremely fast.

How big are those anywho?  They look like you can set one of those trash skids on it without too much of a problem.

Check the Zed thread, you'll see them in scale, they're 1/50.
Title: Re: Hay Bales for 28mm
Post by: Argonor on August 19, 2011, 08:12:58 AM
Well, you got me convinced... I've ordered a load of pallets from Evilbay.... I have a die-cast pallet-lifter already, so....
Title: Re: Hay Bales for 28mm
Post by: The Breaker on August 21, 2011, 10:43:43 AM
Thanks for the replies guys. Does 1/16 scale work for 28mm?
Title: Re: Hay Bales for 28mm
Post by: Cory on August 21, 2011, 03:21:00 PM
No, 1/56 is closer with 1/64 and 1/48 being the outside brackets. 1/16 would be about 4 times too big.
Title: Re: Hay Bales for 28mm
Post by: The Breaker on August 22, 2011, 11:42:19 AM
Thanks I suck at the scale thing. Fractions terrified me at school and so I have stayed away from them since then. Kind of like parallel parking.  :D