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Miniatures Adventure => Future Wars => Topic started by: Figouze on August 22, 2011, 10:09:36 PM

Title: Remake of Ufo Defense (X-COM)
Post by: Figouze on August 22, 2011, 10:09:36 PM

The premise is a hostile extraterrestrial invasion; the player charged by a coalition of nations with their removal.


Alien Sectoid  :


I begin this remake of my favorite PC game.

Title: Re: Remake of Ufo Defense (X-COM)
Post by: Cultist #3 on August 23, 2011, 04:31:28 AM
One of my all time favorite games, it is being re-made into a first person shooter.

Nice work on the Tengu Grays.
Title: Re: Remake of Ufo Defense (X-COM)
Post by: stone-cold-lead on August 23, 2011, 08:21:20 AM
Aliens are smashing.  :)
Title: Re: Remake of Ufo Defense (X-COM)
Post by: dijit on August 23, 2011, 10:09:46 AM
A brilliant game sadly missed. I thinka first person shooter would miss some of the charm. Looking forwards to seeing how your project comes along especially the lobstermen aliens.
Title: Re: Remake of Ufo Defense (X-COM)
Post by: Calimero on August 23, 2011, 12:06:56 PM

I love your (light) Greys 8)
Title: Re: Remake of Ufo Defense (X-COM)
Post by: Figouze on August 31, 2011, 11:22:09 PM
It is the time of Muton coming... Arrrrrhhhh    :o
(thank you Bob Murch !)

Mutons are the most physically-powerful sentient race in X-COM. They may be accompanied by Silacoid and Celatid terror units.



Title: Re: Remake of Ufo Defense (X-COM)
Post by: Gun bunny on September 01, 2011, 12:12:56 AM
i am also an excom fan and would like nothing better than to see models of them out, that being said my own efforts are on the saucers first and then the aliens, right now i am comparing a solid foam build and a hollow build that can be boarded and taken by force(my personal favorite), the solid model would need a separate map to use for boarding actions. as both are doable i am undecided. the greys are nice but have you tried the brigade games greys they have a much better sinister slouch to them more menacing to my eye.thanks for listening. gun bunny. :D
Title: Re: Remake of Ufo Defense (X-COM)
Post by: cheetor on September 01, 2011, 09:37:12 AM

This project looks cool so far, nice work.

I never played X-Com, but I did play Laser Squad.  There was some connection IIRC.

What rules will you use?
Title: Re: Remake of Ufo Defense (X-COM)
Post by: Cherno on September 01, 2011, 11:35:08 AM
Seeing all these fan projects pop up really makes me wonder why no sculptor has yet designed any "official" X-Com miniatures (keeping the names generic enough to avoid trademark issues, of course!). Coupled with a nice ruleset which allows for campaign play, researching between missions and psi-attacks this has got to be a winner. Two-Hour Wargame's Chain Reaction/5150 rules could form a good basis for something like that.

I, for one, would love to see a complete set of miniatures of all the memorable characters and vehicles from the first game.

Title: Re: Remake of Ufo Defense (X-COM)
Post by: Figouze on September 01, 2011, 12:33:42 PM

I will use two rules : space hulk and Song of Blades and Heroes one rules : easy to understand and to play (for my children).

I am looking for proxies for Xcom : Ufo Defense (ideas or to deal if you have those) :

- snakeman :

- Cyberdisc :

- Cryssalid :

- reaper :

For Terror from the deep, some proxies too :


- aquatoid :


- Tentaculat :

- Hallucinoid :

- Triscene :

- Xarquid :

- Triscene :

- Biodrone :
Title: Re: Remake of Ufo Defense (X-COM)
Post by: Cherno on September 01, 2011, 02:03:05 PM
I can remember some blogger having started a similar project. He had proxies for snakemen and cyberdiscs. I can't remember who it was, though. Try google  ;)

Edit: Correction: Looks like I had LuckyJoe (http://ljshobbyspot.blogspot.com/search/label/X-COM) in mind, although he does it in 15mm. Still great pics on his blog, though. But you probably already know about his blog :)
Title: Re: Remake of Ufo Defense (X-COM)
Post by: Golgotha on September 01, 2011, 02:19:24 PM
Love to take a BB gun to those almond eyed little freaks. lol
For something a little extra terrestrial and with explicit lyrics see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1GTk-FX7Ww
Title: Re: Remake of Ufo Defense (X-COM)
Post by: majorsmith on September 01, 2011, 10:23:03 PM
I did these cyber discs using tau parts
Title: Re: Remake of Ufo Defense (X-COM)
Post by: Krysset80 on September 02, 2011, 01:56:03 PM
Loved UFO and X-com.. the 3-4 followups wassent so good.
Title: Re: Remake of Ufo Defense (X-COM)
Post by: Mako on September 08, 2011, 06:37:09 PM
Thinking about gaming UFO, the TV series, using CR3-5150, or their New Beginnings rules.

Some proxies are available for 15mm, e.g. GZG's Vacc Suit troops - light and heavy, and Rebel Minis Black Widow Mercs (the girls without the coats), as well as their Infiltrators (they have helmets on, but that makes sense for better protection), but I'd prefer to see some better matches too.

The Konami UFO and Mobiles work in this scale.

The larger die-cast UFO and Mobiles can be used too, if you have them, or the budget for that.  Close proxies for the troops are harder to find in this scale though.
Title: Re: Remake of Ufo Defense (X-COM)
Post by: ssmith90 on August 18, 2012, 08:32:39 AM
Love them all. Especially the Mutons!
Title: Re: Remake of Ufo Defense (X-COM)
Post by: Glitzer on August 18, 2012, 08:13:39 PM
Will you do the tanks and starships as well?
Title: Re: Remake of Ufo Defense (X-COM)
Post by: Hauptgefreiter on August 18, 2012, 08:40:03 PM
Maybe the Incursion Drones could be converted to biodrones?

Title: Re: Remake of Ufo Defense (X-COM)
Post by: cdm on August 19, 2012, 02:55:44 AM
The new remake on PC is due in October, I am patiently hopeful for it, though I was for Diablo 3 as well and what a train wreck that was. There simply isn't enough Greys and UFOs around.
Title: Re: Remake of Ufo Defense (X-COM)
Post by: cdm on August 19, 2012, 06:25:46 AM
No, that was the other remake, this one is a remake of the original in the same style. Turn based, 3D, crunchy, alien smoking goodness. http://www.facebook.com/XCOM?ref=ts or http://www.xcom.com/enemyunknown/
Title: Re: Remake of Ufo Defense (X-COM)
Post by: Daeothar on September 27, 2012, 10:53:35 AM
Clatoo Verata Necktie (or something like that)

yes; I have resurrected this thread!!

last night, I downloaded the playable demo of the game and although it has changed a dramatic deal when it comes to graphics, interface, sound and esthetics, the general feel is still there! Those guys did a good job of translating the game into the 21st century.

http://www.xcom.com/enemyunknown/ (http://www.xcom.com/enemyunknown/)

I was an avid fan of the original and must have played it for thousands of hours back in the day. Reliving my highschool memories by running the original again in DOS-box on my Win7 machine was a bit of a disappointment though. The 640x480 resolution was quite a shock to behold when running a standard resolution of 1920x1280 nowadays and the gameplay, it saddens me to say, has aged as well. The micromanagement of each and every team member's equipment before each and every mission grows stale fast. maybe we've just been spoiled, but I could not see myself doing that for nights on end anymore.

Luckily, the remake has fixed all that, and I found the game to be a very immersive and enjoyable experience. Especially the Geoscape, with the living, breathing base is awesome. You can actually see all the team members you employ, as well as the scientists going about their business inside the base. They work out, relax, train, work etc on a realistic schedule. pretty awesome.

The turnbased action has also been upgraded. Mostly with small improvements and automatic tools which really help in speeding up gameplay. It does mean you don't advance each team member a square at a time, cautiously creeping forward, as you now get to move each of them twice (or once when you run) each turn (usually from cover to cover). Their movement range is shown, and whether you move 1 square or 10, it's still one movement. That takes some getting used to, but it does make playing the game very  smooth.

Maybe some of the restrictions will be lifted in the full version of the game though, giving you more freedom to spend your actions/actionpoints?

The enemies are what you expect of X-COM / UFO: Sectoids (greys) and Cyber Disks are a given of course. But so far, I also saw/vaporised a sort of Slender Men / Men in Black as well. And Mutons are in the trailer. Expect many and more re-inventions of the familiar aliens, with a few new ones thrown into the mix as well. The aforementioned Thin Men for instance, are supposed to be infiltrators and spies. And although I've never read it, there was a short novel about X-COM released back in the nineties to go with the original game, which apparently makes mention of these infiltrators. So the developers certainly did their research.

I have not had the pleasure to try out the interceptors, as they reputedly are player controlled! That would be a very cool addition indeed.

One aspect though, had an instant appeal to me; the gear and weapons are ridiculously oversized, which means the characters can be translated easily into miniatures without looking 'off'. In fact,t hey look like renders of 28mm miniatures to begin with. Yay!

This will be one of those games I will actually buy when it comes out, instead of waiting for it to hit the bargain bins. My only fear is that much hobby time will be lost to playing X-COm instead of painting and modeling my miniatures...