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Miniatures Adventure => The Great War => Topic started by: Drunkendwarf on December 10, 2007, 03:13:42 PM

Title: Renegade WW1 in the Middle East?
Post by: Drunkendwarf on December 10, 2007, 03:13:42 PM
While cleaning my wargaming cupboard I found an old Renegade Miniatures poster dated "spring 2003".
In the right corner at the bottom WW1 in the Middle East is announced as "coming early '03". There is a picture of 6 painted miniatures, 3 Aussies and 3 Turks.
They look like they have been sculpted by Nick Collier, who isn't at Renegade anymore for obvious reasons.

Does anyone know what happened with that range? They look very nice and it is a pity when they are wasted.

Title: Renegade WW1 in the Middle East?
Post by: harmonkeys on December 10, 2007, 06:08:46 PM
Oh my, Renegade Middle-east WWI figures, that would be a dream come true.
Title: Re: Renegade WW1 in the Middle East?
Post by: Poliorketes on December 10, 2007, 06:25:45 PM
Quote from: "Drunkendwarf"

They look like they have been sculpted by Nick Collier, who isn't at Renegade anymore for obvious reasons.

What reasons?
Title: Renegade WW1 in the Middle East?
Post by: Hammers on December 10, 2007, 06:50:12 PM
Could they be the ones which are sold through Brigade? Lady Helen gave me a full squad of Light Horse and I was under the impression they are Brigade. They do Turks and Asia Corps to.

Edit: they are definitely Brigade. And they look very much like the Renegade minis.
Title: Renegade WW1 in the Middle East?
Post by: Drunkendwarf on December 10, 2007, 07:01:25 PM
Nick Collier stopped working for Renegade because someone else converted "his" ECW figures to Scots convenanters for the Renegade ECW range. This without asking if Nick was OK with this. Well, this is what I understand of it from information from other forums.

Looking at the poses I don't think it are Brigade ones, I will try to post a picture tomorrow.

Title: So who is he sculpting for now?
Post by: harmonkeys on December 10, 2007, 08:54:13 PM
Well, it seems to me that all my Brigade games figures were sculpted by the guy at Artizan (whatever his name is, I forget.)
 So if this guy left Renegade where is he now and how do we get him to sculpt figs? (The Renegade figs I have are ACW, but I love them.)
Title: Renegade WW1 in the Middle East?
Post by: Drunkendwarf on December 10, 2007, 09:06:34 PM
He is still sculpting, he did the ECW range for Bicorne. Now he is busy sculpting for The Assault Group.

Title: Renegade WW1 in the Middle East?
Post by: Poliorketes on December 11, 2007, 08:46:54 AM
Nick Collier is one of the veterans in the business, the oldest minis from him are lat 80ies from GRENADIER. He worked for nearly as much companies as Kev Adams. Errm. no, that's not possible. :lol:
Title: Renegade WW1 in the Middle East?
Post by: Drunkendwarf on December 11, 2007, 03:52:54 PM
Here a picture of the miniatures:


The don't look familiar to me but they are very nice. Maybe I should ask Renegade...

Title: Renegade WW1 in the Middle East?
Post by: dominic on December 11, 2007, 04:10:13 PM
They look nice!  Brigade must have taken over the idea.
Let me know what Renegade says.  I'd like to see these minis in production!
Title: Renegade WW1 in the Middle East?
Post by: Poliorketes on December 11, 2007, 09:39:49 PM
me too!
Title: Renegade WW1 in the Middle East?
Post by: xeoran on December 11, 2007, 10:01:36 PM
They look lovely. Would have been great to see them made.
Title: Renegade WW1 in the Middle East?
Post by: Helen on December 12, 2007, 01:54:48 AM
Hi Folks

As the holder of many hundreds (I think its well over a thousand actually) of Brigade figures I can attest you would not be disappointed with Brigade Games WW1 figures designed by the very talented Mr Mike Owen. Whilst you may have to be patience in waiting for releases at least there is a forum to throw your ideas in the ring and hopefully for others to back you up. As Lon has indicated many a time, sales, sales and more sales equals more releases!

Lon has indicated on another thread that there will be more variants out next year for WW1 so watch this forum.

Now hopefully Mike Owen is reading this thread and can work on the Indian Character Command and Belgian command - please! :mrgreen:

I believe from reading other posts of the difficulties some of you maybe experiencing in purchasing these figures. Lon has a first class mail order system and you do get your figures etc very quickly and especially if they are in stock.

Have I got shares in Brigade Games, you bet, as my collection speaks for itself and more to follow next year:)
Title: Renegade WW1 in the Middle East?
Post by: Drunkendwarf on December 12, 2007, 07:51:30 AM
@ Helen,

Don't see this as a substitute for Brigade Games WW1, they are on the top of my list to buy next year! I only have to decide which theatre. I just wondered what happened with the miniatures.
I like the sculpting of Nick Collier, I have his ECW miniatures (both from Renegade and Bicore). I also like Mike Owens miniatures also, cant wait for more Arthurians!

Title: Renegade WW1 in the Middle East?
Post by: Helen on December 12, 2007, 09:35:54 AM
Quote from: "Drunkendwarf"
@ Helen,

Don't see this as a substitute for Brigade Games WW1, they are on the top of my list to buy next year! I only have to decide which theatre. I just wondered what happened with the miniatures.
I like the sculpting of Nick Collier, I have his ECW miniatures (both from Renegade and Bicore). I also like Mike Owens miniatures also, cant wait for more Arthurians!



Thats excellent news and we all here will look forward inseeing your collection.
All the best.
Title: Renegade WW1 in the Middle East?
Post by: Drunkendwarf on December 12, 2007, 02:03:25 PM
Sad news  :cry:

This is the reply I got from Eliot from Renegade (a very quick answer I must say!):

Hi Dick,
These were some samples we had made and were to release, we've abandoned them for now as we have many other ranges that we need to add to.

So they won't be available in the near future, but who knows!

Title: Brigade -YES! Renegade- YES!
Post by: harmonkeys on December 13, 2007, 03:13:07 PM
Even if Renegade could only release two packs, with the figures above, I'd buy them! I'd buy them on subscription if need be.
That said, Brigade is and always will be the core of my collection and Lon will receive the bulk of my dollars.