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Miniatures Adventure => Other Adventures => Topic started by: matakishi on January 06, 2008, 01:47:07 PM

Title: Shadowman
Post by: matakishi on January 06, 2008, 01:47:07 PM
I'm having a bit of a different approach to things this year; instead of just concentrating on one project for a couple of months until it's completed I am going to work on a couple at a time to give me some variety.

This started out as a small contingent for Weird War 2 and escalated into a full-blown undertaking. I have many figures lined up to paint and hopefully, time allowing during the year, there'll be some interesting scenery to accompany them.

Anyway, here's Killjoy from Wyrdd Miniatures who's a major figure in the Deadside forces:


The beginning of the explanatory write up with other figures is here:
Title: Shadowman
Post by: xeoran on January 06, 2008, 02:41:50 PM
Brilliant, can't wait to see Jaunty. Did you ever read the Garth Ennis min-series? Great stuff.
Title: Shadowman
Post by: matakishi on January 06, 2008, 03:41:23 PM
I'll be doing Jaunty as a stinky leprechaun and a Naga (with hat) eventually.

I've not read any of the comics, just played the N64 and Dreamcast game (twice, all the way through) and played the second one for a bit on the PS2 but it wasn't half as good  :)
Title: Shadowman
Post by: xeoran on January 06, 2008, 08:41:07 PM
Opposite for me, never played the games but loved the comics. Looking forward to seeing more progress. :)
Title: Re: Shadowman
Post by: Gluteus Maximus on January 07, 2008, 09:17:15 AM
Quote from: "matakishi"
I'm having a bit of a different approach to things this year; instead of just concentrating on one project for a couple of months until it's completed I am going to work on a couple at a time to give me some variety.

Oh dear! That's how it usually starts. A disciplined, focussed gamer starts dabbling in more than one project, it all snowballs out of control & suddenly there are 25 half-finished projects, with no enthusiasm left.

I know from experience ..... :lol:

Thats a very unusual & intriguing game concept you have there. It's got me wondering which other PC games I could look at with a view to figure gaming.... 8)
Title: Re: Shadowman
Post by: Rhoderic on January 07, 2008, 02:20:56 PM
Quote from: "Gluteus Maximus"
Quote from: "matakishi"
I'm having a bit of a different approach to things this year; instead of just concentrating on one project for a couple of months until it's completed I am going to work on a couple at a time to give me some variety.

Oh dear! That's how it usually starts. A disciplined, focussed gamer starts dabbling in more than one project, it all snowballs out of control & suddenly there are 25 half-finished projects, with no enthusiasm left.

You mean there are other ways to do it? :D
Title: Shadowman
Post by: matakishi on January 07, 2008, 05:03:10 PM
I know what I'm doing  :lol: