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Miniatures Adventure => Weird Wars => Topic started by: Xenomrph on April 01, 2012, 08:17:53 AM

Title: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 3/22/13)
Post by: Xenomrph on April 01, 2012, 08:17:53 AM
Weird War II stuff tends to span a few broad sub-genres:

 - Occult: factions of the war engaging in "dark arts" in order to harness supernatural powers for various purposes. Summoning demons from hell, acquiring holy relics, attempting to access other dimensions, or using other forms of "arcane knowledge", etc. Some of this has basis in fact - Nazi Germany had several occult groups of which many prominent Nazi officials were members, and they legitimately believed they could tap into hidden knowledge of the supernatural in order to help them win the war. Expeditions were actually sent to locate relics around the world.

 - Super-science: Scientific breakthroughs were plentiful during the war, but what if the factions were equipping really weird shit? Particle weapons, teleportation, flying saucers, time-travel, freakish medical experiments, etc. Again this has some basis in fact - as the war continued (and especially as Germany got more and more desperate) scientists engaged in increasingly off-the-wall experiments and ideas. There was a great deal of experimental technology that didn't get past the drawing board for various reasons - lack of funding, materials, facilities, practicality, or the fact that the war ended and there wasn't a need for it anymore.

 - Alternate-history: what if things had played out differently, a different decision was made somewhere that changed the course of the war? What if the Nazis had won the war, what would the world be like today? What if we had been forced to engage in a land-war with Japan? This has a sort of sub-category to it as well:

 - Conspiracy-theory: did Hitler *really* commit suicide in his bunker? Have high-ranking Nazis been in positions of power since the war's end? Do we really know everything about the war?

Beyond this, Weird War II stuff tends to fall into one of three types:

 - Fiction: exactly what it sounds like. Jetpack-wearing Nazis with deathrays spilling out of UFOs to combat Allied mech-walkers armed with tesla weapons, shit like that. The tone can be all over the place, from depressingly apocalyptic to two-fisted pulp-action to nail-biting suspense-thriller and anything in between. Weird War II is broad enough that it can really accommodate any tone or style an author might want to implement.

 - Non-fiction: obviously more mundane than fiction, but not necessarily less interesting. Historical accounts of expeditions to recover holy relics, technical discussions of war-time breakthroughs, thought experiments about alternate courses of the war with an eye for historical accuracy and plausability, etc

 - "Non-fiction": alternative-publisher accounts of war-time activities, basically likely-fiction written as if it's non-fiction. Conspiracy theories about postwar Nazi organizations, Nazi contact with extraterrestrials, government coverups of secret experiments, stuff that the authors really want you to believe because it'll completely destroy everything you thought you knew about the world. Even if it's totally bonkers, it's still fun to think about.

Here's a ridiculous list of a lot of the myriad stuff I've got, listed with title and author (list updated 10/21/12) :

Alternate History
1945, Newt Gingrich & William R Forstchen
Adolf in Wonderland, Carlton Mellick III
The Afrika Reich, Guy Saville
After Dachau, Daniel Quinn
Aftermath, Ladislas Farago
Against the Day, Michael Cronin
Ass Goblins of Auschwitz, Cameron Pierce
Axis of Time: Weapons of Choice, John Birmingham
Axis of Time: Designated Targets, John Birmingham
Axis of Time: Final Impact, John Birmingham
Bitter Seeds, Ian Tregillis
Budspy, David Dvorkin
A Change of Regime, J. N. Stroyar
ChangingUniverse: SS World, Terrance Dicks
The Children's War, J. N. Stroyar
Clash of Eagles, Leo Rutman
Collaborator, Murray Davies
Cracken at Critical, Brian W. Aldiss
Declare, Tim Powers
The Devil's Gold, Steve Berry *
The Divide, William Overgard
Fatherland, Robert Harris
Fox on the Front, Douglas Niles & Michael Dobson
Fox on the Rhine, Douglas Niles & Michael Dobson
Free Zone, Charles Platt
Hitler Invades England, George Crall **
Hitler Victorious, Gregory Benford & Martin Harry Greenberg
Hitler's Ashes: How Hitler's Assassination Leads to the Development of Germany's Atomic Bomb, John T. Cox
The Illuminatus! Trilogy, Robert Shea & Robert Anton Wilson
In the Morning, Michael Cronin
In the Presence of Mine Enemies, Harry Turtledove
The Iron Dream, Norman Spinrad **
Knights of the White Camelia: The Evolution of the Fourth Reich, James Hester
The Leader, Guy Walters
Making History, Stephen Fry
The Man in the High Castle, Philip K Dick
The Man with the Iron Heart, Harry Turtledove
Moon of Ice, Brad Linaweaver
North Reich, Robert Conroy *
Order of the Black Sun, Jack Follett *
Origin, Alexander Julien *
Pax Brtiannia: El Sombre, Al Ewing
Pax Britannia: Gods of Manhattan, Al Ewing
Pax Britannia: Anno Frankenstein, Jonathan Green
Pax Britannia: Pax Omega, Al Ewing
The Plot Against America, Philip Roth
The Proteus Operation, James P. Hogan
Retromancer, Robert Rankin
The Second Great War, Alex Night *
Seelowe Nord, Andy Johnson
The Sound of His Horn, Sarban
SS-GB, Len Deighton
Swastika Night, Katherine Burdekin
Tannhauser: Operation Night Eagle, Blaine Lee Pardoe
Through the Night, Michael Cronin
Time's Tapestry: Weaver, Stephen Baxter
Timewyrm: Exodus, Terrance Dicks
To Say Nothing of the Dog, Connie Willis
Two Dooms, C. M. Cornbluth
The Ultimate Solution, Eric Norden
War in the West, Brian Clarke *
Wolf Hunt: The Burning Ages, Sebastian P. Breit
Worldwar: In the Balance, Harry Turtledove
Worldwar: Tilting the Balance, Harry Turtledove
Worldwar: Upsetting the Balance, Harry Turtledove
Worldwar: Striking the Balance, Harry Turtledove
World War II 1939-1948, Bem Allen

Conspiracy Theory
The Apocalypse Watch, Robert Ludlum
Area 217, Gary Gamage
Axis Mundi, David Saxe
The Berkut, Joseph Heywood
The Charlemagne Pursuit, Steve Berry
Fifth Column, Christopher Remy **
The Fourth Reich, Mitchel Matovich **
Fourth Reich Rising, Tom Schwartz *
The Fuhrer Document, Jerry Barksdale
The Hitler Project, John Brinling *
The Holcroft Covenant, Robert Ludlum
In Pursuit of Platinum, Vic Robbie **
The Last Great Secret of the Third Reich, Arthur O. Naujoks, Lee Nelson
Lost Treasure of the Fourth Reich, Barrett J. Clisby *
The Nazi Conspiracy, Scott Strosahl **
The Portage to San Cristobal of A. H, George Steiner
Rising Sons, Michael Kline **
The Seventh Secret, Irving Wallace
The Wewelsburg Covenant, John Braun
Who Will Watch the Watchers, Edwin Fadiman Jr.

Accursed, G Johanson **
Ahriman's Light, Mike Eldredge
The Agarthi Conspiracy: The Fist of God, M.E. Brines *
The Agarthi Conspiracy: The Unholy Grail, M.E. Brines *
Atlantis God, David Gibbins
The Atrocity Archives, Charles Stross
Black Camelot, Duncan Kyle
Blood of the Reich, William Dietrich
Blood Reich, Brian Jackson **
Blood Tithe, Glenn Soucy *Caballistics, Inc.: Hell on Earth, Mike Wild
Caballistics, Inc.: Hell on Earth, Mike Wild
Dagger Magic, Katherine Kurtz & Deborah Turner Harris
Dark Victory, Michele Lang
Death Knell, C. Terry Cline Jr.
Delta Green: Denied to the Enemy, Dennis Detwiller
The Demon Cross, Nathan Shumate **
Demon Reich, T. L. Rice
The Devils of D-Day, Graham Masterson
Dogs of War, Steve Ruthenbeck
Ezcape from Sobibor, David Fischler *
Fiends of the Eastern Front, David Bishop
The Fourth Reich, Robert Van Kampen
Gods of Atlantis, David Gibbins
Golem, Greg Vilk
Good and Evil, I.M. Spartacus **
Hardluck Hannigan: Curse of the Kill Devil, Bill Craig
Hardluck Hannigan: River of the Sun, Bill Craig
Hardluck Hannigan: The Spear of Goliath, Bill Craig
Indiana Jones and the Army of the Dead, Steve Perry
Indiana Jones and the Hollow Earth, Max McCoy
Indiana Jones and the Mystery of Mount Sinai, J. W. Rinzler
Indiana Jones and the Pyramid of the Sorcerer, Ryder Windham
The Keep, F. Paul Wilson
Konig's Fire, Marc Schooley
Lady Lazarus, Michele Lang
Lammas Night, Katherine Kurtz
The Lost Journal of Indiana Jones
Lycanthropos, Jeffrey Sackett **
The Midnight Guardian, Sarah Jane Stratford
The Moonlight Brigade, Sarah Jane Stratford
Nazi Werewoofs, Karl Larew **
The Night Boat, Robert R. McCammon
Night Fighters, Rob Smith **
The Night the Nazis Came to Dinner, Sean McLachlan *
Nostradamus Ate My Hamster, Robert Rankin
Occupation, Jeff L Dawson *
Panzer Spirit, Tom Townsend
The Seventh Sanctuary, Saniel Easterman
Shadows in the Mist, Brian Moreland
The Spear of Destiny (A Lance Chambers Mystery), Jason E. Thummell **
The Summons, David Whish-Wilson
The Sisterhood of the Rose, Jim Marrs
The Spear, James Herbert
The Spear of Destiny, ME Brines *
They Used Dark Forces, Dennis Wheatley
Tomb of the Lost, Julian Noyce *
Underland, Mick Farren
The Vril Codex, Ben Manning **
The Vril Codex II, Ben Manning **
The Werewolf's Tale, Richard Jaccoma
The Werewolf's Revenge, Richard Jaccoma
The Wolf's Hour, Robert R. McCammon
World War of the Dead, Eric S. Brown **

'48, James Herbert
The Alien Factor, Stan Lee, Stan Timmons
Atlantis Found, Clive Cussler
Atlantium: Nazi Time Machine, Roc Hatfield *
Black Order, James Rollins
The Black Sun, James Twining
Blood Toys, Floyd Wray *
The Boys from Brazil, Ira Levn
The Day After Tomorrow, Allan Folsom
The Destroyer: Brain Storm, Warren Murphy & Richard Sapir
The Destroyer: The Empire Dreams, Warren Murphy & Richard Sapir
The Destroyer: Failing Marks, Warren Murphy & Richard Sapir
The Eldridge Conspiracy, Stephen Ames Berry *
Empire of Ice, Emma Daniels *
The Executioner: Devil's Guard, Don Pendleton
The Experiment, Barbara Kyle *
The Furies, Bill Napier
Hitler's Bomb, Chris Scott
Hitler's Last Gasp, Manfred Krutein
The Hunt for the Fourth Reich, James Berg *
Ice Reich, William Dietrich
Inception, W. A. Harbinson
The Last Way Station: Hitler's Final Journey, Jon Reisfeld *
Lightning, Dean Koontz
Lost World Found, Robert Larrison
Night of the Nazi Zombies, Michael G. Thomas **
Operation Devil's Fire, Ronn Munsterman **
Operation: Montauk, Bryan Young *
Operation Sepsis, Christian Fletcher *
OSS Commando: Hitler's A-Bomb, Charles Sasser
Overlords of Mars, Giuseppe Filotto
Patton's Spaceship, John Barnes
Reichbahn Six-Nine, Tom Townsend
Secret World Chronicles: Invasion, Mercedes Lackey
Shadow Project, Scott Mariani
The Sky Club, Ian Feldman
Sniper Elite: Spear of Destiny, Jasper Bark
Space Nazis Vs. EXOTROOPERS!, David N. Brown *
Sun of the Sleepless, Patrick Horne *
Swastika, Michael Slade
Vertical Run, Joseph Garber
Von Neumann's Last Experiment, James Pratt *
Zombies vs Nazis, Scott Kenemore

Alternate History
Disaster at D-Day, Peter Tsouras
Hitler Triumphant: Alternate Decisions of World War II, Peter Tsouras
How Hitler Could Have Won World War II, Bevin Alexander
If Hitler Had Won, Richard E. Osborne
Luftwaffe Over America, Manfred Griehl
Target America: Hitler's Plan to Attack the United States, James P. Duffy
Third Reich Victorious, Peter G. Tsouras
What if?: Strategic Alternatives of World War II, Harold Deutsch & Dennis Showalter
The World Hitler Never Made, Gavriel D. Rosenfeld

Conspiracy Theory
The Axmann Conspiracy: The Nazi Plan for a Fourth Reich and How the U.S. Army Defeated It, Scott Andrew Selby
Hitler, The Survival Myth, Donald M. McKale
Hitler's Werewolves, Charles Whiting
Inside the Fourth Reich, Erich Erdstein & Barbara Bean
Order of Battle: Hitlers Werewolves, Ib Melchior
Secrets of the S.S., Glenn B. Infield

Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism, and the Politics of Identity, Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke
Hammer of the Gods: The Thule Society and the Birth of Nazism, David Luhrssen
Himmler's Crusade: The Nazi Expedition to Find the Origins of the Aryan Race, Christopher Hale
Hitler and the Occult, Ken Anderson
Hitler's Holy Relics, Sidney D. Kirkpatrick
Hitler's Master of the Dark Arts: Himmler's Black Knights and the Occult Origins of the SS, Bill Yenne
The Master Plan: Himmler's Scholars and the Holocaust, Heather Pringle
The Nazis and the Occult, D. Sklar
The Nazis and the Occult: Dark Forces Unleashed by the Third Reich, Paul Roland
Nazis and the Occult: The Dark Forces Unleashed by the Third Reich (2nd ed), Paul Roland
Nazisploitation!: The Nazi Image in Low-Brow Cinema and Culture, Elizabeth Bridges, et al
Occult and the Third Reich: The Mystical Origins of Nazism and the Search for the Holy Grail, Jean-Michel Angebert
The Occult Roots of Nazism: Secret Aryan Cults and Their Influence on Nazi Ideology, Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke
Otto Rahn and the Quest for the Grail: The Amazing Life of the Real "Indiana Jones", Nigel Graddon
The Secret King: The Myth and Reality of Nazi Occultism, Stephen E. Flowers & Michael Moynihan
Unexplained Mysteries of World War II, William B Breuer
Unholy Alliance, Peter Levenda

German & Allied Secret Weapons of World War II, Ian V. Hogg & J. B. King
The German Atomic Bomb: The History of Nuclear Research in Nazi Germany, David Irving
German Secret Weapons: Blueprint for Mars, Brian Ford
German Secret Weapons of World War II, Ian V Hogg
Germany's Secret Weapons in World War II, Roger Ford
Hitler's Suppressed and Still-Secret Weapons, Science and Technology, Henry Stevens
Hitler's Terror Weapons: From Doodlebug to Nuclear Warheads, Geoffrey Brooks
The Hunt for Zero Point, Nick Cook
Last Talons of the Eagle: Secret Nazi Technology Which Could Have Changed the Course of World War II, Gary Hyland & Anton Gill
Luftwaffe Secret Projects: Fighters 1939-1945, Walter Schick & Ingolf Meyer
Luftwaffe X-Planes: German Experimental and Prototype Planes of World War II, Manfred Griehl
My Tank Is Fight!, Zack Parsons
The Mystery of U-33: Hitler's Secret Envoy, Nigel Graddon
Nazi Science: Myth, Truth, and the German Atomic Bomb, Mark Walker
Secret Aircraft Designs of the Third Reich, David Myhra
Secret Weapons: Technology, Science, and the Race to Win World War II, Brian J. Ford
Secret Weapons of World War II, William B Breuer
Secret Weapons of World War II, Bill Yenne
Secret Wonder Weapons of the Third Reich: German Missiles 1934-1945, J. Miranda & P. Mercado
U-boat!: The Rare Type, Harry Cooper
Vengeance: Hitler's Nuclear Weapon : Fact or Fiction?, Philip Henshall
World War II Data Book: Hitler's Secret Weapons, David Porter

Conspiracy Theory
Escape from the Bunker: Hitler's Escape From Berlin, Harry Cooper
Grey Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler, Simon Dunstan & Gerrard Williams
Hitler's Escape, Ron T. Hansig
Hitler's Fate: The Final Story, H. D. Baumann
The Murder of Adolf Hitler: The Truth About the Bodies in the Berlin Bunker, W. Hugh Thomas
The New Germany and the Old Nazis, T. H. Tetens
Neusinger of the Fourth Reich, Charles R. Allen Jr.
The Rise of the Fourth Reich: Secret Societies that Threaten to Take Over America, Jim Marrs

The Black Sun: Montauk's Nazi-Tibetan Connection, Peter Moon
Hitler's Occult War, Michael Fitzgerald
Invisible Eagle: The Hidden History of Nazi Occultism, Alan Baker
The Mark of the Beast, Trevor Ravenscroft & Tim Wallace-Murphy
The Morning of the Magicians, Louis Pauwels & Jacques Bergier
The Occult Reich, J. H. Brennan
One Foot in Atlantis: The Secret Occult History of World War II and Its Impact on New Age Politics, William Henry
The Secrets of the Third Reich: The Opening of the Parapsychological Abilities, Sergey Matyushkov *
The Secrets of the Third Reich: The Practice of Achieving Tranced State, Sergey Matyushkov *
The Spear of Destiny, Trevor Ravenscroft

Arktos: The Polar Myth in Science, Symbolism and Nazi Survival, Joscelyn Godwin
Blue Fires: The Lost Secrets of Nazi Technology, Gary Hyland
Dark Star, Henry Stevens
Hitler's Flying Saucers: A Guide to German Flying Discs of the Second World War, Henry Stevens
Hitler's Flying Saucers: A Guide to German Flying Discs of the Second World War (New Edition), Henry Stevens
Hitler's Miracle Weapons: vol 1 The Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine, Friedrich Georg
Hitler's Miracle Weapons: vol 3 From the America Rocket to an Orbital Station, Friedrich Georg
Man-Made UFOs 1944-1994: 50 Years of Suppression, Renato Vesco & David Hatcher Childress
Man-Made UFOs: WWII's Secret Legacy, Renato Vesco & David Hatcher Childress
Nazi International: The Nazi's Postwar Plan to Control Finance, Conflict, Physics, and Space, Joseph P. Farrell
The Omega Files: Secret Nazi UFO Bases Revealed!, Branton
The Philadelphia Experiment: Project Invisibility, William L. Moore
Projekt UFO: The Case for Man-Made Flying Saucers, W. A. Harbinson
Reich of the Black Sun: Nazi Secret Weapons & the Cold War Allied Legend, Joseph P. Farrell
Roswell and the Reich: The Nazi Connection, Joseph P. Farrell
Saucers, Swastikas and Psyops: A History of A Breakaway Civilization: Hidden Aerospace Technologies and Psychological Operations, Joseph P. Farrell
Secrets of the Unified Field: The Philadelphia Experiment, The Nazi Bell, and thew Discarded Theory, Joseph P. Farrell
The SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis' Incredible Secret Technology, Joseph P. Farrell
UFO'S Nazi Secret Weapons?, Mattern Friedrich

You can find part 2 of the list HERE (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=39975.msg548579#msg548579).

* = only exists in E-book format
** = owned as E-book, but print edition also exists

Note: this isn't an exhaustive list, it's just stuff I personally own.
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list
Post by: joroas on April 01, 2012, 09:43:41 AM
Wow!  That is some feat of work on your part.  Thanks for sharing.  May have to set up a pulp DVD section.
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list
Post by: SBMiniaturesGuy on April 02, 2012, 05:20:06 PM
Great list! You should add

(Alt War) Robert Conroy: Himmler's War, Red Inferno (ETO) and  1945, 1942 (PTO)

(Occult) David Bishop: Fiends of the Eastern Front (trilogy): Operation Vampyr; The Blood Red Army;
Twilight of the Dead

(Rule Books) NUTS! War Without End (Two Hour Wargames)

And I can't think of the title, but I once read a book pitting Nazi golems and sorcery against US troops at Bastogne.
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list
Post by: Mainly28s on April 02, 2012, 08:50:58 PM
Also Golem by Greg Vilk- a Jewish professor's creation runs amok in a Nazi base in the Arctic. Crap book, but it fits in here. Also any of Joseph P Farrell's books will fit into the "non-fiction" category.
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list
Post by: MajorTalon on April 02, 2012, 09:16:19 PM
I think this should be stickied.

And you should add:

DVDs First Squad
Video Games Turning Point: Fall of Liberty
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list
Post by: Xenomrph on April 03, 2012, 02:59:22 AM
Also Golem by Greg Vilk- a Jewish professor's creation runs amok in a Nazi base in the Arctic. Crap book, but it fits in here. Also any of Joseph P Farrell's books will fit into the "non-fiction" category.
All of Farrell's books are already on the list. :)

I think this should be stickied.

And you should add:

DVDs First Squad
Video Games Turning Point: Fall of Liberty
Turning Point is also already on the list. :)

I'll have to check out First Squad and some of the others mentioned. The list is just what I personally own, it's not necessarily a 100% exhaustive list (although it's pretty damn close, haha). I'm all for more suggestions of stuff to check out - I'll update the list as I get more stuff. :P
Also I see you're from Danbury, CT - I was born in Hartford, but I've got family in Danbury. I was actually just there last year for a wedding. Small world, haha.

Great list! You should add

(Alt War) Robert Conroy: Himmler's War, Red Inferno (ETO) and  1945, 1942 (PTO)

(Occult) David Bishop: Fiends of the Eastern Front (trilogy): Operation Vampyr; The Blood Red Army;
Twilight of the Dead

(Rule Books) NUTS! War Without End (Two Hour Wargames)

And I can't think of the title, but I once read a book pitting Nazi golems and sorcery against US troops at Bastogne.

Fiends of the Eastern Front is already on the list. :) I haven't gotten Himmler's War, but I know of it - I'm waiting for the paperback to come out later this year.
I haven't heard of NUTS!, is there a website for it where you can buy it?
Also I'm pretty sure the Nazi golems book you're thinking of is 'Shadows in the Mist', by Brian Moreland.
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list
Post by: Wolf 359 on April 03, 2012, 03:03:48 AM

I agree.... must be Stickied..... Great job....!!!

Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list
Post by: SBMiniaturesGuy on April 03, 2012, 03:21:14 AM
I haven't heard of NUTS!, is there a website for it where you can buy it?
Also I'm pretty sure the Nazi golems book you're thinking of is 'Shadows in the Mist', by Brian Moreland.

NUTS Weird War 2, here ya go: http://www.twohourwargames.com/warwiendwewa.html

Yep, Shadows in the Mist, that's the one! Not the best WW2 horror, but still entertaining. Which reminds me, the "Delta Green" Call of Cthulhu background has some cool Occult WW2 in it, and there's a novel (Denied to the Enemy) pitting OSS against Nazi sorcerers:


Delta Green: http://www.delta-green.com/home.html

Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list
Post by: Xenomrph on April 03, 2012, 07:02:26 AM
Awesome, thanks for the tips!
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list
Post by: joroas on April 03, 2012, 07:19:35 AM
Came across a book the other day that was about Himmler sending a survey team to India to discover Aryan roots, will try to get a title.

Would Brad Pitt's Seven Years in Tibet count as pulpish?
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list
Post by: Xenomrph on April 03, 2012, 07:38:52 AM
Came across a book the other day that was about Himmler sending a survey team to India to discover Aryan roots, will try to get a title.

Would Brad Pitt's Seven Years in Tibet count as pulpish?
Ehh... I'd be hesitant to count it. It's not exactly "two-fisted action", haha.

As for the book you're thinking of, was it nonfiction? If it was, you're probably thinking of 'Himmler's Crusade: The Nazi Expedition to Find the Origins of the Aryan Race', by Christopher Hale.

If it was fiction then I've got no idea, haha.
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list
Post by: joroas on April 03, 2012, 08:02:32 AM
That was the book! :o
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list
Post by: Weird WWII on April 03, 2012, 08:59:49 AM
How about these

Our Army At Wat
GI Combat
Star Spangled War Stories
Unknown Soldier
Man O War
Sgt. Rock
Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos
Captain America Comics
All Select
All Winners
Young Allies
The Shield
The Other World War
Zone Troopers
Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS
SS Death Camp
Salon Kitty
Dirty Dozen (All)
Bloodrayne 3
The Philadelphia Experiment 1 & 2
Zombie Lake
Velvet Assassin
Where Eagles Dare
The Eagle has Landed
Final Countdown
Oasis of the Zombies
Rat Patrol
Garrison's Guerrillas

Add about ever men's mag from the 40s to the late 60's early 70s (Adventure, Swank, For Men Only, Man, etc.)  and most golden age comics as well.

And last but most certainly not least for the tabletop game category,


Now that is just off the top of my head so I think if it is pinned we can have one hellova Weird WWII to get list.

Keep it weird,


Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list
Post by: Westfalia Chris on April 03, 2012, 09:07:52 AM
Excellent work, chaps. I agree that this should be a sticky and made it so.
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list
Post by: Xenomrph on April 03, 2012, 09:15:59 AM
How about these

Our Army At Wat
GI Combat
Star Spangled War Stories
Unknown Soldier
Man O War
Sgt. Rock
Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos
Captain America Comics
All Select
All Winners
Young Allies
The Shield
The Other World War
Zone Troopers
Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS
SS Death Camp
Salon Kitty
Dirty Dozen (All)
Bloodrayne 3
The Philadelphia Experiment 1 & 2
Zombie Lake
Velvet Assassin
Where Eagles Dare
The Eagle has Landed
Final Countdown
Oasis of the Zombies
Rat Patrol
Garrison's Guerrillas

Add about ever men's mag from the 40s to the late 60's early 70s (Adventure, Swank, For Men Only, Man, etc.)  and most golden age comics as well.

And last but most certainly not least for the tabletop game category,


Now that is just off the top of my head so I think if it is pinned we can have one hellova Weird WWII to get list.

Keep it weird,


Hmm... what are those? Like, comics, books, movies, etc? I broke my list down into categories so it's easy for people to find stuff if they want to buy it for themselves.
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list
Post by: Weird WWII on April 03, 2012, 10:20:12 AM
Just do a bit of Google-Fu and watch the magic.

Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list
Post by: Sarmor on April 03, 2012, 12:38:46 PM
Would it be possible to update the list so that the non-books are categorized into occult, super-science etc.? At least put the categories next to the titles.

Some new titles:

Video Games
S2: Silent Storm - super-science - later in the game you encounter Nazi power armour
S3: Silent Storm - Sentinels - super-science/alt. history - fighting a Nazi terrorist organization after the war

Tabletop Games
Incursion - super-science

Comic Books
High Roads - super-science (and batshit crazy)
Hellboy: Seeds of Destruction - occult*
Hellboy: Wake the Devil - occult*
Hellboy: The Conqueror Worm - occult*
Storming Paradise - alt. history
Weird War Tales - occult (earlier issues are only about WW2, later issues have stories about other conflicts too)

* these are only partly WWW2, but if you have included the movie, you should include the comic books.

The Keep - occult
SS Doomtrooper - super-science
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list
Post by: Xenomrph on April 03, 2012, 07:50:47 PM
I could probably re-edit the list for that - I just didn't bother with some of the other categories because they often span more than one. Indiana Jones is primarily occult but has some super-science, and the RPGs and tabletop games tend to have both in some capacity, for example. It was worthwhile to break down the books into categories because there's just so many of them. I'll likely break down the DVDs into at least fiction/nonfiction/"nonfiction" - going further than that might not be necessary, you can probably guess the genre based on the title. :P

Just do a bit of Google-Fu and watch the magic.

That was a little less helpful than I was hoping for...  :?
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list
Post by: Weird WWII on April 04, 2012, 01:57:42 PM
Your criteria is your own so I left it general so you can determine how to add it or not to YOUR list.

Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list
Post by: Xenomrph on April 04, 2012, 05:47:04 PM
Yes but it helps me locate the things in the first place if you at least tell me if it's a book/comic/movie or who the author is or something. Like if I search for "the shield" on google I'm obviously going to need more information than just those two words.

I mean I posted a list of 200+ things neatly broken down into easy-to-use categories with authors and titles, making it easy for people using the list to find something in a particular genre, fiction/nonfiction, or type of medium (movie, game, book, comic, etc). It also lets people searching know if they're finding what I intend them to find - if I just had the title "The Day After Tomorrow" or "Swastika", or very-similar titles like "German secret weapons" and "The Nazis and the Occult" (of which there are several on the list) with nothing to clarify it, that's going to come up with a lot of responses on google and Amazon. By providing at least the authors people can know if they're finding the right stuff or not.

Like seriously I'm not trying to start an argument - other people in the thread offered suggestions and at least mentioned if it was a movie/videogame/whatever, or provided an author, or even posted a link. You rattled off 20 titles with no other information about them, some of which that I *did* recognize aren't actually Weird War II.
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 4/21/12)
Post by: Xenomrph on April 22, 2012, 01:19:19 AM
Updated the list with a bunch more stuff, added a new category for eBooks. I much prefer actual physical paper books, but those eBooks are books you can only get in eBook format.

There's a bunch of paper books out there that I'm waffling on getting because they're way, way cheaper as eBooks (we're talking $20 paper book vs $3 eBook).
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 4/21/12)
Post by: Jakar Nilson on April 22, 2012, 02:15:17 AM
Well, if you're including ebooks, then web-zines should definitely be on the list.

I write and draw my own weird war comic, Alfie's Tenners, which appears in the pages of the free PDF web-zine Aurora:

http://jakarnilson.webs.com/gk_alfie.html (http://jakarnilson.webs.com/gk_alfie.html)
http://dp9forum.com/aurora/ (http://dp9forum.com/aurora/)
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 4/21/12)
Post by: Predatorpt on April 22, 2012, 02:20:20 AM
Just some books that you don't have in your list (as far as I could see...). They all fall in the Occult part (but I linked to Amazon, so you can make up your mind):

Dogs of War (http://www.amazon.com/Dogs-War-Steve-Ruthenbeck/dp/1891799266/ref=lp_B001K7ZAT8_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1335056259&sr=1-1)

Wolf's Hour (http://www.amazon.com/Wolfs-Hour-Robert-R-McCammon/dp/0671731424/ref=sr_1_11?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1308875709&sr=1-11)

Night of The Nazi Zombies (http://www.amazon.com/Night-Nazi-Zombies-Michael-Thomas/dp/1906512531/ref=pd_sim_b_4)

Ebook Blood Reich (http://www.amazon.com/Blood-Reich-ebook/dp/B003XYFPQY/ref=sr_1_11?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1308875882&sr=1-11)

Ebook Blood of The Reich - A novel (http://www.amazon.com/Blood-Reich-A-Novel-ebook/dp/B004HW77Y4/ref=pd_sim_b_2?ie=UTF8&m=A32ONHETYYJPI3) - similar name to the above one, but rather different story.
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 4/21/12)
Post by: Xenomrph on April 22, 2012, 08:31:28 AM
Well, if you're including ebooks, then web-zines should definitely be on the list.

I write and draw my own weird war comic, Alfie's Tenners, which appears in the pages of the free PDF web-zine Aurora:

http://jakarnilson.webs.com/gk_alfie.html (http://jakarnilson.webs.com/gk_alfie.html)
http://dp9forum.com/aurora/ (http://dp9forum.com/aurora/)
Cool, I'll take a look. :) Thanks!

That reminds me, there's an issue or two of the Fortean Times magazine that deals with Nazi UFOs and whatnot that I've been trying to track down.

Just some books that you don't have in your list (as far as I could see...). They all fall in the Occult part (but I linked to Amazon, so you can make up your mind):

Dogs of War (http://www.amazon.com/Dogs-War-Steve-Ruthenbeck/dp/1891799266/ref=lp_B001K7ZAT8_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1335056259&sr=1-1)

Wolf's Hour (http://www.amazon.com/Wolfs-Hour-Robert-R-McCammon/dp/0671731424/ref=sr_1_11?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1308875709&sr=1-11)

Night of The Nazi Zombies (http://www.amazon.com/Night-Nazi-Zombies-Michael-Thomas/dp/1906512531/ref=pd_sim_b_4)

Ebook Blood Reich (http://www.amazon.com/Blood-Reich-ebook/dp/B003XYFPQY/ref=sr_1_11?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1308875882&sr=1-11)

Ebook Blood of The Reich - A novel (http://www.amazon.com/Blood-Reich-A-Novel-ebook/dp/B004HW77Y4/ref=pd_sim_b_2?ie=UTF8&m=A32ONHETYYJPI3) - similar name to the above one, but rather different story.
Thanks for the tips!

I've actually got Night of the Nazi Zombies on the list as an eBook, but I might cave and get the paper version just because I really prefer paper copies.
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 4/21/12)
Post by: joroas on April 22, 2012, 09:25:34 AM
DVD Sky Captains and Pilots of the Future?  ???
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 4/21/12)
Post by: Predatorpt on April 22, 2012, 02:05:14 PM
That reminds me, there's an issue or two of the Fortean Times magazine that deals with Nazi UFOs and whatnot that I've been trying to track down...

I'll need to check my magazines, but I have them for sure. One of them has a Nazi knight on the cover...I think.

Anyway, some of the articles can be seen here:

http://www.forteantimes.com/features/articles/127/himmlers_fortress_of_fear.html  - the one with the Nazi knight on the cover, from May 2005
http://www.forteantimes.com/features/articles/184/nazi_ufos.html  - the title says it all, "Nazi Ufos!"

And here's another suggestion:


This one - The Alien Factor (http://www.amazon.com/The-Alien-Factor-Stan-Lee/dp/0743452623/ref=tmm_mmp_title_0) - deserves the cover blurb:

The German war machine rolls across Europe, crushing everything in its path. America and her Allies have only recently entered the war, but is seems both sides are too evenly matched. The war could drag on for years, could go either way...until the day the saucer fell like an arrow from the heavens, bringing with it secrets of world-shattering consequence. The Nazis are quick to capture the spacecraft and its unearthly occupants; the Allies send in a suicide squad, a group snidely referred to as 'Logan's Losers' - to either retrieve the aliens and their secrets...or destroy them. Russia, too, learns of the downed UFO and sends their own agent into the heart of Germany. But there is a traitor among the Allied invasion force, working to bring the Allies down from within, and when Logan at last reaches his objective, it is a prisoner of the Third Reich, sentenced to die at the hand of an old, implacable enemy.

The book is written by Stan Lee and there was a movie with similar plot (mentioned by Weird WWII):

Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 4/21/12)
Post by: Xenomrph on April 22, 2012, 07:46:25 PM
DVD Sky Captains and Pilots of the Future?  ???
I considered it, and while I love the movie (Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow), Weird War II doesn't really happen in the movie. Yeah the movie is full of weird super-science, but the villain isn't a Nazi, World War II hasn't happened yet (since the movie takes place in the mid 1930s) so I have a hard time counting it as Weird War II.
I didn't count the second Crimson Skies videogame for the same reason - even though Die Spinne (the villains late in the game) are pretty much Nazi offshoots, the game's focus really isn't World War II especially since the game takes place before the war starts.
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 4/21/12)
Post by: joroas on April 22, 2012, 07:56:23 PM
Okay, t was just that I'd started pulling films out of my main collection to make a new Pulp section next to my historical stuff.  :'(
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 4/21/12)
Post by: Xenomrph on April 22, 2012, 08:00:47 PM
Okay, t was just that I'd started pulling films out of my main collection to make a new Pulp section next to my historical stuff.  :'(
Don't get me wrong, it's a really fun movie and it totally fits in the "pulp" style. :)
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 4/21/12)
Post by: joroas on April 22, 2012, 08:02:40 PM
That's okay, there isn't a lot of pulp around, so it will fit there snugly.....................  :D
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 4/21/12)
Post by: MajorTalon on April 30, 2012, 06:38:59 PM
The Saboteur definitely has some Weird War influences (read, Zeppelins, up-armoured, MG toting SS troopers.)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Saboteur (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Saboteur)
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 4/21/12)
Post by: Xenomrph on May 02, 2012, 06:29:16 AM
The Saboteur was a blast, I really enjoyed it. :) I've actually already got it on the list.
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 4/21/12)
Post by: Predatorpt on May 02, 2012, 01:52:19 PM
Xenomorph, don't forget the "Alien Factor" book that I posted here:

Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 4/21/12)
Post by: MajorTalon on May 02, 2012, 04:46:23 PM
Fatherland was a made for TV movie, here in the states, that took place in the 1960's, in a victorious Third Reich.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gV5NV0LNtwY&feature=related (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gV5NV0LNtwY&feature=related)
*BEWARE: Swastikas everywhere*
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 4/21/12)
Post by: Schogun on May 02, 2012, 04:53:53 PM
Occult & SF fiction:

( Both OOP. I haven't read either, but they've been on my list for a long time.)

Panzer Spirit & Reichbahn Six-Nine by Tom Townsend

Panzer Spirit:
When a long-dormant Nazi tank destroyer comes inexplicably to life and goes on its own bloody blitzkrieg, veteran tanker Jim Fafner may be the only man who can face down the otherworldly intelligence that pilots the haunted Jagdpanther.

Reichbahn Six-Nine:
The story of a German military train of the same name that is discovered at the bottom of a Bavarian lake during the present day. It contains World War II-vintage German gold coins and bullion, along with the discovered bodies of a dozen high-ranking SS officers never found at the end of the war. A modern M-16 is clutched in the hands of one of the well-preserved German officers.

Protagonist Beau Mitchell, a rowdy but likeable Texas salvage diver, along with his brillant but fantasy-driven girlfriend Sherri Vail, team up with Werner Katz and James Fafner (German and American museum curators) to raise the train from the lake and share the gold. They get more than they bargained for as the German soldiers awaken from their time-travel suspension made possible by stolen plans of the failed World War II U.S. Philadelphia project that was refined by German scientists during the war. Once revived in present day, the SS officers plan to take 1990's technology, weaponry, and history back to the 1944 era and use this newly acquired knowledge to defeat the allied forces.

The long awaited sequel to Panzer Spirit.
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 4/21/12)
Post by: Xenomrph on May 03, 2012, 08:43:59 AM
Xenomorph, don't forget the "Alien Factor" book that I posted here:

Yep, I ordered a copy on Amazon thanks to your suggestion. :) It should be here any day now. Thanks!

Occult & SF fiction:

( Both OOP. I haven't read either, but they've been on my list for a long time.)

Panzer Spirit & Reichbahn Six-Nine by Tom Townsend

Panzer Spirit:
When a long-dormant Nazi tank destroyer comes inexplicably to life and goes on its own bloody blitzkrieg, veteran tanker Jim Fafner may be the only man who can face down the otherworldly intelligence that pilots the haunted Jagdpanther.

Reichbahn Six-Nine:
The story of a German military train of the same name that is discovered at the bottom of a Bavarian lake during the present day. It contains World War II-vintage German gold coins and bullion, along with the discovered bodies of a dozen high-ranking SS officers never found at the end of the war. A modern M-16 is clutched in the hands of one of the well-preserved German officers.

Protagonist Beau Mitchell, a rowdy but likeable Texas salvage diver, along with his brillant but fantasy-driven girlfriend Sherri Vail, team up with Werner Katz and James Fafner (German and American museum curators) to raise the train from the lake and share the gold. They get more than they bargained for as the German soldiers awaken from their time-travel suspension made possible by stolen plans of the failed World War II U.S. Philadelphia project that was refined by German scientists during the war. Once revived in present day, the SS officers plan to take 1990's technology, weaponry, and history back to the 1944 era and use this newly acquired knowledge to defeat the allied forces.

The long awaited sequel to Panzer Spirit.
Both of those sound like crazy fun, just added them to my Amazon.com cart, haha.

Also I just updated the list again with some recent acquisitions, and I reformatted it a bit - I eliminated the "E-books" section, but I took all those books and filed them under their appropriate categories with an asterisk. * means it only exists in E-book format, ** means it exists in both print and E-book and I happen to own the E-book (since the E-book was much less expensive).
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 6/16/12)
Post by: Xenomrph on June 16, 2012, 10:23:40 AM
Went ahead and updated the list with some new stuff.
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 7/16/12)
Post by: Xenomrph on July 16, 2012, 10:08:06 PM
Updated the list with a bunch of new stuff, re-organized it a bit and separated "conspiracy theory" stuff out from "alternate history". Originally they were combined because I didn't feel they really needed separate categories, but I've found enough of each to make them separate.
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 7/16/12)
Post by: joroas on July 16, 2012, 11:00:51 PM
There is a section in X-Men, where Electro discovers his powers whilst being dragged towards the camp gates.
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 7/16/12)
Post by: MajorTalon on August 30, 2012, 08:38:43 PM
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Settling_Accounts_(Harry_Turtledove) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Settling_Accounts_(Harry_Turtledove))

This IS still WWII. ;)]

-Return Engagement
-Drive To The East
-The Grapple
-In At The Death

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/f/f8/Timeline-191_map2-5.gif (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/f/f8/Timeline-191_map2-5.gif)

There's a good-size map to give you an idea on who's involved.
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 7/16/12)
Post by: Xenomrph on August 31, 2012, 11:38:25 PM
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Settling_Accounts_(Harry_Turtledove) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Settling_Accounts_(Harry_Turtledove))

This IS still WWII. ;)]

-Return Engagement
-Drive To The East
-The Grapple
-In At The Death

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/f/f8/Timeline-191_map2-5.gif (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/f/f8/Timeline-191_map2-5.gif)

There's a good-size map to give you an idea on who's involved.

If I remember right Turtledove has also been doing an alternate-history WWII book series called "The War That Came Early" as well. The premise is pretty much right there in the title.  ;)
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 7/16/12)
Post by: Hauptgefreiter on September 01, 2012, 12:06:40 AM
There is a section in X-Men, where Electro discovers his powers whilst being dragged towards the camp gates.

Wasn't it Magneto being dragged away from the gates? ;)
Title: Weird War II read/watch/play list PART TWO (updated 3/22/13)
Post by: Xenomrph on October 22, 2012, 12:46:27 AM
Updated the list, and now it exceeds the maximum character limit for 1 post. I'll split it up over two now I guess!

Tabletop Games
Dust Tactics

Video Games
Blazing Angels 2: Secret Missions of World War II
Call of Duty: World at War
Call of Duty: Black Ops
Captain America: Super Soldier
Dino D-Day
Iron Sky: The iOS Game
Mortyr II
Turning Point: Fall of Liberty
Ubersoldier II
War Front: Turning Point
Wolfenstein 3D
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
The Saboteur

RPG/Wargame Books
AE-WWII Core Rulebook
AE-WWII: Basra 1946
AE-WWII: Occult Expansion
The Day After Ragnarok
Gear Krieg Rulebook
Gear Krieg: African Theater
Gear Krieg: Allies Sourcebook
Gear Krieg: Axis Sourcebook
Gear Krieg: Luft Krieg
Gear Krieg: Superscience
Gear Krieg: The Roleplaying Game
Gear Krieg: Wargaming Companion
Gurps WWII: Weird War II
Hollow Earth Expedition: Secrets of the Surface World
NUTS!: War Without End
Reich Star
Secrets of the Third Reich
Secrets of the Third Reich: Doomsday
Weird Wars: Weird War II
Weird War II: Afrika Korpse
Weird War II: Blood on the Rhine
Weird War II: Dead from Above
Weird War II: Hell in the Hedgerows
Weird War II: Hell Freezes Over
Weird War II: Horrors of Weird War II

The Aldebaran Mystery & the Eisenhower Briefing Papers
Blood Creek
Bloodrayne: The Third Reich
The Bunker
Captain America
Dead Snow
The Devil's Rock
The Devil's Keep
FDR: American Badass
First Squad: The Moment of Truth
Hitler's Britain
Hitler's Secret Flying Saucers
Horrors of War
Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Iron Sky
Nazis at the Center of the Earth
Nazi UFOs How They Fly: Exposing German Tesla Free Energy Program
Nazi UFO's The Illuminati Conspiracy
Nazi UFO Legacy And The Conspiracy
The Occult History of the Third Reich
Outpost: Black Sun
Project Chronos: Nazi Hyper-Dimensional Physics and the Bell Project
The Reich Underground
The Rocketeer
Timecop 2
UFO Secrets of the Third Reich
UFO Secrets of World War II
Urda: The Third Reich
War of the Dead
World War II German UFOs

30 Days of Night: Red Snow, Ben Templesmith
American Vampire vol 3, Scott Snyder & Rafael Albuquerque
Atomic Robo, Brian Clevinger & Scott Wegener
BPRD: 1946, Mike Mignola
BPRD: 1947, Mike Mignola
Captain Gravity and the Power of the Vril, Joshua Dysart & Sal Velluto
Common Foe, Keith Griffen
Creepy #3-4, Dark Horse Comics
Danger Girl, J. Scott Campbell
Dark Axis: Rise of the Overmen, Chris Wheeler
Duke Nukem: Glorious Bastard, Tom Waltz, Xermanico, Luis Antonio Delgado
Dust, Christopher Morrison & Paolo Parente
Dust Wars, Christopher Morrison & Paolo Parente
High Roads, Scott Lobdell, Leinil Yu
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis,
Indiana Jones and the Iron Phoenix, Joe Pinney, Hal Barwood
Indiana Jones and the Spear of Destiny, Elaine Lee, Will Simpson
Indiana Jones and the Tomb of the Gods, Rob Williams, Steve Scott
The Iron Ghost, Chuck Dixon, Sergio Cariello
Iron Man Noir, Scott Snyder, Manuel Garcia
Iron Siege, James Abraham, Andrew Hong, & Trevor Goring
The Keep, F. Paul Wilson & Matthew Dow Smith
The Life Eaters, David Brin & Scott Hampton
Light Brigate, Peter J. Tomasi
Lobster Johnson: Iron Prometheus, Mike Mignola
Lost Squad, Chris Kirby & Alan Robinson
The Manhattan Projects, Jonathan Hickman
Marvel Zombies Destroy!, Frank Marraffino, et al
Nazi Zombies, Joe Wight
Obergeist Director's Cut, Dan Jolley
Resident Evil, Ricardo Sanchez, Kevin Sharpe
The Rocketeer, Dave Stevens
Shanna: The She Devil #1-7, Frank Cho
Showcase Presents: Weird War Tales Vol. 1
Time Bomb, Jimmy Palmiotti, Justin Gray, & Payl Gulacy
War of the Undead, Bruan Johnson & Walter Flanagan
Weird War Tales vol 1, Joe Kubert
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 10/21/12)
Post by: Hildred Castaigne on October 22, 2012, 01:55:26 AM
They made a second Outpost?
Another one?
And nobody said anything about it? ???
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 10/21/12)
Post by: Xenomrph on October 22, 2012, 06:14:44 AM
They sure did! I've got it on pre-order on Amazon.
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 10/21/12)
Post by: Predatorpt on October 22, 2012, 07:54:16 AM
They made a second Outpost?
Another one?
And nobody said anything about it? ???

It's a stinker.There's a couple of good action scenes - NATO Special Forces against the Nazi Zombies in a small village - and that's all. Should have stick to 1 movie  :?

And behold, there's going to be a 3rd - Outpost: Rise of the Spetsnaz

Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 10/21/12)
Post by: white knight on October 22, 2012, 08:31:49 AM
I think 'Bulletproof Monk' also qualifies in the movie section. Starts with nazi's seeking the scroll in the mountain monastery during the war and ends with a showdown with the supernazi. ;)
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 10/21/12)
Post by: Bubbles on December 16, 2012, 11:17:58 AM
A french weird war comic called Block 109 is really good.

Also a comic called the World Eaters is interesting.
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 10/21/12)
Post by: Predatorpt on December 16, 2012, 04:39:45 PM
A french weird war comic called Block 109 is really good.

Also a comic called the World Eaters is interesting.

Glad to see someone who knows Block 109 ;)  The one in Africa - Opération soleil de plomb - is my favourite, specially because of the helicopters
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 10/21/12)
Post by: Xenomrph on December 19, 2012, 05:06:20 AM
A french weird war comic called Block 109 is really good.

Also a comic called the World Eaters is interesting.
Yep, got 'The World Eaters' on the list already. :)

I'd love to read Block 109 but I don't speak French. :(
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 10/21/12)
Post by: Bubbles on December 19, 2012, 09:38:16 AM
I've been going through and slowly translating it, learning a bit of French along the way. It's a nice buy just from an Artistic perspective as well and You can kind of gleam what they are getting at just from the expressions and some english sounding words.

I've actually been inspired by it to do a little bit of a Weird War scenario. It seems like it has all the right things to make it a good Wargame. Mechs, Ghouls, Assault Rifles, Crazy Beserkers, Russians and the Rest.

Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 10/21/12)
Post by: freewargamesrules on January 08, 2013, 01:34:43 AM
Another film to add to the list is War of the Dead


Acting isn't brilliant but there is some good action (and I picked it up in CEX for a couple of quid). They are fast moving undead not the shambler types.
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 10/21/12)
Post by: Weird WWII on January 10, 2013, 04:06:29 AM
Didn't realize that was released yet.  That movie had been held up for years.  I'll have to track it down.

Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 10/21/12)
Post by: Kitsune on March 21, 2013, 09:48:06 PM
Not sure if it's been mentioned yet, but Wheatleys "Strange Conflict" has Nazis, Spies, Voodoo, astral dreaming, Haitian zombies and international shipping routes. Been about 15 years since I last read it, but remember it being utterly mental!
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 10/21/12)
Post by: Xenomrph on March 22, 2013, 07:19:52 PM
Thanks for the heads-up, I'll definitely have to pick that one up.

Also, just updated the list with some new acquisitions (mostly ebooks).
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 3/22/13)
Post by: Bubbles on March 23, 2013, 03:46:47 PM
There is a new comic coming out by Avatar Press I believe called "Uber" about Nazi super soldiers fighting in 1945.
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 3/22/13)
Post by: MajorTalon on May 12, 2013, 06:54:05 PM

You play as BJ in an alternate 1960's where the Nazis conquered all of Europe and held it.
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 3/22/13)
Post by: Jakar Nilson on May 12, 2013, 08:06:52 PM

You play as BJ in an alternate 1960's where the Nazis conquered all of Europe and held it.

1960s? I guess the next Wolfenstein will be set in the late 80s, and BJ teams up with his grandson Billy to fight off the Nazi-Vorticon alliance...
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 3/22/13)
Post by: Xenomrph on May 19, 2013, 12:15:28 AM

You play as BJ in an alternate 1960's where the Nazis conquered all of Europe and held it.
Not just all of Europe, they took the entire planet using crazy super-science technology.

Frankly I can't wait to play it (and I'm wondering how heavily they cribbed from the Wolfenstein game story idea I'd been kicking around :P ).
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 3/22/13)
Post by: Sarmor on October 23, 2013, 09:33:16 PM
The second Outpost sequel, called Outpost: Rise of the Spetsnaz, is out. Haven't watched it yet though.

Apart from that I've stumbled upon a new comic book series by Mike Mignola (though he's not drawing it):
Sledgehammer '44 (2 issues)
Lightning War (3 issues)

These tell the story of a US supersoldier (or supersoldiers... read it  ;) ) using a suit powered by the Vril energy. Actually, it is sort of a continuation of Lobster Johnson: The Iron Prometheus.
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 3/22/13)
Post by: Predatorpt on May 26, 2014, 01:50:27 AM
Ok, a couple of Weird Comics that I'm reading and that I really like:

Über - http://www.comcav.net/collections/uber (http://www.comcav.net/collections/uber)

Über is an Anglo-American comic book series written by British author Kieron Gillen and illustrated by Canaan White and Gabriel Andrade. It is published monthly by Avatar Press, which released the first issue in April 2013.[1] The comic depicts an alternate World War II in which the Third Reich develops powerful superhuman soldiers in 1945, preventing its imminent defeat and forcing the Allied nations to counter with superhumans of their own. The series is notable for its extreme violence, its depiction of wartime moral ambiguity, and the major roles it gives to historical figures such as Adolf Hitler, Winston Churchill, Alan Turing and Heinz Guderian.

From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%9Cber_(comics)

My main problem with that book isn't the "extreme violence" but with the drawings - the guy who does most of the cover - Gabriel Andrade - is way better than the main artist, Canaan White. Starting on number 12, Gabriel will be the guy doing this arc of stories, so I can't complaint anymore.

The Royals: Masters of War - http://www.vertigocomics.com/browse?series=312646&content_type=comic

The year is 1940. As the Blitz destroys London and kills thousands, the Royal Family looks on. But in this world, the only people with special abilities are Royalty, and the purer the bloodline, the greater their abilities. So why don’t they stop the carnage with their powers? A truce between the Earth’s nobles has kept them out of our wars—until now. When England’s Prince Henry can take no more and intervenes, will it stop the planet’s suffering or take it to another level?

Nothing wrong with this one, I can only praise the art and the story. The Battle of Midway in this last number was just awesome...

Wunderwaffen (French comic) - http://www.bedetheque.com/serie-32191-BD-Wunderwaffen.html

In the summer of 1946 the war still rages in Europe after the surprise failure of the Normandy landings. Strange, revolutionary jets nicknamed WUNDERWAFFEN now defend Germany and the Allies race to halt what has become an aerial slaughter.

Same problem that I have with Über - the drawings aren't that good, when it comes to the characters. All the planes/vehicles are perfect but the characters are just a mess. At first the story seems to be just a normal What-If, but these last number are getting weirder and weirder. My guess is that the big reveal will be....

Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 3/22/13)
Post by: Devoted of Slaanesh on June 23, 2014, 09:39:47 PM
Now I know why I have studied French. ;)
Just have to find how to get those comics, they look so good!
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 3/22/13)
Post by: Predatorpt on September 18, 2014, 03:08:41 AM
Freebie on Amazon (mobi format) and lots of other sellers have the epub version :

Nazi Zombie Army: Gotterdammerung


The Nazis, desperate for victory at all costs, explored every avenue open to science, including some long forgotten... and some best left dead. But what if they had succeeded?

In the obscure village of Totenstadt, a team of the Reich's best minds, under the terrible Colonel von Teufel, are blending technology and the occult to create a new and terrible weapon, to test the boundary between life and death itself.

Elite British snipers Joe Randall, George "Ginger" Gibbs and Harry Atkins are sent deep into enemy lines to locate and destroy the facility. The mission will test their courage - and their sanity - to the limits...

It's just 37 pages long advertising for the PC game...but hey...it's FREE! And it reminds me of Return to Castle Wolfestein...and it's got a villain named "Colonel Von Devil" (I hope I got the translation from German right  ;D). And did I said it's free?  ;)
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 3/22/13)
Post by: Sarmor on September 21, 2014, 12:31:49 PM
JSA: The Liberty Files
A 2-issue comic from DC Elseworlds: three US agents, the Bat, the Clock and the Owl, are trying to locate Jack the Grin, who has information on a secret Nazi superweapon.
It's mostly a pulp spy story and doesn't feature the war itself very much, but you've got superheroes & Hitler, so it definitely fits here. :) There's a neat version of the Scarecrow, which I'll probably use as an inspiration for a Nazi agent in my games. Plus does any one know if there are any minis of 1930/40s Batman-like superheroes? ;)

The comic has a sequel called JSA: The Unholy Three, which takes place in 1948 in Berlin, so it's not strictly weird war. The first issue is really nice, but the finale takes place in a rather anachronistic place, which I found annoying.
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 3/22/13)
Post by: Xenomrph on November 15, 2014, 06:52:48 PM
I'm working on an actual honest-to-god update to this list (since it's like a year and a half old). I've been keeping my personal list up to date, it's just a matter of formatting it for this thread.
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 3/22/13)
Post by: Predatorpt on November 30, 2014, 04:59:06 PM
I'll just leave this here...without any further comment  lol

P-51 Dragon Fighter
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 3/22/13)
Post by: Predatorpt on December 18, 2014, 01:57:44 AM
What I'm reading right now:

The Suicide Exhibition: The Never War


The German war machine has woken an ancient threat – the alien Vril and their Ubermensch have returned. Ultimate Victory in the war for Europe is now within the Nazis’ grasp.


Foreign Office trouble shooter Guy Pentecross has stumbled into a conspiracy beyond his imagining – a secret war being waged in the shadows against a terrible enemy. The battle for Europe has just become the war for humanity.

Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 3/22/13)
Post by: Predatorpt on January 31, 2015, 06:08:33 PM
And a new Weird War movie:


Soldiers of the Damned is a new horror/thriller feature film brought to you by Blackdog Productions / Viking Film and Television.

It’s the Eastern Front, 1944. The Russians are pushing the German Army back through Romania. Major Kurt Fleischer, war-weary commander of an elite troop of German soldiers, is ordered to escort a female scientist into a mysterious forest behind enemy lines to retrieve an ancient relic. As his men begin to disappear in strange circumstances Fleischer realises that the scientist is part of Himmler’s occult department and there is something in the forest that is far more deadly than the Russians.
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 3/22/13)
Post by: Sarmor on February 01, 2015, 10:11:00 AM
Deep in the ice of the arctic, a team of geologists uncover an old Nazi laboratory still intact where dark experiments had occurred. In order to conquer the world - of course - the Nazis created modified sharks who were able to fly and whose riders are genetically mutated, undead super-humans.


 lol lol lol
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 3/22/13)
Post by: Sarmor on May 12, 2015, 09:42:08 PM
Just found another interesting comic: Breath of Bones

The giant clay monster from Jewish legend goes on a Nazi-killing rampage in order to protect the inhabitants of a small Jewish stronghold and an injured British pilot.

Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 3/22/13)
Post by: Predatorpt on May 12, 2015, 11:15:21 PM
Nice find, Sarmor  :D
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 3/22/13)
Post by: Sarmor on January 11, 2016, 09:38:08 PM
Found another WWW2 comic, this time about US Paras fighting Nazi werewolves: Deadman's Land

Sadly, IMO it's quite poorly drawn. Check for yourself:
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 3/22/13)
Post by: Predatorpt on May 31, 2016, 02:26:34 AM
Just saw the Weird War movie I mentioned in January last year - Soldiers of the Damned (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2396671/) - and I can only recommend it if you get it free. It's really a low-budget movie with lots of CGI blood. But at least the uniforms and the weapons look good  :?
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 3/22/13)
Post by: Sarmor on May 31, 2016, 04:09:13 PM
Seen it a couple weeks ago... I liked the second half, with the artefact and its effects. Otherwise it was bad (especially the acting and the SS characters), but it wasn't the worst weird war film I saw.
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 3/22/13)
Post by: Predatorpt on May 31, 2016, 07:25:35 PM
Seen it a couple weeks ago... I liked the second half, with the artefact and its effects. Otherwise it was bad (especially the acting and the SS characters), but it wasn't the worst weird war film I saw.

The story itself, with all those time-travel twists is interesting but. like you said, the acting is very bad. And the sound was weird, with the music blaring during the action scenes. It wasn't "the" worst movie but it was one of the worst.  :(
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 3/22/13)
Post by: Xenomrph on June 25, 2016, 01:47:41 PM
I keep forgetting to update this list, I'll see what I can get done this weekend (finally).
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 3/22/13)
Post by: Jakar Nilson on July 11, 2016, 06:11:46 PM
Originally published in 2006. During a routine patrol in the midst of WWII, an armoured column is ambushed! But be warned, this isn't the war you think you know!


http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/187785/The-Devils-Walk (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/187785/The-Devils-Walk)
http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/187786/La-marche-du-diable (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/187786/La-marche-du-diable)
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 3/22/13)
Post by: Predatorpt on August 16, 2016, 02:31:12 AM
I keep forgetting to update this list, I'll see what I can get done this weekend (finally).

Hope you don't mind but I shared this thread on the new Weird War group on Facebook ;) They are trying to do a neutral group, where fans of different rulesets can talk about the genre itself without getting into fights.

Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 3/22/13)
Post by: MajorTalon on November 08, 2016, 11:17:21 PM
I seem to recall a book series where a modern day ship with soldiers and sailors from various nations popping up in '42 or so. Does anyone know the name of the series, or if I'm even correct?  ;D
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 3/22/13)
Post by: Predatorpt on November 08, 2016, 11:22:58 PM
I seem to recall a book series where a modern day ship with soldiers and sailors from various nations popping up in '42 or so. Does anyone know the name of the series, or if I'm even correct?  ;D

My best guest is this one, John Birminghan's Axis of Time trilogy:


Loved them  ;)

Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 3/22/13)
Post by: MajorTalon on November 08, 2016, 11:42:56 PM
My best guest is this one, John Birminghan's Axis of Time trilogy:


Loved them  ;)

YES! That's the one, thank you.
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 3/22/13)
Post by: Predatorpt on November 08, 2016, 11:46:07 PM
YES! That's the one, thank you.

Glad to help. The 3 last books - Stalin's Hammer - are also good reads but I think they are only available in ebook versions. And they are post-WW2.
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 3/22/13)
Post by: Wyrmalla on December 08, 2016, 08:39:35 AM
If you're out of the loop, Uber series 2 came out this month. Covering the invasion of the United States by the Nazi supermen.

The author's note at the end implies that this should be the end of the series following this arc. However if you've ever read Cross +100, there was mention of possibly releasing a limited series set 100 years following the end of the comic (with the caveat, "if there's anything left by then") - which has me especially pleased. :)
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 3/22/13)
Post by: supervike on December 18, 2016, 02:27:20 AM
Just read an odd and unsettling Graphic novel published by Dark Horse.

It was called Aleister & Adolf, and told a story regarding the 'Propaganda/Magick' War between Crowley and the Third Reich.

I'm not sure if I completely enjoyed it, but it was compelling, and apparently based on some real history to form it's narrative.

Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 3/22/13)
Post by: Ballardian on December 18, 2016, 02:49:47 PM
Supervike - your mention of the Dark Horse graphic novel put me in mind of a novel by Jake Arnott, 'House Of Rumour'. It's in part concerned with Rudolph Hess's flight to Scotland in 1941 & whether it was provoked by the actions of occultists (including Crowley, who features in the novel) influencing him through the astrological readings he (seemed to) give weight to.
 It's a pretty good novel, (though don't expect pulp levels of action, it's more of a thoughtful read) which I certainly enjoyed, here's the inside cover blurb: 

"Larry Zagorski spins wild tales of fantasy worlds for pulp magazines. But as the Second World War hangs in the balance, the lines between imagination and reality are starting to blur.

In London, spymasters enlist occultists in the war of propaganda. In Southern California, a charismatic rocket scientist summons dark forces and an SF writer founds a new religion. In Munich, Nazis consult astrologists as they plot peace with the West and dominion over the East. And a conspiracy is born that will ripple through the decades to come.

The truth, it seems, is stranger than anything Larry could invent. But when he looks back on the 20th century, the past is as uncertain as the future. Just where does truth end and illusion begin?"
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 3/22/13)
Post by: supervike on December 18, 2016, 03:29:54 PM
That's actually very similar to the plot in this comic book.

It also has the Hess capture as a plot point.

I will check out the Zagorski one, the subject matter is creepy....having it's feet both in real and weird.
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 3/22/13)
Post by: Glenn on June 16, 2019, 07:44:47 PM
Dunno if this has been added yet...but Love, death and Robots, the sci fi cartoon series on Netflix has an amazing episode called the Secret War about Russian troops fighting occult ghoul type critters.....totally in the wierd war vybe  :)
Title: Re: Weird War II read/watch/play list (updated 3/22/13)
Post by: leonmallett on September 02, 2021, 01:29:07 PM
I propose the following as a new section on the post 1 list:

Graphic Novels & Comics:
Battle Hymn
Light Brigade
BPRD 1946-1948
Hellboy Universe the Secret Histories
Creature Commandos (tpb; originally published in Weird War Tales)
Fiends of the Eastern Front (upcoming collection from Rebellion)