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Miniatures Adventure => The Conflicts that came in from the Cold => Topic started by: cuprum on April 01, 2012, 02:47:08 PM

Title: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: cuprum on April 01, 2012, 02:47:08 PM
Russian music video "metal" group "Aria." The composition is called the "Patriot", used video from the film "Grozovye vorota (Thunder Gate)." A film about the events of the Second Chechen War, when one company of Russian paratroopers and a small group of Spetsnaz restrained attack 1500 Chechen fighters and Arab terrorists.


1. Spirits of far mountains run at full tilt.
Your land is in fire.
They pray to East,
put a knife into people like into cattle,
and break into heaven.

We have scope of skies and in our sole and perpetual argument:
Who is foe and who is friend.

2. Everyone of us is a target.
Hide or not hide in shadow -
They gonna find everywhere!
They shoot our backs.
Everything is sold,
Friends do betray.

They've fired the faith of ancestors,
But it's shadow is among forests,
Listen to the voice of land.

Your name is Patriot.
Those who don't remember their origins will not understand.
Fire in your heart didn't go out.
Those who are not with us are against us.

3. We've got only one way out.
A shot and chock in your heart.
Cover me!
Leave dead in peace,
Act while alive,
The war goes on!

Blood runs on stones,
Forget about everything, go forward,
Listen to the voice of fire!
Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: commissarmoody on April 02, 2012, 09:35:39 AM
Thats pretty metal  :-*
Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: cuprum on April 02, 2012, 10:49:26 AM
This is probably the best Russian heavy metal band.
Here there are two clips of the musical group:

Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: cuprum on April 03, 2012, 03:12:39 PM
Another music clip with video from a film about the Soviet war in Afghanistan, "9th Company".

Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: cuprum on April 03, 2012, 05:28:21 PM
By the way, the movie "The Storm Gate" with English subtitles posted here:
Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: commissarmoody on April 03, 2012, 08:16:52 PM
I actaully watched the 9th company with subtitals when i was in afgansitan.  lol
Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: cuprum on May 24, 2012, 05:01:33 PM
 Again "Aria".

 The song "Battle goes on!"
 The video is dedicated to the Heroes of the Cold War:

Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: cuprum on June 02, 2012, 02:36:57 PM
The music video for Russian band "Lyube" - "Let's drink to ...." / "Давай за ..."
Stills from the film "The quiet frontier" / "Тихая застава".
The film tells the story of real events July 13, 1993 on the Tajik-Afghan border. On the battle of a small detachment of Russian border guards against several times superior forces the Afghan Taliban, trying to break into Tajikistan.

Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: FunkyBrush on June 03, 2012, 10:35:38 AM
Something about this movie scenes reminds me of Troma's War o_o
Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: cuprum on June 06, 2012, 03:28:21 PM
Russian Ballet:

Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: cuprum on June 29, 2012, 05:21:37 PM
This film is not about the war, but it can serve as a good story for the game scenario. Also - it's just a good movie. The film with English subtitles. To view go to YouTube.

Cold Summer Of 1953

The film is set in the USSR in the summer of 1953. March 27, 1953, three weeks after Stalin's death, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR accepts the decree "On amnesty." From prison freed tens of thousands of prisoners. And not only political prisoners, but also a lot of criminals. The country grows dramatically the level of crime.

In a remote northern village, trading post, two political exiles living: Kopalych (former chief engineer, Nikolai Pavlovich Starobogatov, "British spy") and a former Red Army captain Sergei Basargin, convicted for being in German captivity). From the city returned to the local policeman Mankov who took part in the raid on a gang of criminals. Six bandits managed to escape. They get into a factory and grab the head of Ivan Zotov. Then the gunmen killed a policeman. The criminals seized the village and marina.

In the fight with the bandits take two former political prisoners ...

Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: cuprum on July 14, 2012, 02:17:48 PM
Trailer for the russian feature film "Avgust Vosmogo" (August 2008)

 The viewer is given the opportunity to see how in the 7-year-old boy's eyes the South Ossetian conflict becomes a fiction thriller, in which military technology is transformed into alien monsters, and the mother Kseniya takes the shape of Kind Robot. Kseniya will go through many dangers but for the sake of her son she would be able to triumph over fear.


Another trailer with no subtitles

Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: cuprum on July 23, 2012, 03:14:38 PM
The composition of "My Star". Russian music band "Nautilus Pompilius".
The frames of the movie "War".

The film is set during the Second Chechen War. Ivan is a Russian soldier captured by Chechen warlord Aslan Gugaev. Aslan uses Ivan as a specialist in communication, because up to the army, he graduated from computer school. Aslan is also being captured for ransom British actor John Boyle and his bride. Soon a part of the prisoners released.
But at home, in Tobolsk, the life of Ivan had no luck. He did not want to take on skilled work, because after the captivity of his mental health was broken. Ivan accepts the offer of John to go with him to Chechnya, to liberate its fiancee. John removes everything on camera to create his film ...

Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: MajorTalon on July 23, 2012, 06:43:44 PM

Okay, this is one I've been watching for a while, and I felt it belonged here, sorry if you feel like I'm stealing your thunder cuprum. :)

The band Apocalyptic, is a Finnish "metal" band. I say "metal", because they started out as a metal band that used cellos, now, not so much. The movie in Ninth Company, the infamous movie about the Soviet War in Afghanistan.
Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: cuprum on July 24, 2012, 01:57:29 AM
Join me Major Talon, in the network - a lot of good clips and music.

The band Apocalyptic excellent music.

Here's another good music and film - "Black Hawk Down." Music - Hans Zimmer.

Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: commissarmoody on July 27, 2012, 09:36:51 PM
Avgust Vosmogo seems to be an interesting take on the whole thing. I grew up on military bases in Germany because both of my folks were in the US-air force an as a kid. I know I saw all the solders as super heroes lol.

Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: cuprum on July 28, 2012, 03:12:23 AM
I liked this movie. Nice filmed, lots of special effects, interesting theme. No wonder that it took to rolling 20th centry Fox.
Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: MajorTalon on July 31, 2012, 11:44:59 PM
I am back with a VDV promo from Russia


Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: cuprum on August 01, 2012, 04:56:01 AM

 Here is the examination for the right to wear colored beret in the Russian Spetsnaz.
 Color beret takes is the right to wear only one who passed this exam.

 Within one day, the candidates are running cross - cross country 12 km.
 Then passes a special obstacle course.
 Then checking of weapons.
 Shooting at goal.
 Storming the building.
 Acrobatic skills training and demonstration of unarmed combat.
 Learning martial arts. The battle is within 12 minutes continuously, with three opponents, two of them - owners of colored beret.

 In these examinations the right to wear the color takes, six soldiers from the 70 candidates.

Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: MajorTalon on August 01, 2012, 09:24:36 AM
But..... that doesn't involve any of the dancing I saw in the vid. :'(

Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: cuprum on August 01, 2012, 09:58:20 AM
Dancing Russian "Spetsnaz".
 Images from the Russian TV series "Spetsnaz". The soldiers destroyed a group of Chechen terrorists who ambushed in Russia. Civilians think are shooting a feature film.  :)


And the trailer for this TV series:

Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: MajorTalon on August 01, 2012, 12:44:55 PM
Cuprum, you my Russian friend, are making me want to go buy DVD's of these, and I don't even know if they have any sets with English subs.

Okay, I'm bringing in some Sabaton. These vids are for the South Ossetian war of 2008.


Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: cuprum on August 01, 2012, 02:16:58 PM
Good video  ;)

Here's another on the same topic:

Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: cuprum on August 03, 2012, 05:57:35 PM

"Purgatory" - a feature film about the beginning of the first Chechen war.

In the center of the film's plot - fighting for a hospital in Grozny, occupied Russian soldiers the head of the wounded Colonel Vitaly Suvorov. January 4, 1995 City Hospital in Grozny was surrounded by Chechen fighters. Group of fighters stormed a hospital headed by a former surgeon at the hospital - Dukuz Israpilov.

 WARNING! Filmed in a naturalistic style - full of very brutal scenes of violence! Not recommended for viewing for children, and persons with weakened psyche!


Turn the subtitles in English under the red button "CC" - "Translate captions" - "English"
Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: MajorTalon on August 04, 2012, 03:49:34 AM
Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: cuprum on August 04, 2012, 04:59:32 AM
Good music and good military vehicles.

Music - a group of "Lube", the song "Soldier"

Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: commissarmoody on August 04, 2012, 05:46:29 AM
I raise you a motivatinal video my buddies and I made in Afganistan  :D


Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: MajorTalon on August 04, 2012, 05:50:40 AM
I raise you a motivatinal video my buddies and I made in Afganistan  :D


0:35 to 0:45 was brilliance!
Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: commissarmoody on August 04, 2012, 05:57:03 AM
What Can I say being in a platoon base working only with ANA and ANP can kind of mess with your head  ;D
Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: cuprum on August 13, 2012, 05:06:42 PM
Singer - Victor Tsoy and group "Kino"
Song: "Blood Type"
Visuals - The war in Chechnya

Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: MajorTalon on September 02, 2012, 04:42:35 AM
Redgum - I was Only Nineteen

Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: cuprum on September 03, 2012, 04:00:42 PM
The song is called "We're leaving ...". Music group of Afghan war veterans "Contingent".

 My translation - certainly rough, but you can catch the meaning of  ;)


With the conquests one day the mountain peaks
 We go on the charred steps on the ground,
 Under aimed shots slander and lies,
 We're leaving, leaving, leaving.

  Farewell, mountains, you know best,
  Who were we to the edge of the distant,
  Let them not judge sided
  We armchair scholar.

 Goodbye, Afgan, the ghost world.
 Not for what seems good remember you
 But something sad combat commander:
 We're leaving, leaving, leaving, leaving.

  Farewell, mountains, you know best,
  What is our pain and our glory.
  How can you, the land Afganistan,
  Atonement tears mothers?

 A friend, an alcohol dose - divided into three.
 So much us survived in the brave reconnaissance platoon ...
 Even the wind behind us on the slopes faded:
 We're leaving, leaving, leaving, leaving.

  Farewell, mountains, you know best,
  What price here paid,
  What the enemy - not finished off,
  What friends have left..

 We come back here - no longer destined
 A lot of us were killed in this long march,
 And the works left unfinished, but ...
 We're leaving, leaving, leaving, leaving.

  Farewell, mountains, you know best,
  What we had, what we give.
  Our hopes and sorrows
  How to get along among the people?

 Our Biographies - only six lines
 Popular scientists a recording
 But does subservient to science - East?
 We are moving away from the East,  leaving, leaving.

Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: cuprum on September 27, 2012, 11:23:16 AM
Singer - Victor Tsoy and group "Kino"
Song: "In our eyes" (english subtitles)
Images: USSR millitary 1974-76.

Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: cuprum on October 31, 2012, 03:23:45 AM
Performed by the group "Sektor Gaza"
The song "Time to go home"

Russian naval infantry

Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: cuprum on November 08, 2012, 02:17:58 PM
Now the movie "War" appeared on YouTube with English subtitles. I invite you to watch a movie:


The film is set during the Second Chechen War. Ivan is a Russian soldier captured by Chechen warlord Aslan Gugaev. Aslan uses Ivan as a specialist in communication, because up to the army, he graduated from computer school. Aslan is also being captured for ransom British actor John Boyle and his bride. Soon a part of the prisoners released.
But at home, in Tobolsk, the life of Ivan had no luck. He did not want to take on skilled work, because after the captivity of his mental health was broken. Ivan accepts the offer of John to go with him to Chechnya, to liberate its fiancee. John removes everything on camera to create his film ...
Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: cuprum on November 09, 2012, 05:25:59 AM
Clip Russian singer Tatyana Antonik.
Still from "Hunters for caravans" (War USSR in Afghanistan)


Heavy metal band "Aria".

 The song "Fight is Continued!" (new version)
The heroes of the Cold War, is dedicated to ...

Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: cuprum on April 19, 2013, 04:55:41 PM
I propose to look Russian films about the different weapons. Let's start with the BMD-1 ...

Voennoe Delo (War craft): BMD-1! The first in the World Airborne Fighting Vehicle!

Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: zizi666 on April 19, 2013, 08:14:12 PM
Cool stuff ! don't hesitate to post more of those.
Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: cuprum on April 20, 2013, 06:01:00 AM
Ok. I'm glad that it seems someone interesting  :D

Continue the story of the evolution BMD





The film is about BMD-4 with English subtitles I have not found. Suggest just look at that car and listen to music.

Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: MajorTalon on April 20, 2013, 07:03:53 AM
Cool vids as always cuprum!

Now, this board isn't only for military actions during the Cold War, as is evident due to the 7TV games and whatnot the sometimes pop-up, so this one might seem weird.

The music of a particularly rough crowd in the 70's: The Skinhead. Not racist skinheads, the originals. The 2 Tone Crowd.


And back to our normal programming:

A song by the band Sabaton, about the First Gulf War.

Sabaton - Reign of Terror

Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: commissarmoody on April 20, 2013, 08:39:06 AM
Major Talon, I dig your musical choice.
Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: MajorTalon on April 21, 2013, 05:55:44 AM
Thank you commissarmoody.



Laeffy, the greatest soldier!!!


 lol lol
Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: cuprum on April 27, 2013, 01:59:05 PM
Today we will watch movies on Russian infantry combat vehicles - "BMP"

Total film about the development of this family of combat vehicles: BMP-1, BMP-2, BMP-3


Now more about the BMP-1:





Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: cuprum on May 18, 2013, 02:27:57 PM
Olympus Inferno

The movie features two main characters, an American entomologist studying butterflies in South Ossetia and a Russian female journalist. The two characters must work together to get back to Russian lines after getting swept up in the August 8, 2008 Georgian offensive against the separatist enclave of South Ossetia.

Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: cuprum on June 23, 2013, 06:19:46 AM
Voennoe Delo: Russian Heavy Machineguns. DSHK, NSV, KORD (English subtitles)

Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: MajorTalon on September 26, 2013, 02:28:54 AM
Some Punky goodness.

Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: cuprum on October 13, 2013, 06:27:45 AM
9 th company
The Soviet war in Afghanistan.


On 25th of December, 1979, Units of Limited Contingent of Soviet Forces entered into Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. This date got written to History as a beginning of the Afghan War, which will last almost 10 years.
Soldiers and officers of the 345th Detached Guards Air Borne Regiment were among the first Soviet troops appeared in Afghanistan. The 345th Regiment was participating in the most risky and dangerous operations of the Limited Contingent during the war in Afghanistan. According to opinion of military experts, the Regiment was considered as one of the most combat effective units within the 40th Army. Paratroopers of the 345th were acting decisively and bravely, tactically correct. Big attention was given to gathering and examining of intelligence.They were quickly learning to wage a war in specific Afghan conditions. As a result, vast majority of operations with participation of soldiers and officers of the 345th Regiment were successful. Large scale Combined Arms operation "Magistral" (a highway) became a bright page in combat chronicles of the 345th Regiment.The goals of operation were to lift the siege of town Host, which was blocked by forces of armed opposition, with following delivery of food supplies and medicines.One of the most dramatic episodes of the operation "Magistral" is the Battle for Hill 3234. The 9th Company of the 345th Regiment took a direct participation in events of that battle.Our story is about that event and about people, who were involved in that battle.

* - "Dukh", "Dushman" - Soviet nicknames for Afghani mujahideen
** - "Grach" (a rook) - a nickname for Su-25 Frogfoot.

The story of real events that formed the basis for of the feature film:

Title: Re: A little music video for inspiration
Post by: Arlequín on September 05, 2014, 04:16:12 PM
From what I can understand from my limited Russian and Google translate, the 'Novorossiya' sentiment visually and lyrically expressed in the videos deleted from this thread crossed the line in the context of 'current affairs'. Propaganda for any faction or nation will not be tolerated on LAF.

I will also remind everyone that the forum language is English only.

Topic Locked.