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Miniatures Adventure => The Second World War => Topic started by: Yankeepedlar01 on January 22, 2008, 05:20:54 PM

Title: 1/72 Company B helmet/uniform decals
Post by: Yankeepedlar01 on January 22, 2008, 05:20:54 PM
I've just recieved a batch of decals for my 20mm WW II troops ~ German infantry & SS, British Airborne & 51st Inf'y Div. Anyone used these? I'm really after advice about how to transfer them onto the finished figures. Thanks.

Title: 1/72 Company B helmet/uniform decals
Post by: Gunbird on January 22, 2008, 05:41:04 PM
Have them as well, plus the 1/48 sized ones...but seeing how badly printed* those where I tossed them aside** and haven't used them yet.

But with the application, use the golden rule, first gloss varnish the fig u want to use the decal on, then apply it with Micro Sol and Micro Set and after it's all dried again gloss again. Then use the varnish of your liking.


*Maybe I'm very spoilt but after reiceiving hundreds of 1/300 sized marking sheets from I-94 and Doms Decals these are just plain crap. Big blobs of ink destroying all of the details, and the red part or the US flag was more then a millimeter offset from the rest of the flags....making me cut out each individual red section just to make it line up. The 20mm ones are ok. The German helmet decals are ok, the US flag was set very well but the US screaming eagles are drowned out by the overuse of black. Call me anal about details like that but when working with stuff that isn't that big to begin with, and knowing other companies do get it right, it turned me off at this company and I doubt I'll be a customer again

** So well in fact I can't even find them to take a shot of them to show you the problem...typical.
Title: 1/72 Company B helmet/uniform decals
Post by: CompanyB on February 05, 2008, 10:30:27 PM
Sorry you are having issues, but if you do not address it with us directly, or ask for a replacement, there is no way for me to rectify the issue.  So I would say that until you actually go through the process of attempting to get a replacement product or a refund if you are not happy, please do not fault us or complain in a public forum that we are not a trustworthy company or have skew opinion about our wide range of products.  It kind of implies we don't care, when in fact if you knew certain facts, that would not be the case.
Such as:
*We fired two silk screen houses and are now looking for a third.
*We have been turned down by almost all the silk screen print shops in the United States, because no one can meet the standards we now demand.
*Because of the lack of quality shops that can do the work, we are trimming down the selection and will no longer make a good portion of the product anymore.
*The amount of money invested in the markings is such that it will never be recovered.  So instead of raising prices, we kept them as is and hope to just break even over the course of several years.

We are aware that some "higher" end artist are not happy with silk screened decals, which is why the hand printed ones are still offered in some instances where a great difference can be seen. (the image of figures on the site are not retouched, and no issues can be seen on those)  Also, we have sold 1000's of decal sets, and  only received complaints a few times (three, including this one).  Those complaints received their money back, or credit towards any other product with free shipping.  

It's also unknown if you purchased direct or through a second hand dealer.  Dealers receive large orders of product, and it's possible that some bad batches get through.  It's also possible that dealers have older stock.

So if you have an issue, please try to resolve it with us.  I think you'll find that we'll be more than responsive in helping resolve the issue.  Either with replacement product, credit or a refund.  If you have purchase from a overseas dealer, that does  not matter.  We will still do what we can to fix the issue.

Company B
Title: 1/72 Company B helmet/uniform decals
Post by: Gunbird on February 06, 2008, 07:07:59 AM
Sorry mate, as stated it was my opinion, and even if I'm used to high end decals, this measure of offset and blotchyness was easily visible and remidied with quality control. I did not contact you because I was disheartend with the apparant lack of quality but I didn't, and hardly ever do, ask for a refund, as most of these business are small and I got the goods. I just show that I'm not happy with them by not buying them again. The rest, about the facts and complaints, I'll keep to myself.

Good luck with your business.

Title: 1/72 Company B helmet/uniform decals
Post by: Mike D. Mc Brice on February 06, 2008, 10:11:52 AM
What printing methods do companys like Battlefront or GW use? I have no idea how transfer production works but I have seen theirs and they are very good.
Title: 1/72 Company B helmet/uniform decals
Post by: dominic on February 06, 2008, 10:24:51 AM
I used the Company B decals recently on my a few of my Aritizan US 101 Airborne.  They look pretty good.

However, I was not fully satisfied with the German helmet decals.  But I ordered these almost 6-8 months ago, so Company B might have improved on them by now.

The method of application is to cut out the decal as close to the printed area as possible to avoid the shiny flash part showing.  Apply the decal to a gloss varnished figure, then matt varnish over.