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Miniatures Adventure => VSF Adventures => Topic started by: Maraudar on January 31, 2008, 04:40:38 PM

Title: Adventures in Jimland
Post by: Maraudar on January 31, 2008, 04:40:38 PM
Has anyone ever used this setting to play in? I have read all the material on it and found it really good and an enjoyable read. The setting is pretty well thought out and the stories are great and there scenario seeds through out that one can mine. I included a link to it.


Title: Adventures in Jimland
Post by: Torradas on January 31, 2008, 06:07:08 PM
This looks good :)

I like several things on a diagonal read - the skill lists, the concept of using money to "put together" an expedition, the random generation of terrain - all looks quite good.

Will give it a try soon :)
Title: Adventures in Jimland
Post by: Gluteus Maximus on February 01, 2008, 11:55:41 PM
Yes, I've played it solo several times & it's great fun. Its very quick & easy to set up an adventure & has the added bonus of being played on a small area with an easily achievable number of figures, so is ideal for people who want to dabble in a new period.

Its a shame that Jim felt he had to close his site down, but happily it's still alive & kicking elsewhere.

I'd recommend it to anyone into  VSF/Darkest Africa etc.
Title: Adventures in Jimland
Post by: TJSKI on February 05, 2008, 12:00:10 AM
Ahh Jimland, I played only a few times, Jim Wright is in our game group here in Phoenix AZ. Many a good times were to be had at the hands of Lord Jim.

It's a great little game that had everyone here playing.

Tim Kulinski
Title: Adventures in Jimland
Post by: twrchtrwyth on February 07, 2008, 03:03:49 AM
Cheers for the excellent link. 8)