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General => Announcements and forum stuff => Events and Conventions => Topic started by: Centaur_Seducer on May 20, 2012, 12:58:41 PM

Title: Gubbspel Galore III (24th to 26th of August)
Post by: Centaur_Seducer on May 20, 2012, 12:58:41 PM
Imagine at the end of this summer that you turn around to the mrs/mr/pet/none and say:
- Oh, darling. We haven't really travelled and experienced the world that much, now have we? And I don't mean when we took the car to Durham County festival and bought some cheap marmelade and got sick for two days. I tell you what, we should have gone to that lovely city across the sea, situated like a stern fortress of utter enlightenment between the dark forces known as Denmark, Norway  and the rest of Sweden.
As we all know that this is a highly likely situation to arise, and to give you the opportunity to visit the the the second biggest city in the kingdom, we would like to invite the lot of you to Gubbspel Galore III (you're not alone if you mentally scream the last digits in German) taking place in the dirty pearl of the north; Gothenburg.
After all, who would say no to go to a city founded by Gustavus II Adolphus, built by the Dutch and populated by the Scots? None I tell you, none.

And we do have games to offer! At least, that's our plan… And besides, a quick vacation with flight for less than 190 euros? And arranged lodging? Now, that's a bargain! And it's almost as far north as Border Reivers, and that very far north for a lot of people. Well, I know that it's south for many to, but hey…

We did one show last year, and some pics from that can be found here (http://galoregbg.wordpress.com/gubbspel-galore-ii/).

And obviously, if you travel far far away, we'll try to help you out with lodging and all that. And you don't have to pay an entrance fee.

After all these facts, and you're still undecided, why not take a look at this rather embarrassing promo video for Gothenburg? It got Paul McCartney in the end…

And for those of you without sufficient knowledge in Swedish, here's the English (http://galoregbg.wordpress.com/english/) version of the homepage.


Title: Re: Gubbspel Galore III (24th to 26th of August)
Post by: uti long smile on May 20, 2012, 04:39:16 PM
I like the sound of this... ;)
Title: Re: Gubbspel Galore III (24th to 26th of August)
Post by: Centaur_Seducer on May 22, 2012, 02:07:03 PM
I like the sound of this... ;)
I know you do! :D
Hopefully I'll be able to send you a lovely mail next week as well :)
Title: Re: Gubbspel Galore III (24th to 26th of August)
Post by: Centaur_Seducer on July 05, 2012, 09:43:30 AM
While Gothenburg in all its glory might be described as the armpit of an unwashed heroine addict, it's still the musical capital of northern europe. And to get you lads going, we've started to do a spotify list which we'll fill up along the way.
Take a note that there's a lot of extreme music coming from this region, and while some of us can appreciate praises to satan and agitation against the system and capitalism, we'll let those out from the list at this moment.

The link requires Spotify:
Galore III Spotify List (http://open.spotify.com/user/silversixx/playlist/5se1VPNDQoFDrbutAlTqy8)