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Miniatures Adventure => Age of the Big Battalions => Topic started by: DoctorDuckButter on June 14, 2012, 02:31:33 PM

Title: ACW/ Black Powder Rules
Post by: DoctorDuckButter on June 14, 2012, 02:31:33 PM
Hello All,

I was considering starting my ACW force and don't really have a rule set yet. I have heard some great things about Black Powder, question though. Is it a Skirmisher game? Or really only for larger battles?
Title: Re: ACW/ Black Powder Rules
Post by: Burnt65 on June 15, 2012, 10:38:17 PM
It is used for larger battles.  Definitely not skirmish.
Title: Re: ACW/ Black Powder Rules
Post by: fastolfrus on June 16, 2012, 09:25:46 AM
We use "Civil War Battles" by Peter Pig for most ACW games.
Brother vs Brother for skirmishes.
Title: Re: ACW/ Black Powder Rules
Post by: DoctorDuckButter on June 16, 2012, 03:06:32 PM
Thanks, I have played Brother Vs Brother, and it was great. Black Powder just looked nice, but I thought it was really only for grand armies.
Title: Re: ACW/ Black Powder Rules
Post by: axabrax on June 16, 2012, 04:04:31 PM
I don't have the BP rules, but I've seen this discussed before on other forums and the consensus among dedicated Civil War players seems to be that BP is too generic for the ACW and lacks period flavor/detail. What exactly is missing, I couldn't precisely say. And of course, if you don't know either, you'll never miss it  ;)  Personally I would wait until they do a dedicated ACW supplement.

For skirmish gaming in 28mm, I've played  Terrible Sharp Sword and really enjoyed it and I also think Bull Run to Gettysburg looks good, which I have read but yet to play. I believe that Architects of War are coming out with a set called Uncivil War or some such with should be similar to Muskets and Tomahawks for skirmish gaming as well...
Title: Re: ACW/ Black Powder Rules
Post by: Hobbit on June 16, 2012, 09:13:45 PM
Whilst BP is designed for large actions there is no reason why it can't be scaled up or down, one of the sample scenarios uses company sized units. Ther is no reason why you couldn't reduce the basic unit to sections, or smaller, if you're so inclined. The core system is very simple and very easily customizable for anyone who knows their period of history even moderately well.

BP however isn't a hyper-detailed set and abstracts a number of areas, but does give realistic results and plays quickly and easily with little need to refer to the main rules or playsheets. Its main strength is a simple but elegant command and control system. Personally I used to love Johnny Reb for ACW, but now find I prefer the simplicity of a game like BP. This afternoon for example I fought a division sized action to a conclusion within 3 hours with someone who had never played before.

For those familiar with it, BP is a development and refinement of the Warmaster game system originally published by GW (although I never played Warmaster).

Even if BP isn't suitable for your current project I would heartily recommend it as a simple yet easily modable core rules system.
Title: Re: ACW/ Black Powder Rules
Post by: Mindenbrush on June 17, 2012, 08:40:46 PM
Regimental Fire & Fury, the Yahoo support group has a War of 1812 QRS.

I am thinking of using them for The Liberation Wars - figures by Parkfield miniatures  :)
