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Miniatures Adventure => Fantasy Adventures => Topic started by: beefcake on July 10, 2012, 12:15:03 AM

Title: Resin Dungeon sewer, available from zealot miniatures
Post by: beefcake on July 10, 2012, 12:15:03 AM
Here are some pics of a resin dungeon I created and painted myself. I've made a few cast of these just for me at the moment but if there is enough interest I may start to produce them to sell  :). Some of the dungeon sections could also be used as diorama settings or also as dungeon bases. The large "arena" room is 15cm x 15cm (6 inches). The smaller "Throne" room is 10cm x 10cm (4 inches). The large corridor sections are 5cm x 5cm (2 inches) and the smaller corridor sections are 2.5cm x 5cm (1 x 2 inches)
They were really quick to paint up as well. These ones probably took me about 10 minutes to paint (not including drying time of the initial spray paint)
There are some heresy miniatures in there for scale purposes and a Rackham Minotaur which I based on a miscast dungeon section. The sections were all mounted on lasercut mdf so they all fit. together really nicely.

Thanks for looking

Title: Re: The Dungeon
Post by: Cherno on July 10, 2012, 12:20:45 AM
Nice project. It looks sturdy and is quick to paint, and modular too :)
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon anyone?
Post by: Splod on July 11, 2012, 02:24:29 AM
Oooh, a dungeon based on 25mm squares? Hell yes, anything else in the works?
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon anyone?
Post by: beefcake on July 11, 2012, 03:42:13 AM
When I can afford to get more pinkysil to make up the molds (and some more laser cut mdf) I've got plans for a few different styled rooms, a staircase (spiral, useful for a dungeon entrance. Pit trap counters. Chests, lava bridge, even some walls, also finishing of the half finished doorway I have, probably a closed door too. I've been also thinking (far down the track) of making a sewer system dungeon. So many ideas, not enough money or time!!
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon anyone?
Post by: Arthadan on July 14, 2012, 04:43:27 PM
I could be interesting, depending on price. It looks nice!
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon anyone?
Post by: robh on July 14, 2012, 05:08:04 PM
How thick is it before you mount it on MDF? 
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon anyone?
Post by: Andrew May on July 14, 2012, 05:47:25 PM
Looks great painted, mate. Now finish that door. ;)
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon anyone?
Post by: beefcake on July 14, 2012, 10:43:49 PM
@Andrew :) I only had enough pinkysil for one side of the door. So the next load I get will be used to make it double sided. Hopefully I'll do that in the next couple of weeks
@robh I mounted the originals with plasticard tiles on MDF the casts I make are solid resin about 4-5mm thick. I've dropped them a few times and it doesn't seem to do anything to them.
@Arthadan. I really have no idea of the price. I'm looking at making my money back on the resin and the molds. I think each of those large arena tiles takes around 100mls of resin and just under a litre of resin costs about NZ$80 (about 40 pounds) Those smaller throne room tiles are about the same use of resin because they are about 8mm thick on average. At the moment I'm trying to sell a set of this off at NZ$30 on trademe. I'm going to get a set of kitchen scales, today hopefully, to weigh up the resin and hopefully come up with a more accurate costing.

Should this be shifted to Bazar of obscurities moderators?
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon anyone?
Post by: Funghy-Fipps on July 15, 2012, 04:31:54 PM
Looks very nice. 
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon anyone?
Post by: beefcake on August 21, 2012, 02:21:35 AM
I've just made a couple more rooms up. One is a generic dungeon room,100mm x 100mm, just a tiled floor so it can be used for all manner of things and the other is a prison cell 50mm square with a 25mmsquare entranceway. It has a straw bed and blanket, chain attached to the wall and acup and plate. Funnily enough I made the cup empty but when I molded it there was a bubble in the cup so now the cup is almost full when cast. A good little mistake and will hopefully make me remember for the future. I've also made a caved in hallway section 25mmx50mm so it can be used to block off large or small hallways or tighten a large hallways a little.
I'll get some picks of these put up tonight.
Also if anyone is interested http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=505082674 if it doesn't sell would anyone here be interested. There is a lot of resin in this kit. Postage may be quite hefty to the other side of the world though.
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon anyone?
Post by: Blue in vt on August 21, 2012, 02:34:14 AM
That looks very cool Beef...since I just read the cavern crawl rules I've started look around for dungeon layouts...and these look very nice.  Very creative of you.

Can't wait to see the new additions.

Title: Re: Resin Dungeon anyone?
Post by: beefcake on August 21, 2012, 02:35:19 AM
I just read the cavern crawl ones too. They look really good which reminded me of these new additions.
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon anyone?
Post by: beefcake on August 21, 2012, 10:23:19 AM
New additions.

Tunnel blockage at the top and prison cell down below.
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon anyone?
Post by: Funghy-Fipps on August 21, 2012, 10:31:52 AM
Those look fantastic!
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 26-8
Post by: beefcake on August 26, 2012, 01:48:38 AM
The latest dungeon segment. So I tried to sculpt a 3d shape pretty much 2 dimensionally so it could be cast easily rather than having people needing to cut a giant hole in their tabletop.
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 26-8
Post by: mweaver on August 26, 2012, 05:21:02 AM
Interesting project - you are obtaining great results.

Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 26-8
Post by: Mason on August 26, 2012, 06:23:05 AM
I like these!

Especially like the effect that you have gotten out of the last piece.

Very nice!
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 26-8
Post by: DeafNala on August 26, 2012, 02:41:39 PM
I love what you're coming up with for your project. As someone who enjoys making bases, this is a GREAT source of inspiration & ideas. Keep up the SPLENDID WORK!
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 26-8
Post by: beefcake on August 27, 2012, 07:53:17 AM
Thanks for the comments. Nice to know I've inspired someone :)

Just sold a complete 5 room dungeon. $80. Not as much as I'd like to have sold it for but still made a bit of cash on it
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 26-8
Post by: beefcake on August 30, 2012, 09:11:25 AM
Here's the latest WIP I have. The middle circular section is raised. Thinking about it now it would look quite cool if it was recessed into the tile.


Still a bit left to do on it like putting a triangular frame around the centre triangle. Summoning sort of room.
The tile underneath is my basic room tile but this was the first one cast and it came up with loads of bubbles. hence the procreate filling in corners.

EDIT: I've also just managed to finish this one since posting this pic and it now has burnt out candles in the blank areas around the triangle.
I'll make the mold of it tomorrow once I've cleaned it up.
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 26-8
Post by: beefcake on September 07, 2012, 08:04:30 AM
Here's some bases and doors I created. The pics aren't great, sorry. The doors are double sided. 40mm and 25mm bases. I'm pretty happy with these guys.

Need to sand a little bit of the bottom of those 40mm bases.  :D
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 26-8
Post by: tomogui on September 07, 2012, 08:14:53 AM
Great project!

Can I ask: How are you constructing the masters? Plaster, putty, foamcore? I'd love to see some WIP shots of that stage too.
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 26-8
Post by: beefcake on September 07, 2012, 08:42:25 AM
The rooms are created out of mdf boards with pieces of plastic sut out from a very large old yoghurt container  :D
The bases are basically the same except some of the recent ones I used putty with instead. I'll try to take some pics of the masters I've created. I used a fair amount of ingenuity as well. thanks for looking :)
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 7-9, (now with bases)
Post by: beefcake on September 09, 2012, 09:25:51 AM
Okay so here's the start of a WIP from start through to finish.
This is a  pic of a 2d lasercut I made with Inkscape. Surprisingly easy to get the hang of as I've never used a 2d CAD type thing before.
So this shows the staircase in all it's smaller parts, step by step, if you will excuse the pun. They will sit on top of each other glued together. I'll then add some puttywork over the top to make the stone.
The other odd looking pieces are wall sections, they are designed to fit together. Whether it works out like that or not is still to be seen  :D
I'll be puttin up work wip shots once they have arrived and I've assembled them. Then puttied and finally molded and cast. That may be a while as I only have a small amount of molding rubber left and don't plan on spending a huge amount until the end of the year. Saving for xmas already.

forgot to write: I increased the cut line size so it's easy to see. usually it needs to be 0.01mm wide. And that's no typo.
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 13-9, more painted pieces
Post by: beefcake on September 13, 2012, 08:33:03 AM
Some more of my stuff painted up. The summoning room has some black candles in pools of blood. I'm not happy with the centre part of it though and I may repaint this but it gives the basic look.
Here's the pit room. I may need to do a bit more highlighting near the top of the pit and some more shading of the bottom of the pit just to make it look more 3d.
Here's a whole bunch of the painted stuff. I still need to paint up the prison cell and the rubble and a drain too to have at least one of everything painted, and 1 50x50 tile.
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 13-9, more painted pieces
Post by: Relic on September 13, 2012, 08:51:27 AM
looks good :) are you going to build walls?
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 13-9, more painted pieces
Post by: beefcake on September 13, 2012, 08:57:22 PM
I sure am. Reply # 23 shows some borken wall sections. I'm going for the broken look at the moment so it looks more as if you are looking through the walls to the miniatures in the dungeon. I can't wait for my lasercuts to arrive.
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 13-9, more painted pieces
Post by: beefcake on September 21, 2012, 10:37:41 AM
I just received my lasercut order. Here's a pic of the stairwell at the moment.
(http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-jHqzkTCX3M0/UFwfsYTzMBI/AAAAAAAAABs/N1QFTc4vULw/s320/P1160177.JPG) (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-pydmKQ0G77w/UFwl4McfVII/AAAAAAAAACE/XruLUglWMR0/s320/P1160179.JPG) (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-rNAlf2AG9PA/UFwl6Ox1hBI/AAAAAAAAACM/fcwuxHfQPSg/s320/P1160180.JPG)
 So the wall sections fit together like a puzzle and work on bends and straight. I still need to do a lot of sculpting on them to make them look good.

A bit more of a WIP on my blog.
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 13-9, more painted pieces
Post by: Cherno on September 21, 2012, 10:41:02 AM
I think they still look good even without any paint :)
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 13-9, more painted pieces
Post by: beefcake on September 21, 2012, 10:48:44 AM
Thanks :) I couldn't actually believe how good it looked once I piled it up. I'm very happy with it.
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 13-9, more painted pieces
Post by: Timbor on September 21, 2012, 06:27:07 PM
Cool stuff!  Slap some brickwork on that staircase and she will be a beaut!  :D
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 13-9, more painted pieces
Post by: scoilt on September 27, 2012, 11:20:43 PM
Looking really good. I've been working on a dungeon with Hirst-Arts molds and densite. What's the cost of using resin over plaster (if you happen to know) and how do your molds hold up?
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 13-9, more painted pieces
Post by: beefcake on September 28, 2012, 01:29:28 AM
The only plaster i've ever used is plaster of Paris and that is probably about 10x cheaper by weight. The resin costs me NZ$138 for 2kgs THat goes quite far though (not far enough really). THe molds hold out pretty well. The thicker the walls the better and the less detail also the better, but who really wants less detail. I haven't had any break on me at all and I've probably used the corridor tile molds at least 20 times each. I expect them to last around 100 or so. anything beyond that is a bonus.
I've finidhed the stairs now and I molded them with the small amount of silicone I had left over. Unfortunately I didn't have enough to get the right depth and it only covered the top of the stairs by less than a mm. So that mold went to waste. 75mls of silicone used up and it's about $120 for 1 litre. :'(
I've also just sent my next order to the laser cutters so I can get working on my sewer system. From this laser cut go I've managed to get 2 75mmx75mm sewer corridor walkways (75mm x 25mm on either side with a 756x25mm waterway) a T-junction, a 90 degree curve, a 4way intersection, a 100mm (i think) bridge and a small bridge all for the sewer Also 2 sewer rooms (which I have further plans for). I've also manage to get a T junction and a 4 way intersection for the regular dungeon. Some coffins and chests and much much more. Also with a $50 voucher to get more stuff :) happy me.
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 13-9, more painted pieces
Post by: Mo! on September 28, 2012, 05:25:59 AM
Wow really nice! Maybe you could do a kickstarter to get this stuff into production  ;)
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 13-9, more painted pieces
Post by: beefcake on September 28, 2012, 07:15:10 AM
 lol Not likely. I'm a full time teacher. It would be my dream job to do this though. Luckily it pays enough to keep me pursuing this more expensive side of the hobby.
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 13-9, more painted pieces
Post by: beefcake on September 28, 2012, 11:07:26 PM
Here are some pics of the stairwell in all it's finished glory.

Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 13-9, more painted pieces
Post by: Blue in vt on September 29, 2012, 12:21:33 AM
This is just awesome!

Stair case looks great.

Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 13-9, more painted pieces
Post by: beefcake on September 29, 2012, 12:56:03 AM
Thanks. I just cast one up with my busted mold ;D I wasted more resin than I thought I would but once I remold it it should take about 40mls of resin to fill it up. the cast came out okay though. I'll get a pic of it some time.
Sculpting inside the stairwell was quite a mission as I had to have them all together before I could sculpt it. Still it turned out well I think.

Cast pic from my blog:


Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 13-9, Stairwell finished
Post by: Funghy-Fipps on September 29, 2012, 08:56:18 AM
That's a great looking piece!
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 13-9, Stairwell finished
Post by: beefcake on September 29, 2012, 11:17:25 AM

I've already planned out what my $50 voucher will go towards. I'll be making a 520mm circular modular arena coated in sand with some some pillars and stuff to come out of it.

I've even got some ideas about making up a rule system for a gladiatorial type skirmish game.
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 13-9, Stairwell finished
Post by: beefcake on October 01, 2012, 12:19:21 AM
Here's a WIP on making a dungeon corridor section. I've made a long section 150mm long by 50mm wide. I forgot to take some photos as I was doing it so some steps are missing pics.

First of all I coat my piece of MDF in sand on a thin layer of PVA. This give the texture between tiles and where there are gaps.

Then I cut up some pieces of plastic. These are about 11 - 12mm square. I shave of pieces of the edge with a blade to create a weathered look and make cracks with a hefty pair of wire cutters not cutting all the way through so they are still easy to place. Some I cut all the way through for if I want a big gap.


I add these tiles to the sand coated mdf one at a time. I use a previous tile to keep the tile sizes the same. Just a blob of PVA to keep it down. After they are all down I press done with a hard flat surface to spread the PVA out underneath


After its all fifnished I add some PVA to different areas where I want some extra debris to be added.


Then I wait for it to dry completely and It's ready for molding.


Thanks for looking :)
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 13-9, Stairwell finished
Post by: Mo! on October 01, 2012, 06:13:48 AM
Wow those stairs are really nice!
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 13-9, Stairwell finished
Post by: beefcake on October 01, 2012, 07:11:12 AM
Thanks. The top of the cast wasn't great as that was where the rip was. When I remake the mold it should be flush on the top.
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 1 Oct, Stairwell finished, Prison painted
Post by: beefcake on October 01, 2012, 08:23:02 AM
Here's the prison cell all painted up. There's more of a colour difference between the  sheet and the hay in real life.
I've also finished the drain and I put it in the cell as a toilet  :D  That area where the drain is is meant to be the cell entrance.
It shows how well the drain fits on the surface though.

Chucked in the cell for only knowing knock knock jokes.
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 1 Oct, Stairwell finished, Prison painted
Post by: scoilt on October 03, 2012, 07:35:52 PM
Those stairs are looking great. They look very similar to stairs being worked on by Bruce for his Hirst Arts molds. The prison looks good too.
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 13-9, more painted pieces
Post by: tomogui on October 05, 2012, 05:40:32 AM
I've finidhed the stairs now and I molded them with the small amount of silicone I had left over. Unfortunately I didn't have enough to get the right depth and it only covered the top of the stairs by less than a mm. So that mold went to waste. 75mls of silicone used up and it's about $120 for 1 litre. :'(

One thing with silicon is that it amalgamates with itself quite well. I mean, if the mold wall you made is just far too thin for use, you can do another silicon pour of top of it later (once you acquire some more silicon) to give it more thickness. The mold you made before doesn't have to go to waste.

And in fact, even if it's not salvageable, you can cut up the ruined mold into fine strips or chunks of silicon, and use those to bulk out any other molds you make in future. Just throw them in the mix to extend the volume. No part of the silicon hog goes to waste!

Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 1 Oct, Stairwell finished, Prison painted
Post by: beefcake on October 05, 2012, 05:58:10 AM
Thanks!! I always thought about using the unused silicone in the new molds but wasn't sure if it would work properly. With some of the 2 sided molds I've made I forgot to use a release agent and it was quite a mission separating the two parts. I've learnt that lesson, so I thought it would have a strong bond. I've just ordered another 2kg of silicone which should arrive tomorrow so I'll use the new stuff bulked out with some of this wasted mold (not too much though). Thanks for the lesson there :)

(Oh yeah, I'm selling of a dungeon in the sale/trade thread too if anyones interested)
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 1 Oct, Stairwell finished, Prison painted
Post by: beefcake on October 06, 2012, 09:15:17 PM
I just received a new mold mold box and the silicone so I made up the silicone mold for the stairs and the long corridor section. I'll be molding my dark treeman next which you can see at the bottom of this pic in pieces.
More info about how I molded it on my blog if you're interested.
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 1 Oct, Stairwell finished, Prison painted
Post by: Cherno on October 06, 2012, 11:00:41 PM
I wonder if it's difficult to get the staircase piece out of the mould, it's quite deep  ???
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 1 Oct, Stairwell finished, Prison painted
Post by: beefcake on October 07, 2012, 01:23:59 AM
A little work is required but it's not too bad.
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 1 Oct, Stairwell finished, Prison painted
Post by: beefcake on October 08, 2012, 09:33:09 PM
I made a resin cast and put together my dark treeman. I've already got his basecoat done but that's not pictured. It fits together better than I thought it would. I haven't filled any gaps on this one yet. A few bubbles occurred in this one but I've sorted them out in the mold and the second cast I made last night came out really well. Not really resin dungeon but I thought I'd post it here rather than start a whole new thread. I've already got an Earth Elemental underway on my sculpting bench. Should be finished tonight hopefully. 47mm to the top of his hunch and 70mm to the top of his arms.
Thanks for looking. I'll post a painted pic up once it's completed.

Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 9 Oct, Dungeon Denizen - Dark Treeman
Post by: dijit on October 09, 2012, 10:10:20 AM
I think you have every right to be very chuffed with that.
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 9 Oct, Dungeon Denizen - Dark Treeman
Post by: beefcake on October 13, 2012, 01:30:00 AM
Thanks Dijit. Here's the painted version.
Shows some of the detail better such as the moss and the the wormy thing in the top branch. I think I'm getting better at source lighting shown in the eyes. I also tried to make the back look as if it's weeping pussy sap.
I got a big package from a courier the other day.
My lasercutting from Ponoko arrived. Size comparison against a pen.
I've put a fair amount of it together. My son was using it as a car track, hence the car.
So this is the start of the sewer system. 2 rooms with a large sewer sump (is that the right word?) one is an intersection the other an ending. I've also got some plans drawn up to give these covers so they can be either used as the look or with a grate over the top to walk over. Also sections made for sewer corridor walkways, intersections, T Junctions and endings. I've put together a few different bridges too and also some things I'm going to make into a couple of coffins and a sarcophagus. I think I have a couple of chests in the main photo too. These all need to be sculpted over as these are just the basic forms of them.
More photos on my blog (well not yet but in a few minutes there will be). The big bridge will be modular.
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 9 Oct, Dungeon Denizen - Dark Treeman
Post by: DeafNala on October 13, 2012, 12:35:37 PM
The Tree Fellow turned out TERRIFIC; both the sculpting & the brushwork are EXCELLENT. I love the glowing eyes. VERY WELL DONE!
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 9 Oct, Dungeon Denizen - Dark Treeman
Post by: beefcake on October 13, 2012, 09:29:50 PM
 :) thanks
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 9 Oct, Dungeon Denizen - Dark Treeman
Post by: Andrew May on October 13, 2012, 11:28:34 PM
That tree fellow looks great painted up, it's been a long time coming.
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 9 Oct, Dungeon Denizen - Dark Treeman
Post by: beefcake on October 14, 2012, 02:01:53 AM
Sure has. All I added since the last pics on minisculpture has been the little bits of green moss, more roots I think and the wormy thing in the arm. I think I may even sculpt some alternate pieces from this guy to have more variety for use in my wood elf tree army.
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 9 Oct, Dungeon Denizen - Dark Treeman
Post by: Relic on October 14, 2012, 08:32:49 AM
To be honest I like your treeman over any commercial one. It has the right "feeling" to it. Reminds me of the good old rpg times. Are you selling any?
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 9 Oct, Dungeon Denizen - Dark Treeman
Post by: beefcake on October 14, 2012, 10:05:29 AM
Thanks for that :) PM me if you want one. I only have one cast at the moment (that isn't painted) and I wouldn't charge an arm and a leg although I guess that is all up to personal opinion.  ;) I haven't really thought of a price yet.
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 9 Oct, Dungeon Denizen - Dark Treeman
Post by: beefcake on October 15, 2012, 04:07:27 AM
I should probably put up the other dungeon beastie I've made. Also seen in another thread.
Still need to make a mold for the scenic base for him.

I've also completed a few more bases. a 50mm base and a 30mm mage base.
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 9 Oct, Dungeon Denizen - Dark Treeman
Post by: beefcake on October 19, 2012, 05:59:13 AM
I put together a few more bases. 3x30mm round 2x50mm round and 1x60mm round. 25mm base with Van Halfling on it for scale. ( I really need a more suitably tall miniature for scale)
One of the 30mm round is a mage base (the one with fire) and occult base (the end of a pentagram) and a standard dungeon base. I can't paint fir for th life of me.
The 60mm base is a sewer type base with bubbling slime, or molten lava if you'd prefer. Originally I was going to make it separated by wood but the stone makes it more versatile in uses. Tried to sculpt a half submerged skull in there.
50mm "Rover" base. Looks like a dog escaped it's chain I guess. Bone on the ground and 2 snapped chains connected to the ground
Generic 50mm base. Some of the tiles are a bit larger for variation
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 18 oct. big bases
Post by: beefcake on October 27, 2012, 02:53:39 AM
I've created a couple of sections for my sewer system.
First up is a pic of the whole thing at where it was at this morning.
The ones that are a lighter shade have been sanded.
These 2 below have all of the tiles finished on them. They just need the sludge beneath them and some debris.
I sanded the curve today and weathered it up some too.
It's slow going at the moment as I have to fit this in around writing my class reports. (around 15000+ words all up :'( )
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 18 oct. big bases
Post by: tomogui on October 27, 2012, 05:02:29 AM
That's a fantastic idea, sculpting with putty over the laser-cut wood. Should look really excellent once you cast it up. Curious to see a good-size dungeon/sewer layout now.
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 27 oct. sewer start
Post by: beefcake on October 27, 2012, 07:49:29 PM
I'll be needing more resin to cast these ones up. That will be a christmas job I think. At least I have another litre of pinkysil. That should cover the majority of this.
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 27 oct. sewer start
Post by: Hupp n at em on October 27, 2012, 08:46:59 PM
Great project beefcake!  The results so far are awesome.  8) I shall be following this thread now.
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 27 oct. sewer start
Post by: beefcake on November 03, 2012, 02:00:13 AM
A couple of updated pics of 3 of the tiles for the sewer. the other ones are coming along quite nicely too. These 3 are finished. All I need to do now is mold them and cast them. I'm glad I just bought another 2kg of silicone :)
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 3 Nov. sewer pieces.
Post by: DeafNala on November 03, 2012, 01:45:37 PM
Though I don't comment as often as I should, whenever I visit your thread I find some new bit of inspiration. The Sewer Pieces are TERRIFIC! I love the bubbles & debris in the water(?). GREAT WORK!
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 3 Nov. sewer pieces.
Post by: beefcake on November 20, 2012, 07:59:30 AM
I just cast these guys up tonight. Once my computer grits back to me Ill be able to post some pics
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 3 Nov. sewer pieces.
Post by: Spooktalker on November 21, 2012, 02:33:44 AM
This is fun project to follow along with and like the idea of sculpting over laser cut parts. You'll still get shrinkage in the molds, though, so maybe plan for that. The Dwarven Forge stuff for example is built on a the idea of 1" squares but the squares are somewhat smaller in reality, at least for the the earlier sets (Realm of the Ancients seems more true).

 I like the idea of laser cutting in general, and use laser-cut bases almost exclusively, but with obvious join artifacts and lack of details I think at least at present applications like you're doing here are better suited to the medium than trying to sell laser cut structures or what have you.
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 3 Nov. sewer pieces.
Post by: beefcake on November 24, 2012, 05:21:12 AM
I just measured them to check shrinkage. they were meant to be 75mm and are... 74ishmm Probably due to me sanding the sides a bit. So no shrinkage at all (must have been a warm night  lol )
Here's how the casts came out. 2 different batches of resin so the old stuff is slightly brown. The new stuff is pure white.
A few different variations on how it could be arranged :) lots of stuff to do. I still have the T-Junction to make and the 2 sump rooms.
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 24 Nov, A few sewer casts
Post by: Love_the_Lash on November 24, 2012, 08:47:46 AM
They are awesome and have the added bonus that you can play a board game version of pipemania (if anyone remembers that old game!)
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 24 Nov, A few sewer casts
Post by: Mason on November 24, 2012, 11:02:07 AM
These look brilliant!
Well done,beefcake, very impressive.

Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 24 Nov, A few sewer casts
Post by: tomogui on November 27, 2012, 10:43:27 AM
This looks terrific, beefcake! It's all coming together.
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 24 Nov, A few sewer casts
Post by: The Voivod on November 27, 2012, 11:46:54 AM
awesome stuff.
Very educational thread.
Keep it up.
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 24 Nov, A few sewer casts
Post by: DeafNala on November 27, 2012, 01:06:32 PM
I love the methane bubbles in the water. GREAT WORK!
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 24 Nov, A few sewer casts
Post by: beefcake on November 27, 2012, 06:59:09 PM
Thanks all. Now I have to get some painted up for my Diorama of Doom over on the Forum of Doom. I'll post pics of that here as well. :)
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 24 Nov, A few sewer casts
Post by: beefcake on March 29, 2013, 04:44:23 AM
Finally painted the dungeon. I must get around to reporting all the old pics in this thread since I reorganised my photobucket site.
A quick spray of cheap grey spray paint $6 a can then I used my leftover army paint dip heavily thinned to coat them. Then I dry brushed in cheap acrylic paints used for arts and crafts. Picked out the details in other colours and all done. For is lot it was less than 3 hours work I think
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 29march
Post by: beefcake on March 29, 2013, 07:45:26 AM
All of it together and organised into a dungeon
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon update 29march
Post by: beefcake on August 21, 2013, 11:49:24 AM
I sold my dungeon sewer system to zealot miniatures, they should be available some time soon for purchasing if anyone is keen.


Other cool minis on there too.
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon sewer, available soon from zealot miniatures
Post by: DeafNala on August 21, 2013, 02:32:49 PM
CONGRATULATIONS! I hope you & Zealot do well with the arrangement.
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon sewer, available soon from zealot miniatures
Post by: beefcake on August 21, 2013, 08:54:01 PM
:D Thanks, I happy just to have something I made out there in the big wide world for anyone who wants it.
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon sewer, available soon from zealot miniatures
Post by: tomogui on August 22, 2013, 07:04:34 AM
Nice one beefcake! Must be great to see your work out there taking on a life of its own.  It's a lovely tile set, hope it does well.
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon sewer, available soon from zealot miniatures
Post by: beefcake on August 22, 2013, 08:13:06 AM
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon sewer, available soon from zealot miniatures
Post by: beefcake on October 02, 2013, 04:44:27 AM
Here's a couple of test pieces I made using das clay. Works quite well. Not fully finished though.
Soooo much quicker than greenstuff. And cheaper.

(http://i494.photobucket.com/albums/rr309/kminis/sculpting%20and%20creations/image_zps87bdf510.jpg) (http://s494.photobucket.com/user/kminis/media/sculpting%20and%20creations/image_zps87bdf510.jpg.html)

(http://i494.photobucket.com/albums/rr309/kminis/sculpting%20and%20creations/image_zps16def1d6.jpg) (http://s494.photobucket.com/user/kminis/media/sculpting%20and%20creations/image_zps16def1d6.jpg.html)

(http://i494.photobucket.com/albums/rr309/kminis/sculpting%20and%20creations/image_zps64262373.jpg) (http://s494.photobucket.com/user/kminis/media/sculpting%20and%20creations/image_zps64262373.jpg.html)

Title: Re: Resin Dungeon sewer, available soon from zealot miniatures
Post by: beefcake on October 02, 2013, 04:48:50 AM
Also, can't believe I didn't put up the painted pics of the dungeon!
12.50 pounds for all the stuff in the first pic!
(https://dpbfm6h358sh7.cloudfront.net/images/2433012/158025882.jpg) (http://www.zealotminiatures.co.uk/shop.php#!/~/category/id=6272031&inview=product27840146&offset=0&sort=normal)
(https://dpbfm6h358sh7.cloudfront.net/images/2433012/158025836.jpg) (http://www.zealotminiatures.co.uk/shop.php#!/~/category/id=6272031&inview=product27840146&offset=0&sort=normal)
click the pic to see the stuff in the store.
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon sewer, available from zealot miniatures
Post by: sundayhero on October 02, 2013, 11:21:35 AM
Looks really nice once painted !
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon sewer, available from zealot miniatures
Post by: beefcake on October 04, 2013, 01:05:00 AM
Here are the next sections I'm working on. Big fighting spaces basically. Type will be 5tiles square each.

(http://i494.photobucket.com/albums/rr309/kminis/sculpting%20and%20creations/image_zps3cd9ec32.jpg) (http://s494.photobucket.com/user/kminis/media/sculpting%20and%20creations/image_zps3cd9ec32.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Resin Dungeon sewer, available from zealot miniatures
Post by: Mason on October 04, 2013, 08:13:03 AM
Looking good, Beefcake.

Wouldn't want to mess with that pineapple, though.

Title: Re: Resin Dungeon sewer, available from zealot miniatures
Post by: sundayhero on October 04, 2013, 09:52:05 AM
Wouldn't want to mess with that pineapple, though.

Title: Re: Resin Dungeon sewer, available from zealot miniatures
Post by: beefcake on October 04, 2013, 10:36:56 AM
Looking good, Beefcake.

Wouldn't want to mess with that pineapple, though.

It is quite spiky.