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Miniatures Adventure => VSF Adventures => Topic started by: Pendrake on August 16, 2012, 04:00:43 PM

Title: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Pendrake on August 16, 2012, 04:00:43 PM
Spartan Games, makers of a VSF naval wargame, has announced that they are going to venture into the 28mm skirmish figures market.

Here are some links:

The announcement on Spartan's Blog:

Thread about it on Spartan's forum:

Links to overviews of the four Great Powers:
Prussians (http://www.spartangames.co.uk/games/dystopian-legions/prussian-empire)
Japan (http://www.spartangames.co.uk/games/dystopian-legions/empire-of-the-blazing-sun)
Britain (http://www.spartangames.co.uk/games/dystopian-legions/kingdom-of-britannia)
Americans (http://www.spartangames.co.uk/games/dystopian-legions/federated-states-of-america)

One of the images from the blog post.

I thought I would post this here because I bet there is a high concentration of folks hereabouts always on the lookout for new sources and figure sculpts for 28mm VSF.

According to the blog and overviews they are going to do some vehicles as well.

The previewed figures so far look like they would mix well with Lead Adventure's VSF 28mm guys (particularly those Ottomans).

Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Agis on August 16, 2012, 06:24:06 PM
Looks promising! 8)
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: -DE- on August 16, 2012, 06:42:17 PM
Looks great!

Will have to set aside some cash for the launch. That giant robot is so cute!
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Pendrake on August 16, 2012, 08:05:52 PM
I just discovered SG is going to release some very passable models that could serve as Martian Tripods. (Although they are not 28mm - looks like they are scaled to their naval war games.)

Almost in time for Well's birthday: Tripods (http://www.studiosparta.co.uk/Articles.asp?ID=257). <---Link.
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: commissarmoody on August 16, 2012, 08:48:48 PM
Pretty neat.
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Sterling Moose on August 16, 2012, 09:10:56 PM
I'm thinking that I may have had a sub-concious premonition of this about a year ago when I got Flag Dude to do me flags for the main factions!!  Looking forward to these that's for sure!!

Hopefully the War Store will take some to Fall In for me to buy.   :D
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Hat Guy on August 17, 2012, 12:19:04 AM
Working in the Gaming industry, I've been expecting a "40K Killer" for a year or two now.

Dust Warfare didn't capitalize fast enough before 6th Ed, War/Hordes has no casual play and Mantic don't ship fast enough.

Spartan may have a decent shot, assuming they leave the release long enough after the Hobbit.
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: pagumb on August 17, 2012, 04:19:33 AM
Many of the models look very promising.  I'll have to see more models and their price points before knowing if it's going to supply me with armies or warbands of models.
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: goon3423 on August 17, 2012, 06:32:52 AM
Some pretty cool stuff in there!
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: GladioHumanitas on August 17, 2012, 06:39:31 AM
Well, this was an interesting turn of events and in my opinion, a very good one too.  :)
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Dewbakuk on August 17, 2012, 08:23:22 AM
I like the Teutonic suits. I already have Impervious Suits for my Prussians but with some minor alterations, those would work well for the Knights of Malta in my Papal force.
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: tnjrp on August 17, 2012, 08:48:00 AM
The Brit Readcoat looks rather promising in the concept... Maybe Spartan'll be the one to come up with a figure that is easy to convert into a Defiance: Vital Ground Redcoat... :P
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Pappa Midnight on August 17, 2012, 12:51:08 PM
Heard rumours about this ages ago.
That Prussian walker looks massive!!! The tanks look a little too 40K for me but I'll wait and see.
The infantry concepts are very nice but I would like to see more actual minis.
Hopefully those massive vehicle won't be as expensive as Forgeworld stuff......

Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: BaronVonJ on August 17, 2012, 01:44:23 PM
Oh hell. Goodbye children's college fund.
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: rob_alderman on August 17, 2012, 07:32:33 PM
I saw this earlier and wept. It looks too good!!!!  :(
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Dewbakuk on August 17, 2012, 08:28:01 PM
A couple of shots from Gencon, I like the self propelled gun/tank.



Some of these bits remind me a lot of the computer game Damnation. Not a bad thing at all.
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Jonas on August 17, 2012, 10:00:59 PM
I like the tankette, the other stuff seems too modern for my taste.
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: commissarmoody on August 17, 2012, 10:33:07 PM
I am really digging this.  :D
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: OSHIROmodels on August 17, 2012, 11:20:47 PM
I had a look at one of the render gallery pages and I'm probably the only person here that isn't impressed  :?

They are trying to hard, far too much going on and not a lot of 'behind the scenes' thought in any of it. They've covered everything in unnecessary detail (which will be a bitch to paint).

Not for me chaps.


Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Grimjack on August 17, 2012, 11:28:21 PM
I agree, the miniatures on the whole do have 'too much going on' and are 'a bit modern at times'.

But, with careful selection and rejection, I DO think they will fit in with my concept of VSF / Steampunk.

What I am worried about is the basic idea behind such ranges and the fact that suddenly everyone appears to be trying to create 28mm versions. The easiest way to kill a period is too over-saturate the market place BUT as I will be settling on three diverse rulesets (Space 1889, Empire of the Dead and the new Osprey one) which seem to suit my view, it will be nice to have lots of shiny toys to pick from.
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: fitterpete on August 18, 2012, 12:12:05 AM
I'm with jonas, too modern.I'll go a step further.
They look more 40k than VSF.But I will probably get some for 40k ;)
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Agis on August 18, 2012, 05:32:18 AM
I'm with jonas, too modern.I'll go a step further.
They look more 40k than VSF.But I will probably get some for 40k ;)
Exactly my thought when seeing the GenCon pics!
This is getting less exciting ... :-I
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Thunderchicken on August 18, 2012, 11:38:08 AM
First thought looking at this is the Mutant Chronicles film.
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: axabrax on August 18, 2012, 03:06:21 PM
I think they'll have their work cut out for them. Concepts look cool, and the figures look above average. I think, having never done any 28mm figs before, they will have a bit of a learning curve if they use their current design team to produce the range. They seem to use software to design a lot of their stuff, and a lot of the software designed miniature ranges, for instance Wargames Factory, don't look so great in my opinion. They'll probably do the machines well, as they have a lot of experience with that, but for the "humans" I think they'll need to bring in new designers and sculptors or it'll be hit and miss.  I wish them luck, however, and hope for the best. It does, indeed, look promising, but I doubt it's a 40K killer.
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Jonas on August 18, 2012, 06:23:55 PM
Well, I like the models and they might ork out fine in their own game, but I just don't see much of it work with my other VSF.

But I look forward to see where they are going with this and I might be tempted enough to buy into it... Time will tell..
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Mason on August 18, 2012, 06:47:34 PM
Still not sure on this line.
As already mentioned, the 40k 'look' is there.

They look a little more WWWI to me, though...
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: thejammedgatling on August 19, 2012, 03:38:58 PM
I do like these and like even more the idea of being able to fight a war at 2 scales. I will use GASLIGHT rules no doubt, so don't care too much if their initial rules offerings are not too wonderful. And I quite like detail.That's what oil based washes are for. Anything that saves me having to apply Antinocetti rivets 1 by 1 has got to be a winner. 40K? maybe. But by the same token, I'll be using my Vostroyans to fight in this period alongside my Ramshackle Steamspider. Imagine if they make that giant squid thing in 28mm....
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: answer_is_42 on August 19, 2012, 05:11:35 PM
Grumble grumble Steampunk grumble grumble
We, can't really say any of it shouts Jules Verne at me, which is my benchmark for such things!  ::)

They look more 40k than VSF.

Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Predatorpt on August 19, 2012, 06:17:41 PM
Lots of pictures here:


Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: The_Beast on August 19, 2012, 07:58:20 PM
I'm still wait-and-see; paint ups, and possible conversions may fire my interest more.

For what it's worth, Flames of War is the closest thing to a GW killer locally. Or, at the store, 'healthy diversification'.  :D

Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Pendrake on August 19, 2012, 09:26:19 PM
...As already mentioned, the 40k 'look' is there.

They look a little more WWWI to me, though...

...They look more 40k than VSF...

I started another thread in the Pulp Section (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=45061.msg524068#new) to further discuss the merits / demerits of the vehicles. They do look a lot more modern than some people envision Steampunk. (The 1:1200 naval game is the same way -- Spartan's general take on Steampunk is a very technologically advanced rendition.) There is a 40K resemblance but these vehicles miss out on the 40K electrified, hydraulically actuated, laser emitting touches. The true 40K vehicle juxtaposes the clunky WW1 looks with little high-tech touches, IMHO.

I think if the vehicles miss the mark on the Victorian Era then they've landed square in the late 20's or early 30's, i.e: Interwar Era.
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Ray Rivers on August 20, 2012, 02:35:59 AM
Agreed, they look a bit advanced to me.

However, some of the smaller vehicles and character minis might fit in well with VSF.

BTW... why would anybody want to kill off 40K?
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: fitterpete on August 20, 2012, 03:16:08 AM
Well like I said I'll probably be getting some for 40k ;)
I think the vehicles are damn near perfect for Guard  and squats actually.Maybe get rid of the smoke stacks but if not they will still do.
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: tnjrp on August 20, 2012, 06:05:06 AM
I think if the vehicles miss the mark on the Victorian Era then they've landed square in the late 20's or early 30's, i.e: Interwar Era.
Even the old DW stuff hasn't struck me as "classic Victorian" accross the board, actually... Maybe "late Victorian" or "early Edwardian". I suppose this line could use a litte more decorative approach but maybe it's supposed to be based on a later date.

BTW the Redcoat from the Gencon pix looks good otherwise but alas, still no gasmask/rebreather... :?
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Dr. The Viking on August 20, 2012, 11:31:48 AM
A bit too warlike and un-quirky for my tastes..

It sort of gives me the 40k vibes.

EDIT;: And I didn't even bother to read the thread first.  lol

Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: mysteriousbill on September 14, 2012, 04:12:11 AM
Rats.  :(

I had hopes for using some of the American soldiers in ACW by GASLIGHT, but those long coats they wear don't even come close to ACW uniforms, even with the Kepis.

I am not impressed with the Japanese either, though the British and Prussian Infantry don't look too bad (for special soldiers, of course, not regular rank and file).

Maybe I'll be able to use the French Infantry, if they ever come out and if they wear kepis.
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Darren on September 14, 2012, 11:30:38 AM
Got some PDF's that introduce the different nations - some good pics of the models on them.  I really like the Sky Hussars!

Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Jonas on September 14, 2012, 11:44:54 AM
I am not going to use any of those models with my current VSF. The Prussian steam suits look ok, but the machinegun is too much for my likings, I could use it if they made a suit with other weapon options.

I still like some of the smaller tanks though.

And it still looks interesting enough for me to follow the progress.
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: OSHIROmodels on September 14, 2012, 12:37:41 PM
Don't like any of them apart from the British jump-packers (and then only for Pulp usage)  :?


Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: BaronVonJ on September 14, 2012, 01:52:13 PM
These just came out on pre-order. Damn they is expensive $$$$$$
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: fitterpete on September 14, 2012, 03:10:15 PM
I'll be using these for 40k Guard both the vehicles and regular troopers.If they
A) make enough poses to be worth it
B) actually release more than one pack per faction before 2015
I'm not familiar with the companies release schedule on the smaller scale range they have.Were they pretty rapid with that?
For VSF? No not in a million years.Steampunk maybe but I don't play steampunk.
Oh and the Americans look stupid as hell so I won't  be using them even for fartygay
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Gary Mitchell on September 14, 2012, 03:43:36 PM
I saw some of these at Colours - jolly impressive they looked. Full report soon.
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Dr. The Viking on September 14, 2012, 04:37:50 PM
The models in those PDF's kind of give me the idea that they'd be gret for modelling dioramas but less so for gaming?

Can't really point my finger at it but there's something about them that doesn't ring true to me.  lol
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Dewbakuk on September 14, 2012, 05:50:02 PM
Don't like any of them apart from the British jump-packers (and then only for Pulp usage)  :?



Actually the jump pack uniforms do have some precedent for Victorian usage, it's not hugely different from the uniform I was thinking of for a similar unit. I think that's my main issue (and I appreciate it's purely a selfish issue) with quite a few of these figures. They're actually rather similar to concepts/designs I had for my stuff, but I don't like these very much, which means I can't just use theirs instead and need to have mine done anyway. The problems with that are:
a) My current job doesn't pay as well as my old one so I don't have the disposable income to commision figures currently and
b) When I do get them sculpted, people will no doubt think I'm ripping off these designs which will just piss me off.

Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: OSHIROmodels on September 15, 2012, 01:52:49 AM
The Japanese are particulary awful...  ::)

"Ooo, look. We'll stick a back banner on it with some seriously engraved 'oriental' weapons  and call it Japanese". Bollocks is what I say!

That's using stereotypes from the gaming world, without any forethought and nothing more  :-[

Please excuse the coursness of the post but to the 'designers' in question: please think about what you are doing and not just use the "We've got access to new technology but we don't know how to implement it properly but we're going to produce shit no matter what" syndrome that so many new companies seem to be adopting  :-[


Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Lawful Evil on September 15, 2012, 08:39:41 AM
I think most of the Americans would work nicely in EoTD in the Weird West/Deadlands or just weird west general. Price permitting it's what I'll get them for.

The Japanese are particulary awful...  ::)

"Ooo, look. We'll stick a back banner on it with some seriously engraved 'oriental' weapons  and call it Japanese". Bollocks is what I say!

I agree, the Japanese are particularly weak, and are only vaguely oriental in appearance.
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Dewbakuk on September 15, 2012, 10:40:40 AM
Yep, the Japanese are terrible.

There are elements of all of them that I dislike though.
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Anatoli on September 15, 2012, 11:15:26 AM
What a dud, they look like some sort of kitbashed Games Workshop miniatures. I remember people making Imperial Guardsmen (me included) out of Bretonnian Men at Arms and 40k Cadian infantry pieces. This stuff is rather uninspired...

But then again Spartan lost it completely with their incredibly stupid Winged Hussar themed Polish additions to the original game as well... and this is coming from a guy that loves everything Winged Hussar.
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Hat Guy on September 16, 2012, 01:28:31 AM
Sadly, Spartan doesn't really care much for what we "hardcore VSFers" think. Let's face it, most of us would rather make a landship out of a toy train than buy a large resin kit.

What Spartan is counting on is the Disgruntled former 40k player market that plays Warmachine/Hordes and Dystopian Wars. You know, the kind of gamer who paints his minis like the picture on the box and frowns on conversions because they muddle tournament play. I'm not poking fun here, some of my friends are this kind of gamer, but I do find it amusing when they stare blankly at my SoTR or Gaslight armies.
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: HerbyF on September 16, 2012, 08:01:40 AM
I have to agree, that they really missed it with the Japanese. The latter part of the 19th century the Japanese were rapidly & agressively modernizing & westernizing. They had some very distinctive dress & uniforms that looked nothing like the fudal Japanese armies. I might use some of these for alien or more primitive culture types. But deffinately not for Japanese.
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Geudens on September 16, 2012, 08:37:26 AM
The Prussian steam suits look ok, but the machinegun is too much for my likings, I could use it if they made a suit with other weapon options.

I still like some of the smaller tanks though.

And it still looks interesting enough for me to follow the progress.

I agree: the Prussians are OK apart from the MG.  The vehicles might be worthwhile.  All the rest: no...  And in general: overpriced for someone who wants to build a +100 figures force.
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Pappa Midnight on September 16, 2012, 02:30:35 PM
The Pre-order sets are a little rich for my blood! There are a few interesting looking minis amongst them but not enough for me to take the plunge.
If the Infantry are THAT expensive i wonder how much the larger vehicles will be?
Makes me also wonder about the actual number of minis you are supposed to field. If you can play a decent game with a starter set ( 12-14 minis depending on faction), where do the vehicles fit in here? If it's a skirmish game, then surely those Huge Tanks/Walkers would totally unbalance things.

Anyhow, even if I'm not getting the game I really fancy this for some VSF fun!!!
................. Cost permitting of course........

Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Mick A on September 16, 2012, 03:40:14 PM
I saw and held them at Colours and have to say I like them a lot... I will certainly be getting a starter set (either British or Prussian) to use with GASLIGHT and the Osprey rules when they are released.

Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Svennn on September 16, 2012, 04:23:48 PM
I quite like these but they are not quite right either.  I cannot justify paying premium prices for conversion fodder so not for me.
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Dr. The Viking on September 16, 2012, 04:48:08 PM

The walker there is sweet!
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Andrew May on September 16, 2012, 09:58:10 PM
I'm being a bit dense, link to the pre-order? Aside from my bias, I must say the vehicles (tanks) are very spiffy! :D
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: rob_alderman on September 16, 2012, 11:21:52 PM
I love all the tanks and vehicles, but the infantry is a bit of a let down. However, there are plenty of Victorian troops out there to use as proxy...
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Grimmnar on September 17, 2012, 08:18:50 AM
Anyhow, even if I'm not getting the game I really fancy this for some VSF fun!!!
................. Cost permitting of course........


I can see the gears in PM's head turning now. I can see his paint scheme already on that beastie. :-)

Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Geudens on September 17, 2012, 10:20:57 AM
I can see the gears in PM's head turning now. I can see his paint scheme already on that beastie. :-)


Oh, come on!  Next you're going to say it'll be black and gold!  lol
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: tnjrp on September 19, 2012, 11:34:59 AM
A lowdown on the starter sets:
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: answer_is_42 on September 20, 2012, 05:31:51 PM
Sadly, Spartan doesn't really care much for what we "hardcore VSFers" think. Let's face it, most of us would rather make a landship out of a toy train than buy a large resin kit.

What Spartan is counting on is the Disgruntled former 40k player market that plays Warmachine/Hordes and Dystopian Wars. You know, the kind of gamer who paints his minis like the picture on the box and frowns on conversions because they muddle tournament play. I'm not poking fun here, some of my friends are this kind of gamer, but I do find it amusing when they stare blankly at my SoTR or Gaslight armies.

Yup. It's a bad world.
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Njall on October 02, 2012, 09:37:04 AM
I like the Japanese :o (well, except the price)
Sure they are full of stereotypes, the medic seems more Chinese to Japanese, etc but.. there is something in dragon headed not-AA12 with incendiary not-Frag 12 used by ninjas that makes me want to buy them  lol
But maybe it's only because I'm just a disgruntled former 40k player ;)
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Bullshott on October 03, 2012, 12:12:06 AM
I'm totally unimpressed with this range. They look like a low tech 40k armies - far more Evil Empire than VSF. Very few say "19th century" or even steampunk to me, which makes them pointless for my VSF games. The only ones I have any time for are the Teutonic Knights and the big 'Pappa Midnight' walker (depending on the price).
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: tnjrp on November 02, 2012, 01:24:36 PM
Unboxing the boxes @ Spartan Games:
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Thunderchicken on November 02, 2012, 01:58:49 PM
It's a bit cheeky assuming I would want everything in the boxset. What if I just want the figures?
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Brummie Thug on November 04, 2012, 09:42:22 PM
They are called starter sets so and judging by the store some of the figs can be got separate.
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: tnjrp on November 05, 2012, 06:54:36 AM
They are called starter sets
Yubsels. Many companies like doing them so presumably they expect their game to sell better with them than without. I suppose the logic is that the "rules and stuff" bit entices the customer to at least try the game and those who just won't can always throw that crap away.
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Thunderchicken on November 05, 2012, 04:50:43 PM
Aha! Missed that bit. Brummie, do I detect a degree of patronisation there?
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Brummie Thug on November 05, 2012, 07:50:35 PM
No I didn't mean it to sound that way at all mate. Sorry if I did.  ;) Just pointing it out. I was after the ninja's and went browsing to see what could be got separately.
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: abdul666lw on November 05, 2012, 09:28:45 PM
Some vehicles look good for a 'Weird WWI'
As for the minis... the pickelhaube of the 'Prussian Grenadier Infantry' looks more British than 'Germanic':
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Thunderchicken on November 05, 2012, 09:52:22 PM
No I didn't mean it to sound that way at all mate. Sorry if I did.  ;) Just pointing it out. I was after the ninja's and went browsing to see what could be got separately.

I was going to agree with you old fruit and say it was fully justified   lol. 
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: tnjrp on November 06, 2012, 07:41:01 AM
Renders from "wave 2":
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Jonas on November 06, 2012, 03:58:30 PM
Nice crocodille  ;D
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Hat Guy on November 06, 2012, 10:27:43 PM
The tankettes and the Character figures definitely have some promise. What's the release schedule like for the game?
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Agis on November 09, 2012, 05:33:18 PM
I bought  a Japanese box and some Prussians/ British.
Oh my are these minis out of scale, not 28mm, not heroic 28/32mm, these are 40mm minis!!!

OK, one pic says more than 1000 words:
All minis are standing on a standard GW base, but the painted minis are raised on 1-2 mm milliput, so in direct comparison the Dystopian minis is even bigger.

http://www.adpublishing.de/html/victorian_sf.html (http://www.adpublishing.de/html/victorian_sf.html)
As said nice mini, but the size makes them only usable within Dystopian Legion!
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Jonas on November 09, 2012, 05:54:22 PM
How sad, it could have been nice to buy some characters and so... But I guess steam crocodille and such will still be useful.
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: OSHIROmodels on November 09, 2012, 06:29:07 PM
Well, they've just lost a rather large percentage of sales  ::)

Thanks for the comparison.

The only thing that appeals in the 'second wave'  ::) is the steam hover bike because it looks quite good on its own but would need some work on it.


Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: tnjrp on November 12, 2012, 07:53:00 AM
But I guess steam crocodille and such will still be useful.
Yep, tanks and other such vehicles would also work. I guess they are aiming the infantry @ ca. 1/48.
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Sangennaru on November 12, 2012, 09:05:19 AM
I bought  a Japanese box and some Prussians/ British.
Oh my are these minis out of scale, not 28mm, not heroic 28/32mm, these are 40mm minis!!!

Oh my, that's stupid! Expecially when you start working with 3d renders, there's no need to use a unique scale! >__<

Still, i  love them! ^_^
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: The_Beast on November 12, 2012, 01:41:09 PM
How do they compare with other oversized?

Don't think the old Deadlands were quite this, but there must be other fallen-by-the-wayside that could rise again from forgotten lead piles. I'm assuming, no matter how useful, some painters will go wild on these.

Until I see the croc in hand, I'm skeptical, but do rather favor the tanks, tho' the KettenKarre a bit less so.


Edit: Do wonder how the Prussian Gargant would do as a 15mm walker...
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: garra on November 12, 2012, 04:23:06 PM
I bought the brittanians and the empire of the blazing sun the scale seems to be the same as the malifaux and warmachine things. They are a bit bigger than the GW stuff though.  The models are otherwise fantastic though.
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 1/48(?) Figures!
Post by: tnjrp on November 13, 2012, 08:11:51 AM
WARMACHINE is definitely bigger than Warhammer 40.000 IIRC, can't recall if I've ever compared Malifaux to either of those.

EDIT: Just realized I don't have any Malifaux humans (not yet anyway) so no wonder I have no idea how big they are 8)

Anyway, I suppose we'll have to see what develops with this one (and await for comparisons with the bigger lines such as WARMACHINE) but one thing can be said at this point -- the subject of the thread is not quite accurate, even given the elusive nature of what constitutes a 28mm figure :P
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: The_Beast on November 13, 2012, 01:21:46 PM
Thanks to both; I've never looked closely at the WM 'humans', so never noticed scale. Never got a good feeling for Malifaux scale, as everyone is just so darn WEIRD there.  :D

Not sure we'll be getting any Legions down to the shop. Uncharted Seas was a disaster, FA a non-starter, and while DW had a bit of promising start, never really got rolling. Not sure my partners will stand for another Spartan dabble, so not sure where I'll see an example.

Might have to pop for a taste myself. Doesn't that hurt.  ;)

Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: fitterpete on November 13, 2012, 10:36:25 PM
Well feck.
I was going to get a platoons worth of each of the Brits,Prussian, and Jap stuff for 40k.Tooo biggg.What a dumb move.
Still might get some vehicles.
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Vern on November 14, 2012, 11:26:51 AM
Thanks for the size comparisons Agis, I'm glad I didn't order any now :? .... just have to wait for the tankettes instead (& maybe the croc ;D)
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: The_Beast on November 14, 2012, 03:00:36 PM
Thanks for the size comparisons Agis, I'm glad I didn't order any now :? .... just have to wait for the tankettes instead (& maybe the croc ;D)

Unfortunately, if the first offerings are not given much acceptance, you may see delays 'of an indeterminate nature' for the follow-ons.  :-[

Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: BaronVonJ on November 14, 2012, 05:34:28 PM
I'm out now. What a bunch of idiots. 40mm. Why? So you don't buy other manufacturers? They don't know this hobby very well.
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Vern on November 14, 2012, 10:09:16 PM
Unfortunately, if the first offerings are not given much acceptance, you may see delays 'of an indeterminate nature' for the follow-ons.  :-[


Ah yes, very good point (sadly)
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: The_Beast on November 15, 2012, 07:19:33 PM
Ah yes, very good point (sadly)

Only goes so far, of course. For some manufacturers that no longer exist, I've bought in at less than acceptable pieces with the promise of 'things to come.'

Fool me once...

Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Thunderchicken on November 15, 2012, 08:00:52 PM
Tis a good point Doug.
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: answer_is_42 on November 15, 2012, 11:51:17 PM
I note that scale does not appear to have been mentioned on their website. But, I suppose, the figures only have to be compatible with one-another. They're after the brainless 40k sort, not discerning gentlemen such as ourselves.
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Agis on November 18, 2012, 04:25:58 PM
Since I raised the whole "scale" issue, some more pics; first a finished Prussian Grenadier:

new comparison pic:
DL, Artizan, GW, GW

with ruler:

and together with a Leman Russ (fits very well IMO - maybe GWs infantry is simply out of scale?)  ;)

more: http://www.adpublishing.de/html/victorian_sf.html (http://www.adpublishing.de/html/victorian_sf.html)

Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Christian on November 20, 2012, 09:09:54 AM
So... not exactly 28mm figures  :-I I'll definitely be hanging out for some of the vehicles, though :) Thanks for the pics, Agis!
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: tnjrp on November 20, 2012, 10:07:22 AM
So... not exactly 28mm figures
By the pic with the measure, looks to be 32mm (okay 32.5mm really). But 32mm is the "new 28mm" anyway :P
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: The_Beast on November 20, 2012, 02:27:30 PM
Obviously, a painter's scale; leaves me out.

Still may attract some back to the 'universe', and we've plenty-o-DW figs at the store to unload...  lol

Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: tnjrp on November 21, 2012, 07:05:40 AM
Well, I just heard from a reliable source (= a random nic on an Internet discussion board) that big and chunky is preferable since it's easier to paint. So I would move that 25mm is actualy a "painter's scale" since according to that, it's much easier to just splash something on the big uns... o_o
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Peter@BattleScape on November 21, 2012, 12:01:34 PM
I have heard the same thing said many a time...but I find the larger the figure, if it is well detailed, the more difficult to paint as you have more shadows and features to define.....

Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: fitterpete on November 22, 2012, 04:10:45 PM
Got to looking around on the shop.
Bikes and tankettes are up for preorder.
Bikes 15-19 pounds
Tankettes 22 pounds
So if those tiny tankettes are priced at 22 expect beyond GW tank prices for the regular tanks. ::)
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: garra on November 22, 2012, 05:04:27 PM
those prices are for a box of 2 bikes and for a box of 2 tankettes
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Blodwin on November 22, 2012, 08:57:23 PM
I saw these tankettes for the first time at Warfare – they are really small, I actually asked them if they were 15mm.

£22 for two is just day light robbery – way over hyped IMHO
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: fitterpete on November 22, 2012, 10:13:35 PM
My bad.Goes to show you not to read things when being called for Thanksgiving turkey. lol
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Geudens on November 23, 2012, 07:40:56 AM
I saw these tankettes for the first time at Warfare – they are really small, I actually asked them if they were 15mm.
£22 for two is just day light robbery – way over hyped IMHO
I was afraid from the beginning this would happen.  Wargamers have always been prepared to pay more for ship- and spaceship models as compared to figures.  That's why Spartan's (nice) space- & ship models were viewed as "correctly priced".  Now that they are venturing in the mainstream of 28's (with +30mm  :'( ) they will not be able to score as expected, because their pricing is the same as other "expensive" products.  They will not create a mass following, I'm afraid.  At least, I will not be amongst their customers.
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: tnjrp on November 23, 2012, 07:50:41 AM
The tankettes look to be about the size of your "regular size 3" infantry, that is about the size of what you'd expect for a battlesuit in a scifi game:
Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Mason on November 23, 2012, 09:12:08 AM
Bloody hell, they are tiny!

They look like a steampunk variant of the Sinclair C5!

Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: Fuzzywuzzieswiflasers on February 23, 2013, 11:58:49 PM
The hobby is going full circle. They'll be trumpeting 54mm as the "new scale" next.  ;)

Well I won!t be buying any at that scale. Maybe some vehicles will pass muster. Call me cynical but it is obviously a ploy to get punters to only play with "their" toys and gouge us with their expensive pricing.

Of course when I see such obvious greed at work I will treat it with the disgust it deserves.

Such a pity really as they have wasted the skills of some very talented designers and sculptors.

Title: Re: Spartan Games -&- 28mm Figures!
Post by: The Gray Ghost on March 16, 2013, 11:25:09 PM
Thanks for posting the pic of how tall they are I was going to order some but they won't fit in with anything I have.