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Miniatures Adventure => Future Wars => Topic started by: Astromini5 on September 14, 2012, 02:05:49 AM

Title: ST/Borderlands Base finishing touches
Post by: Astromini5 on September 14, 2012, 02:05:49 AM
This location is designed to fall about midway between the organized look of a Starship Trooper fort and the bandit havens from the Borderlands video game. The large foam pieces painted up well, but I'm having some trouble finding 28mm decorative junk. Most of the plastic pieces are scraps from electrical/plumbing construction. Aside from a vehicle to place beneath the carport, I'll probably buy Ainsty lockers and chests to push the Borderlands vibe. I have some pins for making the echo system antennas. Suggestions for cheap minis to represent the masked enemies from the game welcome (US maker or importer).
Title: Re: ST/Borderlands Base finishing touches
Post by: Michka on September 14, 2012, 03:13:42 AM
That is awesome! How big is that beast?
Title: Re: ST/Borderlands Base finishing touches
Post by: Zafarelli on September 14, 2012, 06:28:50 AM
 Nice work!

If you don't mind the plug, about half of the models in my shop (http://pardulon-models.com/refID=1) come from my own Borderlands project - I'm certain you'll find suitable junk there ;) Here is a link to the WIP thread: http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=30176.0
Title: Re: ST/Borderlands Base finishing touches
Post by: geronimo on September 14, 2012, 07:22:14 AM
Looking good so far.

Another plug - I've got a range of Borderlands-suited crates and boxes here (http://www.fenrisgames.com/shop.html#ecwid:keywords=crates&mode=search&offset=0&sort=relevance) and assorted bits that might suit in my street furniture and SF scenics range  ;)
Title: Re: ST/Borderlands Base finishing touches
Post by: Infojunky on September 14, 2012, 08:22:47 AM
I am so glad that I am not the only one Enamoured with Borderlands, though I am working on it in 15mm.

What rules sets are y'all considering for playing in the setting?

Right now the Boy and I are using Savage Worlds/Savage Showdown.
Title: Re: ST/Borderlands Base finishing touches
Post by: Cherno on September 14, 2012, 10:53:15 AM
These Savages are always nice to have for all things Mad Max and Post-Apocalyptic, when the fecal matter has REALLY hit the fan ;)


I think they're from Copplestone.
Title: Re: ST/Borderlands Base finishing touches
Post by: Astromini5 on September 15, 2012, 02:38:32 AM
The board measures 25 x 35 inches, which just manages to fit through door frames and inside my car trunk. I have structure pieces for another large industrial ruin, and an opposing alien base of operations. I may also create some 25x25 terrain generics, perhaps with some Rakk or Skag nest formations. With more terrain finished, I'll have a better idea how many "loot chests" and other specific castings I'll need to buy. I must say that doing this project in 15mm would've been easier, but I needed a use for my AT-43 figs.
Title: Re: ST/Borderlands Base finishing touches
Post by: Infojunky on September 15, 2012, 03:37:27 AM
The board measures 25 x 35 inches, which just manages to fit through door frames and inside my car trunk.

That is always an important consideration. I don't build full boards any more as my collection needs to be packed and moved often. But on the up-side I get to build lots of little pieces based on CDs, 60mm round bases and large Flames of War Bases, all of which get done faster.

I have structure pieces for another large industrial ruin, and an opposing alien base of operations.

COOL! Can't wait to see em. Should take some pictures of my collection on the work bench here soon. Mostly shacks (Ground Zero Games ones) and a water tank/well. Need to do some random rock outcroppings and such here soon, though I am considering some trees a'la Jakobs Cove and/or some Eridian ruins.

I may also create some 25x25 terrain generics, perhaps with some Rakk or Skag nest formations. With more terrain finished, I'll have a better idea how many "loot chests" and other specific castings I'll need to buy.

Skaggs and chests are my current set of Bug-a-Boos! as what to use for them, actually I can make the chests. It's Skaggs that get me, might get a passel of dogs in 15mm and do a bunch of conversions. Might just use them as is, as feel sometimes is good enough.

I must say that doing this project in 15mm would've been easier, but I needed a use for my AT-43 figs.

I am working in 15mm, because I decided around 2000 I wanted once size of miniatures in my collection and the are a fair number of figures who do double and triple duty. Started with 15mm Nappies, but mostly I am French Indian War, Indian Wars/Wild West, Moderns (Including Vietnam) and My true Love Science Fiction/Post Apocalypse. The reduction to one "scale" has vastly lowered the mass and volume of my collection.

But, looking around at other peoples work sorely temps me into 28mm just for the ease of figure conversion.

With all that Borderlands2 is out the 17th, and I know what my teenaged son and I are doing next week, with cooperative play over the network being a option we will have a 5 man crew for the 1st play-through. The 4 of them dragging my ass through......
Title: Re: ST/Borderlands Base finishing touches
Post by: Infojunky on September 18, 2012, 03:50:44 PM
My eyes are watering, spent the last 7 hours with B2, and it rocks.

A buncha new ideas for Figures and Terrain. The Train has got me thinking a lot.....
Title: Re: ST/Borderlands Base finishing touches
Post by: mattblackgod on September 18, 2012, 03:58:40 PM
Cool base!  :-*

Those savages are from EM4 but sculpted by Mark Copplestone back in the Grenadier days.
Title: Re: ST/Borderlands Base finishing touches
Post by: AzSteven on September 18, 2012, 04:10:43 PM
Nice work!

If you don't mind the plug, about half of the models in my shop (http://pardulon-models.com/refID=1) come from my own Borderlands project - I'm certain you'll find suitable junk there ;) Here is a link to the WIP thread: http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=30176.0

How did I miss that thread?  Amazing stuff there!