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Miniatures Adventure => Post-Apocalyptic Tales => Topic started by: Christian on October 31, 2012, 02:02:40 AM

Title: Atomic Cafe 1957: List of compatible miniatures
Post by: Christian on October 31, 2012, 02:02:40 AM
Hi all, I've been revisiting my interest in this game recently, and thought it might benefit from a list of miniatures suitable from a variety of sources. Aside from the official Brigade releases, it looks like there are plenty of other figures out there that are suitable for this great game. I was surprised that I had a fair few figures already in my collection that could be of use. This will definitely make it easier for me to get started!

The Brigade minis are obviously the best choice, but I think some other ranges can be cherry-picked too. I'm pretty sure the distinct flavour of AC1957 can be maintained...

So... on with the list...

Brigade Games - Official miniatures and rules

Lead Adventure Miniatures - Giant rats, survivors, mutants and zombies

Tengu Models - Zombies (including clowns, a hillbilly and dogs!) and mutants

East Riding Miniatures - Retro characters (including a great sculpt of Ro-Man from the 1953 film "Robot Monster"), zombies and other bits and pieces

Hasslefree Miniatures - Some retro characters and zombies

Artizan Designs - KKBB, Thrilling Tales pulp, WW2 Soviets, Americans and Partisans might prove useful

Pulp Figures - Plenty of potential for characters... including Mounties!

Copplestone Castings - KKBB, Hillbillies, Texas Rangers, Guys in suits, scavengers etc. also terrain pieces

Brittania/Inkerman - Hillbillies with assorted weapons, some too early, but most ok

1st corps - Korean War Chinese, British & IIRC Americans

Blue Moon Manufacturing - Hill Billies

John Jenkins Designs - Chinese communist Zombies (sadly now OOP)

Acheson Creations - 1950s Chinese and American troops

Crooked Dice - Some useful retro characters and henchmen, scientists and other useful figures

More to come, hopefully. Feel free to post suggestions below! Vehicles, buildings and things would be especially helpful.
Title: Re: Atomic Cafe 1957: List of compatible miniatures
Post by: NurgleHH on October 31, 2012, 09:03:11 AM
You should add the Range of Pulp-Miniatures and Artizans Thrilling Tales.
Title: Re: Atomic Cafe 1957: List of compatible miniatures
Post by: v_lazy_dragon on October 31, 2012, 09:44:29 AM
Copplestone castings - Hill billies, Texas rangers, Scavengers (will need weapon swops), guys in suits w/ an assortment of weapons (not too bad to represent old folks), Chinese (for those that want to go a bit Fallout with Hordes of chinese invading the US rather than the soviets...!)

Brittania/Inkerman - Hillbillies with assorted weapons, some too early, but most ok

1st corps - Korean War Chinese, British & IIRC Americans

Blue Moon Manufacturing - Hill Billies

John Jenkins Designs - Chinese communist Zombies
Title: Re: Atomic Cafe 1957: List of compatible miniatures
Post by: NurgleHH on October 31, 2012, 10:53:20 AM
I forgot Copplestone castings Gangsterstuff and the zombies from studio miniatures
Title: Re: Atomic Cafe 1957: List of compatible miniatures
Post by: Christian on October 31, 2012, 12:24:07 PM
Some interesting suggestions there guys! Thanks!

I'd forgotten about Copplestone's missile silo and other terrain bits and pieces.

Those hillbillies are pretty good, too :)

I guess some of the gangsters look a bit out of date, but they'd fit in with a bit of converting, surely.
Title: Re: Atomic Cafe 1957: List of compatible miniatures
Post by: Arlequín on November 02, 2012, 11:00:25 AM
I've been to do some stuff in the 1950's, but suitable figures have been difficult. Most of the stuff in the gangster ranges is definitely too 20s & 30s and one usable figure in a pack gets expensive. Reaper Miniatures have the odd figure in their ranges too, but I couldn't comment about compatibility with the Brigade AC57 figures.

Thanks to VLD for pointing out 1st Corps' Chinese though... they look quite good!  :)
Title: Re: Atomic Cafe 1957: List of compatible miniatures
Post by: v_lazy_dragon on November 03, 2012, 07:59:40 AM
The TAG M14 equipped Vietnam guys are 2 years too late, but that may not be an issue to some folks...

USMC raiders in the pacific (especially the ones not in helmets like some of Brigades) might also be useful...

And no trouble Jim - glad to be useful! I did have some at one point, bolstered with some copplestone Chinese in furry hats and a few repurposed VC (Baker Co, TAG & WestWind's IIRC). The VC were there to add some Post apocalyptic character - Collie hats, sandles, Mao caps and assorted US weapons and equipment...
Title: Re: Atomic Cafe 1957: List of compatible miniatures
Post by: Arlequín on November 03, 2012, 11:40:14 AM
The TAG M14 equipped Vietnam guys are 2 years too late, but that may not be an issue to some folks...

Not even that, although it was accepted for service in 1959, it wasn't until 1962 when decent numbers of them came through and even then the Airborne Divisions got them first. Even by mid-1962 only one of them was fully equipped with the M14. Had a war occurred in 1962, the vast majority of US forces would have been fighting AK47s and SKS carbines with M1 Garands and M1 Carbines.

You could get away with late WW2 figures, but not the ones in the short jacket and spats combo... if you're being 'historical' at least. If it was 'AC47' life would be easier.

Still to me the whole attraction is the 'look' of the era, if I have to fudge it by using earlier figures, I may just as well be playing WWW2.

*Edit* - If anyone wants good reference sources for around 1957, try watching 'Them!', the original 'War of the Worlds' or even selected episodes of 'Sgt Bilko'.

Title: Re: Atomic Cafe 1957: List of compatible miniatures
Post by: v_lazy_dragon on November 03, 2012, 02:04:23 PM

The link as two more Korean War packs that I'd not come across before - more Chinese, and winter Americans.

It's interesting to hear that the M14 took so long to come into use...!
Title: Re: Atomic Cafe 1957: List of compatible miniatures
Post by: Arlequín on November 03, 2012, 06:33:20 PM
Nice find with those too... hope they look a bit better under the paint though.  :?

It's interesting to hear that the M14 took so long to come into use...!

I was surprised too, I think we tend to see an introduction date and subconsciously assume all the soldiers woke up one morning thinking Santa had been. IIRC the M-14 magazine pouches were available long before the actual rifles, so you occasionally get soldiers with the 'new webbing' and carrying a Garand. I have a photo somewhere of US Marines near Detroit in 1962 and they look like they're doing a WW2 re-enactment with the kit they have.

The same year we have a SEAL team carrying AR-15s for the first time (despite their CO getting one torn off for his extravagance with the 'open purchase' scheme), so go figure. Even in 1965, Special Forces were routinely carrying M3 Grease Guns, Thompsons, and M1 Carbines. While his men had M-14 rifles, Philip Caputo was carrying an M1 Carbine in 1965, as he wasn't 'allowed' an M-14.

Not that I've looked into any of this or anything...  ::)

 ;) :D
Title: Re: Atomic Cafe 1957: List of compatible miniatures
Post by: carlos marighela on November 04, 2012, 06:08:13 PM
Some interesting photos of US Marines circa your period.

In Lebanon 1958:


At home: http://www.8thandi.com/mem50.html

Only differences to USMC for WW2 are the flak jackets ( not always in evidence) and high combat boots, rest of the kit is pretty much straight WW2.

Title: Re: Atomic Cafe 1957: List of compatible miniatures
Post by: Christian on November 04, 2012, 11:08:39 PM
Well, that's certainly given a new lease on life for my WW2 Americans! I had kept them aside for some unknown purpose... must have been AC57 :) There's no reason why they wouldn't be able to get their hands on some older gear. This is great :)
Title: Re: Atomic Cafe 1957: List of compatible miniatures
Post by: Arlequín on November 05, 2012, 02:46:21 PM
Well we're talking 'post-apocalypse', so who knows what dodgy militias would be trotting around in surplus WW2 G.I. gear, there's enough of them now.

Title: Re: Atomic Cafe 1957: List of compatible miniatures
Post by: area23 on November 08, 2012, 09:20:52 PM
Apart from the Copplestone stuff, his older scavengers from Grenadier are available from em4 and others.
They are the exact same size as the AC57 figs.

West Wind weird wars range has native american Dog Soldiers. Would work very well as a gang/militia.
Also, their normal weird war american soldiers have futuristic WW2 kit.

Warlord Games has the old Bolt Action WW2 figs. The older ones are by Paul Hicks, and the vehicles are very nice.
I think the M16 halftrack for example was used until the 1960's.
Warlord also has native american zombies in the Conquest Games french-indian war range. I want them, as a zombie-mutie gang.
Title: Re: Atomic Cafe 1957: List of compatible miniatures
Post by: Maichus on November 08, 2012, 09:26:04 PM
There are also Raven Painting's Midnight Riders (http://www.ravenpainting.co.uk/), which imho would make nice gang of survivors. I'm no expert but the weapons and clothing  ;D look suitable for 1957 to me.

Title: Re: Atomic Cafe 1957: List of compatible miniatures
Post by: Christian on November 09, 2012, 03:28:59 AM
Ooh, interesting choice. Something definitely creepy about them... they're from the Devil's Rejects film, I think? Never saw it my self. Maybe some slightly unhinged hillbilly types?
Title: Re: Atomic Cafe 1957: List of compatible miniatures
Post by: v_lazy_dragon on November 09, 2012, 06:48:25 AM
It looks like a Hill Billy gang would be easy enough to do, so if you wanted to do 'boondockers' without the creepy physic space monkey, thet could be a way to go :)

Some of the RAFM Call of Cthulhu figures might be ok I guess (The unhinged hillbillies made me think of the 'maniacs' set!) but most will be way out of date.

I'm trying to think if WestWind's Gothic horror range has anything suitable, but most of the packs are too early (30's), waaay to early (1800's) or a bit late (bikers).... Tht said, if people wanted to add cheesy B movie 'monsters' they might be ok.

Eureka has their Pulp GIs which might be useful additions to an army force, and add to the slightly dishevelled Post Apoc look. I seem to recall they also do guys with suits and insect heads who might make good mutants.

I also wonder if some of the Musketeer interwar figures (without British Pie dish helmets) might be usable, for less 'trendy' types and older folks who still insist on wearing their suit jacket and Fedora, although leaving off the tie as the world has ended
Title: Re: Atomic Cafe 1957: List of compatible miniatures
Post by: Arlequín on November 09, 2012, 08:22:53 AM
It looks like a Hill Billy gang would be easy enough to do, so if you wanted to do 'boondockers' without the creepy physic space monkey, thet could be a way to go :)

No monkey would mean that they're just a group of wild and unintelligent ferals... even the rad-zombies have their semi-intelligent brain-zombie thingy.

I also wonder if some of the Musketeer interwar figures (without British Pie dish helmets) might be usable, for less 'trendy' types and older folks who still insist on wearing their suit jacket and Fedora, although leaving off the tie as the world has ended.

Some of them work imo, others are more Atomic Tea Rooms '57, nevertheless a good call! I also think leaving your tie off might be symptomatic that you'd accepted life might be somewhat different from now on.
There are also Raven Painting's Midnight Riders (http://www.ravenpainting.co.uk/), which imho would make nice gang of survivors. I'm no expert but the weapons and clothing  ;D look suitable for 1957 to me.

I think you'd get away with these if they were mixed in with the AC57 ones. They're damned fine looking figures though.  :)
Title: Re: Atomic Cafe 1957: List of compatible miniatures
Post by: carlos marighela on November 09, 2012, 04:08:50 PM

Some of them work imo, others are more Atomic Tea Rooms '57, nevertheless a good call! I also think leaving your tie off might be symptomatic that you'd accepted life might be somewhat different from now on.

Somewhere in Britain 1957: A nuclear cataclysm has devasted the shores of the sceptered isle.  From Land's End to Joan O Groats, amidst the blackened ruins, are a but a few survivors. They live in constant fear of enormous, roaming bands of the undead, all bearing a remarkable likeness to Norman Tebbit and controlled by the master zombie, Norman Wisdom.

Hunger grips the land as Britain's foodstocks have been wiped out and all arable land lies beneath a thick covering of radioactive ash. Only one reliable source of sustenance remains... the nigh indestructible Dundee cake to be found in the remaining Lyon's Tea rooms scattered across the countryside. Your mission to find and defend the tea rooms and search fo the last piece of Battenburg in the UK. Godspeed and good luck!
Title: Re: Atomic Cafe 1957: List of compatible miniatures
Post by: Arlequín on November 10, 2012, 07:24:34 AM
Quite.  lol   Of course you'd have to remove the first .5" of crust so that it's radiation free.

You would need to make a few rule changes too, the "One's own sort" rule would prevent mixed gangs being formed and the "Have we been properly introduced?" rule would prevent special characters from joining a gang.

Title: Re: Atomic Cafe 1957: List of compatible miniatures
Post by: Christian on November 11, 2012, 04:29:09 AM
Ha ha!

Well the other option for 'not quite' figures would be zombies :)
Title: Re: Atomic Cafe 1957: List of compatible miniatures
Post by: area23 on November 11, 2012, 08:15:20 PM
Found out today Warlord Games is about to release plastic WW2 soviets.

With Kalashnikovs instead of those rifles they'd pass easily as late fifties invaders. Or with no weapons at all, as they're out of ammunition anyway.... A horde of 40 unarmed commie invaders, haha!
Title: Re: Atomic Cafe 1957: List of compatible miniatures
Post by: white knight on November 11, 2012, 08:21:38 PM
How about Crooked Dice?

http://www.crooked-dice.co.uk/wp/ (http://www.crooked-dice.co.uk/wp/)
Title: Re: Atomic Cafe 1957: List of compatible miniatures
Post by: carlos marighela on November 11, 2012, 08:52:48 PM
Found out today Warlord Games is about to release plastic WW2 soviets.

With Kalashnikovs instead of those rifles they'd pass easily as late fifties invaders. Or with no weapons at all, as they're out of ammunition anyway.... A horde of 40 unarmed commie invaders, haha!

Have a good look at them. Apart from being fairly unattractive figures, the box seems to a curious mixture of early war gymnastierkas and mid to late war quilted winter jackets, plus a number are wearing putties and short boots. I'd say it would be far more trouble than it's worth.
Title: Re: Atomic Cafe 1957: List of compatible miniatures
Post by: Christian on November 11, 2012, 10:48:33 PM
How about Crooked Dice?

http://www.crooked-dice.co.uk/wp/ (http://www.crooked-dice.co.uk/wp/)

Yes! Thanks WK!
Title: Re: Atomic Cafe 1957: List of compatible miniatures
Post by: Christian on November 11, 2012, 11:10:06 PM
Yes, I see the point. I think there is a very particular style that Brigade is trying to capture, and it might get a bit distilled as one goes back of forward a few decades... I think it's safe to assume that the best figures will be the Brigade ones, and the rest add a bit of flavour and variety to the mix.
Title: Re: Atomic Cafe 1957: List of compatible miniatures
Post by: Arlequín on November 12, 2012, 02:11:11 AM
Found out today Warlord Games is about to release plastic WW2 soviets.

With Kalashnikovs instead of those rifles they'd pass easily as late fifties invaders. Or with no weapons at all, as they're out of ammunition anyway.... A horde of 40 unarmed commie invaders, haha!

Have a good look at them. Apart from being fairly unattractive figures, the box seems to a curious mixture of early war gymnastierkas and mid to late war quilted winter jackets, plus a number are wearing putties and short boots. I'd say it would be far more trouble than it's worth.

Besides the 'one box of figures suits all' mentality, the price puts me off... £28 for 40 figures versus the Perry price of £18 for the same amount (albeit no WW2 just yet)... that's 70p against 45p a figure and frankly they aren't all that. There would be a considerable number of Soviets still toting smgs or SKS carbines, even DPMs in 1957... but I doubt you'd get such a variety of dress in a single unit, even during WW2.

How about Crooked Dice?

http://www.crooked-dice.co.uk/wp/ (http://www.crooked-dice.co.uk/wp/)

They are excellent looking figures as seen in the lead, although mid-sixties to early 1970's for the most part, there are some suitable figures in there, as is the case with Artizan/Copplestone KKBB ranges.

Yes, I see the point. I think there is a very particular style that Brigade is trying to capture, and it might get a bit distilled as one goes back of forward a few decades... I think it's safe to assume that the best figures will be the Brigade ones, and the rest add a bit of flavour and variety to the mix.

Yes, it's a point in time and while you could stretch it back to about 1945 or forwards to about 1965, without it looking too wrong, before or after these dates, you've lost that 'look' for the most part (barring those who wore out of fashion styles obviously). It's not that noticeable with conservative styles and to an extent with men's suits, but casual wear and particularly women's fashion changed quite a bit.

Although I'm not keen on the game itself, I bought almost all of the range and still live in hope that more figures will follow eventually. I plan on using them for a 50s-60s PA setting a la Fallout, or a 50s style Sci-Fi thingy... I'm not sure which at this point.
Title: Re: Atomic Cafe 1957: List of compatible miniatures
Post by: Hammers on November 12, 2012, 09:15:49 AM
There are also Raven Painting's Midnight Riders (http://www.ravenpainting.co.uk/), which imho would make nice gang of survivors. I'm no expert but the weapons and clothing  ;D look suitable for 1957 to me.


Weyheyhey..! Those are not from The House of a 1000 corpses, are they? I think I recognize not Captain Spaulding. I think I need these.
Title: Re: Atomic Cafe 1957: List of compatible miniatures
Post by: commissarmoody on November 12, 2012, 09:20:56 AM
Yes, they are. Have fun.