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Miniatures Adventure => Future Wars => Topic started by: Maniacus on December 16, 2012, 10:53:32 PM

Title: Inquisitor Battle Report: The Hunt for Kellwrath (pic heavy - updated June 2)
Post by: Maniacus on December 16, 2012, 10:53:32 PM
When a few friends made the trip to the Twin Cites in July 2012 for “Casual Con” (an informal gaming weekend at my brother's house), one of the games we played was GW's Inquisitor.  A few years back some of the our gaming group played and enjoyed Inquisitor quite a bit and also ran Inquisitor games for a number of years at a local convention. So this presented a fun opportunity to dust it off and play it again as well as to introduce a few new players to the game.

We played a story consisting of two linked scenarios:  the first scenario was played on Saturday night and the second scenario played on Sunday afternoon.

Below is the players’ mission briefing and a battle report from the first scenario.


REF:           Inq/01159744311/BR
AUTHOR:     Inquisitor Dunn
SUBJECT:    Progress of Investigation
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:   A dagger in the dark is worth a thousand swords at dawn



Lord Inquisitor Lazarus:

I have finally arrived with my team in the Lentax System.  As related in my previous report, you are aware that for the last four years Inquisitor Darkmoor and I had been working together on the trail of Chaos Magus Kellwrath, the accursed fiend whose infernal activities are well known to you.  We have long remained on Kellwrath’s heels, tracking him from system to system but never able to ultimately run our quarry to ground.

However, for several months I had heard nothing from Inquisitor Darkmoor, and only recently did I receive bits of information which have allowed me to piece together the tragedy that has befallen him.  I have discovered that he tracked Magus Kellwrath to the Lentax System and discovered that Kellwrath had found the rumored location of an ancient artifact know at The Arc.  It was at this point that Inquisitor Darkmoor and his entire team were killed after encountering Kellwrath.  Worse yet, I have learned that they were betrayed into his hands by Karl Demos, Kellwrath’s double agent who had been part of Inquisitor Darkmoor’s own warband.

We ourselves have now arrived in the Lentax System.  My advance team has been scouring the area and has zeroed in on the location where we believe Karl Demos, the vile traitor, is now holed up.  Even as I write this communiqué we are preparing to launch our raid upon his lair.  

Once we have Demos in custody I am confident that we will learn the specific nature of Magus Kellwrath’s plans, what he intends to do with The Arc, as well as the information we need to lead us directly to Kellwrath himself.  Rest assured, Demos will pay for his betrayal and his punishment will be neither quick nor merciful.

As the Emperor guides us, we will not fail in this task.  

In the Emperor’s service,
Inquisitor Dunn


Information from Inquisitor Dunn’s informants led him to discover the rumored location of the traitor Karl Demos, a remote portion of the old sewage network beneath the industrial outskirts of the city.  The Inquisitor assembles his strike team and prepares to delve into the sewers to locate his quarry.

With the Emperor watching over us from above, surely this mission cannot fail!

Leading the way down into the sewers, Inquisitor Dunn strides forward up the walkway on one side of the sewage channel while the other half of the warband proceeds cautiously up the other side.



Tabitha hears faint skittering sounds from the darkened passageway ahead.  She draws her stubbers from their holsters and prepares to investigate.

Now joined by Flavian, the Intergalactic Man of Mystery, Tabitha whirls around the corner only to see a darkened stairway.  However, the skittering noises quickly grow louder and move toward her . . .

. . . when she is suddenly set upon by a swarm of giant mutant rats!  Caught off guard, the shots from her stubber impact wildly into the walls as the rats attack her, biting and clawing.  Her gunshots having proved less than effective, Tabitha is quickly saved by Flavian whose suit-mounted power sword dispatches the creatures, sending their bloody pieces spraying across her body.  

Meanwhile, on the other side of the channel Sister Sascha and Inquisitor Dunn move forward into a partially excavated section of sewer.  Their movements obviously draw attention as autogun fire suddenly rings out from up ahead and rounds impact all around them.  

Locating the source of the shots and spotting the two mutants firing upon them, Inquisitor Dunn calmly draws his bolt pistol and shouts a warning to his companions.  With a single minded determination Sister Sascha strides forward shooting round after round into the nearest mutant and sending him crumpling to the ground, his cover behind a pallet of storage crates offering him no protection.

Seeing her first target drop down out of sight, Sascha draws her sword, an ancient blade blessed by the matriarch of her order herself, and charges into combat with the second mutant.

Her first swings impact the mutant and send him to the ground.  But he isn’t out of action and swings his massive clawed hand toward her legs, attempting to cripple her.
Title: Re: Inquisitor Battle Report: The Hunt for Kellwrath (pic heavy)
Post by: Maniacus on December 16, 2012, 10:54:50 PM
(Page 2)

Back across the sewage channel Tabitha and Flavian finish dispatching the giant rats and hear the sound of their comrades engaging the mutants.  Tabitha attempts to leap across the channel in order to lend her aid but slips on the edge and falls, flailing about wildly as she plunges into the foul liquid.  Only with a last second lunge does she manage to barely grasp onto the walkway on the other side.  Flavian makes an attempt to assist her but also fails to jump the distance, leaving him in the channel also clinging precariously to the edge beside Tabitha.

Nearby, Inquisitor Dunn gives the command phrase to activate Damien 1427, whose crime of operating an unlicensed falafel stand earned him the sentence of serving the Emperor as an archo-flagellant.  As the command phrase is given powerful combat stimms begin pumping into his body as he lumbers forward.

However, before Damien 1427 can round the corner into sight of the enemy Sister Sascha finishes her downed foe with a final thrust of her sword.  With no visible enemy to trigger his frenzied state Damien 1427 slowly turns back and begins to search for another target.

Meanwhile, Drill Abbot Voss advances slowly up another passageway.  He soon hears a growing hissing noise and light emerging from around the corner ahead of him.  Before he can pass a warning to those following behind him he sees the source of the noise:  a mutant with a flamer!


With a sickening guttural laugh the mutant point the flamer down the channel and unleashes a massive gout of flame toward Voss.

Showing an unexpected nimbleness for his size, the drill abbot leaps backward just in time to avoid the flames and dives for cover behind a nearby barrel around the corner from the mutant.

Having finally climbed out of the sewage channel and seeing Drill Abbot Voss in trouble, Tabitha rushes forward to assist.  She takes what cover she can from a corner and desperately tries to draw a bead on the mutant with her pistol before he can bring his flamer to bear.

Unfortunately her reflexes aren’t fast enough and she can’t get off a clean shot in time.  The mutant gleefully unleashes yet another burst of flame which rushes down the channel and engulfs Tabitha before she can react.
Knocked down onto the ground she vainly attempts to put out the fire but it quickly spreads around her body and overwhelms her.  No amount of aid from her comrades will be enough to save her as her form slumps onto the ground and lies motionless while continuing to burn.  Flavian exacts swift revenge with his bolt pistol, blasting the flamer-wielding mutant and knocking his corpse back into the sewage channel.
Title: Re: Inquisitor Battle Report: The Hunt for Kellwrath (pic heavy)
Post by: Maniacus on December 16, 2012, 10:55:59 PM
(Page 3)

The team moves out past Tabitha’s burning body when laspistol shots suddenly ring up from up ahead, sending the drill abbot diving to the ground for cover.

The source of the shots is revealed to be none other than their target – Karl Demos himself.  Upon seeing him Flavian bellows out a loud command for him to surrender in the name of the Emperor.  Demos shouts back his response, “Your commands mean nothing. I’m done being a lapdog to a false emperor!” and fires once again at the team.  Displaying an almost unnatural calm, Flavian strides forward and fires a volley of aimed shots from his bolt pistol, impacting into Demos and knocking him to the ground.  

The injured Demos begins crawling toward a nearby blast door and the team hears him shout out, “Protect me!”  Soon the sound of heavy lumbering footfalls alerts them to a new enemy approaching.

Flavian leaps across the channel again and take up position in order to identify this new threat – an ogryn bodyguard!

The injured Karl Demos reaches up to a control panel to open the blast doors and begins crawling away while the huge ogryn continues it’s adance.

Inquisitor Dunn and Flavian quickly form a gameplan.

First Drill Abbot Voss and then Inquisitor Dunn sprint and leap across the sewer channel in pursuit of the escaping Karl Demos.

Flavian aimes his bolt pistol at the advancing ogryn.

Several bolt rounds graze the ogryn but he continues his advance toward the Inquisitor.

The archo-flagellant Damian 1427 slowly lopes up the passageway.  If only he can come within sight of the ogryn his combat stimms will trigger and he can launch himself into action.  He is followed by The Renegade, another of Inquisitor Dunn’s henchmen arriving from their transport to render assistance after the death of Tabitha.
Title: Re: Inquisitor Battle Report: The Hunt for Kellwrath (pic heavy)
Post by: Maniacus on December 16, 2012, 10:57:19 PM
(Page 4)

The ogryn launches himself into a charge toward Inquisitor Dunn. He steps off the edge of the walkway but the sewage channel only come up the giant’s waist and he easily strides across and raises his enormous axe.


Inquisitor Dunn spins toward the ogryn and readies himself for the attack as Flavian desperately attempts to put the ogryn down with more bolt pistol fire.

Not taken out by the bolt rounds, the ogryn swings his axe at the Inquisitor and connects, knocking Dunn to the ground.


The ogryn readies himself to finish off the Inquisitor as Flavian fires off another volley of bolt pistol rounds and Damian 1427 nears the corner where he may finally come into view of the enemy.

Coming to the rescue just in time Sister Sascha, who took another passageway and came up behind the ogryn, strides forward and adds the deadly aim of her bolt pistol fire to the fight.


The overwhelming bolt pistol fire from Sister Sascha and Flavian finally knocks the ogryn down and he falls prone into the sewage channel.

Flavian leaps across the channel to assist the injured Inquisitor Dunn, but first puts another bolt round into the ogryn’s body for extra assurance that the threat is ended.
Title: Re: Inquisitor Battle Report: The Hunt for Kellwrath (pic heavy)
Post by: Maniacus on December 16, 2012, 10:59:41 PM
(Page 5)

Meanwhile, Drill Abbot Voss continues his pursuit of Karl Demos and desperately tries to stop him before he can escape.

Spinning around, Demos prepares to defend himself.


Having gotten back onto his feet, Inquisitor Dunn shouts quick orders to the rest of the team to follow the drill abbott and apprehend Demos before he can get away.

Further injured by the drill abbott’s hammer, Demos crawls up a set of stairs towards an escape hatch.

Considering it better to risk killing him outright rather than allowing him to escape, Sister Sascha fires a single aimed round from her bolt pistol. Demos slumps onto the ground, unconscious from the shock of the impacting round.

Still having yet to even see the enemy, Damian 1427 continues his slow lumbering journey through the sewer.  He apparently finds a particular alcove quite interesting…

With their mission accomplished and the traitor Karl Demos successfully apprehended, the Inquisitor’s team returns to their transport and brings their prisoner back to their safe house for interrogation. Through whatever means necessary, The Inquisitor is determined to learn the information that will lead him to his final quarry the Chaos Magus Kellwrath.

Battle report for Scenario #2 to follow . . . .
Title: Re: Inquisitor Battle Report: The Hunt for Kellwrath (pic heavy)
Post by: Elbows on December 17, 2012, 03:07:37 AM
Not a fan of inquisitor, but a great looking board - looks like you guys had fun.
Title: Re: Inquisitor Battle Report: The Hunt for Kellwrath (pic heavy)
Post by: stroblight on December 17, 2012, 05:20:00 AM
Love the use of the giant as an Ogryn!
Title: Re: Inquisitor Battle Report: The Hunt for Kellwrath (pic heavy)
Post by: v_lazy_dragon on December 17, 2012, 07:39:34 AM
Very nice  - it's good to see the 54mm Inquisitor figures being used... which reminds me tht I still have a pile in need of paint... o_o
Title: Re: Inquisitor Battle Report: The Hunt for Kellwrath (pic heavy)
Post by: Prof.Witchheimer on December 17, 2012, 08:29:04 AM
This is a lovely report with some great story-telling. Nice to see people are still playing Inquisitor.
Title: Re: Inquisitor Battle Report: The Hunt for Kellwrath (pic heavy)
Post by: Kitsune on December 17, 2012, 08:44:34 AM
Good report, especially the "forming a plan" picture.

How do you find the Inq rules? Often tempted to try and GM a game, but a couple of people told me not to bother after giving it a go themselves as it was just too complex & detailed for its own good.
Title: Re: Inquisitor Battle Report: The Hunt for Kellwrath (pic heavy)
Post by: Elbows on December 17, 2012, 09:50:18 AM
The gist I got from my buddies (who used to run a GW store and played a good bit) it's essentially an RPG but with big expensive figures.  Sadly at 54mm, it means terrain is expensive or time/space consuming etc.  When "miniature" games get to that point, I just skip straight to the RPG and save myself the hassle. :D

I think the minis are nice for people who want to some big masterpiece paintjobs, etc.  It's cool to see people dedicate themselves to it.  I find when I see a big inquisitor game at conventions, it starts out with 20 excited players...and 5 hours later, it's 20 people sitting around, checking their watches and cell phones.  It doesn't look like it scales well?
Title: Re: Inquisitor Battle Report: The Hunt for Kellwrath (pic heavy)
Post by: Prof.Witchheimer on December 17, 2012, 10:03:23 AM
Has anyone ever tried to play Inquisitor using 28mm figures? One day I really would love to try the game but with 28mm, I really can’t imagine to start collecting and painting of 54mm, just due to terrain and to lack of too much figures variety.
Title: Re: Inquisitor Battle Report: The Hunt for Kellwrath (pic heavy)
Post by: Maniacus on December 17, 2012, 03:04:48 PM
We've found that the issue of terrain scale isn’t as big of a issue as one might think.  Over the years we’ve been pleased to find that a large portion of our existing terrain collection works just fine for 54mm.  You just have to not use those few pieces that are too obviously intended for a smaller scale.  All the terrain in this battle report comes from our regular terrain collection and can be used for both 28mm and 54mm.

Nevertheless, I can understand why a lot of people choose to play Inquisitor in 28mm (could use the rules and measurements straight out of the book, but with 28mm models), but we find that the larger scale does make it unique and also really gives you an up-close-and-personal feel to the game and your characters. 

A previous Inquisitor battle report from our group with more example terrain pictures can be found here:

Title: Re: Inquisitor Battle Report: The Hunt for Kellwrath (pic heavy)
Post by: Kitsune on December 17, 2012, 03:32:13 PM
Has anyone ever tried to play Inquisitor using 28mm figures? One day I really would love to try the game but with 28mm, I really can’t imagine to start collecting and painting of 54mm, just due to terrain and to lack of too much figures variety.

Theres a website dedicated to it here:


Title: Re: Inquisitor Battle Report: The Hunt for Kellwrath (pic heavy)
Post by: FramFramson on December 17, 2012, 06:31:01 PM
What's odd is that for some reason those photos make it look like you're playing in 28mm, though I'm not quite sure why.
Title: Re: Inquisitor Battle Report: The Hunt for Kellwrath (pic heavy)
Post by: Brummie Thug on December 17, 2012, 07:15:00 PM
I thought that its a great setup  :o Nice AAR thanks for posting this up
Title: Re: Inquisitor Battle Report: The Hunt for Kellwrath (pic heavy)
Post by: Prof.Witchheimer on December 18, 2012, 10:24:08 AM
We've found that the issue of terrain scale isn’t as big of a issue as one might think.  Over the years we’ve been pleased to find that a large portion of our existing terrain collection works just fine for 54mm.  You just have to not use those few pieces that are too obviously intended for a smaller scale.  All the terrain in this battle report comes from our regular terrain collection and can be used for both 28mm and 54mm.

Nevertheless, I can understand why a lot of people choose to play Inquisitor in 28mm (could use the rules and measurements straight out of the book, but with 28mm models), but we find that the larger scale does make it unique and also really gives you an up-close-and-personal feel to the game and your characters. 

A previous Inquisitor battle report from our group with more example terrain pictures can be found here:


Yes, I can understand the point of wanting to have unique figures with some different appeal than an usual 40k game. And I probably would consider it as well having greater variety of miniatures. That's more my issue on 54mm matter. Anyway, that's just me.
You guys make a great job with your games and reports, thanks for sharing!
Title: Re: Inquisitor Battle Report: The Hunt for Kellwrath (pic heavy)
Post by: dijit on December 18, 2012, 10:30:38 AM
Has anyone ever tried to play Inquisitor using 28mm figures? One day I really would love to try the game but with 28mm, I really can’t imagine to start collecting and painting of 54mm, just due to terrain and to lack of too much figures variety.
I have, and it works fine. Like someone else said it functions more like an RPG, than a traditional wargame, and if you like RPGs and wargames then it's a great hybrid. 28mm figures work fine and can have more than enough character and flavour and most of us have a rather extensive collection of them for all sorts of side characters, etc.
Title: Re: Inquisitor Battle Report: The Hunt for Kellwrath (pic heavy)
Post by: Prof.Witchheimer on December 18, 2012, 10:58:33 AM
Theres a website dedicated to it here:


Thanks, it's a great source of inspiration there, lots of nice figures and converions, too. Will surely visit them more in the future.

I have, and it works fine. Like someone else said it functions more like an RPG, than a traditional wargame, and if you like RPGs and wargames then it's a great hybrid. 28mm figures work fine and can have more than enough character and flavour and most of us have a rather extensive collection of them for all sorts of side characters, etc.

Yes. also the possibilities for convertions in 28mm are countless.

But I didn't want to hijack your thread with all that 28mm talking, Maniacus, sorry for that.
Title: Re: Inquisitor Battle Report: The Hunt for Kellwrath (pic heavy)
Post by: Maniacus on December 18, 2012, 03:27:05 PM

Yes. also the possibilities for convertions in 28mm are countless.

But I didn't want to hijack your thread with all that 28mm talking, Maniacus, sorry for that.

Oh, no problem at all.  Honestly, if our group was starting to play Inquisitor from scratch I'm sure we would strongly consider going the 28mm route due to all the 28mm figures we already have in our collections and the easy availability of models and parts for conversions.

We're just lucky that we got in on the ground floor when Inquisitor first came out and I think between the members of our group we must have at least 100 54mm figures that we can use in our games.  They are a mix of Games Workshop and other sources.  A recent good source of 54mm non-GW science fiction figures was the short-lived Mutant Chronicles miniatures/board game by Fantasy Flight Games that was published a couple years ago.  So they're out there if you keep your eyes open, but admittedly it does require more time and effort than going the 28mm route.
Title: Re: Inquisitor Battle Report: The Hunt for Kellwrath (pic heavy)
Post by: Maniacus on June 03, 2013, 05:18:30 AM
The Hunt for Kellwrath PART II

Below is the players’ mission briefing and the battle report from the second and final game of our “Casual Con” weekend Inquisitor mini-campaign.


REF:           Inq/0114354311/SR
AUTHOR:     Inquisitor Dunn
SUBJECT:     Personal Log Update
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:   Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle?



Personal Log Entry M44.59-5

We have returned from our raid on the lair of Karl Demos.  What we have learned of Magos Kellwrath’s plans goes beyond even what I had feared and it is imperative that we move with all due haste.

We have learned that when Inquisitor Darkmoor finally located and confronted Kellwrath he discovered that the Magos had already found the location of the artifact know as      The Arc.  This ancient device was partially uncovered during construction excavations beneath the Balthar City geo-thermal power station.  

What disturbs me even more to have learned is that The Arc is none other than the alien mechanism we know by the name of the Portal of Abraxas, which has imprisoned the demon Gaarvaakkazak since its legendary battle with Inquisitor Hartshorn over a millennia ago.  Magos Kellwrath cannot be allowed to release the demon, or this world, quite possibly even this entire system, may be lost to the Imperium forever.
From the information learned in our raid we have discovered that Magos Kellwrath intends to redirect the energy from the geo-thermal power station in order to open the Portal of Abraxas and release the demon.  We must destroy the fusion generators in order to prevent this, and to gain access to those we must first shut off the power field surrounding them.  My inquisitorial override code should be sufficient to force the protective field to shut down.  Once that is done then our melta-charges should do the rest of the job on the generators.  No doubt Kellwrath will be well prepared to stop us from accomplishing this.

There is no time to linger; we are leaving immediately enroute to the power station to confront Kellwrath.  I pray to the Emperor that we will not be too late to stop him.

In service of the throne,
Inquisitor Dunn


After hastily refitting and rearming following their raid, Inquisitor Dunn’s strike team arrives at the power station determined to stop Magos Kellwrath’s diabolical plan.  In order to replace the casualties from their earlier battle, the Inquisitor has bolstered their numbers with another member of his retinue: Braggeldor Thistlebeard, the infamous squat mercenary.


Sister Sascha climbs upward to gain a better vantage point as the party advances cautiously into the power station.

Braggledor spots a power station guard and quietly creeps up behind him, trying to assess if he is friend or foe . . .

. . . while Flavian spots another guard and tries to approach him undetected.


On the catwalks above, Sascha nears another power station guard who turns in surprise and spots her at the last moment. The guard draws his weapon and fires a snap shot which goes wide over her shoulder.  

In a flash Sascha rushes forward and quickly dispatches the guard with a near point-blank round from her bolt pistol.

With the alarm raised and the battle now joined Flavian wastes no time in eliminating another guard with a bolt round of his own.

The Squat takes aim with his autogun and advances from cover toward the surprised enemy.

Title: Re: Inquisitor Battle Report: The Hunt for Kellwrath (pic heavy)
Post by: Maniacus on June 03, 2013, 05:19:36 AM
(Part II – Page 2)

Inquisitor Dunn moves forward and scans the area for the main control console which controls the protective fields surrounding the fusion generators.  The archo-flagellant Damian 1427 follows along slowly behind him.

As the team pushes forward they hear the loud sound of grinding gears and pistons as a massive tracked combat servitor rolls into view and advances toward them.  The servitor’s rapidly cycling guns spray forth a deadly hail of lead and force a surprised Flavian to dive behind cover.

Recovering his nerve, Flavian stands up and strides forward while the shots from the servitor’s guns ricochet off his armor.  He defiantly pours round after round from his bolt pistol into the servitor’s chassis until it finally lurches to a halt and begins to smoke.



Another tracked combat servitor rolls out of the darkness ahead with its deadly powered claws and buzz saws whirring and clattering. 

Spotting the new threat, Inquisitor Dunn transmits Damian 1427’s activation codeword and in an instant a dangerous cocktail of combat stimms is pumped into the archo-flagellant’s body.  As his pacifier helm blinks off he races forward to engage the enemy.



From her elevated position on the catwalks, Sister Sascha tries to get a clear shot on the enemy with her bolt pistol.

Title: Re: Inquisitor Battle Report: The Hunt for Kellwrath (pic heavy)
Post by: Maniacus on June 03, 2013, 05:20:05 AM
(Part II – Page 3)

Inquisitor Dunn reaches the main control console and bypasses the security system using his Inquisitorial override code.  Having gained access to the control system he shuts down the power fields protecting the fusion generators and then he, Flavian, and Braggeldor place their melta charges.

As the loud report of the melta charges echoes throughout the power station bay and the fusion generators go offline, the rage-filled Damian 1427 finishes off the combat servitor.  His grafted electro-flails lash down again and again against the now motionless chassis of his mechanical opponent.


Knowing that the fusion generators have been shut down and Magos Kellwrath’s plan foiled, Inquisitor Dunn and his retinue look around but don’t see any further threats.  Just then a voice is heard from the other side of the power station bay, “I have to thank you, Inquisitor.  The protective power fields around the generators proved to be very difficult for me to lower, but I knew an Inquisitor’s override code would get the job done.  You fell for my little plan exactly as anticipated.  You are ever so predictable, and for that I thank you.”  It was the voice of Kellwrath himself!

Oh you look surprised, Inquisitor.  I suppose your friend Darkmoor didn’t tell you before I relieve him of his head - I didn’t wish to harness the power of the fusion generators at all; I simply needed them shut down.  You see, they were powering the device that was keeping the daemon imprisoned.  I do so appreciate your assistance in destroying them for me.  Now you are just in time to witness his power resurrected and harnessed!

On the far side of the bay a small man is spotted with cables running from several cranial implants into a console.  Along the cables course visible waves of psychic energy.

Behind him stands Magos Kellwrath himself who starts to utter an unspeakable chant in a vile archaic tongue.  As the summoning ritual begins a strange light can be seen emerging from the open drilling shaft in the floor in font of them.


Title: Re: Inquisitor Battle Report: The Hunt for Kellwrath (pic heavy)
Post by: Maniacus on June 03, 2013, 05:20:41 AM
(Part II – Page 4)

Inquisitor Dunn barks out orders to the rest of the team, determined to stop Kellwrath from summoning forth the daemon.

Flavian begins trading bolt pistol rounds with Kellwrath while he runs to take cover behind a nearby pallet of barrels.

Damien 1427 sprints up the stairs towards Kellwrath…

…but before he can reach his target he is intercepted by one of Kellwrath’s chrono-gladiator henchmen.




The combined bolt pistol fire of Flavian and Sister Sascha eventually knocks Magos Kellwrath unconscious onto the ground, but the diminutive psyker is still connected to the machine.  Having defeated the chrono-gladiator Damien 1427 rushes forward and knocks the psyker down onto the ground.  However, lacking hands and a rational mind the archo-flagellant is unable to disconnect him from the machine and the powerful surges of psychic energy continue. 



As Flavian and Sister Sascha rush forward to assist, Sascha draws her blessed blade and with one powerful stoke the ancient consecrated sword severs the cables at the last moment before the daemon can emerge into our reality. 



Title: Re: Inquisitor Battle Report: The Hunt for Kellwrath (pic heavy - updated June 2)
Post by: aggro84 on June 03, 2013, 05:50:12 AM
Wow! That's a whole lot of awesome.
Great minis and terrain!
I am not really into 40K but I love Inquisitor stuff!
Title: Re: Inquisitor Battle Report: The Hunt for Kellwrath (pic heavy - updated June 2)
Post by: janner on June 03, 2013, 07:11:03 AM
Excellent reports and cool scenery  :)
Title: Re: Inquisitor Battle Report: The Hunt for Kellwrath (pic heavy - updated June 2)
Post by: von Lucky on June 03, 2013, 08:20:37 AM
Agree - excellent AAR and all part of Inquisitor's roleplaying primary focus.

Beautiful miniatures and terrain too.
Title: Re: Inquisitor Battle Report: The Hunt for Kellwrath (pic heavy - updated June 2)
Post by: dijit on June 03, 2013, 08:24:17 AM
Yet again, a beautiful set up and great story telling!