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Miniatures Adventure => Fantasy Adventures => Topic started by: Theatralic on January 25, 2013, 10:36:10 PM

Title: Looking for "evil" Fantasy Soldiers
Post by: Theatralic on January 25, 2013, 10:36:10 PM
Hi to all, i could use some help.

I am looking for some 28mm Human Soldiers who look kinda "evil" (cheesy I know ;) ) but at the same time disciplined and well equipped. Every Evil Lord needs some Elite troops these days ;P.

I am looking for humans who don`t look like chaos warriors or Barbarians and they should scale up with 28mm Warhammer miniatures. Maybe someone has an Idea since I seem to be unable to find something suiting, here is an example for what I am after:


Cheers T
Title: Re: Looking for "evil" Fantasy Soldiers
Post by: commissarmoody on January 25, 2013, 11:04:36 PM
Check out Reaper Miniatures, Warlord "Overlord" range.
Title: Re: Looking for "evil" Fantasy Soldiers
Post by: Mason on January 25, 2013, 11:18:16 PM
Following on from Scurv's observation:

What about GW plastic Gondorian Soldiers with plastic Saxon heads?

That should give you a similar look to the picture that you posted and relatively easy and cheap.

Title: Re: Looking for "evil" Fantasy Soldiers
Post by: Theatralic on January 25, 2013, 11:25:28 PM
Sadly those gondorians are to small in scale, I have about 50 of them. I thought about converting some minis but wanted to know if there were some nice metal alternatives around, thx guys and thx commissarmoody for the link.

I will think about some conversions but if anyones has Ideas for suitable minis keep it coming.
Title: Re: Looking for "evil" Fantasy Soldiers
Post by: guitarheroandy on January 25, 2013, 11:39:39 PM
What is that pic from? Those guys look rather cool!!
Title: Re: Looking for "evil" Fantasy Soldiers
Post by: Theatralic on January 25, 2013, 11:42:36 PM
Its from the "Legend of the Seeker" TV Show which was sadly cancelled after two seasons, like a lot of people I didn`t like it in the beginning but it grew on me and after a while I was hooked, easy digestable fantasy-action-entertainment while you paint your minis ;)
Title: Re: Looking for "evil" Fantasy Soldiers
Post by: guitarheroandy on January 25, 2013, 11:49:14 PM
I don't have Sky or Cable or internet TV, just UK Freeview, so that programme has passed me by... Only just saw episode 1 of Game of Thrones last night 'cos Pick TV is showing it on Thursdays on Freeview now! (Wooohooo!! it was rather good...)

Anyway...sorry..thread hijack well and truly over...
Title: Re: Looking for "evil" Fantasy Soldiers
Post by: commissarmoody on January 25, 2013, 11:53:11 PM
Its from the "Legend of the Seeker" TV Show which was sadly cancelled after two seasons, like a lot of people I didn`t like it in the beginning but it grew on me and after a while I was hooked, easy digestable fantasy-action-entertainment while you paint your minis ;)
I actually just watched the full 2 session online this last week. I liked it. Its based off of Terry Goodkinds "sword of truth" series.
Title: Re: Looking for "evil" Fantasy Soldiers
Post by: Comsquare on January 25, 2013, 11:55:21 PM
When I saw that pic, these guys popped up in my mind:


Scroll down to the Deathwatch minis ;)
Title: Re: Looking for "evil" Fantasy Soldiers
Post by: Mason on January 26, 2013, 12:38:03 AM
When I saw that pic, these guys popped up in my mind:


Scroll down to the Deathwatch minis ;)

Those chaps look perfect!
Never seen them before, will have to try and remember them...

I was thinking of this fella, and just remembered which line he is from:


One of the first minis that I ever bought.
Title: Re: Looking for "evil" Fantasy Soldiers
Post by: Spooktalker on January 26, 2013, 02:27:53 AM
In Julie Guthrie's range that Mega sold to Center Stage there are a half dozen or more armored evil warriors that are stinking good and they strike a great balance between each sculpt being unique and them making a cohesive-looking range. From what I'm hearing you say these would fit your needs perfectly and IMO they are a lot better all around than anything mentioned above. Not sure when they will be available again. So glad I grabbed them up when I had the chance.
Title: Re: Looking for "evil" Fantasy Soldiers
Post by: FramFramson on January 26, 2013, 04:38:44 AM
In Julie Guthrie's range that Mega sold to Center Stage there are a half dozen or more armored evil warriors that are stinking good and they strike a great balance between each sculpt being unique and them making a cohesive-looking range. From what I'm hearing you say these would fit your needs perfectly and IMO they are a lot better all around than anything mentioned above. Not sure when they will be available again. So glad I grabbed them up when I had the chance.

Oooh this sounds good. Julie Guthrie is easily one of my favourite sculptors.

Got any pics?
Title: Re: Looking for "evil" Fantasy Soldiers
Post by: dijit on January 26, 2013, 10:12:02 AM
GW Dark Elf stuff with a suitable headswop should also work well and offer also a wide variety of options, though I don't think I'd say they were cheap unless you pick them up second hand.
Title: Re: Looking for "evil" Fantasy Soldiers
Post by: white knight on January 26, 2013, 10:20:07 AM
Privateer Press Hordes "Orboros" range could be painted to look like evil humans, no?


Or the Everblight with some conversion work:
Title: Re: Looking for "evil" Fantasy Soldiers
Post by: commissarmoody on January 26, 2013, 12:56:56 PM
I had forgot about those guys.
Title: Re: Looking for "evil" Fantasy Soldiers
Post by: Theatralic on January 26, 2013, 01:29:22 PM
I have an Orboros Army myself and had thought about them but decided I didn`t wanna paint the same models for different projects. But those last 5 look great , haven`t seen them before but they are probably Nyss Warriors from the Legion of Everblight. I could change the arms to give them a more relaxed Pose standing next to a Throne as Guardians etc....

So many Ideas, thanks Guys!
Title: Re: Looking for "evil" Fantasy Soldiers
Post by: Sybou on January 26, 2013, 02:44:03 PM
I have several ideas for you:

first: (http://www.mirliton.it/images/catalog/CH001.jpg)
from Mirliton miniatures


Plastic vikings from gripping beast miniatures:

Mixed with teutonic knight from fireforge:

Then finally you can add some heads from Maxmini like the evil heads or use chaos warrior helmets from whick you removed the horns.

Hope I gave you cool ideas.
Title: Re: Looking for "evil" Fantasy Soldiers
Post by: Lowtardog on January 26, 2013, 04:40:53 PM
Like those everblight geezers
Title: Re: Looking for "evil" Fantasy Soldiers
Post by: Von Trinkenessen on January 26, 2013, 08:18:55 PM
If your 'good guys' are basicly dark age to medieval look at the historical manufacturers
El Cid -moorish forces especially Andalusians,
Eastern Europeans -early Russian to Alexander the terrible.Walachians ,Vlad's army ,the black army etc.
Mongols,Khitan lao,Tibetian.
Byzantine in full scale armour.
Late medieval foot nights with halberds and full plate armour War of the roses, early rennaissence swiss?
Medieval Chinese or Indians.

Back in the early '80s pre Warhammer these were some of the figures we used as fantasy armies.
Good luck and think outside the box ,mix up weapons etc.


PS Historical plastics with resincast fantasy heads looks good.

Title: Re: Looking for "evil" Fantasy Soldiers
Post by: Spooktalker on January 27, 2013, 04:59:44 AM
Oooh this sounds good. Julie Guthrie is easily one of my favourite sculptors.

Got any pics?

You're in luck as I have an OCD compulsion to do my shopping via Picasa, which means I download whole catalogs of pics:

evil warriors:

evil clerics:

others in the range that aren't necessary evil would blend in well if painted similarly:

and a shot showing the general "scale" of the range - nicked from the Under the Mountain blog, if I remember right:
(http://i.imgur.com/O6GnRb1.jpg) (http://imgur.com/O6GnRb1)

I really like Guthrie's take on Chaos as it has plenty of fantasy flourishes like the dragon face helms and scales, etc, but they aren't as outlandish as the Tom Meier ones done for Ral Partha. That said, I do have some Partha guys from another sculptor that serve as underlings to these guys and fit in pretty nicely.

Don't expect to be paying $1.50 a piece anymore if/when they are available again, though. Center Stage is charging 3-something each.
Title: Re: Looking for "evil" Fantasy Soldiers
Post by: Garanhir on January 27, 2013, 10:59:00 AM
They're not exactly rushing them out, either.  Ten were released in October and so far that's it.
Title: Re: Looking for "evil" Fantasy Soldiers
Post by: Theatralic on January 27, 2013, 11:04:15 AM
Awesome Guys, thats why I love this Forum, this Thread has become an awesome Ressource of "Evilness" ;). Thanks alot!
Title: Re: Looking for "evil" Fantasy Soldiers
Post by: Franz_Josef on January 27, 2013, 03:57:34 PM
Also look at Reaper's Warlords range.  Their Overlords figures should fit the bill (and most of them look like their weapons and equpment came out of the same armory - which should be the look of soldiers vice tribal warriors):


Title: Re: Looking for "evil" Fantasy Soldiers
Post by: Theatralic on January 27, 2013, 04:03:50 PM
Yeah those where allready suggested by commissarmoody, and some of them look really cool, but sadly I am yet to find a shop in Germany that sells them.
Title: Re: Looking for "evil" Fantasy Soldiers
Post by: Faust23 on January 27, 2013, 05:21:55 PM
Its from the "Legend of the Seeker" TV Show which was sadly cancelled after two seasons, like a lot of people I didn`t like it in the beginning but it grew on me and after a while I was hooked, easy digestable fantasy-action-entertainment while you paint your minis ;)

I watched all of Legend of the Seeker back in December and loved it.  Shame its only 2 seasons.  The Dragon Corps was tasty and I would love to find comparable figures.  My old school Ral Partha project has carried over into Iron Wind Metals range and they have some really cool bad guys.  Unfortunately, they are 25mm and don't really scale well with 28's.
Title: Re: Looking for "evil" Fantasy Soldiers
Post by: FramFramson on January 28, 2013, 03:59:23 AM
Woo, thanks for the pics. Some neat stuff there for sure!
Title: Re: Looking for "evil" Fantasy Soldiers
Post by: HerbyF on January 28, 2013, 04:59:14 AM
Look at Late Byzantine figures. A lot of them have this kind of look to them. Especially the elite or guards types. Look at the Varangian guards too. They are Rus in the employ of Byzantium. Spangin helmets, cloaks, heavy armor, just what you are looking for. Just paint dark & forboding.
Title: Re: Looking for "evil" Fantasy Soldiers
Post by: beefcake on January 28, 2013, 05:53:17 AM
Hordes skorne could look quite cool too. They look evil enough already. The heads may need swapping though as they look quite vampiric.